The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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These four walls

Ever still am I

Where freedom swells, breaks and lies

Lost in a room of my own making

My frantic mind unabaiting

The key holder to a door with no lock

This time it is I who is out of luck


Thoughts sway and dwell upon the question

Staring at the whitewash in my mission

Could hell really be so pale?

The body and mind eager-eyed in a chess match

Sweating as the need...

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The Silence That Remains

There is a silence that is not silence
It is the air that refuses to enter
It is the footsteps that echo in empty corridors
the time that drags, heavy
like a body that no longer feels

Fascism does not come with noise
It comes with the absence of song
with the hand that closes around the throat
and says, "This is not pain. This is order."

But there is a light that insists
A tiny light...

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The Divan

I look at myself, and see the abyss
In the mirror, where time slips away
And the cruel emptiness takes me whole
Like a distant echo that life betrays

What is pain, if not a flame
That burns without being explained?
It is a torment that is not mine
But invades me, devours me under the moonlight

The divan calls me, but what is the divan
If not a well, where the soul is lost
In words th...

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Beautiful and Cursed

It was no longer the body I saw
It was the emptiness of its lines
the silence that stretched like an endless night
a night in which beauty is lost
what is cursed
as if beauty were a lie
and the curse, perhaps, a form of love

I saw their gaze, the beautiful and the cursed
not with my eyes, but with absence
Because who feels sees through what’s unsaid
through what dissolves in the words ...

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Let the wolves run

Let the wolves run

I run faster

Let the wolves run 

I am stronger

Sure of myself 

I flex the muscles of my mind

No need to hide

I expel hexes in one breath,

You may not enter

Nor commit the theft 

Of my soul

You are uninvited 

Release the hatred from your heart

Vengeance is a waste of energy

To be enlightened is to be smart 

And rise above, rise!

I a...

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Vengeancehateenergycleansepurifyspiritualexpelhexfreespiritsoulmindbodyfreedommeditationgrowdevelopstrengthbelieffaithself beliefsense of selfprotectioncursefightdefeatblack magicpredatorwolves


the body of the soul is,
the mercy of the soul
a body is a mercy of a body
a soul is a mercy of a soul
the mind,body,and soul is the mercy,
of the mind,body,and soul
the mercy is the soul,the mercy is the body,the mercy is the mind

light is a barrier of light
light is a barrier of the mind,body,and soul
light is a mercy of light
light is a mercy of the body
light is a mercy of the sou...

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minus the soul,plus the body

my way or the highway
my way or the heartache
my way or minus the highway
my way or minus the heartache
minus the heartache,minus the highway
minus the soul,minus the heartache
minus the soul,plus the soul

minus the soul,plus the heartache
the mind,body is a plus of the soul
minus the soul,minus the body,plus the mind
plus the mind,plus the body,minus the soul
minus the soul is plus t...

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To the man wanking at us on the nudist beach

To the man wanking at us on the nudist beach.


My body

Is the iron of my ancestors:

Constant creation.

It is weightless

In water,

A ripple

It stretches and shrinks

Like the days of summer.

My body runs warm like a shower

Glows like a gallop

Ripens and slides with sweat.

My body eats the world

Licking every second

And glides into itself


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beachbeach thoughtsbodyNudityconsentphysical


sensitive about her body

gym doing physical jerks

I praised her endeavours

my flattery usually works


then came a stupid row

for jealousy of her friends

that fresh independence

envy ease of mind rends


my criticisms undermine

confidence to be curbed

barbed comments, digs

her self-worth disturbed


warned her shape awry

put her mind on the rack


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Shower Time






from her silky long hair,



a fine, structured bridge: her collarbone.



and lower,

striking and 



a curve

of fine, pert breasts

and erect nipples.




Caressing nude skin.

A delicate, seductive, touch.





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bodyerotic poemeroticaobserveobservingshowers

to my body

my brain was a savage

and im sorry i let so many undeserving hands ravage your fragile parts

i didnt think you were worth enough, so thats why i continued to pick and prod, my judgement was tough

im sorry i ripped you to pieces

but now im learning to love all of your creases

with every burise, cut, and scar youre beautiful thin or large

ive learned to keep you close on your worst...

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Self-esteembodyloverecovery self-image

Let Go

It's time to let go.

It's time to move on from the past, 

from whatever it is holding you back

The random pain from memories 

coming back to you as if two years was instead, two months ago

It's time to be free of all that is not meant to be

You know and I know 

The universe will show you which way to go 

Find true connection from within

Only then will you find clarity 


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self loveLetting Gohappinesshealthmindbodysoul

My Body

My hands is where it starts

The heat of the fire

Ignited there


My fingers betrayed me

Now with a mind

Of their own


They torment me

Driving me insane



My heart starts to race

A speed my body isn’t

Prepared for


My blood runs everywhere

With a temperature

Way too high


They torture me

Crippling my movements



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anxietypanic attacknervesbody partsbody


Ah! I loved you!


Lost to your soul,

            I bared my heart


Within your mind

            I held my heart...


            as if all hearts sang with mine

                        as if all lips knew


I felt your blood pulse

            and heat my soul

            as your hair scourged my body


                        (Ah! I loved your hair!)


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loveobsessionpassionworshipdesirelove poemromancebody


Some thoughts on body shaming of Olympic athletes - the most ridiculous nonsense I have heard!

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I've reached my goal weight

I think to myself

But don't ask how I did it

You don't want to know

That depression and anxiety

Is causing my body to change

That trips to the gym

Are only to get through the mundane

Don't tell me I look good

Because deep down inside

Looks don't really matter

When your life is full of pain

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In Your Skin

It’s a funny place here, in your skin. Why do you keep it
So very pale? Like a sail left out in the sun
For too long and then flown at the turning of tides,
Though it glides across all of the seas
Its beauty is gone.

Such a strange place here, in your skin.
Like an ivory sheet thrown
Over sharp bones, pale tones and fingers
Pointing blame at passers by of unknown crimes
In ...

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We Miss You

Dear Jimbo,

On this day you left.

The Earth could no longer handle your grace, for this world can be an ugly place.

We couldn't handle your departure by ourselves. You showed us that we still have each other and that family is more than we were allowing it to be. Some of us will recoil and shrink. We look at them and we think about growth, our own extra terrestrial face as universal being...

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