cold (Remove filter)
The Philosophical Bread
I went to the bakery, a simple task
To buy a loaf, nothing to ask
But life, with its subtle sway
Turns the ordinary into a display
The bread, round, golden, and neat
Waited for me, a silent feat
As if it knew what I didn’t see
That I was searching, though unaware of what it could be
It looked at me with a knowing gaze
Understanding more than I in these days
Too perfect to be just a b...
Tuesday 4th February 2025 5:04 am
The Beauty in Despair and Illusion
It is here that lies your beauty
do not testify to me anymore
of dandelions and daffodils
of butterflies and bees
do not sing like crows
beyond the dispersion of sight
then gather
in cold bare trees
sick with
The reward for
destroys the cache
of elegance
of magnificence
of splendor
do not pour out sadness
from your panting ...
Saturday 25th January 2025 4:30 am
Winter 2024, December
Mid month
as a good a time as any other
to write of howling winds that smother
Every hint
of comfort and the daily norms
to replace them all with Darragh's storms
Which break
the trees which crash and fall upon
wires, and thus: the village power has gone
And then
in every room in every country cottage
is darkness from the lack of wattage
No h...
Friday 20th December 2024 2:45 pm
Mr Fix It
The agent sneezed
Another f*cking head cold!
Which twat did he catch it off?
He'd give them their virus back 3x!
Make sure they suffer call it karma
Now he was taking calls in a mask
His voice was muffled and he was irate
Irate agent irate customers wanting help
With their Twinstar electric heaters
Tech support was such fun they said
The customers were American and lazy
Monday 19th August 2024 2:50 pm
Light breeze,
Flowing through your hair,
Like swift waves of silent sea.
As we hear,
Gentle rustling of leaves,
Their sound, A music indeed,
With the moon's light,
Shimmering through the sky,
Lightning our path,
Your dark eyes,
Like an ocean, filled with stars.
Hear me, my dear,
I know it is hard,
But, I want you,
To forget all your worries,
...Tuesday 14th November 2023 8:28 am
In the form of Flame,
Is a mother's touch,
Calm, Gentle, Warm,
The same Fire,
With circumstances,
Raging, Ravaging, Revolting,
Learn from Fire,
To be a caressing mother,
For Good,
And be the destroyer,
For Evil,
Ignite your Fire,
Saturday 21st October 2023 4:07 pm
Winter Chill
The cold winter air whistles melodically
A gentle breeze sneaks past my fingers
Blue Lipped
Frozen Feet
Teary eyed
Memories of autumn spring forth
So close yet so far away
Teddy coat wearers scattered across the London fog
AirPods in, walking briskly
Listening to my favourite tunes
Not trying to blend in
Just learning to be
Realising that happiness is free
Saturday 21st January 2023 9:22 pm
Winters here, unfortunately
It’s that time of the year, how some people truly do love it.
The cold brings the night early, brisk wind and mild flurries
Grab the old winter jacket, red beanie and gloves with a snug fit
The winters here unfortunately, they’re calling for snow in the mornin
The salt crunches under you as you spread it, one cold gust makes you hurry
It’s that time of the year, how some people trul...
Thursday 8th December 2022 12:25 am
(not so) seasonal depression
The sun was supposed to save me
Erase the dark
Outside and inside
I waited patiently
and I was determined
Trusting my everlasting assumtion
That that thing will come
Take the pain away
It would just take time
The time of waiting
Biding in the dark
The aching anticipation in the cold
All of a sudden
Seems oh so sweet
Once the alleged change appears
But nothing changes
Monday 9th November 2020 12:34 pm
Just lay your hand
in mine
when I´m shaking
because the frost
is running through my veins
Just lay your hand
in mine
when my eyes flicker
and all I can see
is darkness
Just lay your hand
in mine
you don’t have to do
you don’t have to say
Just lay your hand in mine
I just need to know
I´m not alone
out here
in the cold
Wednesday 15th April 2020 9:06 pm
Fill me.
Missing life. Empty streets. Cold hearts.
Covering your face what you once criticised on stranger's faces.
Missing love. Empty hearts. Cold air.
Covering the flowers in your heart, the strings of my guitar.
Missing music. Empty stages. Cold rooms.
Covered ears, listening to scary news, not to music anymore.
Missing passion. Empty beds. Cold skin.
Covering all lu...
Friday 3rd April 2020 11:46 am
Cleveland Cold
The Cleveland cold envelops me like cellophane,
Holding me as tight as a rigor mortis grip,
It clenches at my joints,
Constricting my movement not unlike a python,
Walking feels sluggish,
Lifting my arms is akin to moving through clay,
I revel in the uneasiness of it all,
Splattered across my face,
Despite all of the kinks the cold brings out,
A childlike wonder s...
Thursday 17th October 2019 6:58 pm
Contusion Blues
Have I caught a cold?
I can feel it in my bones
this hollow sense that I can’t shake
when I gauge the current state
Newspaper, newspaper
you’re not paper anymore
and it’s not news
just the inevitable unfolding
an unstoppable rolling
towards flag waving
a dismantling, dividing
dis-united kingdom
This news, this news
gives me contusion blues…
Politics is broken, democracy’s a jok...
Wednesday 21st August 2019 3:18 pm
*Times that the witches have woven or, a blast from the proverbial past*
I don't know
what it amounts to,
if there is to have
any sort of
meaning to
what we etched,
or blabbered,
in the utmost
of times.
I sure don't find any reason for that, now.
I was,
reading our letters,
Another time,
another history,
Wasn’t it, though?
Did we merge into 'another' reality, somehow...
Monday 21st January 2019 6:48 pm
The Ghost of Christmas Passed
Twas the night before Christmas
When starless darkness held the night
With howling wind and sleet;
All through the house was ne'er a light
Dark, and a door that creaked
And despite the fire, twas cold as snow
Only the low fire flicker
Could lend the room a ghostly glow
And light the undecked tree.
I crept towards the bottom stair
Mouse-still and watching
A creak, a...
Friday 14th December 2018 2:17 pm
From Two Windows
At dusk
a pink moon
low over the sheds
in a cold clear sky -
ice blue, yet light
hiding stars
a leaf fall
the pond water stills
but does not freeze
Much later
that same moon
lights my bedroom
in the cold night air -
velvet black, the sky
glints stars
an owl flash
my blood chills
but does not freeze
Thursday 22nd November 2018 10:49 am
You were holding my hand,
I couldn’t help but notice how lose your grip was around my wrist,
Your hand was so soft,
Cold even,
But I loved you,
I felt your warmth by one breath in,
Then you let go of my hand,
and I’ve never loved since.
Tuesday 3rd April 2018 12:45 pm
forgotten are the times
our laughs filled the air
gone are the times
we wished would never leave
time passes
memories fade
in blistering august
i shiver
Tuesday 6th March 2018 10:34 pm
Summer heat makes us strip of nothing
little shirts, toes out, booties
Splash in the pool
Seeing new faces that disappear, when the seasons start to change
Building a bond tight like links
Apart as sweat makes us sticky
Fall in likes with summer treatment
Fall to see orange and yellow leaves
As the summer treatment has invited somebody
Moods start to change
I need th...
Monday 8th January 2018 2:54 pm
She has everything that shes ever wanted and yet she feels like her world is coming in around her
She feels everything collapsing and everything settling through
The claustrophobia seeps through her veins and makes her muscles stiff like creepy floorboards
Her childhood hadn't hit its demise but now that shes growing older she finds her self growing darker
She finds her hair getting longer w...
Sunday 17th September 2017 5:13 am
Midday's sun lifts to touch the faint horizon,
a pale discus rolling slowly along,
then gone. The lonely writer, limned in crimson
at her window desk, her ego strong,
her spirits cold as the icy scene before her,
shakes her head, breathes deeply, turns blind
from winter as snow begins its feathery fall;
The heater roars its warmth like an angry hin...
Thursday 23rd February 2017 11:48 am
A Dream Come True
Feelings that once were hidden
Are now expressed to you.
Days that once were stormy
Are now the brightest blue.
Times that once were lonely
Are now filled with pleasure.
All that once was mine alone
Are now things we both treasure.
Nights that once were cold
Are now comforting and warm.
Fears that once were very real
Are now gone with the storm.
A heart that once was broken
Can ...
Tuesday 17th November 2015 12:40 pm
The flickering light calls from
across the disused railway embankment
like a lonely beacon sending signals
into the misty grey dawn.
Quietly questioning a world
still wrapped in strong arms of slumber.
I consider sending an answer,
would that I understood its coded question.
I’m drawn into its intoxicating world by
the pulsating rhythm of its incandescent heart...
Tuesday 7th July 2015 10:15 am
A crowded room
is such a lonely place,
wear a fragile mask
upon a weary face.
Everybody’s here
but there’s nobody there
and there’s nothing to do
except sit and stare.
The distant sounds
of joy and laughter
drifting like echoes
in dusty rafters.
As you slowly subside,
sinking way down low
and you're silently wondering
how far you can go.
...Tuesday 19th May 2015 12:08 am
Out There
It is dark out there,
Where did the light go?
I can't see a thing,
But can feel the snow.
And the temperature is dropping,
Twenty below.
And my sister stopped moving,
And mother is slow.
Father has gone,
To where, I don't know.
And it is dark out there,
And still the wind blows.
Wednesday 30th July 2014 4:31 am
I think it was a blizzard,
But I can't remember.
It was cold.
I was just seven years old.
And I ran inside.
To hide from the storm.
Thinking maybe I could get warm.
The water felt like ice,
But the sun was nice.
It was March.
I can still hear the dirge.
And I ran inside.
I tried not to care.
Thinking maybe you'd be there.
The warmth was gone,
But I was alone.
It was done.
Wednesday 2nd July 2014 9:20 am
the small american mammal lied
the coldest nights are the quietest
though the litter chatters around my feet
like the arctic teeth of an almost corpse
and the gas settles close to home
glassy in it’s welcome
the trees, taut, still brittle of bone,
clench every desperate sinew
as fleshless fingers on a wintered birch
gnarl a carpal tunnel to the council’s moon
Saturday 30th March 2013 4:31 pm
This Morning
Distant chill and early morning
Rising in the cold
The car's all frozen thawing slowly
Where’s my woolly scarf?
The radios drones on with a weather warning
And I’m shivering in the cold
The kettle seems to be taking ages
The toast is taking its time
Where’s the butter and marmalade?
It’ll be cold today, I’m told
Gloved and scarved, scraper in ...
Sunday 13th January 2013 7:13 am
Saturday 25th February 2012 11:23 pm
I am the one you kick cans at as you pass me in the street.
I am the one with the dirty hair and the scruffy clothes.
I am the one you cower from and snarl at as you pass my feet.
I am the one you pretend you can’t hear or blatantly ignore as I mutter ‘Spare change please’.
I was like you once I had a home, a family a smile. Now I have my dog.
I fought for the country ...
Sunday 15th May 2011 9:57 pm
Snow at Solstice
We are snug blanketed under a layer, thick and soft
the wreck of the garden beautified by it
the rooves insulated
gate iron curlicued
thickened in outline
a stuttering blurred underlining
snow font.
Walking and feeling the tense squeak
unfamiliar gait to ache our thighs
we are un-gendered,
muffled, pillowed
crack of face, eyes skenning
comfort o...
Tuesday 21st December 2010 8:28 am
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