technology (Remove filter)
Alexa, Give Me a New Life!
Saturday 1st March 2025 10:53 am
The Bard’s Eye On Now
In "The Bard’s Eye on Now," Shakespeare’s spirit returns to behold the wonders and flaws of the modern age. With awe, he watches the rapid rise of technology, where thoughts soar like arrows across the sky and iron chariots race through the heavens. Yet, despite these marvels, he mourns the coldness of human hearts and the corruption of power, as greed and violence still plague mankind. This poem ...
Tuesday 7th January 2025 6:28 pm
My iPad is thirsty
Well travelled, rugged and dirty
In need of a clean
And with its blue squidgy exterior
It's a sight to be seen
You are brave
Going places where no iPad has gone before
Where young people fight and snore
High care can be dangerous for all
But my blue squidgy friend
You will be there till the end
Stimulating and engaging
Its you they're i...
Wednesday 5th June 2024 3:04 pm
Go Live Day
Sheaves of stamps with perforated edges
Crumpled postal orders and giro books
Biros, jotters, paperclips and ledgers
Welcoming smiles and knowing, sideways looks
Parcels, diligence and calibration
Columns filled with calculator clicks
Ink stamps thud in rhythm with the nation
Lips seal envelopes with efficient licks
One day they came with boxes, drills and cable
“It’s ti...
Tuesday 28th May 2024 2:56 pm
don't hmu.
youre a good little girl,
he types.
youre submissive arent you,
he moans, over text.
he expects a beguiled,
blushing emoji in response.
what he gets is three dots and an empty silence so loud he remembers what he is.
a greasy teen (21 years of age).
a lusty manchild looking for another child.
he tells me im a cute and submissive girl,
with luscious milk bags.
Wednesday 14th September 2022 12:43 am
Electric Ass
once she's plugged me in
she says my ass is electric
versatile as well as hybrid
makes her love-life hectic
trouble is with my battery
suffers from a limited range
after five miniutes full-pelt
my plug feels a bit strange
charges me in the kitchen
leaving me a cup of tea
goes back to bed while I
suffer from range anxiety
changed her energy tariff
...Monday 25th January 2021 10:37 am
Lost Meanings
Hearing that words from Natural history such as Acorn and Conker are now lost on the latest generation got me thinking...
When web was a silky spider's thread
When online was your school shirt
Fixed on with a peg
When a tablet was something
You took, when ill
Nothing more
But a type of pill
When mouse was
Something chased
By a cat
OK, I'm going
Too far bac...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 10:30 am
Third Eye Blind
Mind spinning faster than a cyclone.
Do this, do that ad infinitum.
Worry about things beyond my control
until the scowl line blinds my third eye.
Waste life surfing the net,
following every link that promises to take me higher,
faster, farther than the languid loop of my existence.
Why does it never seem enough?
I long to escape the stoic-ease,
walk hand-in-hand among redwood t...
Tuesday 6th August 2019 7:26 am
addicts lie
"boop boop beep beep boop bup bip beep" go the alerts and synaptic responses
too fast to process, too repetitive to want to
"spit that out, it's toxic" I warned
as he slurped up drama in great mouthfulls, as if she were kool-aid
he would slice open a vein and welcome drama directly if she asked him to
surreptitious texting continues beneath the table
eyes downcast, thumbs flying ...
Sunday 16th June 2019 11:34 am
1.0 Love
Just look at you go,
Version 2.0,
an upgrade and that's no mistake.
I know we've both advanced
we’ve progressed, we're enhanced
but here's an EULA I will not break.
I'll watch the ports at your back
guard against cyber-attack
I swear by my serial key that's no fake!
Even with my mode set to stressed,
by my code, I'm impressed
to find how feature-rich a brother, you might make.
Friday 7th September 2018 11:32 am
'F' the FDA
So many medical advances
Technology forever enhances
But what are the chances
That they are being honest,
And not leaving their patients pissed
About the complications that exist
Of which they were none the wiser
Until the technology is inside ‘em
And they are experiencing the pain
That the FDA could have saved
If only it wasn’t for the loop hole
That leaves the re...
Monday 30th July 2018 5:50 pm
Hi Tech Granny
Granny Hi Tech
My mum’s been posting selfies… at the age of ninety two!
She’s becoming all tech savvy, whilst I haven’t got a clue.
They say a dog can get too old to teach itself new tricks,
But she’s on Twitter, Instagram, even downloads from Netflix.
It all started back at 80, when the tablets which she took
Turned into a new device, a brand new i-mac book.
She logged on to...
Sunday 8th July 2018 4:14 am
Technology can be a virus to society
Remember when thing's used to be good,
musical sounds, movies the taste of our food
remember when we had such fun playing outside
fishing running dancing going for a bike ride
A time before machines had us all hooked
when you'd go out for a meal and talk to each other and looked
When your parents would spend time with you
not online pretending to
When you would burn off ...
Friday 16th February 2018 4:09 pm
Only Connect
Only Connect
We don’t want to be alone…
But our deepest relationship is with our phone
Like a dog with a bone, checking the tone.
We swipe and we flick,, we tick and we post,
Poking, retweeting, who likes us the most?
We turn on the roast, we like and give stars,
But end of the day, do we know who we are?
This ain’t how it could be,
It’s wrong, do you see?
...Sunday 4th February 2018 4:57 pm
The Digital Frontier - Bullshit Two Point Zero
We get our news in headlines and trending quotes
Despotic Tyrants hack computers to sway our votes
Egomaniacs trump their worth from their ivory towers
Politicians line their pockets with money that is ours
Whilst the fat cat bankers and the Global Corporation
Ruin our economies and sell our personal information
It seems the Arab Spring has sprung and broken
And Twits and...
Saturday 27th May 2017 8:35 am
First Bytes in Computing
I bunked off school at age twelve to watch a crane install a computer through the roof of a local hauliers. Ever since then I have had an unending attraction to all things technological.
Later in Computer Studies we still learnt about punchcards but 1977 was a year of change so punch cards and ticker tape were on the way out. The first microprocessor computer I actually touched was nothing more...
Thursday 25th May 2017 4:49 pm
Anti-climatical paradox
It is an anti-climactical relapse into the repression and suppression of life.
You'll be on a cloud of positivity held in the captivity of optimism.
And then as if your minds been hit by a tun of bricks that indicate the euphemism of the candidness of reality.
As you get older you realise that the higher you climb the further it is to fall,
so you get indecisive between the f...
Monday 28th November 2016 8:04 am
The Valley
The valley
Streets filled with purpose
The Silicon valley is alive and well
Suitcases and Range Rovers
Palm tress sweep the sky
motorists hurry to plug in
horns honked with kindness
coffee filled with sugar and whipped cream
more a milkshake than a jumpstart
two hour snack pow wow
heated ping pong power lunch
making apps to scratch your back
and pic...
Sunday 21st February 2016 6:08 pm
The iPhone of Beelzebub
I've stolen Beelzebub's iphone, now I know the numbers of his friends
he's stuck for eternity without Facebook, oh how his hell never ends
I nicked St Peter's Kindle, now his words of wisdom are unsaid
Because I changed the password on his account, from Heaven swear words are sent
I hacked into Moses' iPad, now it's a tablet of stone
I wiped every file from the hard drive and chang...
Tuesday 8th December 2015 10:11 pm
Our Valued Lawn
You only really win, having lost.
On the front lawn, all is identical until you notice it.
Every other blade you see its 50 shades greener than your own.
Those shades depend on light. Those blades gleam off light refracted.
Who has the light?
Every day you look, you stare, you glare
with a drink, with a book, with a chair, with a care.
Your care, carelessly, mi...
Sunday 4th January 2015 10:42 pm
Computers, internet, email and robots
all thrown together in our hi-tech world.
An awesome power that is unbelievable,
it touches each and every one of us in our daily lives.
We take it all for granted but just think,
what will be here in ten years?
Mankind could be on the way out as computers finish
the revolution they started thirty years ago.
Monday 6th January 2014 12:15 am
Modern love
He loves me
in a modern way. He texts me
almost every day. He posts his thoughts
on facebook pages and finds
my crazy cats outrageous. I think
there is a lot we share; Music, films,
the open air. Maybe he'll make
my life complete. I wonder
if we'll ever meet?
Thursday 1st November 2012 7:11 pm
Here is the new revolutionary airliner for the world; it’s a flying dream, so advanced.
Full of electronic gadgets and toys doing all the work, just program the computer, sit back and enjoy the flight.
You’re a computer technician six miles above the earth. Beware, though, if something goes wrong, you will die as the computer is always right, ...
Friday 8th June 2012 8:28 pm
Here is the new revolutionary airliner for the world; it’s a flying dream, so advanced.
Full of electronic gadgets and toys doing all the work, just program the computer, sit back and enjoy the flight.
You’re a computer technician six miles above the earth. Beware, though, if something goes wrong, you will die as the computer is always right, ...
Friday 8th June 2012 8:28 pm
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