A Tower In Silence
Since I lived in the shadow of Grenfell in the 70s in what is now the 'Latymer Christian Centre' the tragedy has moved me more than I can adequately express
Here's a pome comparing Grenfell with the Parsi towers of silence.
"A Tower In Silence"
High above the city
On Malabar Hill, Mumbai
Stands a mist caressed silent tower
A shrine of mystery
Where carrion birds flock to feas...
Saturday 17th June 2017 9:10 pm
Inconsequential Death of a Hermit
God swept me off my feet
When He captured me
I was not expecting that
In Plaistow Lane, Bromley
On a mundane autumn Tuesday
As I walked to apologise
To half-baked Jesus Freaks
For mocking them on Monday
When they sang at me
And told me ‘Jesus loves you’
And I had to be a baby to get to heaven.
The electric cleansing fountain
Of love thrilling through m...
Wednesday 14th June 2017 10:49 am
About A Motorway.
What urgent malevolence
Impressed the metalled highway
Burying the cartwheel rutted tracks
Where mummers danced and acrobats
Indulgence sellers and potion vendors
Preyed on pilgrims singing praises
Making babies, telling stories
Wending their way to Walsingham?
A sombre day – progress spoke,
“Fell the ancient Hangman’s Oak,
Lay concrete carpeting on
Sunday 4th June 2017 6:37 pm
About an Owl
About an Owl
Sore from a long night’s traipse
Soaked from the storm I trudged through
Knees raw from the chafe of
Trousers heavy with puddle splash
Arms aching from pushing
Palms blistered and heels
Long miles from home on the little-used track
I prop my punctured bike against a five-bar gate
And it’s sunrise.
I rest my elbows on the gate
Absorbing t...
Saturday 20th May 2017 10:40 am
Bird Fly Away
We walked the windswept hair wildness
Stepping upon the swamp tussocks
Avoiding the slow-worm slow-warm
Sandal soaking rainbow water
Rain ran down her face, her laughing eyes
Her nose and into her smile
And I knew I must apologise
She had never asked much
She had not stood with hands on hips
Demanding more love than I could give
I looked at her, I look...
Thursday 18th May 2017 11:49 am
From Across The Street
I saw the mother of my youngest son today
She was walking straight-backed, erect
Head high but not haughty
Sandals, delicate flower dress
Flowing like her hair once red but now hinting grey
I hope she did not see me.
Tuesday 16th May 2017 10:29 am
Shirley Died Today
The expected news still shocked
Her family and loved ones at her bedside
With good humour and bravery
She passed away.
Was the cancer biding its time
Those wet windy evenings
On Marine Drive, Southport
Awaiting her last bus to Rufford?
She could not come home with me
I had no home
The upturned boat I sheltered in
Did not have room for two.
I was a...
Saturday 6th May 2017 9:58 am
A long one from me book:
June 2006
I was drinking coffee in a deli in Haifa
When a sepia photograph caught my eye
A man, his wife and family posing stiffly.
The café owner said it showed his grandfather’s father
And brought my order and the story.
June 1906
When Black Hundreds pillaged Bialystock
And the cry went up, “Kill all the Jews!”
Moyshe ben Mendel, c...
Thursday 4th May 2017 12:09 pm
We Live in Hope But
Everything is disappointing
Everyone disappoints
Fall in love with me
I will disappoint you
Like you will me.
It’s factored in the leaving
Everything leaves through
Theft or damage or familiarity
The glow of ownership
Pride of possession
Will gutter and dim
Everything is tinged with disappointment
This we know
But pretend we don’t
We arm in arm a...
Tuesday 18th April 2017 11:35 am
Ashes to Ashes
coupla romantic pomes
It being Easter and what have you, I've been watching Irish fillums and the melancholy and the music and the yearnings gush through me.
'Before The Wind Blows My Ashes Away'
I will present that which I birthed
That angels might have whispered
Or demons hissed
In the night hours
When darkness before dawn ached into my bones
I will produce my truth
And sing my s...
Sunday 16th April 2017 9:30 pm
“Please don’t love me, Cazz,
This is just another fling.
That ex girlfriend – you know who,
Will always come first for me.”
Cazz tried to win my heart.
We had days of fun.
Romping nights of lusting. All
Overshadowed by
The former lover lurking,
Behind veils of memory.
Cazz wanted to ask
If my, “Darling, I love you,”
Whispers were for her
Or meant fo...
Tuesday 11th April 2017 11:50 am
On mishearing Macbeth Act V: “What a sigh is there!”
What a Size!
She stood uncertain centre-stage
A tremulous tethered kid
In a jungle clearing tiger shoot
Shielding her eyes
Against the spotlight glare
Apologising for her timidity
“I’ve never spoken in public before”
Softly expressing women’s rage
At fear of rape and violence
Her quiet seething anger
Enhanced by gentle diffidence
She should have b...
Sunday 9th April 2017 9:11 am
To Anaïs - A Lover I Met On The Way
I had a dream
I had friends who dreamed
I had dreams that showed me my dream
I had an insistence
I had to obey.
You must slip off the velvet chains
You must loose your questor spirit
You must unlock the magick
You must discover the hidden path or
You must suffocate.
What is? Who is? Where is?
What is the time?
What is the date?
What is this place?
...Thursday 6th April 2017 11:01 am
Donegal Eden
An island Eden
Cut off whenever high tide
Covered the causeway.
A made-to-measure retreat
Out of sight of prying eyes.
The tide receded
We drove across the wet strand
Parking among dunes.
Our van inadvertently
Bedded in axle-deep sand.
It stuck fast. Fiz laughed.
We drank a bottle of rum.
Watching the sun set
Over Árainn Mhór. Blowing
Kisses at t...
Wednesday 5th April 2017 11:18 am
To Maria
God you made me nervous
When you turned up
At my surprise party
You smiled around the room
Kissed a cheek or two and mine
Sipped a glass of red and sang.
Your plaintive song
Breathing through the room
Stirred my reservoir of tears.
I wiped my eye
I had admired you so long
I never knew you had such a voice.
When your melody dropped away
...Sunday 2nd April 2017 6:01 pm
I am a slight and lesser man,
With added prunes
To keep me regular.
My Christmas feast,
Chicken stew with added sprouts,
Is splattering the microwave.
I shall pull a festive cracker,
Eat dinner wearing a paper hat.
Lost in love
Hobbled by fervent hope,
I stood in siling rain
Gently pebbling my lover’s window.
The curtains stayed closed,
The we...
Thursday 30th March 2017 12:54 pm
Last Summer in Co. Clare
A handful of gargoyles on a wall
Is all that remains of the abbey
Dedicated to St Phocas of Sinope
Who’s long forgotten
Overlooking the bay at Aughnabrochan
And when it rains the leaking spouts drip
And splashed heads look up
And picture the abbey in its heyday
And wonder about St Phocas
And hope the crumbling gargoyles
Won’t dislodge and pulp their skulls.
Tuesday 21st March 2017 9:30 am
In Passing
In thirty years when you are old
As I am now
And wondering what to say
To your forty year old son
Who wonders what he’ll say in turn to his
When his turn comes
Will you spare a thought for my passing
And ponder was it easy for me?
Will you gather with your brothers,
Greying, stooped and anxious
Around a welcome table
Brimmed with real ale pints
In Malham say or ...
Monday 20th March 2017 7:13 pm
Reflections - A Soliloquy
Had I not been peering at a soft-core calendar
A women's rowing club – posing butt naked - for charity
With discreet oars obscuring zones of 'special interest'
Our golden wedding day would have passed unnoticed
Friday, October 20 2017 – an empty square
We married - 50 years ago this very day
Deep in the autumn of the ‘Summer of Love'
We might have become ‘grey pan...
Tuesday 14th March 2017 7:10 pm
Mission Hall
Charles Street, Hull,
A depression of shuttered shops
No trace remains of the Pioneer Store
Or the anonymous side door
Into the Fig Tree Gospel Hall.
The ‘blessed remnant’ entered through a porch
Crammed with bin bags spilling
Sweet sweat-rancid jumble sale leftovers,
“Get stuck in before the tatters come.”
The doorkeeper was a pig farmer
From Holder...
Sunday 12th March 2017 7:17 am
"Glastonbury Fayre"
The driver of a leathery
Clapped out Hillman Hunter
Reeking of Capstan full strength
And Lifebuoy soap
Dropped me off outside Devizes.
Rain came
I prised open a door to escape
Unrolling my doss bag
On a scout hut floor.
I crept out early while the village slept
Washing down Kendal Mint Cake
With a pint of gold top
Pirated from some bugger’s door.
...Tuesday 28th February 2017 8:36 am
"Et camera non mentior."
I was a minor aspiring writer - well know locally,
Until 'Richard and Judy' deemed my book,
A 'must read on your holiday',
Spreading my fame exponentially.
People started to interrupt my incognito summer evening promenades;
White linen suit, floppy bow tie, Raybans and panama,
“Oi! I’ve seen you on telly. How's about a selfie?"
My agent told me,
"Oprah's people rang....
Thursday 16th February 2017 1:36 pm
"Village Scene, Lincolnshire"
Glimpsed from the bus, a
Pregnant hump of displaced earth
Piled to fill a grave.
Some flowers too - not many.
No hearse. No crowd of mourners.
A wreath shows Dad's passed.
Just “Dad.” Enough. Her father.
He had squeezed her hand
And breathed his last breath sighing
For loves past – and those to come.
The girl stood alone
Kicking at the grave earth pile
...Monday 13th February 2017 12:47 pm
“Meeting Mrs. Potiphar”
I posted this in September but have rewritten for me book - hope you enjoy
- performance piece -
She devised a meeting ‘just as friends'
For evening drinks in her favourite bar.
(Soigné and the food is good)
Her finely plaited ribboned hair
Smelled of woody sandalwood.
She said I had to walk her home,
“There are dangers lurking everywhere.”
She chose the cycl...
Monday 9th January 2017 11:00 am
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