The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Trump's Gambit


He leaves NATO, the pact undone, No ally left to block his run. Article 5 is cast aside, No aid, no help, no place to hide. Greenland waits, a prize to claim, No resistance, none to blame. Courts grow silent, power reigns, No law to stop him, no remains. Congress bows, the path is clear, No dissent, no foe is near. The Constitution torn apart, A kingdom built from iron hear...

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tyrantspowerdominationalliancesglobal crisissubmissionoppressionlawsborderswarningpolitical upheavalrisefutureauthorityworld on the brinkresistance


I’ve been sitting on the precipice of this

For a while

Unsure how to express my feelings

When I don’t know what I feel

You see 

I’m hysterically nonreactive 

I’m worryingly unworried 

A switch 

From nothing to everything 

Because - like Whitman -

I contain multitudes

Many great thrashing waves

Like creatures 

They slip through nets

Can’t be caught 


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Explosivewarningreactionexpectationanxietypoker faceheart on sleeveemotionssocietysocial pressuretake advantagecryexploitburned outexhaustedtake

Here Until Then

You put me in this place
and took away my means of getting out.
You put me in this place yeah
and took away my skill at getting out.

Well you may make me crawl, now
but I'll crawl out stronger when 
I crawl out.


    This is where I am, yeah
    But I won't be here forever, no
    And I'll know this place better when I go.
    Yeah you brought me low
    But I'll climb...

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raw poemSEND parentsongstrengthunfinished businesswarning

The Swinger

Its always the same old story

I meet a woman and we click

We go out for a while and talk

Time seems to go by so quick


After a bit something happens

Signs of unease appear, frowns,

My mask slipped for she's seen

The dark side of my downs


Moods are fatal for couples

You have to banter and smile

Hide the despond with a grin

Play happy families for a while


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The first

Showed me how it had been

The laughter and the tears

Sliced turkey

Rich juices flowing

Lights and tinsel

Greens and reds and silvers

The smell of pine

Needles on the carpet

Arguments and recriminations

Old wounds opened

New wounds pierced

This was how it was


The second

Showed me how it is

Lonely day holy night

The only ...

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a christmas carolcovid-19ghosts of christmaslosswarning

The Lodger

The Lodger


We let him in

And he stayed


He had been pleading

Out there

Wanting somewhere to stay


At first we thought he was just like all the others

Some fly-by-night who would be here then gone


But no

He wanted to hang around


He was everywhere

Into everything

He made us change our daily routine

He was probably in the kitchen (and we w...

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napowrimo2020day 30covid 19lodgerreturnsecond spikefearin houseinfectionwarning

In Other News

In Other News


In other news

The forests burned

Ice caps melted

No one learned

We all stopped listening

To each other

But continued shouting

At one another

Threw our plastics

In the sea

Gorged ourselves

On misery

Refused to let

Our neighbours in

Treated losses

As a win

Praised the rich

And damned the poor

Pissed against

Austerity’s do...

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armageddonend of daysextinctionpollutionwarwarning

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