tories (Remove filter)
Dave's Back
When all around is crumbling
And there’s nothing left to save
And the economy is tumbling
It’s time to call for Dave
He’s super and he’s Tory
His haircut is so smart
He would be great on Jackanory
He just looks and sounds the part
He once called a referendum
That left us lonely and bereft
Wrote a memoir, an addendum
To a career lacking heft
He sat...
Monday 13th November 2023 6:12 pm
Not By Tony Benn
The Tories treat
our nurses with contempt
our doctors with disdain
our firefighters with derision
our ambulance workers with disrespect
our railway staff with scorn
our carers with despisal
our armed forces with antipathy
our sick with neglect
our elderly with indignity
our teachers with ridicule
our children with condescension
our pensioners with contempt
...Thursday 10th August 2023 9:37 am
Tory Haiku
Mis-Match of the Day,
Tories; Truth and Compassion.
Wife-beaters; Knighthoods.
Tuesday 21st March 2023 11:39 am
Illegal Refugees Bill = The Bill that IS Illegal
The UK Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, is believe it or not, a barrister; yet she is proposing to break the law with her dog-whistle of a bill.
So she has been forced to make the following admission, under section 19(1)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998:
“I am unable to make a statement that, in my view, the provisions of the Illegal Migration Bill are compatible with the Convention rig...
Tuesday 14th March 2023 1:19 pm
National Emergency: Life or Death Fight for the NHS!
General Strike Now!
Mick Lynch + Eddie Dempsey = Absolute Stars! "For the Many, not the Few in the Cayman Isles"
The NHS-hating Tory hypocrites said “clap”;
Like the fool that I was, in the cold at our door,
I cheered and I whistled for the Tory claptrap,
While those partying scumbags sicked up booze on the floor,
Set emergency alarms off; and the Met Plod did ...
Monday 16th January 2023 11:55 am
We Live in Fear
We live in fear
Of putting the electricity on
We live in fear
Of the next bill to come
We freeze in desperation
As the gas dies down
We live in fear
Of people in dinghy boats,
Though we know none of them
They make us fear…
The bus we can’t catch
The train we can’t ride in
The pub we can’t go into
Whilst they unpack
Fresh Harrods s...
Thursday 10th November 2022 11:12 am
'The trouble with Derek'
( In response to an ITV Documentary attempting character assassination
"The trouble with Derek"
about former Liverpool City Council's Deputy Leader Derek Hatton and the furore of his recent re-joining of the Labour Party )
The trouble with Derek :
was that he was a socialist
that he was a militant Socialist
The trouble with Derek
was that he was class conscious
Thursday 21st February 2019 2:16 pm
The End of May
June will be the end of May!
The 9th will be a celebration day.
We'll dance in the streets of the whole U.K.
Let's make June the end of May!
When she came no one expected
she'd hit us with a rock hard Brexit,
so show the lady to the exit.
Let's make June the end of May!
June will be the end of May!
We'll halt the NHS decay
and give the nurses proper pay.
Tuesday 30th May 2017 1:26 pm
The Tory Highwayman
Parody of Adam Ants "Stand and Deliver"
I'm the Tory highwayman who you're too scared to mention
I earn my cash from raising tax and sheer exploitation,
We will take your dole and cause bloody devastation!
The way things look nobody will qualify for next year's old age pension!
Stand and deliver your money or your life!
Doesn't it make you shiver, this tory way of life!
I'm the Tory h...
Friday 29th May 2015 9:07 pm
Mr Twee
Warfare rages, blood pressure races, worry lines etch into our faces
Predictability always soothes
So we turn our glaikit eyes to you
A saviour decked in red, white and blue
Be our hero, Mr Twee.
Crashing chords in minor keys
Experimental creativity
Please god - spare us all of these!
For our stilted minds cannot compute
Unfamiliar jarring tunes
Blandness is the ...
Friday 4th April 2014 7:36 pm
What if the NHS was one of us?
No home, no job, just 12 good friends.
Betrayed by one who swore they never would.
Died too soon for pointless reasons.
What if God the NHS was one of us?
Sunday 7th April 2013 4:13 pm
PoLieTics - NaPoWriMo Day 2
We're all in this together,
we're here to represent you.
We will protect the NHS,
pensions, public services, free speech,
the right to protest, journalistic independence
and repair the economy.
But we must keep money
we NEED money.
Generators will not work without capital,
the magnetic pulse of the world will cease
and the crust shall become ...
Tuesday 2nd April 2013 4:38 pm
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