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I learned to swallow my pride 

With no intention of protecting you 

Only to shield myself from You

To spare myself of your lies 

If we replayed your every move 

It would unveil who you actually are 

You're a pro at faking love 

But you're a con-man at heart 

You can't camouflage yourself from me 

I am your truth teller 

You've soaked your hand in red paint 

While d...

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Talking walls

If my walls could talk 

they would tell me a story of a girl who lost herself chasing a dream that was never meant for her 


If my walls could talk 

they would plead with me to stop crying over people who never valued me 


If my walls could talk 

they would ask me to stop melting into my bed, to stop letting the world eat me alive 


If my walls could talk 

they wou...

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No Peace

Stop searching for peace where peace does not exist

From people who expect, take, and insist

In the arms of those stealing your yes’s

With all these yes’s your life is full of messes

You give and give, and what do you take?

Is there anything left on the dinner plate?

There’s nothing left to give you gave yourself away

“You’re so kind and generous” That’s what you want them to ...

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Protecting my Peace

I pay high prices to learn my lessons 

That others manage to grasp in seconds

I always choose others before myself 

Putting them on the very top shelf 


I question the lack of a smile on my face 

Is it lost? Did I misplace?

When will I protect my peace?

I want to own it, not lease 


I sold my tranquility to the first in line 

Can't grow a backbone, not even a spi...

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Life lessons

Sometimes a simple hello

Is a lesson waiting to happen

Since I'm ignorant about the future

I said a few extra words

You were so beautiful and divine

Delicious like the summer sun

I had to know your name 

Hello was not enough

One word changed my world

One word sealed the deal

Shortly, my smile shifted to tears

My worth diminished as well

You’re a test I was desig...

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You are a baby calf

Just learning to walk

Dreaming of running free

Wanting to be a lioness 

But not just any kind

You were meant to lead

If only you believe

Non of that fake bravado

Show the world true bravery

Be the one people talk about

Be the one people fear

Be the one people won’t cross

Let them hear your roars from miles away

You are a lioness meant to s...

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First Place

You always came in first place

I was the runner up

To my own life

I thought your win was mine

But you kept it for yourself

Showing the world how you made it

All on your own you said

Forgetting I held your hand to the top

You let me go 

When I was no longer needed

Soon you’ll watch

When I win with someone else

When we climb to the top

Together hand in hand


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Skipping Meals

Sometimes I skip my meals

To weigh less than my heavy mind

Sometimes I skip my meals

Because sleep is more delicious

Sometimes I skip my meals

To sink into my bed

Sometimes I skip my meals

Because I want to drift away

Sometimes I skip my meals

To forget every hour

Sometimes I skip my meals

Because I yearn to skip all my days

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I collect tissues 

The way some do books

I collect tissues 

To feel how pain looks

I collect tissues 

Every time I close the door

I collect tissues

I don’t even know what for

I collect tissues

Inside my jacket pockets

I collect tissues

To whip my eye sockets

I collect tissues

Every time I speak your name

I collect tissues

All the times I was to blame


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Someone New

I think I’m ready now

To finally see someone new

To finally forget about you

To finally move on with life


I need someone who listens

Someone who doesn’t talk over me

Someone who’ll love me back

Someone I can count on


I’m finally seeing me

The girl we both left behind

The girl who deserves so much more

The girl who wants to be her own world 


I’ll l...

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No One Understands

Many of my poems are about him

Because I want people to know

What it’s like to love him

It’s like eating sweet fruit

Ripest from the season

If I had to share it with one person

I would only take one bite

And give the rest to my lover

Because I convinced myself

His happiness was mine

No one understands what he meant to me

There are no words in the world

To expres...

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Bipolar Episode

I find myself on top of a cliff  

The night is cold and dark 

I wonder why I forgot to wear a sweater

I wonder why I’m even here


They say you must talk yourself off the cliff

Take deep breaths and move backward

Think about what drove you here

And why you need to go back home


As I look around I see no car

I never drove myself here

I wasn’t in the driver’s sea...

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Loving You Not Me

Loving you is a basic routine

Loving myself is a broken machine

Loving you is a sunny day

Loving myself is dismay


Loving you is pure as a child

Loving myself is remembering I never smiled

Loving you is no stress

Loving myself is hopeless


Loving you is learning to grow

Loving myself is death row

Loving you is feeling safe in your arms

Loving myself is fire...

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Moral Compass

I have morals since I’m not tempted by sin

Those who lack them

Eat their sins as if they're starving

They say one by one greed devours all

But I know the veracity, I carry it in my heart

Im not enticed by the chaos people create

I know I’m on the righteous path


I have morals some days a week

I was a pure soul until I met you

You are temptation and beautiful in every...

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I Belong To...

I belong to empty pages and unwritten stories

I belong on the top self you haven’t visited in months

I belong under the bed, collecting dust

I belong to no one


I belong to ignorance when I won’t accept the truth

I belong to love maybe once or twice a year

I belong to tears when mom tells me I’m just like dad

I belong to no one


I belong to you only in the middle of...

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This is Bipolar

It’s the same each morning

My body never gets a warning

My mind is fresh and full of life

I think I’ll be happy, I actually might

I’m on top of the world, you can’t bring me down

Try all you want, I’m never touching the ground

I live in euphoria, I’m not coming home

Don’t try calling me, I’m not answering the phone

I’m heavily addicted to this lifestyle

Everyone wants me...

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Never Meant To Be

I'm aware I write too many poems about you

You’re my muse when I sing the blues

I know I cry myself to sleep at night

Knowing that you made me endure torment out of spite


Your ego was so heightened

And your grip on my spirit made me frightened

You controlled my every emotion

You made our lives a colossal commotion


I desperately wanted to breathe in tranquility


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Dear Love

I’ll swim back to my sanity for you

I’ll search the globe for the pieces of the puzzle to my mind

I’ll discover the last piece in your hands

Eagerly awaiting your arrival


I’ll endure the cold to keep you warm on frigid evenings

I’ll bargain myself for your comfort

I’ll rip out my heart to make yours bigger

And go to war with whoever tries to break it


I’ll heal mys...

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I’m prettiest when you take advantage of me

When you hold my limp body in your overbearing arms

I’m charming when you have power over me

When you profit off my soreness


I’m foul when I think of myself

When I don’t comply with your needs

I’m awful when I stand up for myself

When I demand respect from you


I’m beautiful when I shed tears of anguish 

When I wet the...

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Poor Minded

I carry a few coins in my sweater pocket

I can’t afford much, especially not to lose

Life is too expensive but all I have are pennies

I used to be rich, however, I traded it in for a moment of silence


Working day and night, I'm still short to live in peace

Others have it easy; they have it all and more

They give me their 2 cents as if I know how to listen

Listening to ins...

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Not Love

I remember the very next day

you didn’t look at me the same anymore

The expression on your face changed when you looked over at me

Should’ve known then that you loved me less

Each passing day, you took away a piece of your love

You chipped away at your own heart

Gathered your love for me and left it by the door

In a perfect box for me to open

One foot in, one foot out


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Sugar and Salt

Some days you are salt 

some days you are sugar 

some days you are kind 

and some days you pretend to be 

to some it may look the same 

but I can tell just by your smell 

I have to taste the salt 

so I can get the sweet 

I'll endure a thousand days of salt 

to taste a single grain of sugar again 

you used to feed me desserts 

and now all I get is bitter 

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I feel guilt for crying 

when you have more pain 

you cry for your mother 

and I cry because of mine 

you cry for a lost home 

and I cry for a broken one 

your tears fall for your dead siblings 

and I cry because I fight with mine 

you scream at the men around you 

and I can't look them in the eye 

you were taken away as a child 

and I never was one 

together we...

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Past and future

I deep dive into the past 

and swim toward the future 

I crave memories that do not exist 

I crave what may become

I don't live here anymore

traveling back in time 

and jumping much ahead 

no wonder why I'm barely surviving 

I have no home here 

My mind is lost in the then and when


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I know the lies you speak

do you think they make me weak?

I know all the stories you will tell

imaging me under your spell

I know where your eyes will go

I'll look away and you'll get a show 

you make devious plans in your mind

don't worry, I know your kind 


Few hours in, your hands on my arm

no one the in the room sees any harm

telling jokes and memories from th...

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Woman enough

Am I woman enough for you?

with my tiny fingers and toes

with my wrinkled school uniform 

and my braided hair with red bows


am I woman enough for you?

with my empty lunchbox 

and mitch match socks

when a smile that covered my face

and three missing teeth


am I woman enough for you?

with my shoes smaller than your palm

when I was less than half your size 


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It's all background noise

then why do I hear you from a mile away?

like the voice in my head 

like my morning alarm 

like an image on my wall

oh, why do you torment me?

why do you desire to lay in my bed?

to crawl inside my veins 

to whisper my name

and scream yours

when will you leave?

so i can finally breath

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