The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 20th Feb 2014 13:30

Thanks for the chuckle on "The Galmpton Robin"
By the way, the comment on your post about "RLS"
from "Moriam" seems to appear everywhere else on
WOL posts, including "The Galmpton Robin" I put it down to a crafty way of advertising another
poetry site. Flattery is always a sure-fire way
of "selling" something.

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 5th Feb 2014 12:00

you're very kind john - the story about the name in it is totally true - I have no idea where it came from - I looked up both words to see if it made any sense - and it kinda does. spooky. I was thinking 'the ghost of tom joad' (springsteen) when I hear it in my head - I'm a massive fan of 'the boss' and he's just released an electric version of that track on his new album - which is great - but I prefer the haunting acoustic original.

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 5th Feb 2014 10:16

thanks for the comment on 'walkin' man' John and. yes, I'm on it - just released a CD of poetry and songs and this one is being lined up to be recorded for the next one - I'm thinking a Seeger/Dylan folky tune :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 27th Jan 2014 22:42

hey John - thanks for commenting on 'cheap whore' - I'm not sure I agree wholly with your view that we keep coming back for more - some audiences are much harder work than others ;-)

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<Deleted User> (6292)

Fri 17th Jan 2014 17:26

Hello John

It's so nice to hear from you . Your reference to my insistence on three..'cames' was for a feeling of emptiness, I was endeavouring to find atmosphere,echo and repetition in addition to a smouldering ravishing beneath the greenwood. Oooh ...whoops.. just felt the urge, the temptation to utilise yet another .....oh well it 'Came' and went.

Meanwhile John, I have no doubt you will keep up your good works...and look forward madly to seeing you soon.

lots of love and best wishes .

Augusta xx

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 13th Jan 2014 16:59

JC - you may recall commenting on my post "Fallen Angel" to the effect that you were waiting on the tune.
I have to tell you that I woke up early (too b....y early) yesterday morning with a tune
running through my mind which I somehow knew
would fit. The downside was getting out of my
warm bed to sing a version of the two into my
tape recorder...knowing that if I stayed abed,
I would fall asleep and forget it next time I
woke up. The price we creatives pay for our
efforts!!! Anyway, I am arranging for it to
be recorded by my usual excellent source and
hope to post the completed product on WOL in
due course.

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Greg Freeman

Fri 10th Jan 2014 16:31

No steam trains going past Surbiton Lagoon, John, more's the pity, thought they weren't far away, of course. A whistle in the distance.

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Dave Bradley

Sat 4th Jan 2014 08:57

Thanks for commenting John. Bill Bryson's Short History of Nearly Everything is one of my favourite books. And I won a 5CD set of it, read by Bill B himself, in a poetry evening raffle. I listen to it regularly - the combination of things of wonder and human eccentricity is irresistible. Apparently he is an agnostic. Given what he writes in the book, that seems surprising, but each to their own.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 24th Dec 2013 16:21

My "selfie" - no chance in a photography
competition? So cruel!
Then again at least I don't appear to be asking
if anyone has seen my boat?!!
Seriously, I always enjoy these little exchanges
- they make WOL so much more fun ...and help keep me on my toes - for which MANY thanks.

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 20th Dec 2013 17:43

Hello John,
Thank you for the nice comments on my "91 Word Story of My Life".
It was a little hard to get the story in 91 words.

Thanks again

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Fri 20th Dec 2013 01:27

Thanks for the comment John.

No ones perfect I suppose.

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Fri 13th Dec 2013 09:22

Thank you for reading "The Badger". Glad you liked and took the time to comment.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 30th Nov 2013 16:32

Hi JC - your comments on my own for "If They Come"
remind me of a pal retired back to Cumbria with
name (and belief) that suggests certain overseas origins: Swainson!
I was impressed to discover that our greatest
queen - "Good Queen Bess" - actually acted to
limit immigration (when the population wasn't
many millions) in the interest of the
social well-being of her people. Pity our modern leaders don't seem to possess the same
sense of responsibility or purpose at a time when it has increased five fold and brought with it problems in a similar ratio!

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<Deleted User> (11585)

Mon 25th Nov 2013 21:47

Thanks for explanation,we all been on the internet and looking in dictionary's we couldn't find it !

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<Deleted User> (11585)

Mon 25th Nov 2013 12:15

Hello, what does 'reddit' mean ?

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Sun 24th Nov 2013 18:47

Thank you for commenting on 'Beano.' Appreciated. P.

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 24th Nov 2013 18:39

no change there then John ;-)

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Sun 24th Nov 2013 17:57

I wish

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Shirley Smothers

Thu 14th Nov 2013 00:32

Hi John,

Thanks for your comments on my "Another Two Line Horror Story." LOL! I think of myself as twenty years younger. That is until I look in the mirror.


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Ian Whiteley

Mon 4th Nov 2013 19:11

thanks for the comment on 'all hallows eve' john - surely a picture of Gove keeps everyone away from the door - not just the kids ;-)

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Ste J Bee

Thu 31st Oct 2013 20:08

Thanks for the comment on our school was haunted, only posted this afternoon in a rush, forgot to change a line, anyway done it now, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Just read the ikea poem , very clever, can't help but sing as you read.

Ste Bee

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 22nd Oct 2013 14:49

Thanks for your comment about "Lonesome Rail".
Always appreciated from yourself with a track
record of your own!
The song will get a month's promotion through
November on

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 17th Oct 2013 22:52

John - re: Full Contact - my face and body would tell you that you are absolutely correct :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 16th Oct 2013 18:33

thanks for your kind comments regarding the winterfylleth & graffiti poems John - sorry i'm a bit late in responding - I'm getting a bit behind due to other commitments at the moment - so in catch up mode with the thank you's - anyway, very kind of you - cheers

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Steve Higgins

Wed 9th Oct 2013 21:02

This is what I was really after -thanks for looking in chez Steve though;

As I was going up Pippen Hill,
Pippen Hill was dirty;
There I met a pretty Miss,
And she dropped me a curtsy.

Little Miss, pretty Miss,
Blessings light upon you;
If I had half-a-crown a day,
I'd spend it all upon you.

(thought there was more to this but apparently not . .)

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 1st Oct 2013 00:14

Every worthwhile writer borrows. It is amazing how inspiration can be encouraged by the most(I nearly tapped in "moist"!) unlikely places. I found myself undergoing an MRI scan earlier during which I was placed in something resembling a torpedo tube for 40 minutes and occupied the time making up songs to the sounds of the various weird noises the machine emitted. Don't see a hit in any of them, though!! :-)
Cheers - and thanks, as always, for the lift your work provides. Such a pleasant change to be positive and mean it when knowing of the fractious precious types on WOL who trot out insults like "troll" at the drop of a hat when the comments are not the 100% approbation they seek. Your latest piece on the Daily Mail was interesting, but that newspaper is a byword for emotive stuff that plays to those who think the country has gone to the dogs since WW2. The BBC can't let a week go by without featuring the title in one of its programmes...and not appreciatively! Check "Mock The Week" and "Have I Got News For You", as well as some dramas of late. What fun!!!

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Mon 30th Sep 2013 23:27

Hello John
Re: Cottage Sleaze, I was referring to an earlier comment. Certainly, a beautifully written piece, though. Starfish.

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Tue 24th Sep 2013 14:51

Poland was very different to Syria - it wanted to be rescued from its aggressors - as did most countries that Germany invaded.

In Syria you have a sizeable proportion of the resident population hostile to western intervention and non Muslim led action. In my opinion, any long term solutions there would have to include Arab involvement.

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Sat 31st Aug 2013 12:09

Maybe you got the wrong hole ;)

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 30th Aug 2013 23:24

I recall those lines in that song about watching
the girls go by..."You can't go to jail for what
you're thinking..."
Just as well perhaps! But it certainly livens
up some posts on WOL.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 28th Aug 2013 13:00

Many thanks for the positive comments about my
two most recent posts. Funny but although I
"dabbled" in such stuff during my working life,
it was only in retirement that I got stuck in
and found I could get it together...albeit that
revision (very unromantic!) is usually essential
before I'm happy. Wish I had your ability with
the guitar though!!

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 23rd Aug 2013 16:37

thanks for your kind comments on 'she wore pink' John - I honestly believe we would have had a safer and more prosperous world had JFK had the chance to shape American policy more - no Vietnam, racial harmonisation and a policy to rid the country of poverty - perhaps that's why the bastards shot him :-)

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Harry O'Neill

Thu 22nd Aug 2013 22:13

Thanks for your (kind) comments on `Susan`

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Thu 22nd Aug 2013 16:34

Hi John.

Came across the aquillrelle anthology from a couple of years ago that my daughter bought for me after I'd had a poem published. Wondering if there were any other W.O.L poets listed, I looked,and there you were, your contribution being the excellent little epoch about the mine disaster.

Wonderful entertaining stuff yours! never read a bad one. I get the impression you find it easy?

Unlike me, many more pages deleted. than survive.


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Shirley Smothers

Wed 21st Aug 2013 21:24

Hi John,

I do agree with you about the word "Did" in my poem "Daddy". I posted a second version "Daddy edited version." I just left out the word did.
Thank you for your kind comments. But actually my Dad passed on Dec.9 2009. I have only recently been able to write about it.


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M.C. Newberry

Tue 20th Aug 2013 16:59

Hello JC - I can get the words and a tune
together but you have that extra ability to
accompany and perform your own stuff. Long may
it be so!!
P.S. I'm having DKJC promoted on a Hotdisc
compilation that gets sent to Country music DJs
around Europe and beyond in September. Nothing
ventured...nothing gained - as they say. Plus -
it's also promised a few online plays on then. Bring it on!!

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Karen Robinson

Mon 19th Aug 2013 13:03

Thanks for your comments John and for listening to my lastest entry.

Rhyme is not dead yet and though it might be outmoded in some quarters, the proverbial man on the street still enjoys it. I do hope your rhymes are not changing!


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M.C. Newberry

Thu 15th Aug 2013 14:44

Thanks for your comments on my two latest posts. You alone seem to take the trouble to approach the need for "balance" on the subjects involved. The idea that "racism" is essentially attributable to "whitey" is nonsense and needs an occasional poke where the sun don't shine!

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kath hewitt

Wed 14th Aug 2013 02:02

You are more than welcome and thank you too for your comment re my boy :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 11th Aug 2013 20:08

Fireball XL% eh? I liked Stingray - "Aqua...Aqua Marina..." ;-)

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 9th Aug 2013 17:18

Hi John,

Thank you for your comments on my poem "I Have the Right to Write. LOL! My husband loves this poem and asks "Where should I kiss you?" I tell him to behave.


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M.C. Newberry

Sun 4th Aug 2013 15:29

Hi JC - I've just enjoyed a long weekend in the glorious (home county) surroundings of coastal South Devon - with a balcony overlooking Lyme Bay and breakfast in the sun on said balcony each morning! Delightful!! So - now back to commenting on WOL. I think that the older "as is" Bob Dylan would enjoy your versions of his youthful efforts. Looking back, they were certainly products of their time...managing to find a slot in the young minds of those days. In the 60s I owned that LP (the title eludes me) with him and a pretty girl arm in arm walking some New York street on its cover. But I was still following Rock and the timeless artistry of a certain Ol' Blue Eyes and never followed up.

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 24th Jul 2013 22:52

and I'm not telling you where to hold a saddo's balls ;-)or did I misread your intention?

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 23rd Jul 2013 19:44

cheers John - I'm 'not just a hat-rack' eh? I have no idea what you're on (about)but you are quite correct - my rack is not just for hats

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Mon 22nd Jul 2013 09:51

If you want your third prize (an inflatable toy ;) then email me your address :)

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Yvonne Brunton

Mon 15th Jul 2013 18:18

HI John
We've just been to another wedding - went in our wellies with trowel and plant pots! - there was a typo on the invitation!

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 10th Jul 2013 22:36

know them all well john - quite a regular in Boons in my day. Now frequent a superb pub just behind the Raj Poot called Fernandes Brewery Tap - real ale and no music - bliss :-)

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Cate Greenlees

Mon 8th Jul 2013 16:31

Hi John, many thanks for your lovely comment on my piece "The Last Song."
I havn't actually written anything for a while, but got such a buzz out of trying out my old skills that I might just be forced to start writing again!!
Cate xx

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 29th Jun 2013 13:38

JC - indeed, the fates smiled kindly on the location of your unwanted mechanical failure. Thinking of the alternatives is enough to make a soul give thanks. Ages ago, I was the owner of another sports car when, on a winter slip-road to a motorway, I found myself and car suddenly sliding out of control across invisible black ice towards the embankment that dropped a good many feet to surrounding fields. As I was hanging on for grim death,the ice ran out, the wheels gained traction and I was spared the drop and the likely vehicular somersaults that would have probably sent me to an early demise. I too gave thanks on considering the possible outcome that evening!

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 27th Jun 2013 17:27

aye up John - thanks for the comment on 'the project' - we are human - therefore we are ungrateful :-)

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