Life in a small cul-de-sac
Life in a Small cul-de-sac (Not poetry per se, but a bit of fun I hope)
Life continues to be exciting in our small cul-de-sac. This evening saw the incident of the "blue-bin falling over". This brought everyone out to check and whilst the bin remained like an upside-down turtle, we pondered (whilst standing in the 50 mph winds) what could have caused such a disaster? It was finally decided...
Thursday 19th October 2017 11:17 pm
I didn't think I was needy
Craved companionship
But maybe I was wrong
I was outside
Having a crafty fag
In the wind and rain
And looked over the road
At the cat on the windowsill
In the warm
And I gave him a wave.
Hope no-one was looking
that would be weird
But perhaps I am needy
and need companionship.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 2:33 pm
I am a professor of profanity
A doctor of banality
No master of subtlety
Which is such a tragedy
Despite the incongruity
I am not the Lord Almighty
Most agree with this, very happily
But I am sad about that actually
Agreed, I am too sleazy
Make most people feel queasy
But when it comes to poetry
I find it just comes naturally
To me, at least, it comes easily
Especially when ev...
Monday 2nd October 2017 10:53 pm
1. Dam
It is a dam
It is going to burst
Holding it for now
But it will burst
Tears will flow
Frustration will surface
Anger hidden away
Only want some peace
No hope, no self-esteem
No confidence
Not my usual self
Clever not dense
The dam will burst
Of that I am sure
Don’t know when
What will open the door
I just want ...
Tuesday 19th September 2017 4:37 pm
A bit more Dark and Light
1. The Queen
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Where have you been?
Hiding under your car
Where I can’t be seen
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Where have you been?
Digging up next doors garden
Leaving proof of where I have been
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Where have you been?
Tried to get a train to London
But no joy, didn’t have a bean
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Sunday 3rd September 2017 12:46 am
Sleeping bag
1. Sleeping bag
My Inkjet printer
has run out of ink.
My Laptop battery
has run out of juice.
My sunglasses are broken
keep slipping off my nose.
My bus pass is useless
run out of credit again.
My pockets are empty
apart from a hanky and 63p.
The bank account in the red
no hope there then.
Dread the arrival of the postman
never any good news there.
My trainers have...
Wednesday 23rd August 2017 1:17 am
1. Dirt
Staring down at three fresh mounds of soil
Rain running down the collar of my shirt
Tears gently rolling down across my cheeks
As I stare uncomprehending at the dirt
Three lives gone, taken from me forever
Leaving behind, a shell of a man and a mountain of hurt
Lost in my memories and my inner thoughts
Staring blankly at the freshly turned dirt
Wednesday 23rd August 2017 1:15 am
Unusual places
1. Unusual places
I think of things
In the most unusual places
I thought of this
Whilst I was tying my laces
Others I’ve penned
A few, disturbingly, whilst sitting on the loo
They seemed to turn out alright
I just hope you thought so too
One sprang to mind
While I was brushing my hair
That proved a knotty one to finish
But I eventually got th...
Wednesday 23rd August 2017 1:07 am
The Queen
1. The Queen
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Where have you been?
Hiding under your car
Where I can’t be seen
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Where have you been?
Digging up next doors garden
Leaving proof of where I have been
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Where have you been?
Tried to get a train to London
But no joy, didn’t have a bean
Pussy cat, pussy cat
Sunday 20th August 2017 3:32 am
Not the Truth
Big fat ones
Little white ones
Digging ever deeper
Trying to remember
Which were big and
which were little and white
Can't remember now
Gonna come unstuck
That's the thing with lies
Once you start
You cannot stop.
Sunday 4th June 2017 11:57 pm
1. Dirt
Staring down at three fresh mounds of soil
Rain running down the collar of my shirt
Tears gently rolling down across my cheeks
As I stare uncomprehending at the dirt
Three lives gone, taken from me forever
Leaving behind, a shell of a man and a mountain of hurt
Lost in my memories and my inner thoughts
Staring blankly at the freshly turned dirt
I s...
Wednesday 26th April 2017 10:41 pm
My basement empire
1. My basement empire
The boss came down to my dimly-lit kingdom
My box-filled basement, my filing-room empire
And shoved this morning’s list of demands
Across the desk at me
“By 9:30 please”
“Yes Sir”
He surveyed my empire,
As if seeing it for the first time
Pointing to a set of boxes, he said:
“What’s in those?
The one’s labelled ‘Crackers’”
Tuesday 25th April 2017 9:51 pm
Shopping and When I've Gone
1. Shopping
Was doing some window shopping
As you do
On a quiet Sunday
Before you get your monthly pay
And then there she was
Completely stark bollock-naked!
Well, you know what I mean
For it was a She that I seen
She had a great figure
A lovely, healthy skin-tone
Although, not much hair
But, if I had to guess, it would be fair
Tuesday 25th April 2017 9:31 pm
1. Inspiration
With my pen
Tapping a rhythm on my teeth
Sounds better than it feels.
Clicking the nib of my pen
In and out, In and out
Slightly annoying
But, oddly, very satisfying
Those damn Beavers
They have blocked the flow
Words and rhymes have all dried up.
Staring, unseeing, out the window
Spinning around on my swivel-chair
Which, whilst child...
Tuesday 25th April 2017 8:11 am
I Wish
Sorry if I appear like the BBC, stupid repeats and all of that, but just having fun. Hey poetry people, it IS allowed. Sorry.
1. I wish
Lots of words seem to end in ‘ish’
I think some are made-up, like easy-ish
But wait a minute, let’s not get too childish
And appear for one moment that I am being churlish
Some of them confuse me, like pigfish
Which is it? A pig o...
Monday 24th April 2017 11:44 pm
My Garden
This is where is started for me in 2015 with a smashed up ankle and lots of time to think. I enjoyed it and still do, but a job would be pretty handy too. Ho Hum. Sorry to bore you if you have read it before, just was a good reminder to self....
1. My Garden
Shall I let you into a secret?
I’ve got fairies at the end of my Garden
Yes, it’s true but Shh! Don’t let anyone know
Monday 24th April 2017 9:42 pm
On a Train
1. On a train
Sat on the train
Which is going the wrong way
Away from where I want to be
But no chance that I can stay
Staring, unseeing
Out of the grimy window
Thoughts free-wheeling
Don’t really want to go
But go I must
Despite my heartfelt wishes
Leaving behind those I care for
And not even any parting kisses
Still, life must go on
Sunday 23rd April 2017 9:18 pm
Poetic licence
1. Poetic licence
Some poems are fun
Make me laugh and snigger
Some poems are sad
These are no laughing matter
Some poems are long
Some just right, others far, far too long
Some poems are short
Now they’re a relief
Some poems are tragic
Old Will the Bard was good at those I think
Some poems make no sense
I’m pretty good at those myself
Some poems ar...
Sunday 23rd April 2017 9:15 pm
The first milestone for me
was when I was only three
walked to the end of the garden
and scraped my knee
but then, I was only three
The second milestone for me
was when I was twenty-three
Enrolled in the Civil Service
to serve queen and country
a jolly good pension and all for free
The third, and last, milestone for me
was reaching eighty-three
walked ...
Thursday 20th April 2017 11:17 pm
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