Pretty Young
Pretty Young
In a room full of people pissed up and more
She caught his eye over the sticky, fag ash floor
She looked pretty; young in her face not her clothes
She swore blind to him she were eighteen years old
Had a date of birth memorised if he cared to delve
‘Cause she’d been out on the lash
Since the day she turned twelve
And just six months later she h...
Tuesday 31st January 2012 1:36 am
Ain’t Never Been So Precious
Ain’t Never Been So Precious
I ain’t never been so precious
With owt I’ve pissed on before
As I laid it down dead gentle
On the bathroom floor
Cushioned with Cushelle
I waited perched on the loo
Already knew the protocol
Knew exactly what to do
With one line
I’d sigh ‘not this time’
And try, try again
I eventually decided this one were fucke...
Monday 19th December 2011 1:26 am
"Love You Millions" A Cut-Up Type Poem
I created this poem using a very rigid cut-up inspired technique of going through an article in a women's magazine and only deleting words. I kept all of the text in the same order as in the article and didn't add anything or change any tenses etc.
Love You Millions
I don’t know what was harder
Being told
Or having to explain it
“I’m poorly”
But you’re ...
Thursday 21st July 2011 10:59 pm
Quoting Mikey Wong: "Poetry Is Gay"
Poetry Is Gay
He puffs out his chest
Like he’s summat dead important to say
Looks me straight in the eye
And goes “poetry is gay”
For starters mate
Who are you to imply
That it ain’t OK
To be gay anyway
And besides
Poetry is my life
Writing is how I make sense of me
Make sense of living
Of everything
Creativity like an IV
Friday 15th July 2011 8:14 pm
Learning To Read
Learning To Read
Words abandoned me
When I were at Primary
Didn’t make sense no more
Like when me Dad and me
Made up stories
And created crazy characters
Like Fezzypeg
Who me Dad said were a cat
That owned a record shop
And talked and walked on his hind legs
And though I couldn’t always keep in mind
Everything I was told at other times
Wednesday 30th March 2011 12:44 am
Learning To Read
Learning To Read
Words abandoned me
When I were at Primary
Didn’t make sense no more
Like when me Dad and me
Made up stories
And created crazy characters
Like Fezzypeg
Who me Dad said were a cat
That owned a record shop
And talked and walked on his hind legs
And though I couldn’t always keep in mind
Everything I was told at other times
Wednesday 30th March 2011 12:44 am
Latest Mental Health Poem: In Therapy
In Therapy
There ain’t no guessing why it’s in Harpurhey
Where all the Mams who drag prams are on ESA
And depression clings to all the buildings
And they’re Manchester’s biggest exporter
Where suicidal thoughts seep between the bricks and mortar
And knives on skin is just one of those daily things
And they eat cold paranoia for dinner
That’s where I d...
Saturday 19th February 2011 2:20 pm
Bury Market
Bury Market
Sod your birds; this is Bury’s dawn chorus
Where it’s banter, not patronising, to call me darling
When you’re yelling and you’re telling me
About the deal you’ve got going on your spuds
So many voices wash over me
That I can no longer tell
What exactly is a pound a pound
But I know I want some
This noise is so far removed
From the thump,...
Saturday 19th February 2011 12:33 pm
What an awesome weekend (5 new poems - I'll let you guess the workshop that inspired each one)
I'm knackered and slightly mentally scarred from certain experiences but I had a truly wonderful time this weekend and I'd like to say a massive thank you to Sean and everyone else who made it happen. I got 5 new poems out of it and here they are:
We Watched It Live
We watched it live on Al Jazeera
It came free with the news mix on Sky
They said he’d been hid ...
Sunday 17th October 2010 8:44 pm
Crafty Crafters
Crafty Crafters
It’s a decoupage sticking, cross stitching
Stamping, stitching, fixing, knitting
A mobility scooting, craft knife scoring
“Out of me way!” tooting, topper adorning
Way of life for some
Hobby obsessed hobbyists
Haberdasher hangers-on
These hard-core followers can be found
Spending hundreds of pounds
On paper pieces and bits of foam
Sunday 19th September 2010 5:25 pm
Two New Uns: Wreckuiem & Cashy Gs
A hole in your stomach
Drip, drip, dripped black goo
I looked at you
Elevated and essentially gone
I was too scared to say goodbye
I was too ashamed to cry
I wondered what went wrong
What had I done?
I thought I took such good care
You were clean and full and loved
I missed you when you weren’t there
We shared my escapes and escap...
Friday 27th August 2010 10:30 pm
Volunteers, Workshoppers & Open Mic-ers wanted for LitaBury
Monday 23rd August 2010
11am – 5pm
Bury Parish Church House (Behind The Church)
Come along and enjoy……
• Writing Workshops with Rachel Bond, Darren Thomas and Elaine Speakman
• Kids’ Activities with Gemma Lees
• Poetry Open Mic With Write Out Loud (Compered by Paul Blackb...
Monday 28th June 2010 12:51 am
please, please vote for me....this is an awesome opportunity.....
Thursday 20th May 2010 3:20 pm
She's So Sick
This is part of a series that I hope to keep writing based on other people's perceptions of people with mental health problems.
She’s So Sick
Have you seen
Where the stainless steel teeth bit in
To her skin?
She claims she tries her best
To suppress
To keep it all within
But white and red raised welts
Spell her weakness and her f...
Thursday 6th May 2010 10:06 am
I kinda get it ‘cause the snow ain’t been that bad in thirty years
And every other bed were took up with old dears
But I just slept, I weren’t shouting out like the rest
I didn’t need no help with washing or getting myself dressed
I weren’t pissing me bed and blaming the nurse
Who interspersed skin piercing, heart monitoring care
With telling me off and making it...
Wednesday 27th January 2010 12:11 pm
Streetwise 2000 Book
The new Streetwise 2000 'Head Wobble' book number 2, 'Where Is Your Head At?' has just been launched.
Myself and many other young people have contributed to this handbook that gives personal insights, poems and information on many different conditions and problems that young people may face.
If you would like an example of my poetry/ educational writing or know any young people who would benefit...
Monday 23rd November 2009 5:47 pm
A Little Bit More
A Little Bit More
Mam’s sunk another quid on it
She saw her reflection in the plastic dispenser
A pick ‘n’ mix of promises
Laid out before her
This time she’d have to win, ‘right kids’?
She’s got this lucky 2p
She uses ever so carefully
It takes off the silver foil
Tiny curls that fall to the floor
The corners and the edges first
Then just a little bit more at a time
She is fastidio...
Thursday 5th November 2009 12:22 pm
Keep Talking
Keep Talking
I look well
But I’ve lost weight
I look a bit tired
But it suits, apparently
I um and ah and nod appropriately
And my ears aren’t here
And she keeps talking
I’m so lucky to get up when I like
And I’m desperately trying to work out how
To explain how it can take all day
To summon the strength to make the tea
And even then I need someone in there with me
And I’m only ma...
Wednesday 21st October 2009 11:59 pm
Crystal Kids
Crystal Kids
One foot flat on the floor
Hands in pockets
Other foot on the wall
Eyes like petrol puddles
Huddled hoodies, faces hidden
Skinny, skilfully rolled cig
Pinched with yellow finger tips
And perched on dry lip
Crystal kids don’t care at all
Crystal kids lob bricks
Glistening shards of glass
Can’t pierce bravado this thick
Can’t touch the depths of disappointment
Thursday 13th August 2009 10:29 pm
Constructive Criticism
Constructive Criticism
I’ve been criticised since I were a child
To help me out, I understand
Like when my teacher made it clear
That me chubby Crayola was in the wrong hand
As left, it just ain’t right, my dear
And all the metal rulers slapped on desks
Making tiny slumped shoulders snap to attention
Couldn’t make me understand Roger Red Hat or Billy Blue
My phonics certainly weren’t...
Tuesday 2nd June 2009 2:47 pm
You Are Wallpaper (From Laura Ashley)
This poem was inspired by a conversation that me and Katie Haigh had recently in which she likened herself to wallpaper and said that she wished she was more like me. I, on the other hand, wish I was more like her. It got me thinking about how we always wish we were more like our friends and less like ourselves.
You Are Wallpaper (From Laura Ashley)
I rubber ball bounce, like you said, i...
Tuesday 26th May 2009 12:47 pm
For anyone who got a crappy instrument to play in music lessons at high school
Rocking Glockenspiel
I wanted to rock on my glockenspiel
But Miss only left two bars on
Not content with a droning dum, dum, dum, dum
With my baton I bashed irrhythmically
Possessed with a dyspraxic urgency
To make music with the others
But I were playing a different song to them
Lost in a tangle of perfect pitch
And chords played out precisely
On posh violins and flutes
And other...
Saturday 28th March 2009 6:48 pm
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays
It’s all change here
We’ll watch telly in a brand new
Location, location, location
They have different news you know here
And funny foreign soaps
In between the normal English stuff
We’ll drink our tins on stripy chairs
Rubbing factor 5 into hairy backs
On scrubby patches of grass
Or dog shit beaches
While the children fight
And Mum screams she’s had enough
Wednesday 14th January 2009 10:15 pm
Thank goodness the NHS can't keep to my pre-arranged appointment times!
As I was waiting to see my blood specialist yesterday, I decided rather than read a four-year-old, half-eaten copy of Prima, I would write some poems instead and this is what I came up with:
Nine To Five To Kick Out Time
That’s it
It’s all over
The music’s stopped
The bar’s run dry
Once again the crowds spill out
Squinting and shouting as they stagger by streetlamps
To which the heav...
Thursday 20th November 2008 3:56 pm
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