Who are you pointing at; with your twisted finger
and your meely mouth
And what gives you the right to rule our roost
When we are the youth of tomorrow and you the death of yesterday
Go with your hate and go with your crooked smile
For you will walk the stone strewn miles
Whilst we will stagger but rise - eventually
Safe are stars; but we are here
And warrior...
Monday 31st July 2017 2:27 pm
How can I celebrate Christmas when we have.nt learnt a thing
When the man who died to save us
Hangs on his words in despair
Is it fair
That I in my wisdom
Follows the road in weakness
And I watch as a child breathes its last
So how can I celebrate Christmas
When I stand in the rain and stare
My grief is here but I do nothing at all
My hands in my pockets, my hea...
Wednesday 14th December 2016 9:04 am
Take me by the hand
To where the highest hills
Look down on me
Bathed in purple sky
And the stars
Play hide and seek amongst the speckled night
Go with me
Along the naked paths
Which turn and weave
With twisted arms
and moving light
Make patterns on the once green fields of day
and grey silences of night
For I was young; but now am older
And wi...
Tuesday 8th November 2016 2:50 pm
The sun, reflecting light
The gulls' gentle flight
The lap of waves singing
The music of the sea
The breeze touching, playing games
And where the river meets the sea;
I hear it sigh; I feel it smile; journey done
There are footprints in the sand
Made by a silent Warrior
A man of steel
His presence duly sought;
His memory of battles fought
Only the river...
Monday 2nd May 2016 11:12 pm
The night sky, the blue satin sheen
One star greets another in recognition of a lonely friend
Perriwinkles on dew drops
Can you be mine ?
Crinkled bark on a sturdy tree
Waving grass and floating bee dancing
For you and for me
Beyond the green haze
Of leaves and sun spray
Lies the heavenly hills
Of yesterday
Endless roads
Miles destroying
Monday 2nd May 2016 11:00 pm
When I went to America
Like a fish outa water a were
When I went to America
Strollin down the Walk of Fame
Tryin not tu step ont Stars' Names
When a went to America
Meetin Charlie Chaplin
Oh wot a to do
An im from Batman
Cant remember is name; can you?
When a went to America
Oh that massage parlour; wot a palarva
Think ad teken a wrong turnin somehow
A was such a silly cow
...Thursday 11th February 2016 2:05 pm
my cat she.s at it agen
runnin mad like a rabid hen
wots she up to i.d like to know
scatterin dust...... layin tracks with her speedy run
how come SHE gets to have so much fun
oh my god she.s caught that dammed fly
av bin after that since last july
come ere puss ere.s yer treat
arf a tin of salmon un wipe yer feet
Wednesday 29th October 2014 8:13 am
Its Called the Universe
I hear you
I hear you in the dark realms
I hear you in the light morning
When the birds are singing of your glory
And I hear the silent rain now summer wears her shroud
Pull me .... pull me by the chains that binds us
Draw me to where the diamond walls are glistening in the shadows
To where the lands of no tomorrow
Are waiting in their state of nothingness
Where I a...
Wednesday 29th October 2014 7:24 am
Tap, tap, tap
Is there anybody there
Making movement
Making love cos its not fair
Making Gospel so the sheep can bleat
Whats the problem guys
Its only war
Its only fear
Its only death
It will pass
Not too slowly
Not too fast
There.s bucks to be made
So lets all hate
Lets all plunder
Great News friends
There is someone there
Sunday 14th September 2014 1:46 pm
The sea with fury
Beating waves upon the shore
The birds - soaring high
But now the horror falls
Upon the blind man
Upon the dog who howls to the once blue sky
A child - who wonders if this is life
Crawls beneath the debris of his time
Seven times I heard their scream
Once I heard their death
Is this a dream ?
As I stumble in the mist
I try...
Tuesday 22nd July 2014 10:04 am
Our palms were full
and no words were needed
Now ....our palms empty
There are still no words
So with this words are forever speechless
And ........making unutterable sounds
I roam the history of our making
Trying to find a gem of remembrance
But there is none
Trying to find the star which beheld our existance
But, alas, it has gone .......
...Monday 7th July 2014 3:30 pm
Breathless is the tamed lover
Who gazes out to sea
No more a chain - no more a clicked finger
For now he is free
The doved island is his goal
As he tries to savour all
But freedom is a strange gift
It pines for company
It yearns for chains once more
The Rock of Ages towers high
The graved stone - the gnarled crevices
Poured with briar
Upon its top a b...
Monday 2nd June 2014 10:44 am
Mickey Finn(Awld Lancy Poem) Anonymoose
As a was goin tut traycle shop I met mi awld swaytart Mickey Finn
An wot dust think e sed tu mi ?
Wilt cumpt funrel if a dee ?
An a thowt a bit an a thowt a bit
an a sed Aye a might us well
Eeee an he did dee
Thi all cried but a laughed
Thi all wore black but a wore red
Thi all brought flowers but a spit on is grave
An that was the end of ma awld swa...
Sunday 15th September 2013 10:37 pm
His eyes moved slowly as he watched them pass
A young mother pushing her trolley with the kids in tow
Like she was competing for the Grand Prix
Thinking thoughts of what to make for tea
Thowld woman spoke first
Never 'ad school runs when I was a lass
Nah he agreed
Then suddenly his thoughts re-wound
Like the re-play on the old VHS
To the time when his ...
Tuesday 3rd April 2012 9:09 pm
My spirit was good to me today
She took me away from the cold grey room
I cried for my Daddy but he wasnt there
I cried for Freedom but no one heard
I know there's a warm golden sun somewhere
And green fields where I can run and play
But I dont know where
My spirit was good to me today
She took me there
Tuesday 14th February 2012 11:16 pm
One day, a butterfly
Came by
And settled on my knee
Can't you see
Said he
That I am Free
Free to fly
Into the Sky ................
Bye Bye
Sunday 29th January 2012 11:49 am
The Sea Creaks
The Sea Creaks
Like the rigging on our boat
Clouds swirl
Like a Spanish dancer
More and more
Faster and faster
Seagulls glide to the Shore
Their wings nudged by the Wind
A sublime ending to our day
We stand here soaked by spray
Totally moved
Because the Sea Creaks
Saturday 10th December 2011 11:11 am
Read your book the other day
What can I say ?
Lots of singers, books and poems
But your're still a mysteree
Dont you see, its just curiosity
And your wife passes by like a Butterfly
Your songs are still here
Waiting in a drawer
Theyre for us to find; you to share
Then we'll know you're really there
Your life seemed such a gas
Nothing cras...
Saturday 5th November 2011 7:47 pm
Magic Fields
There are Magic fields
Where friends would play
On a waving blade
A fluffed mouse
Does act upon a tight rope of green
Fields we walk
Winding snaking making more
Paths which from where we have been
To where we go
Are marked upon life's journey
For if we turned another way
Who could say
We may not be to walk upon
The field of magic
We have d...
Tuesday 24th August 2010 9:18 pm
Was This the Plan
Was this the plan
That he leave me behind
To slowly die - to cry
Was this the plan
That I become invisible
To walk in the rain
So that tears and pain
Stay hidden
Was this the plan
That some great seer
Who sits on the other side of Eternity
Could say
Yes this is the plan
This is the way its going to be
We always kne...
Tuesday 24th August 2010 8:22 pm
Go with the Wind said my friends
Rising up and ever on
The pink of morning
The sun brightly shone
Soft warmth gently lends
My feet are free but my mind is not
Following the wispy trail of life
Treading dust in the desert land
Setting sun in the realm of strife
Fate has dealt a steely hand
Vainly hoping my path will lead -
My heart; forever freed
...Saturday 21st August 2010 11:01 am
Love is Blind
He didnt see when he left for work that day
He didnt see you treasure your phone
Like a precious gift
Falling on your bed
Smiling - twisting the duvet in anticipation
Love is Blind
He didnt see that when you were late home that night
He didnt see you sat at the bar - your legs swinging - hoping for more
Wishing you were free - one eye on the door
Love i...
Saturday 21st August 2010 10:22 am
I do not yearn for Caviare
Nor any other rich mans fare
Rich warm and red
Is how I am fed
Lapping softly until the source should die
And then - when comes the light
I swiftly fly
Back to my tomb which lies nearby
My castle in the sky
Full of tenderness was she that Night
Her eyes were misty - her lips were moist
The lover she had been embracing
Had giv...
Thursday 19th August 2010 6:54 pm
Death's Journey
And as a window opened for me
A travelling procession of angels
Glowing and free
Did tread upon the soft green grass
Singing soflty, a hymn of Purity
Save your sorrow for my dying day
For I am come to Love in hope
Leave my heart to cry in vain
My mind is bent to join the affray
Anger, hatred, toil and dammed souls
Claw the air, the mud, the grave
Falling ...
Thursday 19th August 2010 6:44 pm
A deep time ago
When the sun kissed eyes and noses
And knees and toes
Lovers held Red Roses
For you for me
Trees held coins upon their bough
Still shafts pierce the Light
Whispers of Wings on the here and now
Grass blades move as if by Flight
A long time in our Hearts
So no man has Remembrance
Moving in the Night
The Sprite awakes the ...
Wednesday 18th August 2010 11:16 am
Winding ribbon of a road
Grassy moor the movement of the sea
Sheep like dots of candy floss grazing
Me in Heaven
Him smiling looking sideways praising
Another life away
In a Starship a shining bubble
My golden home
Gliding on and on Me back in Heaven
Him thinking a song eyes in the distance
Face set in stone
I despair - I know - I gr...
Wednesday 18th August 2010 11:12 am
Woman of the Flowing Hair
Soft face is yours
And your hair is waving to the sea
Woman of the flowing hair
You stand so still
One hand resting on the creaking gate
The other shielding from the sun
Woman with the flowing hair
Why do you wait
And the world travails around you
Step down with care
From your pedestal of woe
He who left you once
Has stepped down from his long ago
...Wednesday 18th August 2010 11:07 am
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