true (Remove filter)
Oh, supreme maestro of chaos well devised
Thou who dost turn falsehoods into legacy prized
Thy hair, the clouds of a kitsch tempest wild
Thy suit, a shield 'gainst truths that are reviled
"Make America great again!" thou dost proclaim
Whilst selling dreams wrought with horror and shame
Thy walls are verses in blind poetry penned
That part and divide, yet intrigue to no end
Thou, who sp...
Thursday 13th March 2025 4:19 am
The Philosophical Bread
I went to the bakery, a simple task
To buy a loaf, nothing to ask
But life, with its subtle sway
Turns the ordinary into a display
The bread, round, golden, and neat
Waited for me, a silent feat
As if it knew what I didn’t see
That I was searching, though unaware of what it could be
It looked at me with a knowing gaze
Understanding more than I in these days
Too perfect to be just a b...
Tuesday 4th February 2025 5:04 am
I: skeleton
Face like stone
Hard to read
I find myself taking pride
In my totem pole
Of expressions, I can hide
Masterfully deceptive
Every bit secretive
All heart without sleeves
Makes it easier to breathe
But being naked
Really stripping off
And just letting everyone watch
That is true strength
True power
Is knocking down this tower
Being bare
Just a sk...
Monday 11th September 2023 7:56 pm
Coming Home
she'd faded to a cipher
a silhouette on the wall,
I took shelter in dreams
in my sleep I can recall
the girl she used to be
afore time did us part,
the question I pose is;
oh where is her heart?
no love fills her veins
smile a vague smear
harder than me, she
exploits the old fear
that she will leave me
like a thief in the night
my poor spiri...
Saturday 27th February 2021 11:41 am
GOD Bless
Surely, I'm not happy
To lose the best friend
It is true, not funny
"GOD" put the final end
Certain hour, of the day
Whatever we are or where
We have to say Goodbye
"GOD" is kind and fair
No one plans to die
No one remains forever
No When , Where or WHY?
Let's pray, no suffer
Monday 15th April 2019 1:26 pm
Twice she looked, and smiled
I said: "Hello"... She replied
Before she leaves, I said: “see you”
She became blushed as the bride
Again, we met after a minute
I heard her lovely sighs
I said: "you are....", she said: right”
Shaking hands by sight
Purely, she asked to know
Are you Farag, Are you poet
I said true. But again we met
To inspire me to write
Tuesday 9th April 2019 12:17 pm
In Mumbai
When the Sky is dark blue
And the Dawn becomes true
Just pray, same as I do
May my wish touches you
When sun rises in the Sky
And the birds ready to fly
Just remember what I say
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai
When you stay lonely at night
And you wear your lovely white
Just be sure I'm always right
You're lovely dream on sight
Thursday 4th April 2019 8:31 pm
I see too much
You had me finally sleeping
Of you I started dreaming
they were made up images
My eyes haven't had the chance
To witness your vivid image.
What happen for me to ache so bad?
I don’t understand this.
How is it you I miss
You are no where
I cant be there
I've never held your hand
Your eyes I have not stared into
Though you are every where.
Without you I can not...
Wednesday 21st September 2016 5:58 am
A Dream Come True
Feelings that once were hidden
Are now expressed to you.
Days that once were stormy
Are now the brightest blue.
Times that once were lonely
Are now filled with pleasure.
All that once was mine alone
Are now things we both treasure.
Nights that once were cold
Are now comforting and warm.
Fears that once were very real
Are now gone with the storm.
A heart that once was broken
Can ...
Tuesday 17th November 2015 12:40 pm
Playing with the heart
What I thought was true is now a lie.
What I thought was real is now a fake.
What I felt for you is still the same
as I feel for you now.
Everything that I've said
and felt for you was true.
Never once was any of it a fake.
But, for you this was nothing but, a silly old game.
You had played me so well;
you'd must of done it before.
You had left my mind and heart
Friday 24th October 2014 10:13 pm
Made me Believe
Don't know what you said
was true or meaningless,
but as time lingered on,
as we continued to talk,
and as we've gotten to know another.
You had made me believe in me
and had made me believe
that I'm someone special.
You made me believe in something
that I thought was impossible to do.
And for that I am grateful
that our paths had crossed.
Don't know what you said
was true or me...
Friday 24th October 2014 4:36 am
Free Write - Little Souls
Wishing humble resolution, reversed on both ends of a lucid looking glass. Hoping hopelessness, Remembering remnants, miniscule moments. What could have been different my innocents, pieces, parts, carbon copies of the softened edges of my sanctified soul. Forever asking for your eternal forgiveness. Unable to forget the forgetable fear, between your eyes.... And mine. The moment, minute, of ...
Sunday 19th October 2014 3:37 pm
Just Being Real
I can say I love you, I won’t ever hurt you.
We will never grow apart, fall apart, I’ll never break your heart.
I can tell you I will give you the world and more.
I can sing your praises till my throat gets sore.
I can say everyday will be better than the one before.
I can make you believe I will never walk out the door.
I can talk a load of crap if that’s what you...
Saturday 19th March 2011 7:09 pm
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