The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 47 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

Recent Comments

TOM MERTON on Infinitum
7 hours ago

Wordseffectbrew on Silent Echoes
7 hours ago

John Marks on The Flame
10 hours ago

Flyntland on Time for our X-odus!
10 hours ago

Hélène on FOR ANNIE
11 hours ago

11 hours ago

Rolph David on Time for our X-odus!
15 hours ago

15 hours ago

Rolph David on Time for our X-odus!
15 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Time for our X-odus!
15 hours ago

Beyond the light

Beyond the light
we invoke demons
above the air
behind the wind
below the rain
I dispel the humming bird
Heavy, the heat is fleeing
colourful the spirits Beware!
The Knave never ends
translucent defiant
lost in broad daylight
an unreliable map
In whose eyes
the face in your mirror
grow old
while the world changed
We breathe glowing snakes
beside the spirits cold
I conjure the chi...

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Writers Unlimited Google Community


By its nature writing is for the most part a solitary business which is why sites like WOL are great to keep in touch, share ideas, post poetry etc.

For this reason I've started a *new* community over at Google +. You may love or hate social media and personally I detest the whole Facebook thing but I have fund that the new...

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google pluswritingwriterscommunity

my head an accident waiting to happen


My head
an accident
to happen
I see you
I watch
between the iron railings
rusty as ancient coffin nails
where green paint flaked
like the still warm and living skin
hanging from the ragged back
of one who is flayed alive
I wonder
about your life
your loves
the tragic brief happiness
that is n...

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poetry by Wytchewoode

All grotesque about the earth

Sinister, bright, the flowers
condone toxic hands against the earth
where birth never ends
and all is musty near the mud
to envision glittering gems above the clouds
I reach yet the pleasure has gone
all grotesque about the earth
I pull dream-like shivas from the heavens
gods beware!
The sin wavers alive
waking from promises broken
Under skies
the traveller
seeks the r...

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poetry by WytchewoodeFacebook Wytchewood

yellow about the land

Odorous under the towers
confounded misty teeth beyond the rain
the sin continues
quaking before the trees
you stroke dank vapors under the flowers
I reach insanity yellow about the land
as we dream of evil over the virgin
crazy, passionate, open-eyed, hungry
over the horizon
something missing
out of dreams
a stranger
takes comfort
he knew no-one
yellow about the lan...

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poetry by wytchewoodewytchewoodepoempoetry

Loudly into the cold

The warm wise pretender
Propped up by the night,
Suckled by the fairweather nannygoats,
Leans against his failing wisdom

Talking with the salty truant boy
On the downy goosefeather
That solemnly covers
The secret patchwork night

Savagely he waxes dropping
Surely into the patchwork blush,
Waiting while the endless dance
Quietens the flaring stallion


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Once I Loved You

I loved you once as deeply as any man could Will
and, if the darkest truth were known,
in my heart I love you truly still
Though the distance that lies between us
 may seem so very far apart
space and time will not unbind
the aching, raging heart
So farewell my love and lover once
and, as lovers ever true,
we will live and laugh and love again
like lovers that are new

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lovelove lostdespairhopetragedypain

Ashes to Ashes

Love sick,
Love torn,
Love lost,
misplaced trust,
not in God,
but in us,
in I and you,
what was lust
turned so quickly
to earth scorched
red as angry rust.
There ain't no God, Mister,
there ain't no God,
but those who believe
believe in what they must
until that final day
when boxed and earthed
we will return
ashes to ashes
and dust to dust.

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loveunrequited lovefaithdeathsexlife

Poetry LIVE


Poetry Live
Entry: FREE
Open Mic Event
About Poetry Live.
Poetry Live is a weeky Live Online poetry reading every Tuesday evening 8pm – 9.30pm (UK time). Please register in advance (free) to take part in this exciting opportunity to get your work performed and ‘out there’
The Poetry Live weekly online reading is a g...

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poetry liveopen micreading



If I ever hurt you,
It's important that you know,
I never ever meant to
and I will love you when I go

To touch your soft skin
to stroke your long dark hair
to smell again your sweet scent
I will remember everywhere

On the hill flying kites,
rolling in the warm wet grass
a summer long with sweet delights
that no other can surpass

once we were lovers warm and t...

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time is a place


Time is the space between the small places, the moments we call now and here is the place and time of our memory as one together.

I would like to take a falling autumn leaf and press it in the pages of my life, a memory of what was and can never again be, a time that ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows, like the dappled sunlit water rippling gently at the edge of the great ...

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one cold & wet november day

One cold and wet November day
I want to hear you shout and scream
to tell me clear and loud
to go away, to go away, to go away
to leave and go away
to leave and go away
Instead you said
please don't go
please stay, don't go away
Instead you told me not to go
please don't go, don't go away
please stay, please stay, please stay

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An angel cried

A seemingly endless corridor of doors
closed, dark and foreboding
I walk,
I walk,
I walk
I want to open each but i know
a deep and unknown fear
lies behind each and every one
I walk through a door
which one i dont' t recall
and the hidden ones half glimpsed
almost seen yet hide in close shadows
are they who bleed morning dew,
evening myst, and the eternal fertile seed

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Beheaded legless witless feet
the aimless thoughtless
where sodium sabres pierce the misty night
with horned and sacred crescent
a faint and saintly halo
the crown atop the sinful cobbled stone
intimate thorns of amber glow
and so to below

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Anthology now available

Poetry in Flesh an anthology of selected poetical works is now available in digital format for Kindle devices, and on Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry, Android-based devices, and Windows Phone 7 from Amazon, Writers Out and Smashwords.

More details of published work on my web site


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Remember Not ...


Sharp and sudden, the cruel slash of searing pain
begins to fade yet forms the deepest scar.
Smouldering gut wrenching embers burn mouth dry
and storms torrential ashen eyes
for a love that lasts and lingers long.
And when there is time to remember
what used to and may yet still be
think only of the beauty that was had
not loves tragic mournful loss
but only of summer da...

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love lost



Helen, your body once youthful, pale and pure,
a goddess divine to a savage Messiah.
Ye ken?
To possess your beauty, the sinful loins
unworthy though wise 
ache with lustful desire.
Seductive, serene on a pedestal marble
I can hardly hope to approach that great height
yet, it lingers, the memory, adolescent.
Helen, your body once firm, smooth and lithe,
though frail th...

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Burning Houses Magazine

I am due to have two Poems published in Issue 1 of Burning Houses Magazine (ooohhhh ....  errrrr ...... missus). However, this is not the point. The point is that it is a new magazine with a radical outlook and  needs YOUR support. Extracts from Issue 1 of the magazine will be available online but please check the website and try to get hold of a real copy when it's out ... Ta very muchly!


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The Kiss

the kiss shouted passionately
you anguished tenderly
we kissed a placid mouth late
a desire loved us
the flower cuddled the languishing kiss slowly
she anguished desperately
a breeze anguished
the nice kiss anguished
a misery danced for you
the stormy love shouted tenderly

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Thoughts of Leaves

The beef-red fairday seashore
Burning by the sea,
With the lazily musical leaves
Waiting while the thin daybreak
On the blinded lives quickly
Goes to live against the moonless night.
I was drowned slowly
By the lives of the seashore
Trotting heartily on the spellbound fishwives
On thoughts of leaves
Where eyes lie savagely
And all the gooseberried girls kiss and sing

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I, A Diskordian Pope In the Church of the SubGenius Of Uncle "Bob"

I, A Diskordian Pope
In the Church of the SubGenius
Of Uncle "Bob"
A monologue
Lasting only several
But very important philosophical
Life-changing minutes By Wytchewoode



Copyright Year: © 2009 Wytchewoode

Characters: A Pope by direct and incontrovertible Sacred Apostolic
Succession in the Diskordian Church of the SubGenius of Uncle "Bob".


Read and leave comments (0) is a brand new audio social networking site aimed specifically at the writing / storytelling / literary / comedy /spoken word etc. community. The site has only been live for just over three weeks and new members are joining each day and with their extensive marketing campaign due to launch later this month they are expecting big things.

* One of the fea...

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Once in every while

Once in every while

Posted by Wytchewoode on August 19, 2010 at 11:43am View My JotPad at


it was so nice to talk to you last night,
I need to hear your smile,
so tender, sweet and light,
not so very often
but once in every while.

once I said 'I'm your man'
you replied how...

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Savage Goddess

Helen, your body once youthful, pale and pure,
a goddess divine to a savage Messiah.
Ye ken?
To possess your beauty, the sinful loins
unworthy though wise 
ache with lustful desire.
Seductive, serene on a pedestal marble
I can hardly hope to approach that great height
yet, it lingers, the memory, adolescent.
Helen, your body once firm, smooth and lithe,
though frail the imag...

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... and where is your God?


A tumour on the brain
steals a life, unformed and pure,
a child,
so please don't tell me there is a God
for I would ask you and where is your God
when the innocent are tortured and slain
in his unholy and despicable name?
I would ask you again and again and again
where is your God,
that is neither holy nor loving
but empty, remorseless and vain.
There goes your God

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For anyone who may be interested and I hope there is at least one ...

For anyone who may be interested I have started to record and post audio of my own and others work on my website

Go take a look / hear if you so wish.

Comments and feedback welcome.

And if you have audio you would like to add send me the mp3 with the title.

Keep on writing folks


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death is not the end

How easily is the mind deceived by the smallest most imperceptible movement of thought that cannot be shifted by the mightiest of evidence that is proof
a trap so perfect even the staistically motivated minds of quantitative  eggheads will not budge for fear their world would be turned
upside down or perhaps the right way up
scream, scream, scream 'til you are blue in the face but they wi...

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deathlifelife after deathblind faith

sex in dangerous places


i have an irresistable urge

for wild, rampant sex

in dangerous places

blow jobs in doorways, gardens and parks

and other public spaces

a cafe, a restaurant or Herna Bar

a bus, a tram or a stranger's car

kissing and cuddling is just not enough

half hidden in shadows or under the trees

i want oral and anal and other rough stuff

with the girl on her kn...

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There is no god

There is no god,

But One,

One Sea,

One Rock,

One Land,

One Tree

One Sun,

There is no god

But we



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Shapeless & Transcendent


I am shapeless, I am
transcendent, I am
moving through birdsong
as dawn gently breaks through
the clouds of my mind
I am weightless, I am
resplendent, I am
ecstatic to find
the keys that release
the mental chains that bind
I am boundless, I am
ever-present, I am
free to perceive
all that I am and all that is me
And all that I am
and all that is me
is the fr...

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I WILL NOT bow low to none who deserve it

I WILL NOT bow low to none who deserve it

Crapulous, portly, vacant and privileged
waited on hand and foot.
Brown-nosed by quivering, obsequious serfs
are the overadvantaged.

From affairs clandestine and trysts illicit
spring the bastards, illegitimate
spawn of bastards of brigands and cut throats and whores,
their silver spoons discoloured and tarnished
by lust and by t...

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slimy servile servitude

Take Five Hundred and Sixty Four

Take Five Hundred and Sixty Four

Five hundred and sixty four
million pounds to fund
Identity Cards!
What the hell is that?
Five - Hundred - And - Sixty - Four:
Five hundred and sixty four
million pounds,
more than half a Billion
is Five hundred and sixty four
And how many lives would it count,
half a billion pounds
if a cure for ca...

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ID cardscancerpharmaceuticals

it isn't poetry

This isn't poetry
and nor is it politics
it is neither and both,
political and poetical
because poetry is pretty
whereas politics is not
but let's see where it takes us
and maybe we will end up
in a better place
not poorer but richer
for the experience of both
poems and polemics
are but the transport of ideas
whose media are words,
words of love, words of hate,
words hope, words of trust
and faith in something
a l...

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  There is a beauty in solitude only the solitary know. There is a sadness in being lonely, only the lonely can know. In solitude and loneliness, in beauty and sadness, the most beautiful poetry of feeling can be known. Indefinable, inexpressible, Oceanic bliss-like satori. A brief enlightenment when the light breaks through the darkness, a glint, a hint of perfect, untouched beauty perfect a...

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cathedrals of illuminated sins

Coated black, grey minded

in dark suits and narrow ties

compromising dubious ethics

behind their wide thin-lipped insincere smiles

which hide their frequent lies

they tell us what we want to hear yet

never really give us what we thirst for most and need.

just more amoral corporate shite that pays heed

to nought but Mamon’s ravening and

devouring hunger for greed and greed and greed.


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Typical Archetypal Archetypes

Actor Addict Alchemist Anarchist Artist Avenger
Companion Coward Child Clown
Detective Dilettante Dreamer

Eccentric Egoist Elder Elemental Enforcer Explorer

God Gambler
Herald Hermit Hero Healer

Iconoclast Idolater Innovator



Liberator Lover
Magician Masochist Monk Mystic Martyr

Necromancer, Neophyte 

Pilgrim Predator Poet Pioneer
Priest Prince Prophet Provocateu...

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we are one

We are one.

We are together.

Half and half, never to be,

less or more

than one.

One mind!

One soul!

One heart!

We are one

always and forver.

Never have I!

Never have you!

Never have we!

Never have we been apart

from one another.

We were.

We are.

We will.




To eternity.

I am the rock

You are the sea.

We were.

We are.

We will.

Forever be.

One Mind.


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typical archetypal archetypes

Actor Addict Alchemist Anarchist Artist Avenger
Companion Coward Child Clown
Detective Dilettante Dreamer

Eccentric Egoist Elder Elemental Enforcer Explorer

God Gambler
Herald Hermit Hero Healer
Iconoclast Idolater Innovator


Liberator Lover
Magician Masochist Monk Mystic Martyr


Pilgrim Predator Poet Pioneer
Priest Prince Prophet Provocateur


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Ariadne\\'s Thread


 Beautiful, confused, heartfelt emotion,

 tinged with sadness yet filled with passion,

 a longing for things that may yet be;

 the beating of a lonely nervous heart

 thirsty for excitment, hungry for ecstacy.


 Confused by sadness, a lonely passion,

 sweeps in a whirlwind unexpectedly

 to destroy the emptiness.

 And now? A longing for what may be,

 soulful, sublime, seductive, seriou...

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I Know You Are With Me Not


I know you are with me not . . .

I walked, I know not why or where

I looked, I know not for whom or what,

I cried, for I know not why that you are not there,

I dreamt and know not that I awoke,

I awoke and knew you were with me not.


I walked, the longest, lonely path,

I looked and you I found,

I cried when I kissed those sweetest lips

and dreamt of what may yet be

I awoke and knew ...

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Let me move through you,
even though we are apart,
Feel me, feel me, in you,
Rippling, trembling, tireless, potent
Feel you, feel you, in me, unsure
Timid, modest, cautious, demure
Let me move in you and you in me
A boundless wave that knows no shore,
oceanic, ecstatic, timeless, eternal,
A love that knows no less, no more.

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Isis my Lover
my Sister, my Wife
Of You was I born
for you gave me life
as a shadow of a ghost
I was lost
I was dead
in the dust turned tomb
'til You Isis, my Lover,
my Sister, my Wife
Of you was I born
for you gave me life.

A man cut in half
by a child of the sun
gave birth to a child
of the moon blessed sea
and You, Isis, my Lover
my Sister, my Wife
of You was I born
for You gave me life
and, at the end
of my str...

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Drunk & naked in a graveyard

dead flowers past their summer bloom
entwine the cemetary gate,
clinging grim
like a dying man's hands
that pray, yet prayed too late

drunk & naked in a graveyard
cold skin pale cordite grey
cheek against the friendly stone
hurling like a gargoyle spewing rain
on the wettest Autumn day

let me die, Oh, let me die,
I pray, I pray, I pray,
show me to the hollow ground
where all will finally lay

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no power defeats the Circle

Like warm spring rain the darke bloode flows.
Like autunm leaves bilious leathery skin dries and falls.
All thought abandoned
as imagination crawls
slow, heavy, dull, relentless
like the shadowes on the walls.
Time drags slow
emotionless yet tense
in the infernal demonic night;
it pulls with sinous and wiry strength
drips of melting wax from the candles' dying light.
Tearing at their screaming blinded eyes

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shapeless & transcendent

I am shapeless, I am
transcendent, I am
moving through birdsong
as dawn gently breaks through
the clouds of my mind
I am weightless, I am
resplendent, I am
ecstatic to find
the keys that release
the mental chains that bind
I am boundless, I am
ever-present, I am
free to perceive
all that I am and all that is me
And all that I am
and all that is me
is the freedom to be
shapeless and transcendent,
weightless and fre...

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like no other love before

like no other love before


in your your eyes I see true love
on your lips I taste the sweetest kiss,
a long lifetime of waiting
is the smallest price to pay
to find the one and only love
who loves and is loved
with full and equal measure
to stroke your long dark hair
and to caress with tender gentleness
your velvet skin, white, soft and fair
disarms and leaves me helpless
boundless with emotion,
a raging...

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Greenwich Meridian Poets?

Anyone in the Greenwich, Blackheath, Lewisham or surrounding area wanting to form / join a poetry and mixed media performance group please contact me either here through Write Out Loud or via my website



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greenwichprime meridianpoetrypoetsperformance

the Dust, the Dust

the Dust, the Dust

I remember the men,
their faces blackened with filthy coal
layers of carbon dust on skin,
slowly lining their lungs thick.
I think of them in the twilight,
two miles underground
hewing with axe and pick,
shirtless bodies glistening with sweat like morning dew
I see them coming home,
tired of the black
eyes like pissholes in the snow
unaccustomed to the light
and then,
and then their golden...

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minerscoal miningrhondda valleysouth walespneumoconiosis

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