Born Into Belief
Can anyone tell me how it came to be,
That I had a religion, at birth
Unknown to me?
"Faith will see you through!”, I hear them say,
“keep the faith!"
Which faith?—I ask - if I may.
To keep the faith, I must in principle agree
To its existence, motivation, and direction,
So following it may set me free.
I might not be born to repent
Or be good, kind, an...
Monday 3rd March 2025 10:18 am
Why Murphy?
It’s the same face in the mirror
Like it always is
Two eyes, one nose – and wait!!
A pimple beside my lips!
What on earth would have caused
That unsightly bump to appear?
The extra heat of the sweet papaya
Or the impending exams fear?
Of all days – it had to be today
But is it really a surprise?!
The rules of old always hold,
Murphy must have been wise!!
...Friday 21st February 2025 4:07 am
Silicon Words
I use ChatGPT and the likes, only for some quick resolutions. But to try something new I gave it a prompt to pen an original verse. It did do everything I said, and more ... even had a conversation interlaced with humour, light. It answered introspective questions, and tried to guess my profession, and repeated question resulted in the same answer - the poem was not plagiairsm.
I did not copy, ...
Monday 10th February 2025 10:46 am
Small things irritate us
Big ones we ignore
What is big for me is not for you
For Messier 51 our Sun is just another star.
Everyday seems like the last of its kind,
the next will bring in a change.
but it does not, ever
and we keep burning like the sun
the wishes never stop, never lessen
the next success always enticing
but never do we reach.
and spend ti...
Tuesday 4th February 2025 10:57 am
Optimist, High
The dream never dies,
The grandeur never dims.
Everyday I fail - just short of the crown
Or head first - plummeting in.
But the day ends, also failure,
New beginnings start
Like yesterday never happened
I am not afraid of the dark.
Call it what you may
Experience, wisdom or self-doubt
I have started to understand the mirror.
The mirror is not smiling...
Tuesday 4th February 2025 6:16 am
Despicable me
I am in my other mood these days
Everything is faded
The applause is dull
The smiles don’t shine
Nobody is kind.
I am in my down mood these days
Everything is my fault
The tasks are difficult
The people are critical
To hide me I have no shell
I am in my reflective moods these days
Everything is a priority
Not for me necessarily
But for others whom I wish to please
Why do I? I mu...
Monday 20th January 2025 7:11 am
The Happy Teacher
Start off the day miffed,
At being late – blame the lift
Continue being peeved at all,
The door, the window, and the wall.
Am also a bit cross with them –
My footwear – noisily fraying at the helms.
The corridors look drab and tiresome,
People busy in their humdrum.
Can’t run or hide, so quietly surrender,
Head high, kind smile – the happy teacher!
Thursday 5th September 2024 11:53 am
A demon or saint,
one I am and one I play
the lines are blurred with confusion
night flows into the day.
An achiever or a misreable fool,
a con conning herself
observers see keen, bright eyes
hidden darkness beyond help.
A dwadler, a drifter
moving along the brink
focussed for a day, lost for two
one push lost and I will sink.
Friday 12th July 2024 5:49 am
No Fragrance of flowers
No overwhelming emotion have I felt,
not love not loss not lust.
No sworn enemy have I made
no fight no blame no contest.
I have seen life for a few years
more than four decades now
So memories I have many
But no baggage in tow
If its good or bad
I question myself often
when people regale me
with their stories of passion
Am I devoid of p...
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 8:30 am
I miss you
As the skies cloud over and things look bleak
And the ever present self doubt creeps
Time spent with you shines bright and sharp
Like the merciless mermaid drowned by the angelic harp.
When people’s words bruise and break
My mind, my confidence and my happiness
Your words of cheer come rushing to help,
Reminding me my worth, and soothing the ache.
When people’s ey...
Friday 5th January 2024 6:54 am
The beginning
When the sun’s shining,
The water is a promising, azure blue
But when the darkness falls,
The dark waters gobble up everything, leaving no clue.
The garden smells heavenly,
The bright flowers, the delicate butterflies
But when the light’s gone
Thorns prick, bugs bite and beauty is a pack of lies.
After a long wait, the light is here,
But the knowledge of all b...
Sunday 15th October 2023 3:01 pm
Play is for kids, full of fun and ice cream licks,
Play is for adults, full of plots and twists.
Play is for nuts and beams, a range of motion
Play (on words) is for writers, a new way of self expression
Play is always a liberating experience
But “playing my part” seems different.
It is confining, without a way out
It is limiting, with no words to shout
It is mundane, with ...
Thursday 14th September 2023 5:08 pm
Thoughts when going down.
This was the end
he knew it, the inevitable
nothing mattered - not his love, not his hate
not his preference
it was destiny
Had he seen a palmist
or visited an oracle
and heard of a short life, ending in strife
as his future
how he would have laughed!
But today is the finale
planned by him, or maybe not
his last day of living, last breath
along with...
Saturday 26th August 2023 9:56 am
Confused relationships!
You ignore me when your life weighs you down,
I dont exist when you need your time.
Years spent in the shadows, under your light
fear and doubt, the only friends by my side.
What I face now, is a new predicament
you have changed, and I dont know what I resent...
the new you, who lives like I exist,
or the old, whom I had got used to?
My castle of make-believe...
Tuesday 1st August 2023 6:13 am
Joyful Stones
Counselling for admission to branches of engineering
hopeful youngsters - with dreams but not score
giving their dreams a whiff of air to stay afloat
till the gravity of reality pulls them down some more.
The day goes doing this, interspersed with teaching
where I see the students who are last year’s crop
they were there last year - in the counselling room
like the ones t...
Saturday 22nd July 2023 7:44 am
The Lie
Pulling me closer,
locking lips.
I try to forget the past
not daring to open eyes,
it might make me revisit the lies
You pushed me away
till I was scared to share a room.
You ran away
without telling why
what if it's all - again a lie
All efforts to come closer
is not your style.
Your promise that it's true
makes me let out a tired sigh
I have no strength to face a lie
Tuesday 11th July 2023 10:14 am
The new age terror
The new age terror
invades each and every life
run and hide as you will
its with you -
in your bath, on you bedside
Without telling your details
it will not let you connect,
yet infringing upon all areas of your life
pushing suggestions your way
for job, holidays and probable wives!
Forcing you to have and hold
a multitude of personalities
breaking you...
Sunday 9th July 2023 8:03 am
True Colours
Looking for the shut down switch.
To stall, stay, revive.
Till the rocks align
And silently turn the tide.
The pace makes all a blur
Wake, live, sleep
The live part is a mess
Still that’s how it goes every week.
Never thought I was an escapist
But life shows my true colours
My truth bows down, fails,
all down to the money in my purse.
Wednesday 17th May 2023 4:03 pm
Sitting up, drinking Sprite
dreaming it was wine or gin,
making plans to address my life,
moving between 'if only' and 'had been's'
Sip on my drink - dream dramatic
looking like Caprio, feeling like Butler,
the humble sprite has no mixed spirit,
my dreams lend to the vision of grandeur.
And there I am - all and more than I want
Successful, content at heart,
...Sunday 9th April 2023 3:17 pm
What are we lonely for?
We’re all lonely for something we don’t know we’re lonely for
- David Foster Wallace
The fort has collapsed,
the safety is lost.
The enemy is within,
loneliness is the cost.
Like a toy, a doll house
within boundaries bound
all’s well, all’s pretty
but fighting with personal hounds.
One begs sympathy
one demands importance
one is a hypocrite
Monday 3rd April 2023 6:27 am
The songs that I hear
The songs I hear,
So melodious and eloquent
The stories I read
So intriguing and fluent
But, when I attempt to create
What I think to be my literary best
My drivel could, really,
Drive a hornet from its nest.
I get the phrase,
Not the apt usage,
I wish to express,
Without sufficient verbiage!
I get the lingo right,
But not the intonation.
Or great r...
Thursday 10th November 2022 7:51 am
For her sake
She will meet you by the lake,
To see you, not the cake.
To see you, not the cake
Or add to the collection of her keepsakes.
No need of buying her a keepsake
Or carrying flowers which are fake.
Not looking for love which is fake,
Or counting the money you make.
All she wants is someone to take
All of her, for her sake.
Tuesday 3rd May 2022 12:21 pm
He will bring a birthday cake
And wait by the lake.
Waiting by the lake,
For real love's sake.
For real love’s sake,
With flowers which are fake.
With flowers which are fake,
And all the money he could make.
With all the money he could make,
He will buy you a keepsake.
Hoping when he buys you the keepsake
His hand you will take.
Tuesday 3rd May 2022 12:19 pm
Fear looses!
It followed me around,
Pinning me to the ground,
Whenever a challenge I faced
Or decided to run a race.
It always loomed large,
Pushing through like a barge,
Laying waste to my efforts,
Putting a spanner in all my works.
It’s taken me years to push it back
While making up for what I lack.
At last I think I have pushed through
With the help of near and dear few...
Monday 11th April 2022 2:39 pm
College years
The first years’ gossip
In hushed voices.
Eyes downcast,
Quick looks, darting glances!
The second years are louder now,
They are settled into the building.
Having survived the gruelling first year,
The “senior" card they are wielding.
The third years' come to burst the bubble,
Displaying their clout!
The teachers are now friends,
Helping them in doubt!
The fourth years’ are seld...
Thursday 7th April 2022 2:44 pm
Love bubble
He sees,
Her dimpled cheek,
Her pretty eyes,
Her simple smile,
That makes him weak.
She sees,
His protective arm,
His over-concern,
His act of being in control,
That adds to his charm.
I see,
The obvious love between them,
Oblivious to the smoke and rain.
The bright spark of happiness,
Which dulls the chaotic traffic's mess.
I see,
Thursday 7th April 2022 2:43 pm
Dear husband
We are poles apart,
Too different, from the start.
With nothing to offer,
Or help each other,
Each other’s joy we smother.
Our lives are together now,
Where you go, I go in tow.
Let’s live the best we can,
I'll try my idea, you follow your plan.
We'll see each other and smile.
And continue another day.
Another mile.
Wednesday 16th March 2022 6:01 am
She looks around – all is manic
He is not the only one
The medic already on the run,
No moment of silence, no bowed head,
Next! Next! Leave him – he's already dead.
Her heart is sad,
But eyes don’t cry.
Lips let out a sigh of despair.
She will pray for the departed,
Like always, since war started.
But this no other day,
He is no rebel unknown,
Nor a ma...
Monday 7th March 2022 10:54 am
Eye of the beholder
I read it as a child,
But forgot,
As I grew older,
Beauty lies,
In the eye of the beholder.
Stones – lifeless and rough
Shine and amaze him!
Peering at them like a master crafter,
Beauty lies,
In the eye of the beholder.
Old bottles, tinsel and glue,
Inspired by 5-min crafts
Focused on making the prettiest pen-holder
Beauty lies,
In the eye of th...
Thursday 24th February 2022 11:23 am
A Dog's Day
At the crack of dawn,
He was collared and leashed.
And set off with his owner,
At breakneck speed!
Cooper, for that was his name,
had no wish to cooperate,
or indulge in any game
other than returning to his sleepy state
But the leash tugged him forward
And after a few paces he had enough
His feet stuck, fast and hard to the ground
Its time to make this ex...
Friday 18th February 2022 4:56 am
Today I feel the best
Better than the rest
Better than the clouds high
Bigger than the blue sky
Stronger than the mountain great
lighter than the butterfly sweet
Brighter than the sunshine
Cooler than moonlight sublime
More vibrant than the brightest colour
More passionate than the greatest lover
Smoother than the flowing water
Sharper than the sharpest diamon...
Wednesday 12th January 2022 4:32 am
Expensive Alliance
For long I have been in the background
In the shadows, the blackness
From the spotlight on stage
Into the sidelines, hiding in the wings
Equal time I have spent on both sides
Thinking and waiting for my time
Dreaming of success
Waiting for the space to shine
Mister, you were not sure
Of what you are getting into then
You blindly followed the lines
Wednesday 24th November 2021 10:10 am
Losing battles
You and I are the same,
Just like him and her,
Soilders in the battlefield,
Facing challenges and fear.
Stock up the arsenal,
Build you defences,
We sometimes reach for help,
Building gates and fences.
The fight goes on,
Non stop and unrelenting,
Demons, monsters and evil,
Outside and inside the ring.
The dream pushes us on,
Our motivation, our...
Friday 20th August 2021 11:00 am
To be alive
To feel alive was such a great feeling.
To enjoy every single breath,
To savour every bite,
To have a spring in every step,
To experience sad and still look forward to happy,
To see the thorns and yet plan for flowers,
Now its same day after day.
Its good, happy, sweet, safe,
But its not the same.
To feel alive was such a great feeling.
Friday 30th July 2021 8:19 am
Shifting house!
Finally we are here,
After exhaustive discussion.
After saying goodbye and shedding a tear,
We stand smiling facing our new mission.
The removal van is at the gate,
And helpers get on their toes.
‘Back up into the drive, mate’,
They signal, standing in a row.
The bulky stuff is the first to go in,
Followed by the boxes and bags
‘We need to hurry, looks like ...
Tuesday 27th July 2021 7:02 am
Two of Me
I'm my world,
disconnected from the rest,
just going with the flow.
Playing all roles,with set lines,
not really tuned in.
Parallel worlds work inside and outside me.
One is perfect, the other just 'is'.
I am the greatest, undefeated.
I am flawed, still learning
I am golden, complete,
I am on the way, yet to reach.
And then comes from outside,
the one ...
Monday 26th July 2021 12:44 pm
Dream of Love
Saturday 24th July 2021 7:15 pm
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