The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

"Beware the Ides of March"

Although the Chinese philosopher Li Yuang said that "When little men cast long shadows, then surely the Sun is about to set". But the well-known and chilling phrase "Beware the Ides of March" is of course found in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar:

Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music,
Cry 'Caesar!' Speak; Caesar is turn'd to hear.


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Vladimir PutinJulius CaesarDonald TrumpAssassination

International Women's Day

Well, today is as everyone should know International Women's Day and what better way to celebrate and commemorate this important international event than to look at Shakespeare's representation of women in his plays. For example the identity of "The Dark Lady" in his Sonnets sequence? For a number of centuries Shakespearean academics have pondered over the identity of two people who strongly influ...

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International Women's DayJoan of ArcLa PucelleJeanne D'arcMary Queen of ScotsQueen Elizabeth 1st

Making A Deal With The Devil

Well, you’ve had a glimpse of heaven and it’s opened your mind,

Now let’s get back to earth where the deaf lead the blind.


On our ancient shores there’s much confusion

With human detritus in much profusion,

Migrants, floods and industrial pollution

In our virgin rivers, lakes and oceans.


With social unrest and wild forest fires,

There’s cyber warfare and chemical wea...

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The DevilBaphometDonald Trump

Agapanthos, The Flower of Love

Well, that time of the year has arrived with all the cheesy cliches that surround the execution of a Catholic saint Valentine-what a strange way to celebrate a loved one?


So high entranced am I with thee
That naught else do I barely see
So being blind to this romance
My heart it soars and starts to dance.
- Is happiness returning?

So beloved of me art thou
That I still love you eve...

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Valentine's DayElizabethan Festival CycleShakespeare's AlmanackAgapanthosFlower of Love

The Christian Kabbala of “William Shake-speare”

The latest in my papers to appear on Google's Academia: The Christian Kabala of "Shake-speare", an Examination of the Allusions and Structures to the Rosicrucian, Cabalist and Alchemical Teachings in William Shakespeare’s Plays and Poetry.


We saw the tear, we saw the chasm of experience

In our time no one came to transubstantiate the grain

We thought we could even communicate


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Christian KabalaWilliam ShakespeareRosicrucianismAlchemyGiovanni Pico della MirandolaSchool of NightOccult Science

Shakespeare’s Coat of Arms

Many fans of "William Shakespeare" often miss out the vital details of Shakespeare's life and career. 

James Halliwell Phillips writes in his two-volume analysis “Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare” published in 1887 in order to determine the “Correct Dating of Shakespeare’s Plays”:

“The would be biographer of Shakespeare is baffled in every quarter by the want of graphical documents, and l...

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Shakespeare's Coat of ArmsThe Shakespeare ConspiracyFacts & Fallacies About ShakespearePseudonymous Shakespeare

The Legend & History of King Arthur

The subject of many literary and cultural endeavours, for example Alfred Lord Tennyson and the Pre-Raphaelite artists to name but a few the legend or "quaint history" of the elusive "King Arthur" rivals that same fabulist concoction known as "Robin Hood" or "William Shakespeare"-all of which are endorsed by leading institutions as irrevocably TRUE! But what real evidence is available to substantia...

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King ArthurHoly GrailThe Round TableCamelotKnights of the Round TableMedieval Literature in Europe

"A New Dawn at Qudos Academy"

After four months of planning and organisation my newly re-vamped website is now up and running. A Very Merry Beltane to all my readers, fans, friends and supporters! Qudos Academy is a non-profit organisation or website dedicated in some degree to supporting the Oxfordian view that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford was the author of the 1623 “Shakespeare” Folio of plays. It does not support...

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Tudor HistoryWilliam ShakespeareShakespeare's PoetryMagic Myth & FolkloreShakespeare MysteryShakespeare Authorship Question

St George's Day, Facts & Fallacies about William Shakespeare's Birthdate

Well, who would have known and celebrated that this year 2024 represents the 460th birthday of the pseudonymous "William Shakespeare" who apparently was most likely born on St. George's Day, the 23rd of April, or was it? There is a tendency among Stratfordian academics, eager to establish themselves as viable researchers and literary authorities to embellish, embroider and stitch together elements...

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St. George's dayWilliam Shakespeare's BirthdaySt. Andrews DaySt. Patrick's DaySt. David's dayEnglish CalendarJulian CalendarFact & Fallacy

Poetic Sense In Shakespeare's Text

We have arrived at the letter "D" in the search for the encycopaedic mind of "William Shakespeare" and it would seem 'much further to go'. But within Shakespeare’s accomplished literary toolbox we also find the use of Diacope (di-a'-co-pee) which is the close repetition of words broken by one or two intervening words:

“Done like a Frenchman: turn and turn again.” Henry VI Pt. 1, 3.3.17.


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Shakespeare's PoetryPoesieProsody16th Century Prosody

The A-Z of Shakespeare's Prosody

Hope you enjoyed the Easter break celebrating the return of Spring with a crucifixion is odd I know but that's life and death guys! Over the past few weeks I have been analysing Shakespeare's poetry and plays to ascertain the depth of knowledge required from the 16th century to write poetry and screenplays. It would seem that we have arrived at the letter "C" and that leads us into the use of the ...

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William ShakespeareGreek ProsodyLatin VersePoets & Performance Poetry

Shakespeare's Sonnets Re-visited

In this a series of weekly essays on "Shakespeare's Prosody" I have attempted to correct, revise and make articulate to the modern mind the content and structure of the Sonnets, as well as some of the poetry attributed to W.S. I confess when reading these the inherent meaning is either absent or lost due to the antiquated syntax, use of extant words and the overall poetic mode or mood associated w...

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Sea wavesShakespeare's Sonnets16th century syntax

Tongue Twister

What better way to celebrate both the first day of Spring and World Poetry day with a "tongue twister" which took a long time to rehearse and then perform publically! So hold on to your seats, here goes:

A riddle-a diddle-a diddleo, a riddle-ariddle-epo

A video-rideo-diddleo, a kineoviddle-epo

A middle, a centre, a left and a right,

A riddle, a question, a puzzle-epo, a muscle-puzzle-e...

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Tongue Twistertongue in cheekSpringtimePoetic Riddle

A Natural Genius In Poetry?

In a series of weekly blogs I have been researching the poetic techniques of the pseudonymous "William Shakespeare" (See previous blog entry: "Shakespeare's Prosody") in an attempt to determine the level of education the dramatist from Stratford-upon-Avon would have acheived in his short life of 52 years. Generally speaking, poets are by nature extremely egotistical, and none more so than our home...

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Shakespeare's Poetry16th Century ProsodyA Lover's ComplaintVenus & AdonisShakespeare's Plays

Shakespeare's Prosody

Whoever “Shakespeare” was, it is quite clear from the linguistic cornucopia in the plays and poetry that he must have been a living, walking encyclopaedia on the subject of Greek and Roman prosody. Nearly every play and poem attributed to “Shakespeare” has a vast number of literary and rhetorical techniques, some rare, some extremely obscure and others which would require a classical education in ...

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ProsodyShakespearePoesieLiterary TechniquesGreek & Roman drama

New Perspectives on Poetry

Having recently discussed the direction that Modern Poetry might take in the 21st century with several poets and writers I picked up a weighty volume entitled “The 20th Century in Poetry” from my local library and was surprised to find few references to major events such as the Atomic bomb at Hiroshima or the first Man in Space or the first Moon landing in that particular anthology. Not that there...

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Lost poetryMad PoetsPretentious PoetsLazy PoetsLabyrinthine Poetry

New Definitions in Poetry

Critical analysis of poetry may be useful for identifying what makes poetry work or what universal or subjective meaning we might construe from reading it. Aside from that constructive criticism and in-depth analysis should enable us to enjoy and appreciate the value of poetry in our lives even more and develop our intuitive and discriminative mind in terms of understanding what it means, or why w...

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Defining PoetryPoetic StructuresPoetic TechniquesProsody

New Bearings in Poetry

In terms of mere merit, all written or spoken poetry requires a reader or listener, without which it is impossible to comprehend, understand or define absolutely how poetry works. Poetry requires or even necessitates an audience, to be heard or known to exist. Poet and audience are interdependent and related factors. Without these factors there would be no need for poetry or poets to exists. In ac...

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Performance PoetryReading PoetryUnderstanding PoetryWriting PoetryGood and Bad Poetry

Shakespeare's Almanack

In my recently published book, “Shakespeare’s Qaballah”, (A Companion to Shakespeare Studies) I also mentioned that plays were usually commissioned for performance at court either to entertain some visiting foreign dignitary, to celebrate a state occasion/wedding or some military or diplomatic achievement. (See “The Elizabethan Festival Cycle”). Depending on their success and popularity they might...

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Elizabethan DramaFestival CycleEnglish FolkloreWilliam ShakespeareShakespeare Authorship QuestionMaster of the Revels

The Shakespeare Myth or "Academic Bardolatory"

Following the recent discovery of some 16th century floorboards on which apparently the "Bard" had stood on and acted his plays, would you believe it if the Folger Shakespeare Library would inevitably purchase a piece of the ancient stage to add to its dustbin of Shakespearean Relics? I would certainly accept such a cultural myth. And yet the myth of "Shakespeare" persists despite condemnations fr...

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Shakespeare MythLiterary FraudPants on Fire

Bonfire Night


Bonfire blaze

Misty Moon

Wilting rose

Pink balloon

Children’s laughter

Parent’s glee

Cold hereafter

“What’s for tea?”


I’ve got pizza

And some wine

In the freezer...

Sounds sublime.

Or there’s fish

At suppertime?

So just one wish

Before you climb


The wooden hill

To paradise

Where you might fill

Your hearts’ delight

And langu...

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Bonfire NightGunpowder PlotGuy FawkesRobert CatesbyWho Was William Shakespeare?

Apple Trees

"Sweet Apple Tree that pleasantly grows,

Whose fruit I once stole to please a fair maiden

When, with sword on my thigh, stout shield on my shoulder,

Alone I slept in the woods of Calydon.

Beneath its branches I began softly to fade,

Dreaming that around its' trunk I quickly played

With a sweet enchantress of most splendid form.

And since then for ten and forty years

I becam...

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Welsh PoetryApple TreesMerlin

The Month of October

The latest in my series of articles entitled "A Rural Calendar" which month by month explores the significance of the numerous customs and traditions practised by the inhabitants of the British Isles in the past. This week the Month of October

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Rural CalendarAncient TraditionsOctoberBritish Isles

Oh Hidden God

That I am subject to intemperate change

And victim to fate’s whimsy or fate’s spite

Seems strangely undeserved of late.

Sometimes, when all is well, I wish the sun

Would ne’er set swiftly on that day;

And night, dark night forget to call.


For I am dragged relentlessly each year

Through winter’s death, and then to be restored

In spring’s resurgent breath and there,


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God's AbsenceGod's Presence

The Month of September, A Rural Almanack

The latest in my series of articles entitled "A Rural Calendar" which month by month explores the significance of important dates, festivals, customs and traditions practised by the inhabitants of the British Isles in the past.

Today, I examine the Month of September

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British CustomsA Rural AlmanackSeptember

Lu Chi's (Wen Fu) The Art of Writing

I found this article on the internet and thought it would be of interest to western writers from its singular perspective:


I have often studied the works of talented men of letters and thought to myself that I obtained some insight into their minds at work. The ways of employing words and forming expressions are indeed infinitely varied. But, accordingly, t...

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The Art of WritingLu Chi's Wen FuChinese Poetry

“The Hidden Symbolism in Shakespeare's Publications”

This year being the 400th Anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s 1623 Folio of plays, Qudos Academy examines “The Hidden Symbolism in Shakespeare's Publications” and what they mean: An analysis of the symbols employed by printers, publishers and playwrights to adorn their books.


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Masonic SymbolsWilliam Shakespeare1623 Folio

Shakespeare the “Sailor-Man”

Shakespeare's knowledge and personal experience of the sea and maritime navigation is not only remarkable given he lived in the land-locked town of Stratford-upon-Avon and apparently never went to sea?

Qudos Academy investigates the facts and fallacies attached to Shakespeare's plays and poetry and how he came to know so much intimately about maritime navigation.

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Shakespeare Authorship QuestionShakespeare's Imagery

A "Stratford Homunculus" Forged & Distilled From Italian Comedy?

A study in the so-called "Italianate Plays" of William Shakespeare reveals quite clearly that the author of "A Comedy of Errors", "The Merchant of Venice", "King Lear", "Othello" and many more besides was personally acquainted with the Italian dramatic school known as the Commedia d'elle Arte as well as the geographical region of the Po valley. And yet according to records "Shakspere" never left E...

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Commedia Del'ArtteWho Was William Shakespeare?

Shakespeare's Poetry

What can we determine about the personality, philosophy and religious views of the poet “William Shakespeare” solely from his poetry? Is it merely a myth or legend that he was the greatest poet that ever lived or the gretest literary fraud the world has ever known? Qudos Academy examines the context and style of the Bard’s poems for their sublime illumination and assesses how a rustic playwright a...

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Sonnet FormsWilliam ShakespeareWho Was William Shakespeare?

Who Killed Christopher Marlowe?

The intriguing mystery and circumstances surrounding the apparent accidental death of Sir Christopher Marlowe which some scholars and academics have sought to unravel. Did Marlowe really die over the cost of a lunch or was this a state-sponsored assassination? Qudos Academy investigates the facts, the false accusations and the rumours in order to establish the truth.

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Christopher Marlowe

"The Dark Lady &The Rival Poet"

For a number of centuries Shakespearean academics have pondered over the identity of two people who strongly influenced his poems, namely the Sonnets published in 1609.The two in question were his secret muse and a young man known as the "fair youth", speculations have since run rife. Qudos Academy examines the enigmas and the scandal that might have rocked the "Bard of Avon".


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Dark LadyShakespeare's SonnetsRival Poet

The “Fair Youth” of Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Was the Earl of Southampton, Henry Wriosthesley the so-called “Fair Youth” referred to in some of Shakespeare’s Sonnets or was it someone else? Oscar Wilde was convinced he had found that "fair youth" but then realised he was a "red herring" and so the controversy over Shakespeare's sexuality continues to this day.


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Fair YouthSonnets DedicationShakespeare's Sexuality

The Secret Alchemy of Shakespeare

What is often ignored or overlooked by academics is the vast amount of occult and magical references in Shakespeare's plays and poetry to the art of astrology, alchemy and magic. Qudos Academy examines in detail the "Bard's" interest in Neo-Platonic Symbolism from the time.


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Aeolus Endecasillabo

We have never/ had sex/ in a car/ or a train/

We have never/ made love/ on an aeroplane/

We’ve had sex/ in the shower/, for less/ than an hour/

We washed/ away pain./


We have/ always made/ love in the sun/, the wind,/

On white/, snow-capped slopes/ amidst/ the pouring rain/

We didn’t care/ for a bed/, we did not mind/

We were/ swept away./


In a moment/ of pleasure...

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EndecasillaboSapphic VerseAeolian Mode

If Love Were Simple

If LOVE were simple then, for sure

We'd know the blessings it truly bestows:

We'd rid our life of sad refrains, begot of earthly woes;

Our wholesome love remaining ever pure.


When virtue lies in every thought and deed,

Or promise of a future time be met.

Then likewise your sweet kisses or your warm embrace

Would seal the bargain and, God speed,

There would be no cause ...

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Love PoetryLoveHopeFaith

Old & New Definitions of Poetry

Critical analysis of poetry may be useful for identifying what makes poetry work or what universal or subjective meaning we might construe from reading it. Aside from that constructive criticism and in-depth analysis should enable us to enjoy and appreciate the value of poetry in our lives even more and develop our intuitive and discriminative mind in terms of understanding what it means, or why w...

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Poetry AnalysisOld & New PoetryWilliam Shakespeare

Of Eros & of Strife

You say; "What of Eros and of Strife?"

When, I have been the prophet of my life"

Composing stanzas and similitudes,

At sunset sadly disposed of the residues.

At dawn awoke somewhat censorious,

Worn down each day by some frail chorus

Of dour philosophic platitudes;

- With thoughts sublime and obscure moods.


Awoken by some passion or desire?

The maid below re-kindles ...

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Mary Queen of Scots, (Part Two)

The second part of the tragic but intriguing story of the life and troubling events of Mary Stuart’s life as the first and very last female monarch of Scotland.

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Mary Queen of ScotsTudor History

Mary Queen of Scots, (Part One)

As part of my series "Shakespeare's She-Wolves" I am looking at the tragic but intriguing story of the life and troubling events of Mary Stuart’s life as the first and very last female monarch of Scotland.


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Mary Queen of ScotsShakespeareTudor History

Shakespeare’s “She-Wolves” Part One

Qudos Academy investigates the prevailing attitude of Shakespeare towards those strong women in Elizabethan England who influenced his plays and poetry. Also a big shout out to all the strong women of Afghanistan and Iran, young and old who are peacefully protesting against a brutal and repressive regime who, under the auspices of religious doctrines are daily robbing them of their freedom to wear...

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William ShakespeareShe-WolvesGender Stereotypes

“Shakespeare On Deformity”

Have been preoccupied with several articles related to Shakespeare Authorship and their relevance to today's thoughts on mental health, gender stereotypes and free speech. This week I ask: "What was the prevailing attitudes to deformity by Shakespeare and his contemporaries?" Qudos Academy examines Elizabethan attitudes to physical deformity and numerous references found in Shakespeare’s plays.


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ShakespeareDeformityMental Health

Return to Write Out Loud

After several years in exile during which time I have published my book "Shakespeare's Qaballah" in 2022 and an anthology of poetry ("Parthenogenesis") I am returning to Write Out Loud with a weekly blog highlighting my Wordpress Website ( where there are over 200 articles on a variety of subjects including:

Not Without Mustard (Screenplay Submission)
As part of promoting ...

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Shakespeare's QaballahShakespeare Authorship QuestionWho Was William Shakespeare?

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