When a promise is made
When a promise is made but those words vanish in the embers, your cries echo from the deceit.
Friday 13th December 2024 3:41 pm
If life is a battlefield
If life is a battlefield then we, of the humankind, are seasoned veterans since we have all witnessed a form of mass destruction.
Friday 13th December 2024 3:38 pm
Infectious disease
The world's most infectious disease is the falsification of reality, it spreads like wildfire and everybody does it...that's why the world is in flames.
Friday 13th December 2024 3:02 pm
Follow your fate
Follow your fate like it's a mystical path of promising wit; follow your dreams like they're a reality in a captivating fantasy.
Thursday 12th December 2024 4:56 am
Up and away
Up and away into thin air...
Dodge a bullet.
Reach for the stars.
Fasten your seat belt.
Calm your soul.
The sky is the limit.
Thursday 12th December 2024 4:50 am
Breath of fresh air
You were my last breath of fresh air but toxicity always seemed to wash over your words.
Tuesday 10th December 2024 1:55 am
My mind
My mind's filled with static energy, my heart's full of dynamic emotions.
Friday 29th November 2024 2:45 pm
Your secrets
Your secrets will always be significant in my journey in life as my lips are a womb for your spoken words.
Friday 29th November 2024 2:43 pm
Dancing is the movement in which our bodies show flexibility, touching one another's heart in sync with the rhythm of our heartbeat.
Friday 29th November 2024 2:41 pm
I love you, I hate you
Your grandiose ideas, your very hesitant ways.
Your estranged company, your clingy soul and mind.
Your frail wings, your solid structure.
Your bodily function strikes on simple conditions but your flow is always dependant of the situation.
Your mentality captivates fast paced emotion and your actions capture slow fed feelings.
Your past has been causing your present to not make it to the fu...
Friday 29th November 2024 2:34 pm
Psychedelic path
You're my inspiration on ecstasy, always creating a psychedelic path for my thoughts to float on.
Thursday 28th November 2024 6:31 pm
Shop of horrors
You're a little shop of horrors filled with visionary thrill and spontaneity.
Thursday 28th November 2024 6:27 pm
Did I hit my head or have a fall?
Did I hit my head or have a fall?
Did my heart give out?
Am I under the stars?
Did I make it to heaven?
The memories I have are as strong as an over perked cup of coffee
I can’t forget or let them go
In fear that I’ll feel I’ll have never lived those moments to remember
I try to recreate those memories
I try to relive every moment
But each time I do
I realize it’s not...
Tuesday 18th June 2024 2:19 am
Summer breeze and the bee’s knees
The sky’s serenity
The sun’s strength
Mother Nature’s pride and poise
Earth’s balance
A bouquet of beauty in every way
The stillness between the trees
The calmness of the wind’s whispers
The modesty of mother nature; sacred and serene
The breathtaking beaches
The comfort of a campfire
The boisterous BBQ gatherings
The coziness of a cabin
With sun-kissed skin
Tuesday 18th June 2024 1:42 am
Darkness is not always indicative of sadness, maybe you just forgot your flashlight.
Sunny days and clear skies do not reserve your spot on cloud nine, maybe you just felt inspired.
Feelings and reactions are never set in stone, they’re dynamic and free.
Nature’s four seasons are the human’s equivalent to both emotions and expressions - constantly changing.
We as humans have the privil...
Saturday 26th August 2023 2:23 am
Life is a true gift
Life is a true gift.
To be lucky enough and blessed with the sight of beautiful birds chirping.
To be given the chance to witness nature’s blanket; the rain.
To breathe the breath of God and His limitless love as each day passes.
To have a voice that projects the beauty we have within.
To reach for the sky and float on a cloud just by closing your eyes for one single second.
The ...
Saturday 26th August 2023 2:20 am
There were fireworks tonight
There were fireworks tonight
And each time there was a spark
It reminded me of your heartbeat
You're still lighting up my life everyday
Every breath I take is harder than the previous
My life is so incomplete without you
It feels like I'm breathing underwater
Where oxygen is scarce until you come back up
I would do anything to have you here with me
Life seems to be getting harder as ...
Tuesday 8th August 2023 4:54 pm
Habit Forming
You cannot change the way a person thinks, feels, or does
If it’s been the same throughout their lives
Without any disruptions or interruptions
From those in their surroundings
It's impossible to inspire change in those who feel
Entitled, empowered, or those who are enthralled in their ego
Or the ones that don't feel enlightened
By the magnitude of an end result
You cannot ...
Tuesday 9th May 2023 10:56 pm
Taking Care Of Me
Eight hours of sleep
Eight minutes of meditation
Eight cups of H2O
Eight moments of self recognition
A marshmallow cloud
A clear sky
The angels' wings
A path of zen
Fresh start
Clean air
Pure heart
Kind soul
The feeling of 'existence'
The belief in 'purpose'
The mindfulness with 'exhaustion'
The understanding of 'emotion'
My body has these settings
...Friday 10th February 2023 2:17 pm
I am grateful
Because I am breathing
Are you grateful?
Because your heart is beating
Oxygen in
Carbon dioxide out
I feel calm
I am zen
I feel grounded
I am whole
It’s powerful
To love someone
It’s impactful
To be loved by the same one
Like the blood in my veins
My creativity flows
Bigger than fiery flames
My inspiration...
Friday 13th January 2023 4:09 pm
Pushing Forward…Depression and Bungee Cords
How can I push forward when all I feel is the weight on my shoulders constantly pulling me back?!
I feel as though every single step I take moving forward, there’s a bungee cord pulling me back and disrupting my walkathon.
When my feet want to move ahead, that bungee cord locks my knees in their place and says “No thanks, I don’t feel like snapping today”.
So, I respond with “You’re flexi...
Sunday 9th October 2022 1:35 pm
I am the one...
I am what you need
I am not perfect but I am your missing puzzle piece
I was not made to be perfect for many reasons
One being the fact that perfect people aren't real; they don't exist
If I was perfect, you couldn't possibly change a thing
You wouldn't need to adjust anything
You couldn't possibly lead the unbreakable, untouchable, and invincible
I am the one because I'm will...
Thursday 21st July 2022 10:40 pm
Great Penmanship
Life is not all about great penmanship nor is it about literary closure but it is more or less capturing creativity in the world's ice cold. entre. It is not about confiscating freedom or suspending equality because somebody does not follow life's copious amounts of requests. It is not about systematic views, or political perspective, and it certainly isn't about scientific research. Life is what ...
Thursday 21st July 2022 10:28 pm
Antagonist vs Protagonist
Your addictions portray the characteristics of an antagonist
My passions play well with a protagonist's plot
Your addictions create agony and anxiety
My passions induce peaceful practice and praise
Addictions are your balance
Passions are my detox
Thursday 21st July 2022 9:20 pm
Unrecognized by the court
I was a few hours old. I was not recognized at the hospital or the court. I did not exist in the eyes of those around me, aside from the doctor. I was mom and dad’s little princess. Years later, the name stuck. Credit Valley Hospital refused to admit that I’ve just been given life in that very room of the ICU. All other medical staff failed to see that I am Cassandra Louise Di Lalla and that I am ...
Tuesday 19th July 2022 5:29 pm
Scattered Emotions
Emotions run deep, they make you sink
Your heart will always feel happiness and sadness within
Though your soul will draw attention to your state of delirium
As it goes through a strong configuration process
Your emotions multiply, your thoughts intensify, your expectations drop, but your worries never stop
You build on misery and angst because there was no trust, and love lost
Tuesday 19th July 2022 4:57 pm
Life of a Prostitute (College Course Project)
I have s*x multiple times but not always because I enjoy it. I feel as though sleeping around is my only rescue. Money is what I need and that’s why s*x is what I breathe. I’m putting me against myself and in return, I save myself. It is a choice that becomes an essential practice; something that remains the worst decision of my life. It’s not a matter of feeling good or receiving the pleasure of ...
Tuesday 19th July 2022 4:31 pm
Give Peace A Chance
People regret their f*** ups, they're haunted 'til the end
Mistakes are never fixed but learned matter that calls for a second lesson
Generate.Invigorate.Vanity.Extremity. (GIVE)
Heart ache's repairable; heart break's unimaginable, visible, lifeless
Periodic.Exhausting.Abnormal.Corrupted.Exceptional. (PEACE)
Ignorance is arrogance, your sanity is a psychological focus
Your mental...
Thursday 7th July 2022 9:28 pm
Life's like a roller coaster ride
Living takes an astounding amount of courage
Life sometimes feels like a psychedelic trip
Or maybe a roller coaster ride
You can’t control your body’s warning signals
Life throws all these emotions and feelings into thin air
And your goal is to reach out and catch all the positive possible
Allowing all the negative to flee
But what life doesn’t realize is that those negatives ...
Wednesday 6th July 2022 6:09 pm
One Year, Daddy
My dearest Daddy,
It's already been an entire year since the Angels up above wrapped you in their wings and reserved a first class ticket to have God himself share your life story with everyone and have you reunite with your parents. It feels like you were just here yesterday...but that was so many yesterdays ago...
I am devastated
I am in disbelief
I am broken
I am scarred for life
Thursday 6th January 2022 2:44 pm
The Reality of Partner Dependency
He just keeps pushing your buttons
He was delusional to have thought that “reset” would fix everything and erase the past
He thought that all I needed was a “reboot” since we’re all a little broken and out of sort
But in reality, I wasn’t able to power on anymore
He used to be my shoulder to cry on
My safety blanket
But then I dreaded waking up next to him
He used to wipe my...
Thursday 23rd December 2021 8:44 am
Just Breathe
Breathe in nature
Breathe out artificial life
Inhale your hopes and dreams
Exhale all negative aspects of your past
Release tension
And allow your mistakes to flee
Inject yourself with peace
And absorb all harmony
Thursday 23rd December 2021 3:49 am
If Theft Wasn't A Crime
If theft wasn't a crime
I'd steal every part of him
I'd sing him to sleep every night
With melodic overkill and harmonization
If he were a drug
I'd inject him without second thought
And I'd inhale him
Like he was my last breath of fresh air
I'd breathe him in like a chain smoker
And if you smoke your scabs
You'll reach that grandiose state
Because you have enough meth in you to get ...
Thursday 23rd December 2021 3:46 am
Your Validity Is Past Due
Your validity is past due
Please gather your data and information
From this workaholic nation
As you will no longer question
My every suggestion
In a certain situation
Because this is now a permanent separation
This is a complete session
Of your extended suspension
In hopes that your ignition
Will station your emission
Without hallucination
This is a solution that hit its expiration
Thursday 23rd December 2021 3:41 am
Love & Hate
Love is going to pull you in
Faster than the speed of sound
And it cuts deeper than any element in life
Hatred is honesty
A jealous individual
An insecure body
Who'd never lie
When it comes to showing such hatred
Towards another human being
Hatred shows a person's true colours
But love can be falsified
And sometimes feelings
Are even held back
But with love
It makes you sink
Thursday 23rd December 2021 3:36 am
Psychological Cleanse
My love
My life
Shut down
My mission
Life's legend
My journey
My legacy
Is the sky really the limit?
Heavenly heart beat
Angelic aspirations
Solidify your sobriety
Soul search through soliloquy
Cleanse everyday's stigma
And sterilize every single step
Thursday 23rd December 2021 3:29 am
Thought Provoking Toronto
Homelessness and poverty
Starving artists and robberies
Melodies heard from every street
Or every third human at least
Toronto's a beast
It's a huge city
Multiculturalism at its finest
With immoral conduct and dope drug deals
Demonic days
Satanic sunsets
Atrocious afternoons
Escaping Evenings
Miserable midnights
Exchanging of digits
Stolen identities
Candid crimes
Malicious m...
Thursday 23rd December 2021 3:24 am
A Writer's Will
There is only ever one beginning, multiple middles, and eternal ends. You start somewhere, continue elsewhere, but never finish as there is no limit.
Writing is infinite, it's immortal. I reach a manic state and there's the inevitable fate. My addiction, my obsession.
Should I ever feel broken, poetry fixes me and stitches up my open wounds right away. It's the best cure for melancholia and ...
Wednesday 22nd December 2021 8:38 pm
Heartbreak Guarantee
It is not a cosmetic defect nor is it naturally broken. It was taken by someone and left in poor condition, then simply returned back to me damaged. My heart is weak but my heart is wise. The only organ I need in order to keep me alive but I'd be better off dead than to have to give my heart a reminder to continue beating. I'd be alot safer underneath a burning engine or exploding transmission; at...
Wednesday 22nd December 2021 8:03 pm
Her fragile body is falling apart
From dusk until dawn,
Her weak features ponder away into the depths of a field
Down by the crimson shoreline
Her mentality fails without a single previous thought
Of what to do in a lake full of crushed dreams
Not a lost soul could save her
She's only a few heartbeats away from disaster
She's the only one who can solve the puzzle
She str...
Wednesday 22nd December 2021 7:52 pm
What Now?
From a distance we've seen hope
In proximity we've felt warmth
In our hearts we want harmony
Our soul cries out in melody
We can erase our past
We can draw our future
I'll use a stencil to mark my words
Nothing will be left out
We can soar and fly
We will reach for the stars
We want to gain strong viscosity
We might replicate our heart beats
There's no love lost
Despite the fact...
Wednesday 22nd December 2021 6:42 pm
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