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Graham Sherwood on Giant Blue Star
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Stephen Gospage on October Rain
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Stephen Gospage on Never
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Stephen Gospage on Renew
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Reggie's Ghost on Giant Blue Star
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Graham Sherwood on Never
12 hours ago

TobaniNataiella on Magic Three Words
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raypool on HUNTER'S MOON
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Tom Doolan on October Rain
19 hours ago

Red Brick Keshner on This All Dies
23 hours ago


The trees begin to wilt and fade;

Another year is on the fall.

Though autumn can defy the odds,

The winter’s cold is bound to call.


The daytime’s relegated role

Is limited to minor parts;

Discarded leaves drift down to earth

In patterns of the purest arts.


In nights replete with cloudless chill,

We shiver at the crisp-cut moon;

The powdered snow beneath our ...

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Waking up in Cape Town

The fall in full swing, summer has closed shop and sent the South Easter winds on holiday.

The moisture absorbed by the sun during the last days is spread like a blanket over the city. We woke up in a mist of clouds, and with no wind, the fog made its way down to the streets, playing hide and seek between the houses, daring the sun to chase it away.

Winter is unpacking its light north west...

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Cape Townfogseasons

North Rainforest Spring

Cherry blossom petals 

My favorite spring snow


Sweet smelling, fresh 


Floating on the breeze

Tiny ballerinas that chasse

Journeying to unite

With their kin


Cotton candy mounds 

On pavement 


Gentle breezes creating 

Terrifying pink tornados 

For micro hard workers

Intensely collecting


Tiny fragile petals piles

Calling kicking


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cherry blossomsspringrainforestseasons


Change is the most natural part of life 

The summer cannot last forever 
I have learned simply to never say never 

I change my mind 
Perspectives and feelings move with time 

Nothing is certain 

Before you know it, it is Autumn 
and your leaves are turning into shades of gold 

To begin something new you must let go of the old 
It is okay to fall

Winter may be harder and it wi...

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September Sunset

Golden windows
And golden walls. 
Silver back surfers
Riding through the fall. 
I'm here waiting 
Why can't I stay in the Golden halls?

The trees are embers. 
There are apples on the floor.
I get the feeling 
death is at my door.  
wish I could stay in the golden halls. 

The golden halls. 
The golden halls. 
Wish I could stay in the golden halls.

This is about ...

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Seasons - An Acrostic Poem

Sing and dance before the last leaf falls

Energy flows in swirls and zig zags

Assuage your worries and soak in the golden hues

Silent is the moon pirouetting across our night sky

Oh! Where did half our year go?

Notice the liminal spaces before and after the cold

Seasons will blow our pages to turn and turn.

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The winter frost calls
As memories of spring fade,
Autumn breeze beckons

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frostseasonshaiku seasonsspringautumnwinter

I see tomorrow, born from death

When death steal your tomorrow
leaving you with more questions than sorrows
What is life, so fragile, no time to waste
who am I, where do I belong, where is my space?

Memories painting a picture against the wall
trying to make sense of yesterday’s Fall
Some make you smile, some make you cry
there is nothing of yesterday to deny.

As time tempers the Mind and heals the Heart
the Soul is...

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I once was as the limber branch
but now become the torpid trunk.
I sparkled under summer suns,
but now in dusky shadows hide.

Spring leaf has turned an autumn hue
The autumn scene borne frosted ice.
As winter grips in burning cold,
Comes next the springtime of the soul.

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all that I ammeditationpath of lifeseasonsshort poem



Like a sweater 

It hugged me closer 

and never let me 


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Another crisp Autumn morning.

I wake before dawn, 

hoping I won't think of you, 

but I do. I always do. 

Though you are not with me, 

I feel you, in the brisk breeze,

spreading golden leaves,

on sacred ground.

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Life began,
as autumn fell, 
And the leaves turned to ice on the pavement. 
Shadows shortened,
The earth went stale
And cold darkness filled every moment

As summer arrived
And the earth turned bleak
Despair peppered the path laid before me
Water pelted the earth
And the leaves turned weak,
Littered corpses of love strewn beneath me

Lost and alone, 
With a grimacing soul

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The Side Kick

The Side Kick


A purring cat

Sat before a raging fire

The smell of cinnamon buns

Outside the snow falls

Rubbing away ice on a window

Looking out into the whiteness

A smile caught

In the reflected dusk


New buds bursting

From green shoots

The blue sky

Flecked with white clouds

Raindrops dripping from trees

The fresh cool air

Mirrors in the pond


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companionshipday 16lovemetaphornapowrimo2020praiseseasonssidekicksimile


~The hot summers that make my skin sizzle
With the sun that exposes the melanin under the melanin
Windows down, AC on, an ice cold sweet tea
these are the only weapons available to me
the tools that wage war against the heat
It's only in this battle that I feel alive~

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We adore the spring, such lovely weather,
When blue sky and sun come out together. 
The blossom blooms, as do the flowers, 
And we may expect some April showers.

See chirping birds and buzzing bees. 
Feel the temperate air and gentle breeze. 
View the plants and trees, we see them greening 
And may be time for us to start spring cleaning 

What a perfect time to be outside.
To roam thi...

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Stuart VannerSpringSeasons

Winter and the future

The winter time - it may be cold and wet, 
But there are things which we should not forget. 
Do you enjoy trudging through the snow, 
Or rather stay inside with nowhere to go?

Of course we now have Christmas too, 
Which is a time to rejoice for me and you. 
And we prepare for the long dark nights, 
A new year begins with great delight.

And so it is now time to look ahead, 
Not with de...

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Stuart VannerWinterSeasonsThe FutureHope

Autumn Rain

And so it begins. Or ends

The seasons change and as

September dies lies forgotten

Like Summer, Autumn October


Rears. Not misty mellow fruitfullness

With rusty leaf colour bright splashing

Hedgerow and tree russet yellow brown,

Mists that turn to rain and wind and heavy


Rain splashing in the track ruts and puddles

Around the farm;  every field soggy with all the


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Climate change?

Autumn arrives at last, unseasonably late.

Frustrated at being forced to wait,

she makes her displeasure known

in a sudden, howling rainstorm that threatens more

than the dying leaves that are her due.


But she finds herself part-thwarted in her mission.

Others have shown their anger before:

the best plum tree felled by the surprise late snow of April;

the elderberries ...

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Autumnseasonsclimate change


As Autumn starts to come this way

It is time to reflect upon the day.

Do you see the leaves fall to the ground?

Softly, gently, without a sound?


Do you see the frost and mist and dew?

Do you hope the sky is still blue?

Do you feel the fresh, cool, crisp air?

And shall you find warmer clothes to wear?


Hibernation starts at these times,

As small creatures hope fo...

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Stuart VannerAutumnSeasons

Autumn's Last Leaf

Today's poem is brought to you by the letter F!



Hanging on in there

From green to golden red

Delicately fixed

By an axil thread

Then freed of

This fusion

By a forceful breeze

Moment  arrived

To flee from

It's tree

Fluttering past

Admiring glances

The final show

So now it 


Then falls to

The ground

Having proved

All it's worth


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Autumn DanceSeasonsnature poetry

Seasons Like Feelings

It was so sudden and strange

How the seasons changed

Winter came

Once again

Way ahead of it's time

Now only the

Ice cold

And uncertainty

Were real

All that

Summer sun

Just Numb

Should she wait 

For it to thaw

As she did before

Or set sail


Warmer Climes

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This summer season must be the best,

For it is when with the world I am most impressed.

It is time to be out and to have constant fun,

To be under blue skies and the endless Sun.


Time for scorching hot days and muggy nights,

To see smiling faces all filled with delight.

It is time to relax and time to unwind,

While all about you there is joy to find.



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Stuart VannerSummerSummertimeSeasons

Twisted Love

Love once bloomed 
like a fragrant flower
in eternal spring.

Through years of 
torrential summer tears, 
then droughts,

the scent faded.

All that seemingly remains
are scorched petals that drop 
like dead leaves in fall.

But, far beneath 
the frozen surface, 
intertwined roots run deep...

Making our twisted love 
hardy, to weather the 
toughest seasons.


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Why Do They Call You Summer?

Why Do They Call You Summer?


Why do they call you summer

When your name is April?

Your fragrant scent of early roses

Permeates the room

And sunlight cuts across

The blue Axminster carpet

Bleaching the swirling dust

And warms tables to the touch.


I long for your cool hands

Across my fevered brow

But all you give me

Is clammy, blanketing heat.


I ...

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all the sensesday 25NaPoWriMo 2019record breakingrhetorical questionseasonsspring heat

The Season of cleanse

I hear the pitter patter outside my window
So soothing and melodic to my ears now
The rain outside is pouring down
Creating a melodic soothing sound
I again start to finally breathe
As this cleansing process sets me free
The noise it makes charms me
Often helping me see clearly
I long for Autumn to soon come around
It's the rainy season, I have found
The water trickling from the sky

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autumnblisscleancleansefreemelodicmental easepoemquietrainrainingSeasonseasonalseasonssoothing soundsoothongsoundtheraputictherapywater

Winter By: Domitille MARTIN-DENAVIT




The frozen trees without their mask

The pounds glittering near me

The wind blows, the wolves howls

Drops of freezing water hit my head, snow

My nose felt like food, something grown in land

My coat of snow closed perfectly

And my hand barely moved

And my legs, my legs, nothing

Tomorrow I will see for the first the bright sunshi...

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A tulip blooms

In the effervescent sunshine of my heart,

A ray of light I alone

Could not have created,

For not until the birds no longer sing,

Or until the trees no longer grow,

Will my infatuation know its limits. 

Your hair a melancholic autumn,

Shades of brown and hues of amber,

Your heart

A forgotten winter,

Made not by you,

But by those that came before I,


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Winter by Boubaker Naouar


A poem written by Boubaker Naouar

The Queen of cold, is stronger than anything

She kills the trees,

She stops the roads,

She stops the school

And lock us in our houses.

Summer can chase winter,

But that is another story.



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Spring and Summer


Spring and summer

Butterflies flutter

Today may be hot

Like boiling water in a pot,

But I will play outside anyway….

….because today is a special day.


The sun rays are glistening beams of light

With beautiful birds in flight

This is the reason,

Why I love the season.


How about spring?

You might never know what it will bring.

Now the winter is over...

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cut out my lungs (you stole my breath)

my breath left me

on a day of cold and color

against your turned back

white face, white mist

under the beat of your wings

singing the song of the swan


snow falls down

through a world of stolen breath

a feather finds its way

beside a snowflake

curled in my palm

i wish on a white and silent world

that you would take my heart

the way you took my lungs



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birdsdeathloveunrequited loveseasons

Three Haiku

Where sea and sky meet

                a green flash from the set sun

Lighting distant shores



In Spring my compass

                navigated the world round

Now Autumn tides ebb



In the Winter storms

                my old life invades the new

Waves crash past the strand

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And then, suddenly, it was calm - the morning wind which threw

rain hard against the window panes and sent beech leaves rushing

across the grass to pile gold-brown against all that the borders grew,

all slowly dulling their greens to wet, muted browns, brushing

the soil as their leaves curl and droop - vibrant Spring-strength gone,

fading sadly.

                         The wind ...

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these winter days

when the sun
hating the cold dark mornings
hits snooze on the alarm three times
crawls out of bed grumbling
about stiffness in the joints
damp, a bunged-up nose,
is a bear with a sore head
till the coffee kicks in
last of the milk and the motivation

queues at the bus-stop in the rain
with the other heavenly bodies
doesn’t get a seat – again –
Mercury chattering on her mobile
about w...

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back in the time when the leaves crunched under our feet
we kissed and the world stood still,
but as leaves fall so did we

like the frigid air was our relationship,
glances and looks exchanged and meaner ones received
but as ice thaws so did we

as the flowers blossomed the looks weren't as harsh
back in the state of love and happiness we were
and as the sun gets hotter so did we


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Summer Awhaikuing

Stronger in numbers;

the leaves a deaf audience

clapping spring's last bow.

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haikuseasonssign languagespringsummertrees

A Glimpse

I saw a glimpse of spring today
While riding in the truck
I never knew how sweet it smelled 
Untill the light possesed my soul
I thought the night of winter would forever consume my eternity
but oh how wrong I was because....
I saw a glimpse of spring today

The smell of sweet remembrance of a childhood long passed by 
will forever haunt by being
But in that moment I was entrapped in a w...

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Cancer Spells

Miscommunicated, disEnchanted, disconnected, disillusioned state

You, as the epicenter of this Mushroom Kingdom

Wondrous fermentations carried out in smashed pumpkins

They were broken from the start

This is you, this is you.

Evaporating from the misty mountain tops

Is the nativity of these immaculate prophecies

Fostered in every garnish, garden, green, gorge and grove


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I Feel Fall

I'm in love.  

A soft breeze rustles the leaves on the trees just outside my window.  All is silent save the ocean roaring in the distance at a rhythm too lovely for words.  And the wooden clock in the corner holds his pace, savoring this time of night when his tick tick tick is finally heard.  It's dark now, all around, except some photos sliding in and out on my computer screen.  

I feel p...

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Cycle Of The Scarecrow (audio version)

Cycle Of The Scarecrow

before she came
I stood here
for what seemed like eons
with a blood red sun
setting behind me
my head full
of nothing more
than sawdust
straw and dreams
a hole in my chest
where beetles scuttled
happy come rain or shine
my only fear
that crows might see
through me
be brave and bold
and strut towards me
then peck out
my button eyes

now as the shadows g...

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CROWS OF ALBIONcycle of lifemagicscarecrowseasons

written in the dirt

this autumn morning

winter’s aperitif

is served on the rocks

shaken and stirring


come downpour now

unleash your jotting scribe and

cast the showery runes of fables untried

forge scripts along our droughty lanes

of songs for all that yet remain

or wash away those pages brown,

whelm witness to our temporal sway


we’ll listen to the eager eart...

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The Collector (Roget's Soliloquy)

The Collector (Roget’s Soliloquy)


In my book……..


Words – so simple in their sound

they fall like snowflakes on a lake

and interlock their unique form

until the water gives way to their power,

becoming something bigger,

something cold and hard and beautiful.

Or a flame, just a spark at first

until the kindling catches and the embers

jump from t...

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The campion comes late in May

when golden king cups raise their heads

and all about the tawny carn

a merry May-time madness spreads

as bluebells  fade like ghosts away,

and bow their faces to the dust

and hedgerows sing and daisies dance,

and grass leaps up because it must.

It’s then in pink and white and red

that spring-time’s maiden green ...

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