The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

separation (Remove filter)


it's a grey morning fog

hazing over the landscape; the person ; love.

it makes distant       .

further away then it really is,


it blurs the lines. 

whispers,, "you are alone "

it's white noise 

hushing the love of the Sun  


drips into the earth between the soft skin of your feet  

makes slippery what you reach for 

An aeonian drab

a monochromatic moan,


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I gave my all into this dhit 

I put everything I had into this bitch 

Just to get chewed up

Left dying,crying, lying in a ditch 

Painful eyes from crying 

Lonely nights, I was dying 

For all the times, I was coming up and could only afford to feed you; and not myself 

This for all the ones I left, even when u couldn’t let me be myself 

I put myself on the shelf just so u co...

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Gone Girl

I collect up the pieces of my former life

Photos, articles, trinkets and pictures,

that reverberate with a life once lived,

far away from where  I am now.

I was once a borderline, edging death.

A cathartic catchpole where I caught nothing but pain. 

Grazing on the  remnants of the past, I realise 

that I was set up to fail.

No one there to see the beating heart of kindness.


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divorceseparationlifelovelightdarknesspastnew start


I wish it would have been a war

that was the explanation for

the reason you are not around,

the reason I don’t hear the sound

of your voice anymore.

No, I don’t hear it anymore.


And I wish it were all a dream

although a bad one it would seem,

cuz then at least I’d have the chance

to open up my eyes and glance

upon your face, but I don’t see it.

No, not anymo...

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being alonedeathlossseparationloneliness

That Day In June

I sat today midst the happy smiles

of a children’s song, and for just a while

I was happy too, for what else should come

from a happy day and a happy song.


But, it came again just like every June,

when I feel the pain of an open wound

that on every other day I keep

hidden far from view, buried oh so deep.


But I guess that’s why they made the day,

so that folks ...

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Let the Music Play

we were an unsinkable ship,
built to sustain any injury
thrown our way, or so we said.

cast into the dark,
yet illuminated with infinite possibilities.

suddenly slipping through our fingers
the bitter cold quickly rushed in,
and the music played on.

while the chaos surrounded us
and the children were tucked safely in their bed,
the music played on.

while prayers were whispered,

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The Window Box

Returning to that rented house
once we’d split our stuff
casting an eye over
the now barren landscape of our love
I brush away the mess we left
touch up the paint in the hallway

One thing we forgot to pack
one thing you forgot to take
that flower box outside the bedroom window
I bought for you while working away
you planted seeds and raised them up
gave them names with handwritten lab...

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A new Family

When I walked through the path,
Alone in the moonlight stars.
I found a stranger wearing smile,
Didn't know the feelings behind
Walked with her and saw a different world
'There I got a new family' - I loved
Didn't know we could get so close
That my life could be disastrous if we broke.
Hiding the feelings behind and faking the smile they left.
Hope of meeting again is the only thing they ...

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I am 


     to be seen
            or heard

clinging to    

             t h o u g h t s . . . 

of you, us

trying to separate

the pieces 

that have been glued 

for too long




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Harry Harlow was a trail-blazer in 1930 he began

Research on rhesus monkeys,

Baby monkeys, he'd take them from their

Mothers and put them in

Isolation chambers for maybe two years to

Learn about dependency needs and

Maternal separation they

Emerged intensely disturbed which

Was too bad after reading about it

I'd feel sorry for the monkeys and the

Chimps that were inje...

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The Upside Down Girl

Her skin is pale in the early evening
hanging upside down
from the foot of an unmade bed
feeling weightless
watching the world beyond the window
where Autumn rain falls upward
and lights divide

No appetite in this dark room
no appetite for days
friends all kept at bay
no rubber masks, just patches of ice
no fireworks, only fallen leaves collecting
passing headlights flood the room

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You & Me


You & Me



Together we may see the Devil Dance

& together we may see God cry in vain

How Our typical eyes

So often only notice the typical guise



Like so many on this sphere I know

You’re undervalued

Lost like a sailor in the vast ocean blue

Come along with me

Let me make you feel new



I’ll caress every ...

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Dear Ezra Bebot,

The first time I saw you, your mouth held no words.
I would take you out and watch you marvel at the birds.

Your awkward waddle would bring me smiles.
There was peace in my life holding you as we walked for miles.

The screaming, the crying, the testing,
The laughing, the hugging, the learning.

As I helped you grow, and loved every moment.
Even the ones that involved your excrement.


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Step sonstep-sonchildfatherfather's lovebreakupheartachebroken heartdepressionlosslovingend of relationshipseparation


You calculated the acts
but miscalculated facts
with your flawed calculator,
set on manipulator.

Who will you deceive next?
Prepare to be her ex-
lover turned abuser-
pray for your accuser.

She knows your lustful ways
lurk in dark walls to play
games of the fetish kind
with other perverse minds.

Beauty slipped on your icy
hills of lies with spicy
sleds that you call a tongue,

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Overcoming BetrayalSemi-Personalbreak upsseparationdomestic abusenarcissism

Lost in time

and then again I sailed in sorrow
a thousand times i'll do it again
in hopes that i'll find you tomorrow
in hopes that i'll see you again.

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I saw my future before my eyes for the first time in my life 
It wasnt just ideas but plans with who I 
pictured my wife 
The mother of my children and my partner 
through strife

But I lost it 

It was almost here and gone in a moment
It felt so good but now there's pain and I 
ow it 
Started to slip away so I desperately tried 
to hold it 

But now it's gone 

Was it my fault? I'...

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Loveheart breakpainmiseryseparationmarriageself worthhope

Arzoo (02)

this is a free verse poem

By: Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh

Hum  to  yun  aam   hai,  pur naaz    hotey
Warna  ap   par   bhi   asar   andaz   hotey

Tere  saaz  se  kaha  mili   hai  meri  awaaz
Phir   tere   asraar    ke    humraaz   hotey

Dikhatey hum manatey  hai  yaaru ko kaise
Kabhi  aa.kar wo hum se  to naraaz  hotey

Is Ishq me daikhey  hain  jo  Qatal gah  bhi
Kaash  us   ...

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lovemirzaseparationsulkyurdu poetry


by : Mirza Sharafat Hussain

Tere  janey  ke  baad  hawayein  beyqaraar
Khushk   aabshar  ,   fizayein   sogwaar

To suno meri udaas aankhon  ka  raaz
Kisi  ki  yadun  me  meri  aahein  girftaar

Ye  itna  parayapan  achanak  na  guzrey
Tere  paas  aate  hi  bahein  sharamsaar

Rotey  kuch  mei  ne  bhi  mangha  hai  rab  se
Pyase   labu   se  meri  duayein  ashkbaar

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Aisa Kyu

By : Mirza Sharafat

mujhe  kya ,  har  cheez  me  tera  ghar  lagta  hai
wo  sama ,  teri  ghali  ka  wo  manzar  lagta  hai

pawu  zameen  pa rakh  ke  samandar  lagta  hai
teri  muhabbat  ka  asar  is  qadar  lagta  hai

Sulagti  huwi  aagh  pa  mujhe  chalney  do  rafiq
Har  qadam  pa  maloom  uska  reh  guzar  lagta  hai

terey  ansuvu  ki  jo  na  kar  sakey  qadar
phir  dil  usk...

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Kohl                                                                                                                                           By : Mirza Sharafat

night has enveloped, to give me some relief
now invisible are walls of separation, and thy grief

where blood quenches the thirst
disloyalty is faith last and first
is the religion my beloved belongs to

I beckoned, red and bla...

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lonelylonelynessmourningmelancholyrainingkashmirloveseparationpainsorceryladychildhood love


Do you still cry for me,

Like I still weep for you,

Those tears blocking everything you see,

Trying to hide the pain when you meet somebody new,


Is your vision as blurred as mine,

Behind your beautiful eyes,

I’ve been trying to move on now, for such a long time,

But I keep questioning if I gave this love enough tries,


I was hurt,

And I was used,

And now I’m...

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In the beginning

In the beginning he would wake at every peculiar sound that came from the babies crib 

In the beginning he would bring me a beverage as I fed his son whilst the moon was dimly lit 

In the beginning he would rush home from work eager to see the family he created 

In the beginning we were the people whom he could be himself and escape with 

In the beginning we were enough 


He wou...

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Beginningendloveheartbreakyoungsorrowfamilybrokenhusbandwifemarriagedivorceseparationbroken familybroken heartslostaloneafraid


Its so much easier

not thinking for yourself

To not be yourself

To not care for yourself.


You hurt less people

You don’t get in the way

You make people happy

Your feelings just go away.


Deep down inside

You know you are screwed

That one day soon

Someone is going to wake

Something inside of you.


Confusing how its not yourself

That opened up t...

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selfishsadhateturn aroundseparationtimedoneloverelationshipsend


i love you. and i want you in my life, forever and always.
and that's that.

but there are always dark masses that get in the way,
metal bars that prevent our love from seeping through,
and that's that.

we were separated by these bars and I reached out,
trying to kiss you through the small openings between the rungs
but like a slap across the face the cold metal parted us,
and that's th...

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That'll Cost You the Kettle

They married young and grew apart, as people often do.

Future life for both of them will be with someone new.

The problem though, was cash so short

they could not move their home.

Until some savings could be made,

and low cost rents be found.


Circumstance demanded that

the bed must still be shared.

Things were tough, no time for fun,

except for weekend booze.



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Textures of shame

Glass sides tip away the hope of perception and cameras flash away any hint of reflection
at this hub of metal minds and stiff bodies.

This soft grey raven digs for existence among the steel nest of discardment.
Every sip a taste of us, our residue his everything.

Around me, gold fingered bird-watchers with their fogged up binoculors,
tasting their uncessary glory.
Molten pride down th...

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Have you ever felt the icecold
gales of aloneness?

I do not mean
lone lee ness
which is something altogether
different –
simperingly subjective
and even desirable
(artistically considered).

I do not mean
forsaken, forlorn,
deserted or desolate,
neglected or torn;
for those words are shallow
compared to "alone".

I mean aloneness –
some subterra...

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 Over and over and over again

Over and over and over again
Thoughts of you  
Send shivers through the core of me
I want to wrap myself around you 
Dance and twirl 
To the music in my heart
Over and over and over again
Hot tears cascade
I repeat your name 
The familiar mantra
Filling my head
Killing me slowly
Over and over and over again

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no connecting(for Janet and all loud writers whom I love...without connection)

i like you all in cyber-space

not sure i'd like you to your face

in fact  i know i definitely not

would like you such a lot


you came into my face without permission

invaded my space and pervaded my person

made me feel like a guest in my own


mi casa no es su casa

my life is mine to lead

i do not sit in your place of authority

i do not he...

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separationlift offlovefriendshipmarriage

moving on

moving on


you wear your bones

on the outside now.

the smile that once danced

at all our parties,

now a recluse.

folded arms protect the place

where I once died

a past eternity of joys


you spit formalities begrudgingly,

take every chance to turn your face -

still managing to leave

a shadow of



i knot my tongue,

stem the flow of words;

worthless now, disarmed


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