Live in my house
But do not leave a footprint
Upon my life.
No cup nor plate
To mark your passing.
No hair on brush
No careless towel
In blameless bathroom.
No toasted crumb
No waste nor wrap
On flawless floor
No ill placed bag
Nor muddied boot
In hallowed hall.
I will ignore the path
I see you take.
You m...
Wednesday 18th December 2013 11:13 pm
Touch and Go
For my daughter Rebecca.
There are moments in life
Which imprint
On heart and mind
And soul.
Many years ago now
I remember
My moment well.
Mothers Day, and I
Was alone.
Marriage gone. Children gone.
I stood
Gazing through misted windows
Grey street, grey skies
Leaden heart,
And round the corner came
A little grey 2cv
Chugging its nine hour jo...
Monday 18th November 2013 12:46 pm
The Last Song
Dim are the depths and deep are the dives
As he glides on his solitary way
Through forests of fronze and rainbowed reefs
Round rocks where the guillemots play
Past silvering sands and palm dappled beach
And out to the oceans embrace
He follows the path that his ancestors took
The last of his line and his race...
Wednesday 26th June 2013 9:53 am
I Am Ill
I am ill Nose drippingly chest rippingly Ill Bones achingly nerves rakingly Ill Head poundingly spins roundedly Ill Temp soaringly sick flooringly Ill Body quiveringly blanket shiveringly Ill Why can I alone See how sick I am? Sister arrives for a “toddy” And a gossip. Daughter arrives fo...
Tuesday 1st May 2012 3:26 pm
Naughty Digits!
I have never been one
To slowly and lowly
Dip my toe in the flow
Of life.
Rather I`ve leapt
Feet first in a burst
Of passion not to ration
My enthusiasm
Walk a straight line?
Well no, what a bore!
Throw me a curve and I`ll swerve
Off track.
I have no control
Over lower digits which fidget
To land me and strand me
In t...
Wednesday 15th June 2011 2:52 pm
Uncle Ned
Yes I remember Uncle Ned, a short man stout and round.
Born and bred in Lancashire, where men like him are found.
Though manner bluff and hearty, and accent slow and thick,
His tack sharp mind was canny too, he didn’t miss a trick.
He owned a shop down Ashton way. His main job was to stock it
If any pennies were found short, they weren`t from Ned`s own pocket!
Saturday 12th March 2011 3:54 pm
Under The Stairs
In a stony cold house, many years ago now
Lived a family as happy as fate would allow.
Though leaking the roof, with cracked window pane
And open to elements like wind and the rain.
No bolt on the door, no lock and no chain.
Nothing to steal , no nor nothing to gain.
The children were happy. They ran wild and free.
I remember it well, for the eldest was me.
Friday 28th January 2011 6:11 pm
Biting The Bullet
I do not want to know
Don’t tell me.
I do not want to see
Don`t show me
I do not want to feel
Don`t make me
Please leave me
Cocooned and wombed
Numbed and dumbed
Safe and secure
In my candy floss
Detached, two point two
Happy happy clappy clappy
Do not shoot the bullet
Saturday 4th September 2010 5:58 am
Pandora`s Box
My hands are clammy
Cold my heart
My mouth is dry
My every part
Is trembling, shaking,
Drenched with fear
I would be anywhere
But here.
I close my eyes
And fathoms deep
I glide through corals,
Mermaids weep
On mountain top
Where eagles fly
I see death`s face
In golden eye.
In ferny forest
Filtered light
Wednesday 19th May 2010 10:57 pm
She watches across the room
As he rises, stealthily, silently
From his chair, and heads towards
The Woman.
She sits, head bowed, pen still
Engrossed, absorbed in the work before her.
She watches across the room
As he stoops in passing
And takes The Woman`s gloves
From her bag.
White lacy feminine gloves.
Frivolous gloves.
Joyful gloves.
Sunday 16th May 2010 11:09 am
Not John`s Cargo
Shrivelled sacd saddo with a belly stuffed beer gut
Vomiting his bile duct on a mad May day
With a cargo of longing and lust urequited
For pretty Polly Perkins who won`t come out to play.
Saturday 15th May 2010 11:53 am
The Night Worker
“Out of my way! Do as I say!”
He descends.
“Cant wait. I`m late”
He shouts.
Mother worry children scurry
Before him.
“Set up for shaving.” Face laving.
Pet hate.
Cat tripping face dripping
Across floor.
Soap swilled pain filled eyes.
“ Towel "
Thursday 6th May 2010 9:19 pm
If I Could
I look at your face
Small and innocent
And my heart bleeds
For what this world
Will do to you.
I want to wrap you
Close in my love
Hold you safe
In my heart
Throw a shield
Around your innocence
Guard your preciou...
Wednesday 24th February 2010 12:07 pm
Let`s Hear It For Music
Let’s Hear It for Music!!
Music, what is it? Just random notes placed
On a scale diatonic, re arranged to suit taste?
Shakespeare’s “food of love” or Beethoven’s great art?
Reserved for the gifted, or for all to take part?
Whatever the origin, genre or string
It’s magic to hear your chosen instrument sing!
Be it plinkerty plonk, or silk...
Sunday 7th February 2010 9:56 pm
Taj At Sunset
The Taj Mahal
Stands before me.
White and pure
Its slender minarets
Reaching to the heavens
Its jewelled mirrored eyes
Glinting in the dying light.
Perfectly symmetrical
Thursday 19th November 2009 11:52 am
For Whom The Wheel Turns
The wheel grinds slowly
But grind it does.
Inexorably, imperceptibly
Fraction by fraction
It turns.
Moons wane, suns die.
It turns.
Icebergs rain, oceans dry.
It turns.
Planets birth, stars explode.
It turns.
Mountains earth, lavas flow.
It turns.
So you think you’re safe
My dear
In your snug improved
Little semi?
Black tentacles reaching
Spiderlike to drain
Your vict...
Saturday 5th September 2009 5:56 pm
Put sunflowers on my coffin
When I am gone.
Big bold bright faces
Lifted to the sun.
Do not put roses
Petals curled tight in
Upon themselves
Hiding their sweetness.
No chrysanthemums
Mediocre and melancholic
Nothing flowers from those
Who knew me not.
Do not put lilies
White and sterile,
Their death stench reaching
Down the years.
Sunday 23rd August 2009 11:40 am
A Cheeky Little Number
Cold in Ibiza
A lylo beneath her
An itsi bikini
With not much betweeni
A tan top to toe
Her bum all on show!
Sunday 23rd August 2009 11:27 am
Our Gramps
Our Gramps
Our Gramps was a miner, who worked the coal face
A tall man, and proud with a pantherish grace.
His body rock hard as the pick axe he`d wield,
His eyes blue as harebells we`d pick in the fields.
Oh how we loved him, and we were so proud
Of his tallness, his blackness, his clogs scraping loud.
“Make them spark Gramps,” we`d shout, hopping with glee
And fire flew from his irons...
Friday 14th August 2009 8:50 pm
Old Photographs
Old Photographs
I came across
An old photo of you
Torn around the edges
And faded
As old photos
Stored and forgotten
I was smiling
And you looked
Your arm was wrapped
Protectively around my
Our baby cradled warm
And secure against my
How could we know
Then, what the future
The years not yet
Lived, stretching out
Monday 13th July 2009 11:45 am
What Do You See...
What you see
Is me.
I will not be altered
By the perception of others.
I will not be seduced
By promises of the popular.
I will not be bannered
By headlines not my own.
I will not be tarred
By the brushstrokes of strangers.
I will not be overwhelmed
By the crushing of censure.
I will not be destroyed
By the sound of silence.
I will be controversial.
I will fly in the face ...
Tuesday 30th June 2009 11:41 pm
The Body Builders Lament
Here ya go chaps.... tis a little poem all of forced rhyme to sink your literary fangs into....
Want a good shag
Need a good lay
Want a bit a totty
Roll in the sack
Rough your fancy
Seen this tone
Look at this pec
Spotted this swell
Noticed these abs
Loving this pose
For fucking sakers
ANY takers???????????...
Tuesday 30th June 2009 11:25 pm
A Pretty Shitty Little Ditty... OR.. It Was Good Enough For Shakespeare....
In its time
Can shine.
And take and make in its wake
A pretty
Little ditty
From a shitty
Set of word which occur when you stir
A poets thoughts
And get caught
In their dreams, what they mean and the ream
Of ideas
That free us
And see us
Not just mortals, but as portals
To sublime.
Thats rhyme.
In its time.
Tuesday 23rd June 2009 10:10 am
My Little Red Haired Laddie
Id like to prefix this piece of work with an acknowledgment to Nabila for her lovely poem "Green Eyes" which started me thinking about genetics and inspired me to write this poem.
Whence do you come my little red haired laddie?
Your vibrant beacon light, blazing bright
In this ditch-dull drear-dull world?
What random thrown genetic dice
Created the glory of your past?
Those wild warri...
Sunday 14th June 2009 6:19 pm
Stock Market
Oh woe is me, oh woe is me
I fear Ive lost my shirt
They`ve stole my stock in Northern Rock
And left me in the lurch.
Oh woe is me oh woe is me
My shares have hit the floor.
That bloody Blank has stuffed my bank
And now he`s back for more!
Oh woe is me oh woe is me
My oil shares hit the dumps.
The price has dropped in field and stock
But not the effing pumps!
Oh yes, oh ...
Thursday 11th June 2009 10:10 am
For Isla
So soft
The down upon your head
Like the first feel of virgin snow
Alighting upon my fingers
So smooth
The skin upon your cheek
Like satin skein of new spun silk
Cocooned against my hand
So deep
The midnight of your eyes
Like star strewn skies in navy night
Gaze unfathomably up at me
So dear
Your tiny new born form
My present past and future held
In one innocent heart.
Tuesday 9th June 2009 9:50 am
I am.....
I am
The twitch of your curtain
Your future uncertain
Your mosquito bite
Your sweats in the night
Your nightmares repeated.
Your hopes all deleted.
Your sighs half forgotten
Your morning sheets sodden.
The stone in your shoe
The steak you cant chew.
The lines on your face
The years that you race.
The shadows that haunt you
The memories that taunt you.
The tears in your eyes
The smile in your lies.
Sunday 7th June 2009 12:10 pm
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