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<Deleted User> (8659)

Tue 28th Aug 2012 10:36

Hi Yvonne,
Thanks for the feedback on 'An Old Git's Lament'-in rhyme no less!

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John Coopey

Mon 27th Aug 2012 22:10

Bloody 'Ell, Bonny!
Get off the computer - you're draining the sun's energy!

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Katy Megan Hughes

Fri 17th Aug 2012 20:55

thank you!

I love your poem "The Kiss" - especially the ending, it's gorgeous...


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steve mellor

Tue 14th Aug 2012 17:23

Hi Yvonne
I rather see myself in lycra - fortunately noone else has to
Thanks for taking the time to comment

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Paul Maxey

Sat 11th Aug 2012 18:59

Thanks for the comment on 'Keirin for the old'
A pacemaker with a pacemaker,nice one.

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 3rd Aug 2012 16:38

Hi Yvonne. Thank you for your comments on my sister Sandra's poem "It is Time."
She put a lot of herself into this poem. I will pass your comments onto her.


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winston plowes

Thu 26th Jul 2012 21:41

Hi Yvonne. Re my olympic contribution. Funnily enough , thats what my daughter said, "Dad it looks like Bolt came last" (Where of course ho won) You have a point , might write another version thx. Win

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Dave Carr

Thu 26th Jul 2012 18:24

Hi Yvonne,
Thanks for kind comment on Compy Dompy.
I too was brought up on Stanley Holloway/Marriott Edgar
My favourite was Marksman Sam
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Wed 25th Jul 2012 08:50

From memory I'd say around October. Julian organises the poetry side of it. It's a lovely place and a lovely festival whatever the weather. There will probably be some publicity up closer to.

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Tue 24th Jul 2012 23:51

You'll have to try to make it to the Marsden jazz festival - we always go there together and there is a lovely poetry open mic on the Sunday in a pub x

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John Coopey

Mon 16th Jul 2012 21:11

Bonjour YB.
Apologies for my delay in responding to your comments on Research and In The Grotto. I have been on holiwags for 4 weeks caravanning and internet opportunities were very limited.
Research was an old post which seemed timely to give aother airing. I've put my flagpole down now,though.
In the Grotto is completely autbiographical.

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<Deleted User> (10423)

Mon 18th Jun 2012 16:21

Thanks for your kind words and advice, Yvonne, they are most welcome. I have updated "the spider" a little, would be interested in your opinion. "Greenwood" comes from the heart. I love the natural world around us. Shame it's taken for granted. 8-)

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Laura Taylor

Mon 11th Jun 2012 12:13

Thanks for your note on 'Mountains', Yvonne. Two fantastic songs aren't they?

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John Coopey

Sun 10th Jun 2012 14:07

Hello Y,
Glad you liked Thrashing. The photo of you I found by googling "Madame Doncaster"

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John Coopey

Thu 7th Jun 2012 00:22

Many thanks, Yvonne for your thoughts on my bloater. It was, of course, available for inspection outside the Barnsley Empire in my alter persona as Mr Gabardine Man.
I also thank you for the suggestion that I copyright the form, athough rather than Shaiku, I shall call it a Haikupi in honour of my great uncle Hirohito Kupi.

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Katy Megan Hughes

Mon 4th Jun 2012 17:29

hi, thank you for the comment on my poem, "he did" has now disappeared!

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 1st Jun 2012 01:47

@Harry: I like to play with words, I bend them, I twist them, I play with them as a child would play with a fly in a glass jar - pulling off a wing or two.
PURPOSE is used ironically and is meant as a consequence of the existence of the thing itself (there is no purpose)
KINK is the emergence of humanity, that as of yet is a solitary event. This event is the 'kink' in the time-line.
I agree with you on BILLION TRILLION as awkward, I thought so even as I wrote it, but used it to remind me of the need for a replacement.

@Graham: Thanks- I think therefore I thank.

@Yvonne: Thanks, but I'm not complaining. :o)

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 31st May 2012 20:48

broom broom!

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John Coopey

Thu 31st May 2012 17:23

Hello Yvonne. Glad you liked my twangy thing. Unfortunately the ageing process seem to have perished the elastic these days.

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 31st May 2012 14:57

Yvonne, many thanks for your kind feedback on my last couple of poems. It is very much appreciated.



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Tommy Carroll

Tue 29th May 2012 12:59

@Steve: cheers :o)

@Yvonne: Things can be arranged.

@Stella: You keep your tongue off my crockery missus!

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Shirley Smothers

Mon 28th May 2012 01:24

Hi Yvonne. I think I have found the culprit to my poem "Mime Rhyme." I suggest you find this page using Google. Google Mime Rhyme, 35 short funny poems. This website will be
Whoever made this page list 35 poems but not the authors. My poem is number 13 on the list.
To quote this page. "You can share these poems with kids, family members, colleagues and make them laugh."
So besides me their are at least 34 other people whose poems are at risk. To be honest I am a little flattered that some people like my poem. But I would never copy a poem and make it seem like my own creation.
Thanks for letting me rant.

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 28th May 2012 00:02

yes Yvonne it is a foto of my living room(no window blinds)
Steve ta you have a way with ...thingies.
Winston-you know your stuff-Tommy

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John Coopey

Mon 21st May 2012 20:51

Thanks for your comments on "Tanaburs", Yvonne. I'd just come off the phone from shoutng at my dad who hadn't got his hearing aid in; and I couldn't break the habit!

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John Coopey

Fri 18th May 2012 10:24

She looked a bit of a hottie to me. Was it a babe shoot for 'hello' magazine?

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 18th May 2012 10:18

Yvonne- I will not tell you that the foto is not of my living-room; nor is the previous semi-colon appropriate or not otherwise; but that one was.

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John Coopey

Thu 17th May 2012 20:28

By the way.... that Askern pond behind you in the photo?

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John Coopey

Thu 17th May 2012 20:27

I didn't know you were Mancunienne; I thought you were a Doncastrienne.
Incidentally, I was in Donny today. What I don't understand is why is it whenever I go in they let all the prisoners out for the day?

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John Coopey

Mon 14th May 2012 11:49

'Turn in his gravy'? Ha ha, very good. I see i've got competition!

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<Deleted User> (10260)

Mon 14th May 2012 00:27

Thank you so much, Yvonne for the feedback on my poems. I agree with you reg;"Grief Stricken" and have decided to amend accordingly. Many thanks. xxx

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John Coopey

Sun 13th May 2012 20:42

Hello Yvonne,
Glad you liked "Together". We recorded it in school on Wednesday (its world premiere!) and I posted it the same day (I think).
We (that's Richard and myself) wanted something simple musically and lyrically for the kids; also, something Christian in tone(together/caring for others/strong helping weak etc) but not "god-y".
Anyway, the kids seem to like it.

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Peter Asher

Tue 8th May 2012 20:14

Thanks for the comment on Anna Dacie. I thought I would keep the lines short and to the point.

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 8th May 2012 19:19

Also (pre-amble) thank you for your comments on 'On stolen sheets'. :o)

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 8th May 2012 19:13

Yvonne- thank you for your comments on 'On stolen sheets'. :o)

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chris yates

Sun 6th May 2012 14:17

Thank you for your comment on "The Scarf" xx

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Cate Greenlees

Sun 6th May 2012 12:31

Hi Yvonne, just a quick message to say thank you so much for taking all that time and effort to go back through virtually all my work and comment on it.
As your emails kept coming in I went back and read them myself after a gap of a couple of years and its amazing how much of my life is recorded one way or another in those poems!
Some of your comments amused me, some of them I found touching, but in all of them I felt genuine warmth and feeling of "kindred spirits"
My family has just arrived so Ive not time now, but I will return the complement and look at your work later. Best wishes.
Cate xx

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winston plowes

Sat 5th May 2012 21:18

Why does a mouse when it spins?

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Shirley Smothers

Thu 3rd May 2012 16:52

Thank you for your help and advice on my stolen poem. I was able to prove that the poem is mine. The website took it down. I have even written a haiku "Stolen Poem" about my experience.
I would not have had a problem with my poem being posted on this website if I had been given proper credit.

Thank you again for your help.

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Chris Co

Thu 3rd May 2012 16:52

Hi Yvonne,

Thx for reading and commenting upon my latest poem- very much appreciated.

I think what you said was very pertinent and on the mark. I've left a very loooong and waffling comment upon the poem.

Far from concise but it might give people an idea where I'm comming from.

My Best


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Tommy Carroll

Tue 1st May 2012 22:25

Yvonne- it could be both?!

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 1st May 2012 19:32

Thank you Yvonne- :o)

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Greg Freeman

Tue 1st May 2012 08:40

Thanks, Yvonne, for your comments on The Show. A rare excursion into rhyme and some sort of metre for me!

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Andy N

Mon 30th Apr 2012 23:30

Hi Yvonne - doing this 30 poems in 30 things has proved knackering. Felt I am going to take a temporary back seat but i shall be back soon - glad you liked this xx

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<Deleted User> (10241)

Mon 30th Apr 2012 22:34

Thank you so much for your welcome and lovely words about my poem

I really like Bins, it evoked for me an intensly emotional allegory of humanity's selfishness and blindness to the suffering surrounding us everywhere. The starving ignored by the world, our heartless treatment and use of the little people who have no say in their lives and their use, and the ultimate selfishness of war.

The rhythm of your poem is brilliant; rushing along from the beginning in their busy "lives" then slamming to a sharp stop with the last lines and the sharp contrast between their life giving function and war, with the possibility of destroying us all.

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winston plowes

Mon 30th Apr 2012 18:43

Hi Yvonne, yes thats the word a sort of detached 'loneliness' that always comes across in these computer voices. I thought at the end it (he) sounded rather deseprate! Win

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winston plowes

Sat 28th Apr 2012 11:24

Hi Again Yvonne, Thx for the detailed comments on my mine poem. Glad it had the desired effect but now you need to do something cheery as an antidote lol.

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winston plowes

Fri 27th Apr 2012 23:29

Hi Yvonne, Re M> ilk. Has your mind never wandered from your body? I think sometimes one is ahead of the other. Thx for looking in. Win x

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John Coopey

Fri 27th Apr 2012 22:33

Glad you liked "Their Finest Hour", Yvonne. What little knowledge of history I have I blame on Bernard Cornwell.

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winston plowes

Fri 27th Apr 2012 10:46

Hi Yvonne, Thanks for popping in and commenting on Fizz Bomb. Glad you enjoyed the ride. Not my usual style (Whatever that is lol) Win x

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J. Otis Powell!

Mon 23rd Apr 2012 13:47

Yvonne: Thanks for your comment on my quintet. The reality is we've learned too well how to hold on to status quo and not well enough how to move forward to include other value systems that respect all human stories. William Faulkner said it this way, "The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past."
J. Otis

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