The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I walked, the road was only mine
And the weight of the world beat on my flesh
The pain was only the shadow of what I am not
Yet still, I went

Life dragged me, with no questions, no answers
It was a thread in the wind, it was a nameless gesture
The strength I seek does not come from the hands
It comes from the abyss that dwells in the chest
It comes from the void that fills and consumes


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Oh, supreme maestro of chaos well devised
Thou who dost turn falsehoods into legacy prized
Thy hair, the clouds of a kitsch tempest wild
Thy suit, a shield 'gainst truths that are reviled

"Make America great again!" thou dost proclaim
Whilst selling dreams wrought with horror and shame
Thy walls are verses in blind poetry penned
That part and divide, yet intrigue to no end

Thou, who sp...

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Depends on us

And what is life, if not a series of choices made in the void?
They teach us that the path is clear,
but there is always fog where we try to see.
And still, we walk.
Not knowing if each step is right or wrong,
not knowing what defines us, beyond the present moment.

I wonder: how does one decide what to do?
The world is so vast, and the possibilities, infinite.
But what is this thing they...

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Only for the wind

I got lost in myself, like the wind that dances without reason
And I looked at the sky, as if it were my last thought
but it just looked back, without promises
I tried to understand, but what is understanding?
Will I ever understand?
Perhaps understanding is just another illusion of the mind

And longing, ah, longing became a shadow
that follows me and touches me with its invisible hands

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I wandered

I wandered through the endless night
In silence where time hides its light
The stars, old friends, so wise and true
Whispered secrets the wind blew through

A sea of shadows, longing deep
Where past and solitude would sweep
Each step a verse, a gentle rhyme
Each verse a prayer, a fleeting chime

I thought of love, so far, so rare
Like rivers flowing, always there
In your gaze, the worl...

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Invisible plot

And what remains when time unravels
when chance enters without warning?
An invisible plot, a loose thread
and fate, which cannot be explained
appears with its indistinct face

It was me, and yet it wasn’t
I no longer know where mine begins
In the eyes I encounter
a broken reflection
a longing that has no words

Life folds, twists
loses itself in its own turns
And I, lost, am turned a...

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I believed

I believed, because we believe all the time.
We believe in the structures around us,
in what we were taught, in the promises made to us.
I believed in what was given to me as certain,
in love that is, at the same time, a bond and a prison.

But time, that relentless teacher,
showed me that truth is plural,
that certainties fade away,
that the world is complex,
and that true freedom comes...

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Night falls, slowly, over the asphalt
and time, that invisible thread
ties us to the ground
We wait, motionless
while the world spins
and silence becomes a voice
echoing off the walls of emptiness

Patience, they say
is the art of waiting without despair
but how to hold the moment
that slips through our fingers?
How not to feel the weight of hours
when love fades
and loneliness settl...

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Sunday, Oh Sunday....

I need to tell you something
Sunday is so boring, I can't take it anymore
To sit around and do nothing
Then roll on the couch, no energy to explore

I need to breathe
The same air that reminds me tomorrow's work will arrive
And on my skin, I don't want the sun
Because it just reminds me the weekend's already done

I need to touch you
But you're on your phone, not even noticing me
And r...

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Bob Dylan

When I was young and time was infinite,
I was spontaneous, impulsive, and impatient.
Now I am older,
and life is precious,
and the timeless becomes a time
with an end in sight.
Love becomes more visible.
I am adventurous,
thoughtful, and patient,
building the next dream
in a timeless future.

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Light and Absence

I am not a mirror and the reflection gets lost in me, there is no name, everything drifts away, and in every part of me, a universe I do not know.


is an absence, but the scream still flows from the body as if it were not mine.

I am

the space between the light that is no longer seen.

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Even if it’s me

Even if it’s me
The cause and effect
Of this love that burns endlessly
And in the end, dissolves within me

Even if it’s me
The shadow that waits for you
In the randomness of late hours
On empty streets where memory falls

It doesn’t matter what they say
Or what they think of us
What is love if not the pain
That inhabits what makes us alone?

Even if it’s me
The one who gets lost,

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The Philosophical Bread

I went to the bakery, a simple task
To buy a loaf, nothing to ask
But life, with its subtle sway
Turns the ordinary into a display

The bread, round, golden, and neat
Waited for me, a silent feat
As if it knew what I didn’t see
That I was searching, though unaware of what it could be

It looked at me with a knowing gaze
Understanding more than I in these days
Too perfect to be just a b...

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The cake

Once upon a time, there was a cake that was not just a cake
It was the cocoa powder, dark and bitter earth
that once was seed, fruit, promise
It was the butter, golden fat, almost alive
melting under touch, like fear or desire
It was the sugar, sweet and cruel
dissolving into itself
like memories that refuse to be remembered

The eggs are cracked, fragile shells of worlds
and from them f...

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The Silence That Remains

There is a silence that is not silence
It is the air that refuses to enter
It is the footsteps that echo in empty corridors
the time that drags, heavy
like a body that no longer feels

Fascism does not come with noise
It comes with the absence of song
with the hand that closes around the throat
and says, "This is not pain. This is order."

But there is a light that insists
A tiny light...

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The return of the living dead

I looked at the pale face
that face that doesn’t exist
neither alive nor dead
but inhabits the space of one who is no more
It was a nightmare that inhabited me
and suddenly it became flesh
it started to walk, it breathed the need
Death is not an end
it’s not even a rest
It is the continuity of absence
that insists on showing itself

And I saw those bodies
they didn’t know what they we...

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The Beauty in Despair and Illusion

It is here that lies your beauty
do not testify to me anymore
of dandelions and daffodils
of butterflies and bees
do not sing like crows
beyond the dispersion of sight
then gather
in cold bare trees
sick with
The reward for
destroys the cache
of elegance
of magnificence
of splendor
do not pour out sadness
from your panting ...

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Life is solid, made of earth and stone,
of roots that sink deep into the silence of the soil.
Each step, an echo in the field of time,
each breath, a reminder that we are (in)finite.
There is strength in the winds we cannot see
and in the falling leaves that fear not the winter.
Love is not fleeting, but like the rock,
firm, built in the fissures of being.
And when the sky closes,
when th...

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The Divan

I look at myself, and see the abyss
In the mirror, where time slips away
And the cruel emptiness takes me whole
Like a distant echo that life betrays

What is pain, if not a flame
That burns without being explained?
It is a torment that is not mine
But invades me, devours me under the moonlight

The divan calls me, but what is the divan
If not a well, where the soul is lost
In words th...

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The Now of Every Tomorrow

Just for today, life is gentle
And every moment is a song
In the glow of the moon, in the afternoon breeze
Everything is a secret, but everything is reason

With each step, what can I be?
In the field of time, flowers grow
Only the now, the rest is mist
Just for today, love is a star shining

Ah, if I could keep
The sound of the wind, the taste of color
Everything would be so simple, s...

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The light fades slowly on the horizon
like a farewell, hesitant and forlorn
and the night is born with no hurry to be night
lost in the shadows of what’s yet to be drawn

There’s something in the air, a gentle sigh
an unseen movement drifting through the trees
a secret vanishing with the breeze
perhaps a memory that never learned to fly

Words may fade
but silences still hold their weig...

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Beautiful and Cursed

It was no longer the body I saw
It was the emptiness of its lines
the silence that stretched like an endless night
a night in which beauty is lost
what is cursed
as if beauty were a lie
and the curse, perhaps, a form of love

I saw their gaze, the beautiful and the cursed
not with my eyes, but with absence
Because who feels sees through what’s unsaid
through what dissolves in the words ...

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Silent Night

The night falls without haste
wrapping the earth in its subtle hands.
The wind, silent, traces the outlines of space
and the stars are brief words
written in the black sky

Nothing moves, yet everything unfolds
Time dissolves in the cool air
where solitude becomes company
and silence is profound
a voiceless song that spreads
through every corner of the world

Distant lights seem to fl...

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Whispers of the Endless Ache

The sky, that cries all night, without a break
The pain in fields turns into sorrow’s song
Ah! Who am I, lost, walking through the ache?
Is it just a dream, or agony so long?

The sea, the waves break strong upon the shore
And I, in vain, seek out a resting place
But winds that drag me leave me evermore
And carry me beyond, with endless pace

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Flowers in You

In your eyes, I see the sun, serene and rare,
Where light, in its colors, becomes a garden bright,
And in your gestures, clear enchantments flare,
Like a thousand flowers dancing in the light.

Ah, you are the flower the heavens gave to earth,
Growing in pure grace, in shape and hue,
Like the lily deep in fields of endless worth,
Spreading the fragrance of an eternal view.

In your smile...

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The history of rock

And so, in the vastness of the ether, it rises
From the primordial silence, a resonant sound
Like thunder that splits the distant skies
The voice of the Infinite is born, unbound!
No longer the void, nor the endless shadow
But the living flame, the fire burning bright
In the dawn of the cosmos, a mighty song
Where life and death in dance unite

In the womb of the earth, the first cry

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Fragments of a Time That Dissolves

The silence spreads like mist
over the field that no longer exists.
The earth no longer feels the footsteps,
doesn’t remember the bodies that passed through.

The wind, a distant whisper,
carries unspoken words
and stories lost before they are told.

There is a place where time gives up
on being continuous and dissolves
into fragments of light and shadow.

Nothing is whole,

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My dear homeland, with fields so wide
And rivers that carve through vast, silent tide
On green hills where the calm winds flow
I left my heart in your soil below

Where wheat grows tall, and autumn turns gold
I, far from you, in the cold snow unfold
The distant peaks, where bears are hunted still
Sing in the breeze, a sweet, wistful thrill

Oh, my homeland, why did I leave thee?
With fo...

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Life in Smallville

The wind blows through the palm trees
like someone passing by without a sound,
but leaves the trace of its presence
in the song of the birds.

The sun is already low,
and the earth, warm, breathes slowly.
Each step is a reminder
that time is a road that doesn't turn back.

Life is made of small gestures:
the worker’s embrace,
the child's smile,
the gaze of the woman who makes a home a...

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In the vast plains of time, where the wind is lost
Man, with curious eyes, gazes at the horizon
And in the infinity of the sky, which stretches beyond being
Possibilities blossom, like stars in a distant night

What will become of me, in the paths of chance?
Which road, by the moonlight, will stretch before my step?
I feel in my chest the pulsing desire of a vast dream
But doubt, like fog,...

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The Last Romantic

I am the last romantic
in the midst of digital chaos,
while love
navigates through algorithms
and bodies
become data
in the vast global network.

I still dream
of handwritten letters,
of the tangible touch
that slips between fingers
on touch screens,
where everything vanishes
with a swipe.

I sing of impossible loves,
in times of liquid loves,
where real encounters
are increasin...

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Hearts on Fire (Heavy Metal)

In the shadows of the abyss,
where light shatters apart,
hearts ablaze dance softly
in whispers of furious souls.

We cry out to the steel sky,
where pain becomes a song -
blood and steel, love and chaos
in the battle of existence.

Paths of fire and steps of hope:
among echoes of screams,
we awaken the lance.

Echoes of the past
are shackles that bind us,
but we are titans in free...

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shadowslightmetalheavy metalexistenceechoesfatefirepastcrybattle

Ballad of the Lovestruck Bricklayer

When I look at you, I see a future,
a place where our hearts meet, and
each day is a new chance to begin,
building dreams, brick by brick.

We start with the foundations of desire
and the plans for our love sketched in the stars...
Each word and each touch is a piece of a puzzle,
forming a home where love can blossom.

Life may be an unfinished building,
but with you, the construction n...

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Emotions Unveiled

In the fair of emotions, I lose my way
Among fruits and laughter, a mystery at play
Your eyes, like ripe avocados, invite me to peel
To take a chance, to discover what’s real

I want to know what love is
If it’s samba on sidewalks or a sorrowful fizz
Is it dancing in rain or a dream that won’t last?
A wish for the future, a tie to the past?

The clock ticks away, but my heart skips a bea...

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Whispers of Thornfield

On a rainy, silent night in Thornfield
the deserted streets, houses shrouded in fog
a town where time seemed to stand still
each shadow dancing beneath the flickering light
of the old train station
a relic of red bricks and worn wood

Clara Byrne waited
a young reporter, heart pulsating with mysteries
rumors swirling around her like the rain
about a train that departed at 11:59 PM

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The Glutton

In the afternoon, I want to eat, head to the square
See if the snack is still warm
And it’ll be nice to try that hot dog
I know I do this to satisfy myself
I know that lunch is the best part of the day
And the smell guides me to the table

Now it’s so close, see
The food truck line attracts me
Of our dishes, it’s what I miss the most
When we used to eat the same meal together

Where’s ...

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every morning,
a parade of perfect lives,
smiles meticulously adjusted,
breakfast that looks more like a work of art,
but deep down,
it's just granola and a desperate hunt for likes.

people transform into characters,
each post a script,
each photo a scene,
life in shining squares
where reality dissolves like sugar in water.

hashtags dance on the screen,
like confetti at a birthday ...

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Star-Crossed Hearts

She was poetry, a dance in the air
Moving lightly, like a verse floating there
Hair in the wind, unpretentious lines
Her smile illuminated cloudy times
He, a simple man, lived raw prose each day
With calloused hands, unaware of the way
Life in bold letters, beauty lost in the grind
Chapters predictable, meaning hard to find
At the craft fair, a sun shining bright
He watched from afar, not...

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Awakening in the Stillness

In the stillness of the morning,
the world awakens softly.
Light spills over the horizon,
casting shadows that dance
among the whispers of leaves.

A bird sings...
its song unfolding like petals,
with each note a breath of possibility,
a promise of an unexplored day,
where the air is thick with dreams.

Footsteps on a winding path,
and each step a choice:
the ground beneath the feet,...

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Flowers of Misfortune

In the silence that resonates,
a lament of absences,
the flowers bloom in the shadows,
whispers of a life that fades away.

Eyes searching the horizon
for a trace of hope,
but pain, like a poem,
is sculpted in the words of the day.

The city is a labyrinth of steps
that reflects solitude at every corner -
laughter dissolves in the wind
like falling petals,
disguised in the chaos.


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Why be common when I can be different?

In the hole of the common, fear runs deep,
where the voice of the many stirs us from sleep.
Dress the same, speak without spark,
act like the crowd, it's mediocrity's mark.

Alienated souls, proud in their space,
yet some feel the pull and yearn to escape.
Clarity’s a pain, like islands alone,
different in values, they stand out, unknown.

Children are innocent, while the old face disdai...

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Albert Einstein

I see one thing,
you see another,
because one thing is always more than itself:
it is itself
plus the relativity of the thing.

It is the mass,
plus I don’t know how many times the acceleration.
You look,
it has transmuted,
it is already another thing.

To see
is to recreate the world,
is to interact with the beautiful,
is to interact with the ugly,
is to commune with the ...

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Albert EinsteinEinsteinenergymassthingworldyouseeaccelerationbeautifuluglyunique

To suffer

Ah, to suffer,
is not just an invisible burden
that we drag through the streets of life.
It is the mark, the scar,
of existence that shapes us.

To suffer is the pain
that teaches us to see the world
with weary eyes,
where reality is not a straight line
but a labyrinth of thorns and hopes.

In the deep silence of the night,
where the moon whispers secrets of pain,
we find the echo of...

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In the noise of the city,
where faces merge with cold screens,
we live in an era of empty echoes
and weary of shouting into the void.

The streets are labyrinths of concrete and glass,
distorted reflections of fragmented dreams,
and advertisements blink like empty promises,
poisoning the mind with unfulfilled desires.

We live in an era of illusory connection,
where smiles are posted an...

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computerinternetconnectiontelephonecell phonedigitalmelancholy

Ancient Times

I see the past as a brighter place, noble friend
Beyond stone walls and castles old
Where hypocrisy hides in velvet’s embrace
And troubadours sing of love and sorrow bold
Life then was clear, as abundant as mead
Rich with jousts, tournaments, tales to reveal
From the heavens above to the stone floors beneath
We rode without reins, our spirits free

Love, like a magical potion, made us dre...

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Masquerade of the Damned

On the city's stage where shadows intertwine
The vampires rise with hungry eyes that shine
And the audience, lost in a desperate trance
Watches the dance of predators in their dance

The theater’s a broken mirror, cruelly it reflects
Each act a silent cry, in pain it intersects
Instead of applause, tears fall like rain
And the vampires with sharp teeth dance through the pain

They feast ...

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New York in the '80s: The Cry of the Abyss

Facing the abyss, I see the crime
The city bared to its dark mime
Crime’s the mirror of misery shown
A lament in minds, forlorn and alone

Streets stage a silent, somber play
Where spilled blood speaks of more than decay
It’s the soul torn by indifference’s might
And the law, once justice, fades from sight

The poor, martyrs to their cruel fate
Trade their dignity for crumbs on a plate

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New YorkNY80s1980scrimestreetpolicecops

Eternal Dusk

In the twilight of eternal dusk, so cold and vast

Where the night stretches mercilessly, shadows cast

Wanders Conan the barbarian on a path so dire

Lost in the storm of a cruel fate, ensnared by fire

Shadows lengthen, dark serpents glide

Echoes of the past are screams that cannot hide

In the vortex of a destiny wrapped in anguish tight

The steel of his blade mirrors terror’s f...

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Cosmic Heart

In the hinterland of tomorrow, where the stars will dance

There’s a moon that lights up the ground, and the wind greets us with a glance

The sky is a vast field, an expanding canvas spread

I follow the trails of the future, with a dream in hand, ahead

Oh, cosmic heart, where are you?

In the dance of galaxies, we’ll meet, it’s true

Dancing among planets, with the sun as our guide


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