The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


The wrath of my anger ain't what it's meant for me.
The struggles and expectations set out for what I'm supposed to be.

I've lost years on mistakes I've made and paid the price.
Reclaim the missing pieces, so i can start a new with my new life.

I stumble with the blocks on the road I'm meant to cross.
It seems happiness ain't a place to find.

How my heart is conflicted to very co...

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Perhaps I had lost my mind.
Envisioning goals within my grasp.
But far from my reach.
My heart yearns for what it wants.
My mind prevented me.

I had lost my mind to the process.

The process and letting my former self die.
Rise and birth of a new me.
Shackled and bonds finally removed.
Now, im no longer bound to the limitations of life.
Im free.

My mind and body is merely...

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Love Hurts

Love hurts sometimes,
In the most ways.
But it also tells you something too.
In the end of anything,
No one will really be there.
The only person you really have.
Is you......

Love hurts sometimes man.
How picture perfect someone can be.
The kind of person, when you sleep they're in your dreams.
You wake up and they're right there in your reality.

Love does hurt sometimes.
Like it ...

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Hearts tomb

I lay my head down,
With these words that come to mind.
Happiness and joy seems ever so bleak,
Somethings are just hard to find.
I paint a picture perfect scene.
But this is simply just a disguise,
Suppressing my truest thoughts,
That I hide inside.

My hearts tomb is real,
How could it be so?
My past has moulded me,
How is it I've grown?

My hearts tomb protects me,
But I can't ope...

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Protect me from this life.
The ailments of the things around me.
Set me free into the sky,
Shine light in the darkness that surrounds me.

I'm one man against the world,
Sometimes it seems hard to bear.
Sometimes I prayed,
But only the Devil responded,
And God wasn't there.

I fell deep into the pits,
Both alcohol and substance abuse.
The devil talking to me,
From this bottle im drin...

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You my moon light,
Lit my world ablaze.
Spoke truth into my soul.
Pushed me to realise my dreams.
To conquer, my lifes goals.

You my sweet,

The reason to my days.
The purpose to my smiles,
The shelter from hailing rain.
My human form, of many desires.

Where are you now?

You my medusa,
Froze me stone cold.
Unable to move,
Until I had to let you go.

Closure, I never had.

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Loveplatonic loveclosurelifeMindsetdisappearing

Unbreakable II

It funny and amusing,
Just how life can be.
I've taken more than I could bare.
Now I'm unbreakable.

Thats now my reality.

I was tested,
Left to fend for myself.
I did try to call for help.
But found no helping hand.

Its fine,
Now I get people telling me they're missing me.
But I'm cool with it,
They can remember me fondly, from their memories.

Now I'm unbreakable I ask,
Who c...

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Crossing Oceans

You see,
I smile now because im at peace.
I know who and what I am,
At this stage, now I'm finally free.
Multiple complex layers, to this methodical man.

The seeds planted to destroy me,
The burdens over me that held me down.
I felt ashamed and morally disgraced,
But I had turned that shit back round.

I felt lost and deluded,
Felt ashamed and foolish.
Through my journey I went throu...

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Heart to call home

I exists in a place of solitude,
Where not many would find me.
However, sometimes conflicted,
As there's two inside me.

I just wish to find peace,
But somethings trouble my soul.
Aspiring to achieve greatness,
To accomplish my lifes goals.

Wanting to feel whole,
Eager to what comes next.
Sometimes i had lost way,
For which I deeply regret.


My actions define me,
But w...

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Listen to my truest thoughts.
My truest feelings,
The world sometimes shows no remorse.
Its hard, to comprehend the meaning.

Many of my peers dead,
Others locked in cages.
I smile and rejoice in ife,
Because I'm on the path to make it.

I used to have the urge to die,
Wiping tears, from my eyes.
Wear a mask to hide the pain,
I tried so hard, to disguise.

One day I hope to make it.

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It's funny.

Its amusing, how life can be.

Just when you thought you've been broken enough.

You're unbreakable.

Its far from the reality.


As a man, I have been tested.

With my past, memories relentless.

Traumatic moments, and experiences that remain.

You would think I would be numb, to the infliction of pain.


But it shows indeed I still have a heart.

That i c...

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Someone I used to know

You were somebody I used to know.
You meant everything to me, not long ago.
I remember everything and I know.
I'm not longer a thought in your mind anymore.

You were the ray of light in my darkness.
The calmness to these violent storms.
The shelter to the hailing rain.
The comfort behind closed doors.

You lit up my world ablaze.
Spoke truth into my soul.
Inspired me to be a better ma...

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Adam and Selina Part.1 (poetic story)

I drive up to the park, just to kick back, relax and unwind.
As I go over events, ponder on the details, in this life of mine.
I sit back, light up a cig, recline back and take a toke.
Exhale and sigh, with hands on my eyes, as I blow out heavy smoke.

I look at my rearview mirror and something catches my eye.
I see this woman and can just about see her face.
I noticed she's been sat there ...

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Why does it terrify me so?

For sometime I had to battle my own mind.
To reach out and tear myself away.
To seek my hidden truths.

To find what it is that I'm seeking,
What is needed of me.
What I'm needing to do,
To uncover the mess in my head.

I exists in a place of solitude now.
Where not many would find me.
However sometimes, I'm conflicted.
As theres two inside me.

Psychological battles,
The thoughts o...

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Before I'm put to rest

Before I'm put to rest.

There's some life lessons I've learnt.
Never betray your own heart.
Even when you fall in love

Before I'm put to rest.

Take heed in the advise of others.
Because life is so uncertain.
So focus, don't wonder

Before I'm put to rest.

Do good in your life and take care of your people.
The blessings you feel.
So answer their prayers, even if they tell you th...

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Celestial Moon 7/4/20

Sitting under this light,
I conversate with my soul, to seek a better truth.
This cigarette smokes swirling over me,
But I must say, what a beautiful view.

I can't help but deny, this beauty over me.
Nothing shining brighter than this, not even the nothern star.
A smile creeps up on me, in awe of this light.
I think of something I've known, all along.

This moon must be jealous though,

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Let you go

Suddenly it happens again,
Without thoughts or reasons.
I remember the feeling of pain,
In the time you disconnected and went missing.

For a moment I'm convinced that I miss you,
But then I remember in the end what you did.
I remember you fondly, every moment we had.
I miss the future that could have been.

In my head I have a conversation with you.
Ask you how and why were you able to...

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Loyalty and Devotion

Loyalty cannot be bought,
But earnt.
A virtue not everybody can understand,
Or learn.

I express my loyalty to you in many ways,
In many forms.
It may come across different to the usual stuff,
What we class as a norm.

Depending on your position in my life,
I act accordingly.
But the deepest bond that I've had,
I'm loyal very differently.

Theres nothing that can stop me from being ...

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Did you hear my heart beat?
How did it sound to you?
Was it racing wildly, you couldn't even count?
Or was it relaxed, pumping with soothing tunes.

When you heard my heart beating, how did you take it?
Did you find out what you needed to know, when it started pacing?

Is this where we belong?
How our story is to start?
I wonder would tears come to your eyes,
If you find my heart finall...

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Dancing with the devil

When the devil offers to dance with you 

You should say always say never 

Cus the dance with the devil

Will last forever


After downing a bottle of henny

Sick thoughts I have many 

Puffing trees till my eyes bleed

Visions of the devil I see


He talks to me through this bottle tonight

Asking me to embrace his lessons and come

"Destroy yourself child of god" 


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Gang related - an uncles anguish - Fictional Story

wake up from a buzz from my phone.

Its my nephew he leaves me a voice note

"Uncle I'm coming to your home" 

He sounded worried,

So I try call him back, but im met with the tone.

I'm hearings knocks at my door.

"Open the door uncle, I'm feeling cold"

I open it and in he rushes in.

I'm confused, look at the clock its 4am

"What the hell is this"

He's bruised up and b...

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If I wrote a note to God

If I did write a note to god.
I'd explode my thoughts upon this page.
I'd tell him the world is dying.
Were in days of suffering and pain.

Our so called "leaders" dont lead us.
Instead they deploy mind tactics to control us.
"They have enough money for wars,
But cant feed the poor"  Quoted by Tupac Amaru Shakur

As humans we are divided.
We all bleed the same,
breathe the same air!

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Everyone has their way to vent.

Let things go.

Dim the darkness inside.

Let the mind go.


When I was in pain I smoked till my vision was blurry.

Don't worry.

I'm only trying to get god in a hurry.


I would smoke till my eyes bleed red.

Lay onto my pillow with twisted fantasies of being dead.

Laying in a coffin, having wreaths of my name.

Mind racing wildly, dr...

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Fueled by vengeance.

I swore to destroy all those that wrong me.

I swore vengeance on those who tried to berate me.

I swore vengeance to those who tried to assassinate my character.


Tis better to give bullet then to receive them.

My anger shot arrows so many it blots out the sun.

Once I've seeked and destroyed those people.

Then and only then, have the games begun.



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God bless the dead


Dont worry my brothers,

Save a spot for me cus I'll see you soon.

These thoughts and memories,

The dreams that consume.


Had me thinking on life, feel choked till I can't breathe.

Losing my people, blinded me to the better things in life I couldn't see.

Losing these people brought tremendous amounts of pain.

Moving on in life, till my heart froze and changed.



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The Wolf and Moon

A lone wolf walks amongst the highest peak.

See's the life of a bright beautiful moon.

The wolf stares in awe and howls, till the lungs feel weak

But notices the moon doesn't move.


He howls louder yet theres no change.

So he tries to climb higher so he can see.

He howls once more.

Mesmerised by a beauty that's so free.


The next night comes, in awe he howls again.


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