Three Pennies
I gave you three pennies
that one winter’s morn
when the dancing had finished
and we felt so forlorn.
The first for that kiss
when we were first lovers
ne’er to be broken
lying snug under covers.
The second for our child
for one oh so fair
a cherished little treasure
but not long for this air.
The third for hearts broken
no healing can mend
Sunday 30th December 2018 1:14 am
Eternal Relief
Two seconds to make him go
To free me from this pain and woe
A pill, a potion, a knotted rope
To relieve me from this misanthrope.
Friday 28th December 2018 1:29 pm
A chariot bringing good news
Sky horses chasing rainbows across the sky
the wonder of the blue heavens flowing,
cascading down onto the scorched earth
joining together to form a perfect scene.
Behind the flying steeds a chariot
carrying the messengers of a new dawn,
an age of far reaching force
where all will be destroyed
to be reborn into an era of true enlightenment.
Friday 21st December 2018 7:38 pm
Lark song
Far from the high ridge the lark song
called out to love, hopeful and hopeless
reaching out to heal the lovers’ rift,
but the day broke over their stooping heads
and the saddened winter sun shone
its weary rays onto their hardened hearts.
Saturday 15th December 2018 1:54 pm
Ghosts of the past
A fiendish reminder that the past
is around and within us
A memory, a mood
a startled cry, a stifled laugh
worm their way into our weary hearts
and we fade into a history reborn
The ghosts dormant and still
awaken in that undefended moment.
Monday 10th December 2018 7:37 am
A child stands here naked before you
naive, untouched and unblemished
nothing has yet tarnished this vessel.
It feels the weight of humankind
on this mother earth
slicing her open to steal her core
the pillage of the landscape for selfish gain
thoughtless self-aggrandisement
mindless games with no regrets
the power whores who
rape and murder the innocent
who p...
Friday 7th December 2018 1:16 pm
No Silence
This deafening world
I feel the whole world chattering
Cannot break away
Sunday 2nd December 2018 10:59 am
You dropped from the heavens
my peripatetic friend
took me boldly by the hand
and led me round your
joyous garden
calling in along the way
to chat to friends, but not to stay
wandering on and on
wisdom is your guide
and peace your bride
I will join you on your journey
keep you company, if you like
we can part from each other's side
and any time meet up again
...Saturday 1st December 2018 8:17 pm
Adieu, but not forever
The wave on the stairs
was no final farewell,
but a resounding adieu
repeating we will meet again.
Glimpsing your fading eyes
a distance away now
still pronouncing their beautiful hue
and glistening under a single tear
mirroring the evening dew.
Friday 23rd November 2018 8:53 pm
Autumn leaves to be reborn
The fluttering of the autumnal flags
clinging onto the last hope
of the now distant summer
brittle and brown they hang on
for dear life to their arboreal home.
The bark, it protects and guards the
living trunk against the bite of the
Northerly wind while the leaves
they suffer stoically the chilly breeze.
One final breath, and they are pulled
from their earthly space
...Friday 16th November 2018 9:34 am
Once upon a time
we stumbled on words
Creation, mutation,
incomplete, never ending
They trip off your tongue
get caught in your throat
Lost in your memory
then, rekindled again.
Words full of colour
and monochrome, too
Words fill your belly
and empty your heart
Words knock you dead
make you feel alive
Raise you to the sta...
Friday 9th November 2018 10:05 am
Behold the outings of emotions
effusive chatterings
the often spoken misgivings,
disagreements and growlings.
Toddlers' tantrums tripping
so swiftly off the tongue.
Displays of love and affection,
sullen man walks a distance
behind wife and progeny
hands in pockets,
boredom in neon lights shines
all too brightly from his face.
Parents hanging onto their kids,
...Sunday 4th November 2018 3:56 pm
Longing for the touch of a soft hand
Lips brought together
to seal the one kiss to end all kisses
Craving the taste and smell of female arousal
The sensuous beauty of passion
Making the mundane a forgotten memory
and the banal a distant ghost
Moments to savour,
to place in a cherished corner of the mind.
Friday 2nd November 2018 10:19 pm
Time to party
Time is gearing itself up
for the start of the party
Tick tock tick tock
The second hand making
its way impatiently
around the face
counting down until the
festivities begin
little time to waste
the minute hand has
more haste and less speed
steadily moving round
reveling in the moments
taking each one in
without a single sound
then t...
Thursday 25th October 2018 4:37 pm
My mother appeared to me today
I saw your face today
as I stared in the mirror
It was not before me
but right inside my head
Not me looking at myself
but you holding me in your gaze
The form was clear and true
You were alive to me
Your face filled mine
I became you
for a few moments
felt your mind in mine
the fear of your thoughts
and the power of your emotions
I know not why you
Saturday 20th October 2018 7:11 pm
The Rat
I saw a rat in front of me
it seemed quite tame and shy
I bent right down to pick it up
and it spat straight in my eye
I cried out "how could you, sir?"
I sure had quite the hump
Then, at once I realised
it was Donald Trump!
Wednesday 17th October 2018 7:16 am
The day it rained
I looked up your number
Oh yes, I remember now
it was a dark day last summer
when the sun refused to shine
and our love dined on
heartache and wine.
The rain it fell
it seemed for an age
mirroring our fears,
while our eyes fell
upon an empty gaze.
Tied up in knots,
our words became
entangled like
barbed wire
in no man's land.
We dried up and
went ...
Friday 12th October 2018 8:11 pm
My mind is my prison, but I hold the key
My mind is my prison
when it should be my home
where I sit in front
of an open fire and
keep myself snug and warm.
Instead my prison guards
are my thoughts and
situations my bars,
together they keep me
in solitary confinement,
but I am always keeping
a close watch on my sentries
as they make their regular patrol
and I begin to see a pattern
to their s...
Thursday 11th October 2018 7:13 am
Peace, love and understanding have left the building
Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen
They’ve really enjoyed playing here over the years
It has been a wonderful experience for one and all
but now it is my sad duty to announce that
peace, love and understanding have left the building.
Peace, she left by the back door
Her sullen face only lightened by the thought
that it cannot always be this way
Wandering around...
Thursday 4th October 2018 8:27 pm
Summer calm
The Autumn chill blows between
the seasons hardened trees
The leaves may turn
a beautiful shade of gold
but my hue will always
be a summer's green
only to be seen when the sun
hangs high in the sky
and the clouds are
nowhere to be seen
I lie down on the fresh
verdant pasture
waiting for a soft breeze
to fan my sun blushed cheeks
and the soft wings of
a ...
Monday 1st October 2018 8:17 pm
Multicoloured Dreamscape
From a grey world into a kaleidoscopic dream
Twisting and turning watching the colours fly
fusing into a radiant scheme where nature
abounds with hues of indelible vigour and life
Mother of all mothers withstands each test
bouncing back time and time again
evermore beautiful and bountiful
stronger than the plough pulling ox
tougher than the hardest diamond
more radiant t...
Sunday 23rd September 2018 5:40 pm
Dumped on the street
At a glance a heap of rubbish
dumped in front of the house
detritus from indoors
strewn across the footpath
On closer look someone's life
their stuff moved out onto the street
destined for a refuse container
on grey, impersonal council land
A new owner with new stuff
will give the house new life
while the old life peters out
in socially isolated circumsta...
Monday 17th September 2018 8:12 pm
The future is waiting
You sit alone and talk
of nothing but the past
Is there anything that
will urge you to think
of things to come
or is your life
already at an end?
Defeated and distorted
your sole source of hope
your only child
She is not who you are
or should ever be.
Be the person you had hoped
when in youthful years.
He lies there dormant
deep inside you
Thursday 13th September 2018 8:05 pm
Miles and John
John and Miles on the final tour
soaring like eagles in my ears
The wind breezes past my open face
And wafts the melody high up into the heavens
where it sounds out its angelic anthem
Broadcast to the entire globe
Marvelling in its musical wizardry
Triumphing in its tuneful finery.
Monday 10th September 2018 8:42 pm
A lazy Sunday
Caught up in the late summer sunshine
Swaying trees and light breeze
Almost silent, the whispering wind
is harmony to my spiritual rhythm,
A melody rising and falling in perfect tone
a softening of my thoughts
transporting me to that theta world
where relaxing images float
on waves of joy and pleasure.
Seizing every single moment
each one an enlightened condition,
...Monday 3rd September 2018 8:03 pm
Daybreak moments
The day is emerging from its nightly slumber
opening its sleep weary eyes to peak at the surroundings.
The human race joins in this rebirth
every day is a new fresh feast for the senses.
What wonders do I behold
while walking on the near empty street
the distant golden orb shining
its warming rays on my naked face
The strimmer-man at his task
cutting forth the ...
Wednesday 29th August 2018 2:41 pm
A flower in bloom
How tall you have grown
in such a short space of time,
the sun’s rays warmed your nascent leaves
and the cloud’s tears nourished
your newly sprouting roots
strengthening your place in the rich earth.
How you flourished spreading your
green flightless wings to the heavens
knowing that one day a beautiful bloom
would be your crowning glory.
Thursday 23rd August 2018 7:02 pm
Beautiful raindrops
Dropping silent raindrops into your hair
Watching them slowly roll down onto your face
while the sun adds its rainbow tint
to their beaded form.
Crying is my best answer to this beauty
Smiling is the response to my tears.
Monday 20th August 2018 6:27 pm
View from on High
I stare out onto the rugged hills
dappled with rays of the sun
glancing its temperate eye around
the woolly welcoming clouds,
holding the earth in its warm glare,
animating those beautiful pikes.
The flora finds its daybreak smile,
the creatures open their slumbered eyes.
Observing the shadow movement
traversing the upland scene,
from a bird’s eye view
the alt...
Monday 13th August 2018 8:45 pm
Tyranny digs its own grave
I met a tyrant going to the fair
I enquired may I taste your ware?
The answer I received took me little by surprise:
“You wear my colours, but cannot hide
your true hues that you keep inside
so I will throw you in jail
and lose the key.
While you scream and wail
my laughter will be heard
around the land
while you rot in this hell
for ignoring my command.”
Wednesday 8th August 2018 8:40 pm
You had so much to give and so much going for you,
but a missed flight tipped you over the edge.
You didn’t want to let people down,
your mind fraught with guilt.
You took to the woods, and left this temporal plane.
We see a smile and a happy face,
but this is just the thin veneer
we choose to look upon
not the complicated self that lives within.
It is more difficul...
Friday 3rd August 2018 9:33 am
Charities and the church
Charities and the church
The two bodies we should most respect
Are only interested in reputation
Not in the people they should protect.
They hide and conceal
Crimes so heinous we all deplore
Women raped, children abused
Victims too scared to report to the law.
I hold my head and weep a river
For humanity and its darkest shame
How can we stoop so low
In re...
Tuesday 31st July 2018 8:49 am
Education 'Wild West'
When did learning become a contest
Schools become a fighting ground
Where those that don't fit in
Are no longer to be found?
Excluded and forgotten children
Left in their bedroom corner curled
Tired and frightened and angry
In our ever more competitive world.
Our sense of 'moral accountability'
Has been thrown out with the bath water
Tossed into another huge...
Wednesday 25th July 2018 8:44 pm
The human race
The world has become more fluid.
So many sources flowing out at the top of each mountain
Streaming down the gullies,
babbling brook,
to scuttling stream,
to rambling river,
out onto the delta,
Into the ocean.
Everything mixed and turned,
rolled and crushed
Whirlpool and flood,
tsunami and tidal.
It all takes place on this earth
and we all learn to live it, t...
Saturday 21st July 2018 8:38 pm
Would or wouldn't?
Would or wouldn’t,
what does it matter when you are
President of the United States of America?
My god, what a farce of wordplay
or is farcical per se?
Tuesday 17th July 2018 8:37 pm
Ghostly Way
My father and mother in front, us boys behind.
It was the most wonderfully frightening experience for us back then.
When asked it was always the way we wanted to go.
Not the usual way down the brightly lit carriageway, but
through the village then, a turn to the right
down the 'ghosty' way on our way back home.
Dimming the car lights
The horror show could begin.
The white blanketed road...
Monday 16th July 2018 9:25 am
'My' lavender
I am looking at you in my tiny back garden, planted when I first arrived at this place I now call home.
The sight of the worker bees filling their honey stomach from your bountiful blooms fills me with joy.
Your beautiful hue brightens the dreariest of days, and adds to the beauty of the sunniest moments.
The smell of your flower carries me to gentler, more peaceful planes where my mind c...
Sunday 8th July 2018 11:06 am
So inattentive and so frail
We are so very frail, the skin we’re in,
listening to our bodies is something we do very poorly
trudging on when we should be
holding back or stopping completely.
Suddenly it hits us
the unforgiving wall of mental illness
or the crippling pain of physical struggle
Only then do we stop and open our eyes
to the mess we’re in.
If only we were even every so often conscious
of our mental ...
Wednesday 4th July 2018 7:28 am
Hold on tight, it’s a rocky ride
All aboard the rollercoaster
strap yourselves in and begin the ride.
Hold firm and think of those,
who try to listen and speak
without prejudice.
It is something of which they can be proud.
They do not hide behind a fake smile
or an ignorant grin
but are open, honest and vulnerable, too.
Attempting to ward off the shallow words
flung back at them in a attempt
to curtail and sile...
Friday 29th June 2018 9:15 pm
I know
I know the wind rustles through the leaves and no trace is left of its passing.
I know that the clear blue sky shall bring forth warmth from out of the bright orange star far distant in space.
I know that the sea will break its waves on the shore and then retreat to return once more.
I know that the rain will feed my garden after a long dry spell.
I know the snow will glide softly down...
Monday 25th June 2018 7:16 pm
Fallen angel
Hidden behind the corpulent clouds
sat all forlorn a fallen angel
Tears in her eyes, and a heavy heart
she stared down to the sphere below.
"I have hurt the ones I love.
Let me be cast down to hell
where I am best suited for dying
and the dead"
Poking her head up from behind her misery
she gazed on this shadowed vision.
Reflecting on piercing her thoughts
with a sharp wit and laden ...
Sunday 24th June 2018 12:15 pm
Down, but not out
My heart remains broken
but my blood still streams
around my body.
My mind still mourns
but my thoughts continue
to create dreams.
My skin no longer feels your touch
but the impressions
still remain.
My emotions are torn
but the desire
still survives.
Saturday 23rd June 2018 10:39 am
An empty house, a full life
Standing outside her house
staring at the water-starved fuchsia
on her dusty window sill
still clinging onto life with blood-coloured blooms
Until a few weeks ago
she lived here
surrounded by her few possessions
haunted by the memories
of her children
who no longer inhabit this earth.
Her body is frail
and she can no longer live here
My sadness as I look upon her life
is compou...
Friday 15th June 2018 8:51 am
Product fury
We associate ideals and dreams
with lifeless products.
Our goals are no longer pure,
but riddled with polluting profit
The neon signs poison our vision.
Remove them from our sight
and give us a free landscape,
not one created for corporate gain.
What do we hold dear anymore?
A close look at our inner selves
or a short glance
at the external ephem...
Monday 11th June 2018 8:39 pm
Fear and Wonder
The headlights from the oncoming vehicle
held the stunned animals in their grasp
The beams like a claw clasping around its prey
An unholy ray screaming silently into the night
Distant, but penetrating.
Approaching still closer,
terror in their hearts,
the vehicle turned off the road
And transformed into a rainbow
Dazzling colours and many forms.
Behold a crystal,
the prism of light br...
Tuesday 5th June 2018 8:59 pm
I crave the warmth of sun rays
On my pink uncovered skin
I despair over the loss of someone dear
Forever vanished from my sight
I wear the sadness of regret
When reminiscing
I embrace the happiness of love
When it is in full bloom
I reject a longing for things
I do not have
I feel the erotic pain of a lover's bite
During a passion filled moment
I dream of voyage...
Sunday 3rd June 2018 12:27 pm
A chance meeting
A serendipitous moment
So wonderful in its fortune
A wealth of wonderful adventures
was laid before us.
A path that was destined not to last
gave us truly happy times while we were walking it.
Wednesday 30th May 2018 4:21 pm
What are words worth?
I wandered lonely in a crowd
Brushing up against shoulders
Colliding with legs
but feeling distant and alone
hearing no words of apology
only mutterings of annoyance.
I wondered lonely in a crowd
do we notice each other
or are too caught up in ourselves?
Minds a tangled mess of thoughts
A maze leading to who knows where
Losing our way again and again.
Saturday 26th May 2018 11:47 am
Hold onto those thoughts
He gathered his thoughts in a plastic bag
to carry around with him,
to bring out when needed,
when he wanted to reuse them.
Tired and forgotten memories
that could be re-ignited,
and at any chosen time
to be used to tear down their target.
Their life in the airtight container
starved them of any air
thus, actually rendering them
ineffectual and for all intents
and purposes dead.
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:43 pm
Even the arborial space
Seemed to be sorrowful
in its vernal finery.
Hanging its many fingers
Low and deep ,
Bowing to an invisible god
whose anger and hate
never truly dissipate
but linger in the shadows
waiting to spring out
when least expected.
Wednesday 23rd May 2018 8:11 am
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