The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 46 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Remember to buy yourself flowers

Remember to buy yourself flowers

And to smile at the things you don’t know

It’s only children that own super powers

And we gain ours helping them grow

Know that love is a blade that can cut you

But it’s hate that will poison your blood

And with time all your truths will come untrue

There are things you don’t know, but you could

And the voice in your head that keeps talki...

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The Traveller

I rode a wave across the sea to find a girl to marry me

But the wave dissolved and the girl too free

So I fell in love with a part of me

The traveller that rides the waves

Under starry skies, past rich man’s graves

So, the wave dissolved and the girl too free

But that paved the path to loving me

I have a twinkle in my eye

And the charm of traveller who does not lie


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