The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

School (Remove filter)

you are golden

roses are red, like a kiss, a stamp, a heart that has bled

or white, like doves, a dress, a jewel shining in the light

you, my friends, are yellow

not like dirty snow or old stains in carpet;

yellow like the sun that blinds us on our walk,

stars we gaze at from different windows until we look away,

keys that unlock us with every little talk

i picked the freshest flowers for my...

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World Book Day March 2025 [Palestinians Excluded]

Oh, what a joy for me on World Book Day

to sit beside our five-year-old in school:

our little lass read Frozen to her Granddad,

as long and short words, sure and steady, flowed:

I read a little while to let her rest:

then, ended thirty minutes of delight,

when teacher summoned in another class. 

A forty-minute drive, then forty back;

all worth it! Granddad’s proud he’s don...

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PalestineRamadanworld book dayschoolHind RajabPalestiniansassisted dying

Gone Tomorrow

An exciting toy is handed down

With the joy of connection, not a scowl

A toy to tinker through the bordem

To call and text in the doldrums


Time stands still in the classroom

Not learning or thinking as you'd assume

But waiting for that buzz

The vibrate of a 'like' to discuss


Parents reaching out because they can

Speaking fluently through this tin-can


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internetdark webphone useeducationschoolboygirlgovernment.


cellular division
the genomic sequence

time is a light matrix
encoded in
0’s & 1’s
goes on forever …
and, in that order
10, 9.

A singularity
and absolute zero

the big freeze or heat death

he said no one can help us
when, asking the universe
for answers

what, times any number
… is nothing other than zero

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questioning my destiny

In my study,
the test subject,
had to have
of  this
genus’ genotype
“A” and be
exhibiting these abnormalities

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Planning away, sometimes all day

Words on a page, moulding like clay

Toward your interest, "I'll engage" you say

I should of known it would go this way


Travelled around all week through

Sometimes I'm spinning and I don't see you

Learnng the lines of a script I have written

Walking the mile but somewhere you're hidden


Delivering is easy when you've got the tools


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Teachertutorschooleducationlessonyoung peoplechildrenmental health

180 days

girls are mean,
boys are jerks,
there's popular groups,
and then you have flirts,
so many flags,
kids who are treated as punching bags,
be careful who you trust,
only tell if you must,
don't let it bottle up inside,
make sure no one sees you cry,
good luck,
because school can be tough sometimes.

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you look at me like i'm insane

i can't tell if i am

if I turned out to be psychotic

would I even be this self-aware?


i put on obnoxious amounts of chapstick

cotton candy or strawberry-flavored

it severely drys out my lips

but I know you'll think of me when you see it at the store


I always attempt to blow up my life

just because you left me again

you run ever...

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relationshipsadself doubtjuxtapositionschoolsmart

Lady Lolly’s late

I see her every morning

And she runs without warning

In her arms is her lollypop

and no one dares ask her to stop


She's running for good reason

As it's definitely the season

To run with the tide

But for her, there's definitely nowhere to hide


She's running late 'tis lady lolly

Amongst the herd is our Polly

The stream of kids is never ending

But it's her b...

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lollipop ladyfunny poemgiggleSillyschoolEducation

His Finest Day


A school tragedy (A poem within a poem)


The first day of the autumn term

We knew that something was amiss.

We saw the solemn-looking staff;

We felt the pain of grief subsist.


It seemed that in the holidays

A boy called Whipps had disappeared.

Since almost thirty days had passed,

The worst of outcomes was now feared.


He was a shy and quiet boy,

To w...

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Back to School

As we start to relax the lockdown rules,
All children now return to school.
While most parents welcome this change,
To some children this may seem strange.

While older children must wear a mask,
To social distance must be quite a task.
And as for safety much has been invested,
Twice a week they'll be Covid tested.

Some may like school if they are smart,
And some are glad sports and cl...

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Stuart VannerSchoolCovid- 19

The unkindness of Covid

Your polo shirt is slightly askew.

Eyeliner you try and hide.

My daughter baby’s prime;

we have fought for this.


You now sit in classrooms,

open windows, warmth drained.

Queue, face mask clad, in corridors

dreaming of seeing faces 


The boy you pass notes to

you are no longer free to kiss

or find the ecstasy in another.

Your childhood is on hold.



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The New Curriculum

It used to be murder at school

Evading terrorists lying in

Ambush at the tuck shop

Life or death battles with tapioca

Blistered fingers for smoking in the

Cycle shed

An army of Latin grammar at war with my head

Jimmy Jones smashing my best conkers

Miss Evans the Head's secretary

Scourging my hormones

Sadistic Algebra wanting blood

Above all dreading that fight with...

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enemykillerlatinnew curriculumschool

Billy No Mates

I've told you before stay clear of that

Boy if you ask me there's

Something wrong there

Turning up to school on his own not a soul

Knows a thing about him he's a

Right mystery

(Stand still when I'm

Talking to you) he may be good at

Maths and yes' he's

Tiny but he's always fighting he's

Beaten kids much

Bigger he made mincemeat of Jimmy

Cummings its autism if you...

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billy no matesschoolteachersautismchild abuse

The school run

Mini-humans converge
drawn but not defeated by routine.
So much colour,
noise -
so much future in one place
cannot be discreet.

I understand.
Quarts trapped in pint-pots!
Spirits simply too big
to fit still-growing bodies.
So much lifeforce
escaping -
temper tantrums -
excess leaking from
unfinished containers.

Later, on the tra...

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Schoolchildrenschool run

The Future

a week ago 

a professor asked me 

what i wanted to do with my life, 

the quesiton caught me wrong-footed; 

two decades ago

learning to walk, 

a decade ago 

learning my body, 

5 years ago 

discovering love,

3 years ago,

accepting my body

a month ago,

accepting who i am 

and now? 

thrust into the unknown,

an oblivion that teases me;

infinite doors t...

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First school day

School started with a rush and a push

As I let loose my mums grip and raced across the road

Lollypop lady had signalled the off so off I went

Some instinct to be first to cross in my soul 

First met friends easily gravitated to

Class and playground one lump of fun

Happy goodbyes as we splinter away 

Paul going my way, so more laughter to home

Easily addicted to this school ...

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am i selfish?

Note: there is some strong language in this. it's not too bad. it's not too excessive, either. one word in here twice, i think. and if you're wondering, yes, the colors mean something. and yes, im genuinely asking a question to you, the reader. and to the person this is about. but i pray he never reads or finds this. anyway, enjoy.


Am I selfish for wanting another hug? 

I handed you the...

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bad friendsbad poetrycolorsdepressiondoubtfatherhigh schoolhopeinsecuritieslovemotherneednightmaresplatonic lovesadschoolsuicidesuicide note?supportteacherwant

will blue turn into purple?

You were wearing purple today. Purple is going to be ×××'s color now. But blue has always been mine. That's how I knew I was ready to give you that letter. You were wearing my color...

Your eyes were a brighter blue today. After you came in from having a cigarette, you walked past me, then paused. Coffee and tobacco smoke. That's what you smelled like. That's my smell now.

"Just under a minu...

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adoptionBad poetrybluefatherhigh schoolhopei need youloveneedplatonic lovepurpleschoolteacherwantweird


Boredom slowly creeps upon me,

Like a fog on top a hill.

My eyes start glazing over,

My brain is standing still.

I’m trying to take notice,

Of the message being said,

But it all just sounds like noise to me,

Facts won’t stay in my head.

If only I could listen,

For just a minute more,

Yet concentration eludes me,

I’m thinking of the door.

I can see the mouth is m...

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School Days - Best Days Of Our Lives?


The pallor of the parquet floor
Brings recollections of
School, its classrooms, its corridors

Somehow the pattern pulls
Me into a journey through
Time; conjuring images

Of art and assemblies,
Of laughter and lateness,
Of parents and pupils and plans:

For a future unknown;
For escaping the lessons
And the chill of those changing rooms.

A mishmash of memories,

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I can't take my eyes off those silver boots

I went window shopping a couple of weeks ago, not planning on parting with any cash, but then, I saw these beauties.  Three thoughts flashed in a state of instant wild excitement: 1. Starman.  2. Noel Fielding.  3. Give them to me nowwwwww!  And then I thought of this - ENJOY!

I will wear them down the pub
I will shop in them at Sainsburys
I went to a book launch in them last week
I hoovered...

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fashionnew bootsnoel fieldingschoolstarman

Bunfight At The Kerbside Corral


She stands at the kerbside
It's what she does best
Stopping the traffic
In her high vis vest 
She scans all around
Through silted eyes
Never once blinking
Sight set on the prize
A battle of wills
Is the name of the game
Everyday is different
Yet always the same
She rocks too and fro
On the balls of her feet
Sideways glances
Up and do...

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The School Run

Swinging upwards,

scathingly steering myself towards salvation.

School Run: teacher testimonials and tallies.

An “Other,”

an outcast from tradition.

Rousing the reluctant offspring,

combative to my requests.

We breakfast briefly,

on little balls of sugary synthetic yellowness

We arrive at school,

greet the countless glamorous goddesses

oozing out of the orifices


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schoolmothers taboo subjects.Social Observations

The Slow Boy

The teachers told him not to dream too big,
That his talents lay somewhere other than Arithmetic,
That English would never be so kind,
As to reveal its secrets to his young mind,
That History was better served,
By someone who could steer its curves,
That Science was a distant star,
So he shouldn't try to reach too far.

Maybe because he was so slow,
He didn't listen to them blow,
But to...

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Our School Was Haunted

Our SchoolWas Haunted


Our school was haunted on this Halloween

All you could hear was moaning and screams

The chairs started groaning,

The floor was all sticky

The slime on the windows was squashy and squishy

The bats and the cats were cooking with witches

And casting a spell of chickenpox itches

The eyelash of spider and toenails of newt

Frogspawn and ...

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Murder, Death, Bones and Blood

Murder, Death, Bones and Blood
Murder, death, bones and blood
Rotting corpses walking
Vampires, witches, ghouls and ghosts
tormented Spirits talking
Operations and autopsies
Severed heads and limbs
darker twisted horror stories
To rival Stephen King
Cuts and stitches, pain and screams
Dead bodies and mortuaries so cooool!
This is what ...

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A Keeper's View


When you first passed through them
All butterflies and sparkling eyes,
Bouncing bundles of boundless potential 
In sharp creases and glistening shoes,
You will barely have noticed, the silent sentries
Marking the boundary between your worlds
Of heavenly refuge and interminable imprisonment.
Back and forth for years, growing as you go 
Like a tide, eac...

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Schoolschool daysgatesteachersleavingleavers

Beat to my own drum - NaPoWriMo Day 5


Saint Stephen's tale

It's Friday, sweets from Mrs Smith

Degeneration X and anarchy

Frankie's words: two tables, four chairs, suspension.

Discovered passing the buck, and thus passed it.

Stole the show with Twenty-one Questions, four dancers, and a singer.

First girlfriend changed everything, "You're young, she has baggage - get rid..." … did...

A pla...

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MemoryChildhoodSyllablesNaPoWriMoPoetryRapR+BMordorSauronLOTRLord of the RingsTolkienWrestlingWWEWWFHBKDXDegeneration XSchoolPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolCollegeHostelHomelessnessLoveLossDepressionAnxietySuicideFightsArgumentsFathersTeachersMothersSistersFriendsTruthRejoiceRebirthPhoenixLightCandleBirthdaysYearsTaleStoriesPeopleMemories

Daddy's Poem by unknown poet

Daddy's Poem

Her hair was up in a pony tail, 
Her favourite dress tied with a bow. 
Today was Daddy's Day at school, 
And she couldn't wait to go. 

But her Mummy tried to tell her, 
That she probably should stay home. 
Why the kids might not understand, 
If she went to school alone. 

But she was not afraid; 
She knew just what to say. 

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schoolchildrenlost fatherclose bywar

A Schoolboy From Nineteen sixty-eight

I'm just a schoolboy from nineteen sixty-eight

Moving through life at an incredible rate


I’m getting older on the outside every day

But on the inside I’ve not aged a single day


I like to have a few beers down at my local bar

But every time the barmaid smiles in my direction


I realise I’m just a grown up schoolboy

Who’s sadly lacking in articulation.


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When I was in 9th grade

I sat at the front

of the class.


Most kids thought I did

this to show how smart

I was. Others because

 I was better than them.

 And a few because I

wanted to be

the teachers pet.


The truth is because I

couldn't see the chalk board.


I lied to my parents


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School Rules

School Rules


I have to say with words I play so much it ires some peeps

But those that like to listen still are my friends for keeps

Whilst back in school my rhymes did rule too much from time to time

In English class acceptable but in History t'was viewed a crime


One day we had to tell the tale of Henry and his wives

But I was bored and pepped it up with a few comic as...

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