The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Russia (Remove filter)

United or Doomed!

This poem reflects the urgent and growing tensions Europe faces—internally divided and externally threatened. With rising dangers from Russia, China, and a shifting American stance, it paints a vivid picture of the consequences of inaction.

Europe, listen—time runs thin, The storm is howling, wars begin. Trump builds walls, his hunger grows, Grabs at lands where cold wind blows. Not jus...

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A Deal Among Devils

As the Trump-Musk regime steers the U.S. into the arms of dictators, Europe stands at a crossroads. This poem is an outcry against betrayal, against backroom deals that sell out Ukraine, against the glee of China as it eyes Taiwan, and against the creeping infection of authoritarianism within Europe's own borders. Curtis Yarvin’s sick vision—a world where democracy is crushed under the boo...

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EuropeUkraineTrumpMuskCurtis YarvinauthoritarianismdemocracyChinaRussiaNATOresistancedictatorship

Reverberating Voice of Resistance

Alexei Navalny stood defiantly against oppression, his voice a relentless force for truth in the face of tyranny. Even in captivity, his courage never wavered, his resolve never bent. Reverberating Voice of Resistance is a tribute to a man who fought until his last breath, today a year ago, a reminder that silence can never bury the echoes of justice.

Barred behind steel, but never confined,

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NavalnyRussiapolitical resistancePutin oppositioninjusticecouragetyrannyfreedommartyrremembrance

The Old Smoothie

There’s the old smoothie, turning on the charm.

Hunched behind his desk, far away from harm.

He doesn’t seem to care or give a toss

About the lives that he condemns to loss.


There’s the old smoothie, targeting Ukraine.

Oblivious to death, amused by pain,

He knows the masses have nowhere to hide

And are fair game if they live on that side.


There’s the old smoothie,...

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Rent a Gob Fartage, please quit ballooning, we have had enough,

Of your complaining that your bank’s given you the old ho-heave,                                                                                        

So why don’t you (in short sharp jerky movements) just bloody well bugger right off,

Your best ever promise was, if Brexit was a failure, the UK you would leave,

So sod r...

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Nigel FarageBrexitRussia

Resistant News

Written in March 2022 in response to Simon Armitage's 'Resistance'

We watch

                      the News


                to comprehend

the horror that is war:

we see

destruction... death... weeping...

children who do not understand

      held in the arms of mothers

                who do not understand




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war poetryUkraineresistancerussia

Missile Ways

Missile Ways

What's up the sky and the Russian planes?

Before they're splashed by Stinger missiles

Whoosh! Missile away go go go kill a jet

Or chopper bring it down in the water

Let the crew freeze or drown

Some burn alive or get killed in the crash

How dare they invade Ukraine!

Teach them all a lesson forever

Some things not to be forgotten

Like Duncan in Dune 2021 d...

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Tupolev 141 Drone




Tupolev 141 Drone

Those old drones and planes and choppers all sat there just waiting to fly to war. Polish the metal fuel them up kick the tires away they go. No crew just needed just a memory of flight. Something part of their fabric like their wings or engine. A thing part spirit part elemental that exists beyond human comprehension though we built the machines.


Now t...

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In Silence



In Silence

The English ex SAS Special Forces member went to the Ukraine to fight. He travelled light and took just a small back pack and a head full of skills. A gun was a gun and a bayonet a bayonet. He was trained to use most things as weapon especially military articles.


He decided to go to the Ukraine after the Russians invaded proper in early 2022. The Ukrainian Army too...

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ukrainewarrevengerussiaenglish soldier

In the world of her

On the threshold she stood,

Of the house where her life smiled.

Waving wildly her small arms at him,

Of whom she was the only child.


Inside sat the lady of the house,

Silencing her sobs and drinking up her tears.

Careful not to let the the happy bird know,

Chasing her was the worst of her fears.


All laiden with arms covered under his coat,

To not let the little...

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war to peaceinnocencepeacelifehumanityloveukraineRussiacrisisworld wars


Beware the bear, my father said,

and he’d been taken to its lair,

read the truth, and clawed his way

from its clasp, a gasp from death

where all breath slows,

in Siberian taiga snows.


Beware the bear,

that funny, honey, sunny-featured creature

which, as a host, will greet you

to its land of ice and hut-filled woods,

with a hug and, open-armed,

insist your stay...

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Here Comes The War


Upon the hand that wears the ring

Upon the land where locusts sing

There lies a shadow that begins

To make fools of foolish kings


By fear, hunger, hate and pride

By secret tears never cried  

By flood, famine, fire and rod

By supplication to their God


Here comes the war

Over the border

Right to your door

Here comes the war



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UkrainewarRussiapowerweaponsWWWNATOhistory is a virus



In three months’ time it will happen

The World Cup battleground

Taking place in Putin’s Neo Soviet Russia

England’s finest hooligans will meet

The paramilitary trained enemy Ultras

Who are pumped up steroid pimps

Wearing Sports Direct trashy gear

They claim there’ll be many dead Brits

My bet is on a few dead Russkis too

Bring it all on for this is the natural ord...

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Golden Eagle, soaring high
Shot down in flames
From hate-filled skies
Raining people
Watch them die
What the hell is going on?
Luggage scattered
Bodies shattered
Children's toys
Bruised and battered
They shot a fucking plane down!
Innocent lives of hundreds gone
Families broken
Left to mourn
The loved ones
Who won't make it home
Division - at what cost?
A politic...

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Why now do I look at the Tupolev 160 White Swan and Rockwell B-1B bombers in a new light? Taken aback at how pretty both jet bombers are. Their World War3 mission is a dark job, end of days stuff. Not to be taken lightly, unless you're Dr Strangelove.


Less people die when the American B-1 goes to war. Her nuclear mission is taken over by the B-52 and...

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cold warnuclear bombersrussiasoviet unionamericaworld war3 the endarmageddon





We lost Hugh. Flying such a beautiful little airplane in a blue desert sky, what a nice handling jet. Do what you want with her but no high speed turns too tight, might hit invisible wall in the sky. Dogfight every American jet fighter built none can beat the Mig17 Fresco. Turn on a dime, Russia did this almost right. Ultimate aggressor trainer, what better than to...

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americamigfighterrussiajetaggressortrainpilotaccidentdeathcold warsecret

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