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John Botterill

Fri 10th Jun 2022 22:03

Superb Clare. Awesome! πŸ˜€

Comment is about Give Me Poetry (blog)

Original item by Clare

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Nigel Astell

Fri 10th Jun 2022 20:29

Non-stop dancing and fun
then to
let the snow of petals brush against my skin
who would want to leave such a place.

Comment is about Lost In Paradise (blog)

Original item by Aisha Suleman

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Nigel Astell

Fri 10th Jun 2022 20:18

Thanks for your likes
Stephen G
John B

Comment is about Torpedoes of Love Explode on Fake Island (blog)

Original item by Nigel Astell

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John Botterill

Fri 10th Jun 2022 20:08

A joyous celebration of nature, Julie. You do this so well!

Comment is about Graceful Dance (blog)

Original item by julie callaghan

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 10th Jun 2022 18:38

Russia did away with its monarchy. That didn’t work out too well either.

Comment is about Jubilee (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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John Botterill

Fri 10th Jun 2022 18:32

Great poem of your own, MC. Thanks.
Thanks for the likes Stephen A,, Nigel, Frederick, Tom and Aisha πŸ˜€

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 10th Jun 2022 16:56

But I shudder to think of what might take its place in the human
context of inspiration/aspiration". Did Orwell;'s "1984" have
Royalty as its villain?. There can be a tendency to confuse its
meaning to the population at large with the decisions made by
politicians about who gets what from cash taken from the tax-payers' pockets.

Comment is about Jubilee (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 10th Jun 2022 16:43

Bojo would settle for pirate I fear.
Our Jolly is well and truly Rogered, we hear.!

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Steve Higgins

Fri 10th Jun 2022 16:04

I speak as one who’s been taken in by this nob
Now I wonder, how long can he hang on to his job!
Good one Stephen!

Comment is about Bananacharma (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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Stephen Atkinson

Fri 10th Jun 2022 15:36

Thank you Keith, I'm not sure where the illustration is from. I probably just came across it on t'internet & screenshot it. I really should take note of who they are by, to give credit where it's due!

Comment is about Bananacharma (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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Ella Visconti

Fri 10th Jun 2022 15:27

Thank you so much it really means a lot.

Comment is about Animal Suicide (blog)

Original item by Ella

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jennifer Malden

Fri 10th Jun 2022 13:45

Thanks for the like and comment. Frederick. Agree that many teachers are rendered impotent by the system. If they chide the child/student the parents are often aggressive, verbally and sometimes even physically, without even working out why he/she was told off. Don't think though that the future citenzry will be very docile, quite the contrary!!!

Comment is about Twisted (blog)

Original item by Jennifer Malden

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Ghazala lari

Fri 10th Jun 2022 13:32

Et tu Brutus.

This is really sad. A friend turns foe, what a big loss.

Well penned!🌷

Comment is about Now My Foe (blog)

Original item by Mike Bartram

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Mike Bartram

Fri 10th Jun 2022 13:28

Thank you...somebody on a poetry site suggested writing a poem to accompany this picture, there are some wonderful submissions. So that's how this poem came about, my version of what I see in the picture!

Comment is about Now My Foe (blog)

Original item by Mike Bartram

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keith jeffries

Fri 10th Jun 2022 11:57

A well crafted poem which deals with the most ghastly but avoidable tragedy of Grenfell. The writer Ben Okri also wrote a poem about this event which is well worth reading but your poem is an equal to it. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Thank you for this

Comment is about That Night (blog)

Original item by Doug Berry

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Nigel Astell

Fri 10th Jun 2022 11:39

Words that sing a heart felt tune.❀

Comment is about P. 1 (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Nigel Astell

Fri 10th Jun 2022 11:35

Freedom brings a happiness shown so much in your poem.

Comment is about What's meant to be, will definitely be. (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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Nigel Astell

Fri 10th Jun 2022 11:28

A Lightbulb swings in a Room of Dolls

Evil penetrating stare
plastic human mould
subconscious senses fear
disturbing dark demons
invade unexpected mind
anguish heeds warning
caution looks away.

Comment is about June 2022 Collage Poem: Lost Technologies (blog)

Original item by Stockport WoL

<Deleted User> (33618)

Fri 10th Jun 2022 11:06

There's so much within your poem! Very interesting!

Comment is about At The Watering Hole (blog)

Original item by Adam Whitworth

<Deleted User> (33000)

Fri 10th Jun 2022 10:45

A very good poem Ella

all we can say is thank God for all those fantastic people who are totally committed in looking after these vulnerable beauties


Comment is about Animal Suicide (blog)

Original item by Ella

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Fri 10th Jun 2022 10:19

Right Nigel πŸ˜‚

Comment is about Not a poem; diagnosis (blog)

Original item by Sunshine

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John Botterill

Fri 10th Jun 2022 10:13

Thanks for your praise, Holden. It means a lot to me 😎

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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keith jeffries

Fri 10th Jun 2022 08:49

A poem which so very well expresses the reality of war and its awful consequences. "their minds will be a husk", sums up those who survive. Let us pray for a swift end to this useless conflict. Long live Ukraine.
Thank you for this

Comment is about Splendid Youth (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Greg Freeman

Fri 10th Jun 2022 07:59

The title recalls Owen's 'Anthem for Doomed Youth', of course, Stephen. As you may well have intended. Another poem from you full of pity and empathy. Thank you for keeping Ukraine's flag flying.

Comment is about Splendid Youth (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 10th Jun 2022 07:35

Chillingly good, Mike.

Comment is about Now My Foe (blog)

Original item by Mike Bartram

Holden Moncrieff

Fri 10th Jun 2022 04:39

A really incisive poem, John! "When you have nailed your colours to a pirate's mast" perfectly sums it up! 😎

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

Holden Moncrieff

Fri 10th Jun 2022 04:21

Thank you so much, Russell and Keith, I'm very grateful for your kind comments, and really glad you enjoyed the poem! 😊

Comment is about Interplay (blog)

Original item by Holden Moncrieff

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John Marks

Thu 9th Jun 2022 23:42

Thank you dear Frederick, dear Fredrick, dear Frederick.

β€œAnd if you voz to see my roziz As is a boon to all men's noziz, - You'd fall upon your back and scream - '" Lawk! O criky! it's a dream!"”
-- Edward Lear

Comment is about Two and a half questions in search of an answer (blog)

Original item by John E Marks

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Red Brick Keshner

Thu 9th Jun 2022 23:01

Thanks for dropping a line or two in the comment box. You are much appreciated: keith, John, Stephen. The discomfort makes for the poetic 'wrestling,' keith. May not make it easier or less painful but we can, as we say, "go down with a fight;" and "not go gently into the night." And so all the 'first times without them' has begun. Cheers. /Frederick.

Comment is about promise (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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John Botterill

Thu 9th Jun 2022 22:25

Thanks Stephen. I totally agree with you! And the sooner the better! 😊 Thanks for the like Tom and Frederick , also.

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 9th Jun 2022 22:01

An important defence of free speech and the freedom to protest, Keith. Thank you for this.

Comment is about Artists, Writers & Poets speak out (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 9th Jun 2022 22:00

To CC, JB, SG and all who did me the honour of liking these words - thank you. Dave left our Earthly existence this day -
Thursday 9th June 2022.πŸ’

Comment is about END OF LIFE CARE - for my brother-in-law David Wood (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 9th Jun 2022 21:53

Some poems stir the mind and some the emotions. This does both, MC. A beautiful work.

Comment is about END OF LIFE CARE - for my brother-in-law David Wood (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 9th Jun 2022 21:53

Two extraordinary existences that leave us marvelling at the
sheer resilience and adaptability of the human spirit.

Comment is about Death of Paula Rego recalls moment when poetry and art met (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 9th Jun 2022 21:49

Very poignant, Frederick.

Comment is about promise (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 9th Jun 2022 21:47

Thanks, John. Clever presentation of this business, which I enjoyed. I suppose 'liar" and 'lawbreaker' don't have the desired effect either! Perhaps only the darts cry of 'One Hundred and Eighty' (or more) will do it.

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 9th Jun 2022 21:37

A stunning poem of the highest quality, Ian. My recent Jubilee poem was a little more celebratory but I can recognise really good stuff when I see it. Thanks.

Comment is about Jubilee (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 9th Jun 2022 21:32

Thank you very much , Keith. I completely agree about banning such mines.

And thanks to Rudyard, Rose and Kevin for liking.

Comment is about Landmines (blog)

Original item by Stephen Gospage

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John Botterill

Thu 9th Jun 2022 21:05

Thanks Russell. Great comments. Good luck with your poem. I look forward to reading it! πŸ˜€

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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keith jeffries

Thu 9th Jun 2022 20:46

Stephan this is really good. I loved every word. Is the illustration one of Banksy's works? The final stanza sums up the truth.
Thank you for this

Comment is about Bananacharma (blog)

Original item by Stephen W Atkinson

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Russell Jacklin

Thu 9th Jun 2022 20:07

I've just written a long-winded poem on the same subject which I'll post once I put some big words in it,
well said you,
and luckily for me, the dictionary is huge

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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John Botterill

Thu 9th Jun 2022 18:33

A sad poem, Frederick. Very touching.

Comment is about promise (blog)

Original item by Red Brick Keshner

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Reggie's Ghost

Thu 9th Jun 2022 16:10

If the monarchy didn't exist we'd probably invent it, but on a much less bloated scale than it has become.

Comment is about Jubilee (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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John Botterill

Thu 9th Jun 2022 15:41

Thanks Rose! πŸ˜€

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

<Deleted User> (9882)

Thu 9th Jun 2022 15:14

Hear hear! ( without the beer! )

10/10 Mr B,

RC πŸ’‹

Comment is about Word Search (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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keith jeffries

Thu 9th Jun 2022 14:46

A well written poem from another perspective. The voice of the poet is sincere and his concerns are clear. It is good to hear the other point of view as it sobers our thoughts to a different reality.
Thank you for this

Comment is about Jubilee (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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John Botterill

Thu 9th Jun 2022 14:37

Magnificent, MC.

Comment is about END OF LIFE CARE - for my brother-in-law David Wood (blog)

Original item by M.C. Newberry

<Deleted User> (9882)

Thu 9th Jun 2022 14:35

Top quality hard hitting stuff big Ian and for me personally you've hit my nail square and FAIR on the head

keep well dude and don't be a stranger!

RC πŸ’‹

Comment is about Jubilee (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 9th Jun 2022 14:27

thanks for the comment RG - I agree - and thanks for the 'likes' one and all πŸ˜ƒ

Comment is about Red Flag Blues (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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John Botterill

Thu 9th Jun 2022 14:25

Thanks for the likes Holden, Julie, Carol, Frederick, Nigel, Stephen and Bethany

Comment is about A Jubilee Line or two... (blog)

Original item by John Botterill

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