The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Tags from last 12 months

breath (1) meditation (1) gratitude (1)

In Gratitude


We’ve known each other all our lives.

You’ve been there for me day and night,

every minute, every hour,

without me even trying.


I have taken you for granted, all the time,

and I am sorry.

I only know I need you when you’re running short,

shallow, caught or less.


I’ve seen you lend yourself

to other chests, to fading days,

dying lights. Heard you roar,


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I’m Sorry I’m Not A Musician


and that you have to pay attention, sit and listen,

that you feel you cannot clap or click,

sing or dance or move,                                                                         

that I cannot let you lose yourself in rhythm.


That I can’t buzz bass deep in your belly,

melt your skeleton to jelly,

that I will not lift you clear from your daily woes and fears,


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