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Reality of Love

The love we thought we had to give

Is an entirely different meaning of love we have now 

We came together as broken pieces 

Mending each other together separately 

While shielding our love from our own prejudice views

Individuals don’t have the strength to penetrate through 

Though we came close to letting our shield fall 

Quickly grabbing ahold because our hands loosened slig...

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He Could Have

He could have come to rule the world,

he should have been a king.

He could have had all that he want,

but then what would it bring?


For he knew who he was and also

what the world would need.

Thus, he chose life a poor man’s son

who lived a life to bleed


upon the cross, between two thieves,

completely left alone.

‘Twould seem at glance a failure

in this w...

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A precious gift 
Your choice is how you spend it 
Loving others, or yourself 
A difficult thing to achieve both 
when it is limited 

Investing in a future self that may never arrive 
I do not even feel alive
I am breathing, speaking, running out of words
running out of breath
What is left

I am sinking 
My legs are tired 
I have struggled for a while 
struggled with a smil...

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I’ve peeled off my skin for you 

I’ve let you crunch my bones,

Consume beyond my flesh

Beyond my visceral tissues

Beyond my beating heart

Beyond the fibres of my being

Down to my soul

I’ve let you gobble up my spirit

I’ve let you slurp up my mind

Lick the lasting crumbs

of my emotions

Everything in me

Everything making me, me

All that constructs me


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loveheartbreakpainrelationshipemotionvulnerabilityvulnerablegivingsacrificejumpconsumefearpowerinterdependentinterlocksmitteninfatuationin lovebegprayhopedread


The power  to live in the likeness of jesus christ
To show empathy kindness forgiveness love and support
To teach of his suffering and lessons he taught
To walk in the light and all that do follow
Will not be immune to heartache or sorrow
Will not be loved more than their sisters an brothers
Will not avoid suffering or be more blessed than others
We suffer like he did
and no sympathy neede...

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Crumbs from the table

From birth to 53

I was told work set you free

To earn those choices

A house and a car

The girl of my dreams

A pension to stretch far

Work hard for the man

Don’t look for a sham

If you do you might see

Them laughing at me


The crumbs they allow

Because you disavow

Your instinct and soul

You’ve scored an own goal

To please the big boss

He doesn’t give...

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Chanting prayers, dreaming of ships just beyond the horizon,

Another day, another hour, just another minute he wishes to live.

No other choice but one, no other food, no other flesh but his own.

No other way to feed his unfortunate child.

In the middle of nowhere, on this desolate rock, he cut his upper arm.

Blood, not a drop allowed to waste, meat, sickening yet juicy sweet


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Bevin Boy

Bevin Boy


Ernest Bevin got his pound of flesh

as I sucked on my Woodbine,

one of the ‘lucky’ ten percent

who were standing there in line

waiting to be conscripted -

but they decided to assign

me to a living hell

and send me down the mine.


So I toiled for years in darkness

and breathed in black diamond dust,

until my back was broken

along with all the t...

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bevin boycoal miningWW2black lung diseasesacrificeconscription


The greedy God is a needy God

offering paradise to those

who would make a body count

in a violent misshape of fate


for needy Gods need sacrifice

to justify their cause.

What God creates he takes away

while man creates his laws.

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At the gates of Hades

I said, my love, I’ve paid my dues,

the ferryman awaits,

though he does not wait for you.

We sat in silence as he guided his ship,

slicing through the slick ink of the Styx.

He helped me onto the dock with one

withered, sympathetic arm.

The dog and its three heads turned

to me, watching pensively.

They gave a yip; and beside the fallen tree,

a lone, bent-backed man pu...

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Singing Too Loud

Dreaming of funerals 
Dreaming of death
Dreaming impossible 
Daydreams of theft.
Thoughts not unhappy
But hopeful and proud
Driving too slowly
Singing too loud.
Why is it sacrifice leads me to joy?
The heavy heart dragged 
By the arms of a boy.
Why is it sorrow somehow leads me to laughter ?
The dreadful, dark ending
The what that comes after.
Why does the prospect of loved ones abou...

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"I want to eat your cancer" - Nirvana

Inspired by Nirvana's song 'heart-shaped box'. The line "I want to eat your cancer" was so strong and powerful, really got me thinking


I want to eat your cancer,

Sip your darkness, your evils,

Drink from your chalice of disease,

Soak up your pain, bathe in it, wash in it...

So that you are dry.

And when you are too dry;

Powdery, breaking, crumbling,

Ill offer you a dri...

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destructionsacrificeultimatepainloverelationshipcaretake a bulletnirvana


I know myself hanging there,
on that windy tree,
whose roots are unknown,
a sacrifice of myself to myself,
Wounded by my spear Gungnir,
for nine long nights and days I hung,
No food nor drink was brought to me,
Sinking into death they appeared,
Reaching out with a scream,
I grasped the runes,
and sunk from the tree,
with a sigh.

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Norse MythologyPaganismOdinSacrificeRunesYggdrasilKnowledge.

October Collage Poem: Sacrifice

People die for what they say - a sacrifice

I would say.


Promises unfulfilled in darkrooms


my pen massages,

carefully and lovingly

the waiting page.


She is everywoman: sacrifice, laughter, death.


U kip I kip we all kip


running saved her life

she is all giving


the painting of the dog, howling


she is all-giving, all-taking, all-lov...

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collage poemoctobersacrificestockport WoL

Poem 'Airborne' (Sang by Antony Owen & Jacob Roberts)

In memory of Private Jeff Doherty of Airborne Parachute Reg.

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