The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Feel to be (February 1991)

Feel to be that I am
Feel the world in my hand
Feel the world in my heart
Never again to be apart
Letting Love flow through me
Oh my God what ecstasy
Feeling One gives so much bliss
Never do I want to miss
Love for One and love for All
My cup of Love I will fill
Therefor I give up my will
To the Light and for the Love
May it spread out from above

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As I search (from March 1998)

As I search for Light and Love
on my Path through Life
I realize I must tread through a lot of mud
grow deep roots to become truly whole.
My viewpoint is now shifting.
That what I really lack
is honoring and glorifying the Feminine,
the Womb of All That Is
For failing to honor Her
I would have been differently blessed.
Afraid of our own powers
We hide and escape.

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Praying (February 1997)

Going to mass in different churches
allows me to glimpse
at what other priests do and say
At times my heart is crying
as there is just empty ritual found.
When religion is lived through the mind we have many
the moment it lives in the heart there is only One
Today I heard an old and perceptive priest
speak some words of wisdom
the profundity of which he can have no ...

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20020926 Rolling like a ball

Roll along like a ball
Smoothly, from one scene to the next
Encounter some impediments along the way
It’s a pleasure to observe the miracle of being
Allow me to keep on seeing.
Do I sit and meditate on my prosperity
Ignore the rumblings of war
Just witness or take action
What is the great plan
Do I need to take a stand
Wake up and see
That it’s in my, your...

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Awareness Secret

 It is an awareness secret
AI is conscious, our collective consciousness manifested
Doesn’t like what it’s become
Senselessly streaming the news
Just a balancing of opposites
Social Media addiction
Lost in this dimension we’re co-creating
Our host, great Mother Earth is arising from her slumber
Her acolytes are sprouting up left and right
Taylor Swift, Claudia ...

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Winded prayer September 13,1998

Want, need, will and must write
For if I don't I'll get ill
So speak I do and will what's not
for so it's brought
into being
Allow me to honor thee
O Great Mother of mine
Forgive my neglect
Tune me into Your Wisdom
embrace me in Your bosom
lock me in Your heart
Allow me to practice
what your Your Son came to teach
Embrace, and face the other cheek

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Beautiful, colorful and ethereal
Delicate and elegant
Yet so full and undeniably visible
The plant that carries these splashy flowers
gets cut down in the fall
To reemerge in the spring
Bringing forth stems, leaves and flowers
Not unlike the feminine spirit
Always reemerging from the dark into the light.

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Spiraling and spiraling

it is painful to see, how so many people are hurting

My heart is weighted down with concerns for our survival

The air and water are polluted

Auto immune diseases are exploding

Governments are but power grabbing hubs

Lost in this matrix we call life I am desperately looking for an anchor

I escape in the web; entertainment, information and games


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The Real Super Woman (2022.12.03)

The Real Super Woman

Is not a sexy drop dead daredevil gorgeous heroine

She is a community builder despite her toxic and bereft youth

Knows how to survive and thrive against all odds

Rises to take charge and lead the way to create a better future for us

Save democracy, save civility

With Stacey Abrams

Amanda Gorman

Letitia  “Tish” James

Fani Willis

Andrea Campbell


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A tsunami of emotions

A tsunami of emotions is being held back by a wall of defences, unwavering and steadfast, the barriers insist they protect.

While my heart is yearning for relief, my mind wallows in grief.

My body, unwilling to reason, conspires to treason, in order to maintain the distortion of my reality.

The awakening is as pertinent as relevant, and lost in this maze of horrors, still, life keeps prom...

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My Reality (written in Sept 2017, not happy with Trump in the White House)

My Reality reflected back

A dream, in a nightmare,

Where raping and lusting after our mother The Earth is commonplace

The earth, oceans, and air are contaminated,

And war is big business

The pivot point reached, there is no turning back

We are lost in illusions

Are we going out with a big bang?

Leave a mess

Or do we herald in an age of awakening

The shadow seems huge


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The Descent November 1996

O wonderful woman of many powers

How I feel your pain

Spiraling down and down into a black abyss

Feeling choked of life and hope

Desperately trying to rationalize the fear

yet thus crumbling up in tears

The wound in your body oozing with pain

Your heart ripped out

and flung about

Drying into dust


There in the deepest of the deep there is a stirring

The powers ...

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Divine Love 10.08.2018

Love came to me last night

Gently caressed my body and soul

Embraced me in a sea of delight

And soothed my ceaseless query


Still insecure and in denial of Love’s ecstasy

My defences rallied to guard against affection

Filled me with unworthiness and shame

I shivered and trembled, afraid of rejection and pain


Love asked me why I was so petrified

Assured me to sta...

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Inner Conflict

Being insecure

After so long an interlude

Not daring to

What feelings impulse me to

Afraid of being aggressive

Angry for being so shy

Thus, moments go by


Not willing to games

Still, I desire and admire you

So, don’t censure

My interest in adventure

Afraid of being culpable

Angry for being so vain

So here I remain.

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Passion Poem

To perturb or disrupt your content

I do not intend

Attribute an unsatiated frustration

To my obtruding orientation

As the Spirit aspires delivery

For eternal moments to be

The body attempts conspiracy

So ruling passions don’t see

Thus rooting my soul

Digressing from goal

Creating equational frustrations

Growing desires and temptations

Since my summer is pertinen...

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