thanks for the comment on 'domestosterone' John - I'm not acquainted with any 'flash' ladies I'm afraid - perhaps you could point me in the right direction ;-)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Thanks for the comment on the war one.
You`re right about the medal, that custard was well worse than the bombs.
That young blond, who sat languidly licking stamps and eying all of us contemptuously, was my very first impossible Godess.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
thanks John
'the sparkle' words & vocal by yours truly, music by yours truly and a guy called Nev Barker, who is the bass player on the track - there are some more in the vault - I'm adding them one a month at month ends - the next one 'Northern Lights' is quite psychedelic - some of the earlier ones are on my profile page - glad you liked it :-)
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Original item by John Coopey
thanks for the comment on 'I wish I had a harley' john - love the tagline 'born to be mild' wish I'd thought of that - then again, 'twat out of hell' is equally appropriate :-)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Sewerby park wow playing golf on balmy red hot days,late afternoons happy times for me.
The boats, you said you didn't love Brid, but do you not remember the pleasure cruises on the Bridlington queen etc? I remember being 17 and so full of myself looking pensive and feeling handsome day dreaming in all these places along the ne coast. Truly happy
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Hello Richard.
Danes Dyke - yes. In fact, we've just had a week at Sewerby.
The boats? I'm sure I will have as a kid. I'm absolutely certain about the Hispaniola, though; and bashing the Germans in Peasholm Park!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Did you ever go to Danes Dyke John
Sail on the Flamborean or the Bridlington queen The Yorkshire bell,,,its nuts they just stick in your mind like toffee, did you ever meet the guy who used to play the fiddle on those boats?
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
thanks for commenting on 'noticed' John - I know what you mean about life/wife/knife/strife - but like to think you can be creative with adjacent words to give them a bit more of a unique slant - hopefully that worked. Glad you enjoyed it
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
IKEA is brilliant. Haven't laughed so much for a long time. Very funny.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Cheers for the comments re: The Writing Class me hearty. I'm not much of an Abba fan either (can't you just tell there's a bad joke about Scandiwegian vegetables dying to come forward right about now?)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
AVB and the lads John. Dare to believe!!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
thanks for your insightful comments on 'drunk' John. The music was an attempt at a carousel (spinning) and a music box playing a lullaby (sleep) so you were pretty much spot on.
Also loving 'I have a bream' - reminded me of what i used to shout when i got home from school - "Mam, Im here"
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
john, thanks for your comment and sentiment on my recent poem. much appreciated.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
What garbage doth thou spout now?
What garbage doth thou spout now!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Hey, John,
No probs re: comment upon schadenfreude. I can understand your position, mine being somewhat different is bye the bye.
Besides I can always be relied upon to waffle out an opinion. Hehe
Glad you liked my latest - thx. 11 elections - crickey!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Oi John
who said i paid for the tea-cake - i'm a yorkshireman - if it's too expensive it don't get bought :-)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Cheers for your comments John.
I wrote it quickly and just put it down as I felt it.
I've not done it that way before and don't know if it's 'poetry correct '.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Hya John
My grandkids have rejuvinated me, not that I really needed it but as you say .... happy days indeed.
Pete The Bus Driving Poet.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
JC - thanks for the courtesy, especially as I can appreciate your own situation - both physically and career-wise. No one can doubt the achievements and importance of unions. Regrettably, a great industry was taken for a one-way trip by less than honest political leadership. I have a friend here in town - retired from London Transport (mechanical side) and he is scathing about the prevalent union leadership in his old job - no names, no pack drill!
Personally, I accept being abused as a sign of a paucity of worthwhile argument from the abuser.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Ah John, "Don't look twice its Celulite" is
a wonderful take on a song by his Bobness
the Zimmer frame man !
regards Paul
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
so i win the competition eh John - I guess it takes one to know one :-)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
We have practically got a monopoly on yorkshire prisons here. take your pick ( or shovel, depending which chain gang you're on)
I once knew an ex con who was trying to break back in so that he could steal prison shirts which apparently were selling like hot cakes in London
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Not sure whether you are refeing to my sensibilities or my condition after a bottle of Pinot Grigio - taken, I might add, as a direct result of my despondency because I cun't solve your little Gropexxxx puzzle!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
thanks for your comments on 'in the frame' john - i've tagged it for the competition, so hopefully it will get picked up
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Thanks for the good wishes re the hip op - as to the photo - no way! ;)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
JC - see comment on your post of "Paint It Beige" - but isn't "guage" (shown) actually "gauge" (to ascertain). I assume it's a case of "the moving finger writ and having writ..").
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
JC - as a former angler, I am intrigued by the
idea of living beside a river while keeping fish in a pond!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Hi John - thanks for your nice comments on my Minnow poem :)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
A comedy goal and a f**king penalty. We didn't even win the Tom Daley Diving competition either.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
thanks for your continued supportive comments - I've gor form now eh - better get a suit ;-)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Thanks for the comment about "Paper Chase". I used to buy the broadsheets, then none at all, followed by the occasional purchase of the D.E. - with its free TV magazine on Saturday (and its campaign agin' an overbearing EU). The London Evening Standard is now FREE here in town - so that makes up most of my current newspaper reading these days. I was telling Yvonne B. that I once had a letter published in The Times (THOSE were the glory days!) challenging noted pundit and author Bernard Levin about his use of the term "agent provocateur". Nowadays, it's more likely to be a moan printed in a local "freebie" letter page!!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Oh John, you can put a shilling in my slot any day.XX
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Thanks John
it's actually a Rondeau - based upon the concept that the sun doesn't actually rise - the earth tilts :-) good old Copernicus eh?
PS - sorry - posted this on the blog first - forgot it doesn't go to you direct - what a numpty :-(
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
"Fridge Full Of Muddy Water"? Priceless!
On the subject of things found in canals...have you ever thought of one about a serial killer?
Call it "Johnny, dismember me"!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Just as long as there is some lead in your pencil, Johnny boy!
What's this about my disappearing from WOL ? That's the second time that's happened recently.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
JC - I didn't succeed in locating YB's page to
leave your message - either by clicking on one
of her comments or by inserting her name under
"search". I left that problem with Isobel.
Now I notice that Julian( WOL) has left her
address above. I'll leave that to you.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Hi John
I think your little bobble is well buried beneath the sepia shadow of yesteryear. As ever thank you for reading....
Regards Gus x
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Hi John
many thanks for your kind and insightful comments on 'Beneath The Watch Tower'. I hope I do know what I'm doing, but day by day the doubts grow :-) I notice you give very positive feedback around the whole of WOL and it's a genuinely commendable gift that you deliver
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
This is the one I've already flagged up to you Julian. At the moment that link is only working if you have an admin password.
As far as I know, it is being looked into by our technical people. It definitely hasn't been deleted - it's just invisible for now!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
<Deleted User> (5011)
Tue 19th Feb 2013 15:01
Here it is MC
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
JC - I have tried to locate Yvonne B. by clicking on her name when locating comment by
her - and also by searching under her name. In
both instances, there was no sight of any PROFILE PAGE or place where I could see I was able to leave a message.
I hope you can resolve this with Isobel - apropos my previous comment about my own problem with "permissions". ALSO - does YB
HAVE a profile page - as seen in yours and mine?
If not, has this been deleted and does she know? As I said before...weird!!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
JC - as a matter of interest, I have been in
touch with Isobel (moderator on WOL) about having that "permissions" issue with another
site (from a post on I tried to read from 13/2/2013 - "All Grown Up"). In that instance, she said the user profile had been
deleted and that the post in question had
hung around for whatever reason and should go in due course. Weird!
I will pass your message to Yvonne and hope
I don't get a repeat of the problem myself when
doing so.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Hi John. I'll let our technical people know the difficulties you are having posting on Yvonne's wall. I'm able to post on it but it would be interesting to see if MC manages to.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
JC -
My sister's dog is a poodle...
A big black kit n' kaboodle,
Who gets himself into a muddle
About where to leave his puddle;
And is certainly quite a sight
With his arse up a tree full of shite!
While I'm here - loved your Bill Shakespeare post and commented thereon.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Thanks John. The site wasn't its usual self for me as well.
I've always loved John Cleese's acting.
Hello Frederick,
For some reason the site wouldn't let me get onto your Profile page yesterday, so apologies for the slow thanks for commenting on "Sonnet 8". Also in respect of "Hotel Fawlty Towers".
Yes, they have started doing re-runs of the series and surprisingly the humour hasn't dated one bit.
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Original item by John Coopey
<Deleted User> (8659)
Thu 7th Feb 2013 09:14
Hi John, Pleased that my tales from the Prawning Fleet continue to entertain you.
I do hope to get back out on to the open mic circuit as and when finances allow-until then, look out for the next thrilling installment!
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Thx for the feedback on my latest John.
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey
Harry O'Neill
Sat 15th Jun 2013 18:15
The `effs in your stuff always have a smile on their faces (particularly when it`s an `effin smile. And are always straight and humorously to the `effin point...keep `em comin`
Like this
Poor Larkin! - the man was out of luck
His life a sheer catastrophe
If he never even had a fuck
Till after nineteen sixty three
(I`m not annoyed at all the pointless and humourless stuff...just bored.)
Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)
Original item by John Coopey