The iPhone of Beelzebub
I've stolen Beelzebub's iphone, now I know the numbers of his friends
he's stuck for eternity without Facebook, oh how his hell never ends
I nicked St Peter's Kindle, now his words of wisdom are unsaid
Because I changed the password on his account, from Heaven swear words are sent
I hacked into Moses' iPad, now it's a tablet of stone
I wiped every file from the hard drive and chang...
Tuesday 8th December 2015 10:11 pm
Mr Twee
Warfare rages, blood pressure races, worry lines etch into our faces
Predictability always soothes
So we turn our glaikit eyes to you
A saviour decked in red, white and blue
Be our hero, Mr Twee.
Crashing chords in minor keys
Experimental creativity
Please god - spare us all of these!
For our stilted minds cannot compute
Unfamiliar jarring tunes
Blandness is the ...
Friday 4th April 2014 7:36 pm
Human Wreckage
See their faces so jaded
With all the torturous barking they hear
Over and over and over again
Assaulting their innocent ears
Our mouths keep spitting out poison
There’s bile wrapped in every word
After all these years of affection
How did our love become so absurd?
And I hope, just hope
You sleep sound and safe in your single bed on this night
I kn...
Monday 14th October 2013 6:28 pm
Speeding on through Somewhereshire
Unfamiliar livery
Adorns familiar trains
Myriad trees, multi-shaped
Silent window frames
Station signs unreadable
A metal phonetic blur
Speeding on through Somewhereshire
On a train to who knows where
TK Maxx and Staples
Retail worship shrines
Ears burst in tunnels
As beneath the soil we dive
Conservatories and patios
Buzzing power lines
Tearing on th...
Monday 23rd September 2013 5:14 pm
Please keep on the grass
Please keep on the grass
Smoking allowed
Nine people in this lift
Play your music loud
Please play ball games
By the entry sign
No speed limit
No closing time
22 units every week
Leave open the gate
Don’t sign in on entry
Stay out until late
Please unfasten your seatbelt
This will be an unpleasant ride
Don’t say I didn’t warn you
Wednesday 11th September 2013 12:53 pm
My Automare
You truly are my automare
My four-wheeled bankruptcy
My fuel-injected money pit
Made from steel and reformed shit
A velour upholstered credit card hit
Five gears of utter hell
We got off to the worst of starts
And it went downhill from there
Grinding brakes and groaning springs
Ropey tyres and front wheel spins
These are a few of my least favourite ...
Wednesday 4th September 2013 5:32 pm
Too Dead for Dreaming
I look at you
You don’t look back
You can’t hear what I’m saying
Blinkered, you start to backtrack
Into your world of playthings
I wish you’d join me
You never know what you might see.
A thousand fountains – a million forms of ecstasy
A trillion ways to make your brain cells dance
But you won’t even try, your pupils are too blind
I’ll speak to
...Friday 30th August 2013 1:46 pm
Not so Bohemian now
In the 1980s there was anger in the air
Thatcher’s children breathing fire with bile-fuelled despair
And thick, treacly green gel bound my spiky hair
The Mary Chain’s screeches echoed in my ears
Morrissey’s tortured words fuelled my every angst and fear
A bedroom rebel hiding from the day-glo Tory cheers
Oh how I felt so Bohemian then
Wham’s false jollity was d...
Saturday 17th August 2013 3:13 pm
Offend a Daily Mail reader - today!
Offend a Daily Mail reader – today!
In our miniscule existences upon this planet Earth
There’s precious few occurrences to occasion us true mirth
So listen up real loudly, those with brains and minds to spare
Who still hang on to plucking out true hope from thinnest air
Here’s the solution, if you’re open to such play
Just offend a Daily Mail reader today
Thursday 25th July 2013 9:19 pm
Just Another Load of Shite
Buy our V12 detonator
To propel you into oblivion’s arms
Try our online, interactive, user-friendly blogchat charms
Ingest our vicious, nutritious, delicious, pernicious foodstuff
Smile and feel so satisfied
Almost gratified,
Quite mollified
That you bought into our corporate dream
Our tiny scheme
Our blue sky thinking
All our strategic initiatives
Friday 28th June 2013 2:50 pm
The Template of my Being
Been there
Done it
Eaten it
Drunk it
Almost drowned in it
Nearly died
Praised it
Cursed it
Dodged it
Traversed it
Just you name it
I’ll have tried
Smoked it
Snorted it
Been traumatised by it
Reduced to tears by it
Laughed and cried
Run it
Walked it
Chased it
Caught it
Wished I hadn’t bothered s...
Monday 24th June 2013 4:00 pm
Hatred Junkie
Fake nostalgia spews out from your head
For a sepia England that was never there
Hatred junkie, you know
Where the blood river flows
Feel the bile at your knees
Marching bands drown out your higher brain
Blaring voices drive your soul insane
Hatred junkie, you feel
Like a cog on a wheel
Grinding so out of time – after time
God made you useless
...Tuesday 18th June 2013 1:03 pm
Living Life on the Ledge
Anaglypta, portaloos
Double glazing, snakeskin shoes
V8 twincam, lightning strikes
Mental illness, Pennine hikes
Great North Runs and parking bays
Eminem meets Peter Glaze
Last bus home and suicide
Cheesecake and formaldehyde
Miniskirts, pay and display
Alloy wheels and Peter Kay
Pop-ups, blouses, USBs
Berlusconi, birds and bees
Window locks...
Tuesday 11th June 2013 3:43 pm
(Not) Up a Height
I’m not up a height when I’m up a height
I don’t take fright
You can feel my might
See that smile – an ocean wide
As I watch man and nature collide
Vistas and blisters taken in stride
I’m not up a height, up a height
Breathless lungs, breathless scenes
Unwind the springs embedded in genes
Tension falls to the fields far below
Where imagined enemies and fo...
Wednesday 5th June 2013 1:55 pm
Dostoyevski's Chicken
Dostoyevski’s Chicken
Ladies and Gentlemen
Boys and girls
In this space and around the world
Raise your hands
Let flags unfurl
For Dostoyevski’s Chicken
She can sing – she can dance
She’s signed up for a comedy romance
A billion web views – not by chance
For Dostoyevski’s Chicken
Here’s a fowl you all can rate
She’ll never end up...
Thursday 30th May 2013 3:11 pm
My Obsession (Again)
My obsession (again)
I would bear my soul for you
I’m a fool, but what can I do
When I’m
So obsessed with you – so obsessed with you
I freeze
You have broken into my head
Play a god in every fantasy
I’m so obsessed with you – so obsessed with you
I freeze
You’ve the smile of Medusa
So eager to please
Friendly looks just started t...
Monday 27th May 2013 4:45 pm
(Be my) Only One
(Be my) Only One
(For Sue!)
Life pours salt upon my opened wounds
But one bead of your breath
Can cure me of harm
So be my Only One
Unleash your charms
Forever, Only One
Life cries foul upon my fragile soul
But one kiss from your lips
Can cure me of harm
So be my One One
Unleash your charms
Wherever, Only One
And y...
Friday 24th May 2013 7:51 pm
The Misfits (going awol)
The Misfits (going AWOL)
My head is in the clouds,
My mind is drifting somewhere else.
My ears are on the ground,
My feet are taking me to stranger places.
Is my reality the same as yours?
I don’t care!
’Cos bless my soul
I’m a misfit
Going AWOL
from my sanity,
Watch me fall
I’m a misfit
Going AWOL
from society,
Off the wal...
Wednesday 22nd May 2013 3:45 pm
We're Northerners, us
We’re Northerners, us
We’re Northerners, us
Yeah, we’re practical and 'ard
We gurn through misfortune
As it’s torpedoed through our hearts
Slam us, flatten us, trample us – we’ll come up for more
Even though we’re drowning – oh yeah, oxygen’s a bore!
We’re Northerners, us
Scots, Geordies, Tykes and Mancs
Scousers, Cumbrians, Borderers, proud...
Wednesday 22nd May 2013 3:39 pm
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