Mandarin Ducks
Monday 31st January 2022 8:46 pm
Misty Grey
Monday 31st January 2022 8:44 pm
White Furore
Monday 31st January 2022 8:39 pm
Little Jenny Wren
One of the smallest birds
to be found in our garden
She’s also one of the loudest
the little Jenny wren
She is quite a stunner
with her long legs, narrow, pert tail
Tiny but packs a punch
scores so high on the cuteness scale
Monday 31st January 2022 8:34 pm
Calm After The Storm
There is calm after the storm
on this clear winter morning
A tranquil start to the day
as the fresh day is dawning
That twilight moment in time
when night slowly becomes day
As daylight colours emerge
and the darkness fades away
The chorus of busy birds
gently stirs wildlife awake
A harmony of sight and sound
to greet this new daybreak
Photo credit Dr Amir Khan
Sunday 30th January 2022 6:57 pm
The Big Garden Birdwatch
The big garden bird watch
monitors how the wild birds fare
Get involved this weekend
if you have one hour to spare
It really doesn’t matter
where you are or what you see
Everyone can join in the fun
and best of all, it’s free
Saturday 29th January 2022 11:50 am
Day Two Of Isolation
Day two of isolation
my symptoms are not easing
Still feel like I have a cold
can’t stop myself from sneezing
I’m sniffling and snuffling
constantly blowing my nose
On the whole it’s not too bad
as far as being ill goes
I heard of other symptoms
like a loss of taste and smell
To not enjoy my food
would be my idea of hell
I think I am quite lucky
I think I’ve got it easy
Friday 28th January 2022 7:52 pm
Covid Blues
So Covid finally got me
my test registered a fine line
I have a bit of a headache
but in general, I feel fine
Confined to the house for a while
wondering how to spend my time
I guess I should write some poems
short verses with rhythm and rhyme
What should I choose to write about
always the most difficult part
It’s hard to find a new subject
and I wonder where I should start
Thursday 27th January 2022 12:16 pm
A beautiful winter morning
the local pond mirrors the sky
Awash with enchanting colours
this scene plays a trick on the eye
The iconic swans glide across
as the image remains in place
When ducks create gentle ripples
it fades away without a trace
Like a paintbrush dipped in water
the bright colours are washed away
A blank canvas appears one more
repainted many times today
Wednesday 26th January 2022 5:49 pm
So it has happened once again
yet another incident
Boris walked in on a party
completely by accident
It seems everywhere he goes
there is a party going on
A birthday or work meeting
A bit of fun for everyone
At number 10 Downing Street
the lockdown rules do not apply
The house and grounds are exempt
there’s no need for them to comply
This explains how in lockdown
Tuesday 25th January 2022 12:05 pm
Winter Butterfly
On a cold January morning
lying there ever so still
I found this beautiful butterfly
on my bedroom window sill
Confused as what I should do with her
I looked to my online guide
It said try to keep her cool and calm
before placing her outside
I trapped her inside a trinket box
a temporary safe place
Then carefully carried her outside
and put her in a cool, dark space
I hope...
Monday 24th January 2022 12:56 pm
It’s A Small World
It’s a small world some people say
and I would always agree
I was sent a photo today
a surprise for me to see
A photo of some friends of mine
unknown to one another
Through a brief conversation
they found a link with each other
Two friends of our family
who have never met before
Found they had something in common
something they couldn’t ignore
It was strange to see them
Sunday 23rd January 2022 9:49 am
First Wordle
A sign of these pandemic times
I just got so excited
I did my first Wordle in four
couldn’t be more delighted
I started with a W
and then added in an I
Finished with N, E and D
but Wined wasn’t the right try
I rearranged the letters
took out the D, put in a C
I was shocked and surprised when
the letters turned green instantly
Saturday 22nd January 2022 3:20 pm
Meatloaf RIP
I think back to those many years ago
when you arrived like a bat out of hell
For crying out loud from the first moment
I was mesmerised and under your spell
You took the words right out of my mouth
when you said heaven can wait for now
Lets not be praying for the end of time
we should make plans for our wedding vow
We were all revved up with no place to go
but found paradise by the...
Friday 21st January 2022 5:32 pm
Show Off
We have had the most stunning scenes
over the last few days
I think nature is showing off
in search of cheer and praise
I mean how else do you explain
the beauty in this frame
The colours, the serenity
worthy of great acclaim
Photo Credit Dr Amir Khan
Friday 21st January 2022 2:58 pm
Mesmerising And Heavenly
To show us how stunning it can be
winter brings us this display
Soft hues of blue, gold and crimson
at the break of a brand new day
A thin sheet of ice on the lake
reflects the colours perfectly
Mirroring the sky up above
mesmerising and heavenly
Photo Credit Dr Amir Khan
Friday 21st January 2022 2:52 pm
Crisp Winters Day
A glorious winter sunrise
is the price we pay for clear skies
Tiny intricate shards of ice
the frost decorates where it lies
This sight is free for everyone
a price I am prepared to pay
So wrap up warm and take a walk
nothing beats a crisp winters day
Photo credit Dr Amir Khan
Friday 21st January 2022 2:48 pm
Leighton Moss
A delightful trip today
to nearby Leighton Moss Reserve
A wetland and nature trail
with so much wildlife to observe
In a clear blue, cloudless sky
the sun shined high and very bright
A day to lift your spirits
a most welcome treat and delight
A heavy frost overnight
left patches of ice on the ground
The warmth of the sun felt good
when a sunny spot came around
We forgot our b...
Thursday 20th January 2022 6:06 pm
I’m thinking of going electric
when I purchase my next new car
But I’m more than slightly concerned
that it may not get me very far
Looking at all the pros and cons
the initial cost to make the change
The total number of charging points
and distance of battery range
I know they have their plus points
not sure they are enough to convince me
Although one day I hope to be more
Wednesday 19th January 2022 5:18 pm
Full Moon
Crystal clear night
Stars shine bright
Lunar spotlight
Pearly white
Full moon glow
Beams down below
Splendid show
Soft and mellow
Monday 17th January 2022 7:34 pm
Wolf Moon
It’s said Native American tribes
gave the Wolf Moon it’s name
During the winter months
they prowled and howled loudly is the claim
It’s said the phenomenon happened
at the same time each year
Their way of communication
telling others they were near
Monday 17th January 2022 7:32 pm
Inquisitive And Still
Monday 17th January 2022 5:27 pm
Winter Sunset
Monday 17th January 2022 5:17 pm
Golden Morning Light
Monday 17th January 2022 5:12 pm
January Morning
Monday 17th January 2022 5:10 pm
Winter Sunrise
Monday 17th January 2022 5:09 pm
January Rainbow
Monday 17th January 2022 5:06 pm
Hamish The Highland Cow
Monday 17th January 2022 5:04 pm
On Thin Ice
Monday 17th January 2022 5:03 pm
Monday 17th January 2022 5:02 pm
Morning Sun
photo credit Dr Amir Khan
Monday 17th January 2022 5:00 pm
It’s Not My Party
It's not my party, I'll deny it if I want to
Deny it if I want to
Deny it if I want to
You would deny it too, if it happened to you
Nobody knows where my integrity has gone
Truth and trust left at the same time
Don’t they know the rules don’t apply to me
I’m not guilty of any crime
It's not my party, I'll deny it if I want to
Deny it if I want to
Deny it if I want to
You would de...
Sunday 16th January 2022 12:17 am
Great Britain Pt2
Is Great Britain still great
a question often asked this week
A Country left dismayed
disappointing news at it’s peak
Is Boris still Prime Minister
is Andrew still a Prince
From Royalty to Parliament
they make us cringe and wince
From Downing Street parties
to stripping of royal titles
Unconvincing apologies
cop-outs and denials
Given the privileged positions
we expect...
Saturday 15th January 2022 10:32 am
Great Britain
What makes Great Britain so great
please do remind me if you can
All the reasons I would give
are quickly flowing down the pan
Friday 14th January 2022 2:12 pm
Wild Birds
So lucky to have wild birds
feeding in my garden each day
They ambush all my senses
bring so much happiness my way
The sight of colourful plumage
The sound of playful chatter
The flurry of fluttering wings
The feeding spitter spatter
They fill my garden with life
and fill my heart and mind with joy
To feed the birds is a pleasure
that everyone can enjoy
So grab yourself so...
Thursday 13th January 2022 6:57 pm
Low Mist
A walk along the river
by the playing fields of green
A veil of mist settles low
creating this eerie scene
The winter sun slowly sinks
behind distant rows of trees
The cold air is still and calm
not even a gentle breeze
As the afternoon drifts by
bright blue skies fades to light grey
It won’t too be long before
we lose the light for today
Soon this view will be gone
a mome...
Wednesday 12th January 2022 6:58 pm
Cold And Old
World temperatures are rising
year on year so we are told
So can someone please explain
why I always feel so cold
I resist the temptation
to turn up the thermostat
Just add another layer
which makes me look rather fat
I sit here all a shiver
dressed from head to toe in fleece
Tucked up under my duvet
filled with down from ducks and geese
I waddle across the room
put the ...
Tuesday 11th January 2022 1:44 pm
Dark Knight Mystery (pt3)
So there is no update
on the recent discovery
The riddle still remains
of the great Batman mystery
Maybe he was mislaid
by a visitor years ago
Or lost in game of hide and seek
I guess we’ll never know
After recent frequent visits
from a certain squirrel
I think the unearthing
could be down to Mr Cyril
Now we raise the question
what to do with our treasure
Should he be...
Monday 10th January 2022 1:36 pm
Cyril The Squirrel
I can’t help feeling a bit sad
and just the tiniest bit mean
Watching this grey squirrel
is one of the funniest sights I’ve seen
He is the greatest acrobat
the way he leaps from tree to tree
The way he clings on upside down
it’s amazing for me to see
He is so very persistent
many times he has tried and tried
But no matter how hard he tries
he just can’t make his way inside
Sunday 9th January 2022 10:57 am
Dark Knight Mystery (part 2)
Some people search for metal
some people search for treasure
Some people search for money
some people search for pleasure
The news is full of people
finding items from the past
Buried for hundreds of years
and brought to surface at last
Ancient coins and valuables
from Bronze Age to Roman time
Priceless jewels and artefacts
found hidden in the grime
Some people find silver...
Friday 7th January 2022 5:11 pm
Dark Knight Mystery
A very strange thing occurred
in our garden today
We are left bewildered
at what may have caused this display
A small mound of earth appeared
on top of the snowy ground
We blamed the rabbit
but we were surprised by what we found
A patch of scraped away earth
revealed a puzzling sight
A piece of buried treasure
the legendary dark knight
Just how did he get there
and who du...
Thursday 6th January 2022 7:04 pm
Elegant And Graceful
A cold winters morning
backdrop to this peaceful view
I stop to feed the birds
for just a moment or two
A couple of cygnets
slowly glide across the lake
Elegant and graceful
slight, gentle ripples they make
They come to say hello
perhaps in search of a treat
They know in my pocket
I have seeds they like to eat
Photo credit Dr Amir Khan
Thursday 6th January 2022 4:44 pm
January Blues, Today’s News
The January blues
and constant Covid news
Is Plan B, right or wrong
Government weak or strong
Omicron spreading fast
faster than in the past
Changes in testing rules
required masks in schools
Conspiracy theories
and unanswered queries
Working from home advised
isolation revised
NHS under stress
winter strain relentless
Teenage knife crime headlines
drug cartel county lines
Wednesday 5th January 2022 5:58 pm
Todays Trip
As the Country returns to work
after a lengthy Christmas break
The frosty weather comes along
and surprises us as we wake
Cars are delicately patterned
covered in a white icy glaze
Standing in the chilly shadows
awaiting the warmth of sun rays
We set off on our journey
and soon delighted by the view
As far as our eyes can see
the land is sparkling, fresh and new
In the cloudle...
Tuesday 4th January 2022 4:57 pm
New Year Wish
Happy New Year
happy New Year
Family and friends
raise a glass and cheer
Some wish for peace
Some wish for health
Some wish for joy
Some wish for wealth
Some wish for luck
some wish for love
Some may wish for
all the above
Whatever your wish
I hope it comes true
This is my wish
for all of you
Out with the old
and in with the new
All the very best
for twenty, twe...
Saturday 1st January 2022 9:05 am
Recent Comments
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