For Sale (a poem for children)
recently arrived on the market
snug, cosy cottage in the woods
fully wolf proofed
some original bear carved features
handy access to local woodcutting service
open hearth for convenient cauldron cooking
would suit grandma or possibly witch
tower apartment
fantastic views across whole kingdom
recently vacated by princess due to rescue
very secure castle location w...
Wednesday 4th August 2021 8:18 pm
Berite was a bee (a poem for children)
Bertie was a bee
with a pollen allergy
he’d wear a tiny gas mask
if he had to fly through hay
and still he’d get the sneezes
while buffeted by breezes
flying pollen to the hive
without delay
so spare a thought for Bertie
you can’t hear him cough and sneeze
as you spread a little honey
on your bread
he’ll be busy in the borders
or humm...
Wednesday 4th August 2021 8:15 pm
Time Travellin' Blues (a poem for children)
well I woke up this mornin’
with an ache in my head
when I called for the Doctor
got a Dalek instead
I got the blues
got them time travelling blues
Since my tardis left without me
I got them time travelling blues
feelin’ sick and tired
time to regenerate
but that mean ol’ Dalek
screams, ‘Exterminate!’
I got the blues
got them tim...
Wednesday 4th August 2021 7:37 am
Oblivia (a poem for children)
Olivia, Olivia
her friends call her Oblivia
she’s clumsy in a catastrophic way
if there’s something there to slip on
to stumble or to trip on
bad luck is surely heading this girl’s way
she doesn’t ever mean it
her heart is pure and good
but where banana skins are dropped
it’s there she will be stood
while trying to be helpful
collecting paint filled pots
...Wednesday 4th August 2021 7:35 am
Neil's Glorious Meals (a poem for children)
Neil liked his food a lot
and most things he found tasty
if you could cook it in a pot
or cover it in pastry
he’d eat a plate of beans he’d bake,
some green and some that run
a chocolate cake with icing
and a sticky currant bun
an omelette made with free range eggs
and slices of buttered wholemeal bread
a snickers bar with extra nuts
all whirling round inside ...
Tuesday 3rd August 2021 5:32 pm
When Brian Came to Grotsville (a poem for children)
when Brian came to Grotsville
he got an awful shock
the town was full of rubbish
not a bit
but quite a lot!
he went to play upon the park
and found it filled with poo!
from dogs upon the football pitch
and in the playground too!
the High Street was no better
smelly rubbish blew around
a swirling, monstrous mass of mess
had settled on the ground
Tuesday 3rd August 2021 5:25 pm
the wordsmith
wild words he grasps
plucked from the air
thrust in the forge
he holds them there
white with heat
as beat on beat
thought and perspiration meet
quenched with ink
and fixed in lines
they once ran wild
but now combine
to tell tall tales
at hearts they tug
they soar and sail
and hate and love
hold a mirror
light the dark
tell the truth
make thei...
Wednesday 24th August 2016 7:39 pm
What Monster?
Just a bit of fun, these poems are used in my work as part of a project using monsters as a way of inspiring young people to share an enthusiasm for writing. Can you identify the six mystery monsters?
More than just the sum of his parts
this monster stole another's heart
and his hands and feet as well
not much is his as you can tell
his head is screwed on firmly
by the bolts...
Friday 19th June 2015 10:44 am
the lost property paradox (true story)
just before the lesson
to the horror of the youth
he discovered his shorts were missing
to the master should he tell the truth?
to come to school without full kit
the boy knew all too well
would leave him deeply in the…er…teacher’s bad books
and more than just a bit!
a flash of inspiration struck
‘I’ve lost my shorts, ’ he ‘fessed
‘in lost property can I look?’
his teacher feigned distr...
Wednesday 19th March 2014 9:47 pm
a list of last things
last man standing
last year I gave you my heart
save the last waltz for me
a bit last season
(already in the bargain bin)
last stop
(everybody off)
last orders at the bar
in the last chance saloon
(time gentlemen please)
the last long goodbye
last will and testament
last rights
for a dying man
struggling to utter
make sense of the clutter
among the gathering shadows
in the attic o...
Friday 14th March 2014 1:55 pm
moonlight on white snow settled
Thanks Dave for your ideas, I've worked the original up into more of a finished piece but still welcome advice. I'll let you know after the event on Friday how the young people responded to the challenge...
in soft silvery silence
fresh footsteps show in the glow
animals shelter in cosy homes
beneath branches crystal encrusted
who has left their trail
on this pristine path of piping
Monday 10th March 2014 1:44 pm
I'm leading a poetry workshop for young people aged 7-11 soon and they have asked for snow as a theme. I wanted to encourage some more ambitious writing and avoid too many of the clichés often associated with this subject. I thought I might use the following lines to encourage discussion about when and where their poems may be set and from what point of view the landscape may be onseved. I would w...
Wednesday 5th March 2014 2:17 pm
feeling the pinch
inspired by a brilliant accidental radio remark
families living in poverty?
no one lives in poverty now
me dad was killed in the mines in ‘49
me mum had to bring up seven of us on next to nowt
I was talking with another old boy
about how tough it was in our day
how easy these young folks ‘ave it now
‘I know, ‘ ‘e says, ‘if you was cold when I w...
Friday 18th January 2013 9:05 pm
ghost trains - reposted
Thanks Margaret and especially Anthony for your kind words of support and helpful advice. Please find the revised version of ghost trains posted below...
break the seal of brick built tombs
musty, dusty, rust filled rooms
stand vacant now
workshop clock stopped
on some distant afternoon
no longer marking minutes
they slip by stil...
Friday 3rd August 2012 12:19 pm
Ghost Train
I hope to use this (and other poems to come) as part of a heritage project with youngsters. This particular poem will be used to inspire an exploration of the history of Horwich Loco Works. I would appreciate a bit of critical feedback before I unleash it on an unsuspecting public! Thanks.
The long, brick built workshop
Stands empty now
The full arched windows stare blankly
Tuesday 17th July 2012 3:54 pm
It's not poetry but I thought you might like to know what I've been up to for the last few months...
Since September 3 Bolton schools and 1 from Wigan have been participating in Artspeak, an exciting combined arts project inspired by my novel ‘Holly the Freak’. In addition to enriching the literacy curriculum in these schools the project has empowered young people, developed their ta...
Friday 29th June 2012 8:30 pm
Tough Love
He might be dirty and he might smell bad
He begs for your money and it makes you mad
But who is the better of the two?
I’m sorry, it ain’t you
There goes the grace of God
And you are found wanting
You’re selfish, greedy and manipulating
Even though you’re rich and full to bursting
You still despise a man with nothing
Would you sooner see him starve?
Wednesday 21st December 2011 7:48 pm
I Couldn't Care Less
I don’t give a damn about whales
Elephants? Not my prime concern
Pollution may be rising in the sea
And in the air
But I really don’t care
Where disease is rife
And children live on the streets
Squalid lives are spent
There’s war but no relief
But I really don’t care
Soon we’ll all be buried beneath
Piles of our own waste
Chasing the n...
Wednesday 21st December 2011 8:44 am
Danger Rides Abroad Tonight
All was black outside the inn
As night winds howled in pain
And rattled at the chimney pots
And whistled through the grate
Inside the inn all shut up tight
The fire had burned down low
And huddled by the candlelight
A few lost souls had yet to go
The night was foul, rain beat down
The wind lifted the eaves
It was a long walk into town
Sunday 25th September 2011 12:10 pm
Hearts of Darkness
There’s darkness at the heart of our society
An apple growing rotten from the core
A challenge to our middle class propriety
Our sense of self is changed for evermore
From tower blocks and city slums there crept
An underclass, the young and disaffected
While we in our complacency have slept
Thinking we were by the police protected
Like memories of the blitz our c...
Saturday 3rd September 2011 3:51 pm
Ex Tenebris Lux *
Oh let the Darkness sleep
For fear of that which lies
Beneath the earth so deep
Be still and hear its sighs
The hunger makes it yearn
To taste your very soul
Towards the light it turns
As doleful death knell tolls
Oh let the Darkness sleep
As it has for these long years
A harvest shall it reap
Drawn by cascading tears
The wheel of time stil...
Saturday 9th July 2011 9:33 pm
It’s gone on for a while
The Punch and Judy politics
Of a long term relationship
Clearly I’m right
But still we debate the issues
Ever more public
And still poles apart
Opinion divided
Both want a fresh start
But down to the line
We settle the terms
And in coalition
Amity returns
But soon the cracks show…
Monday 17th May 2010 1:41 pm
Never Strikes Twice
While making a cup of tea
And looking at the kettle
I was led to dwell on the magic of electricity
Factory farmed lightning
Caged in a flex
And remembered the advice
My mother always gave
To never stand under a tree
During a thunderstorm
With hindsight
I tend to think
She could have offered some advice
That would have been more useful
On a day to day basis
On the other hand
Thursday 5th November 2009 5:55 pm
The Ballade of David Keller
(A bit of spooky fun for Halloween - whooooo!)
It was innocent youth he left behind
Grown up experience that he sought
To go and see the world was on his mind
Feeling that his time was growing short
The best way being, or so he thought
From Portsmouth harbour to set sail and so
An ageing merchant vessel was caught
Away he went to see his English home no more
He soo...
Thursday 29th October 2009 11:58 am
Cry Me A River
Cry me a river
Sing me a song
Fire me an arrow
To the centre of the sun
Climb me a mountain
Make me a king
Grant me three wishes
And I'll do anything
From the deepest of oceans
A pearl you must bring
Be my inspiriation
Of your beauty I'll sing
Laugh when my jokes aren't funny
Find a dream we can share
Say you'll never leave me
That you'll always be there
Tuesday 27th October 2009 7:40 pm
Mid Life Crisis
There comes a time in every life
When you take stock of what you have done
And decide what things make up your mind
You turn the lights up high
Dark corners are laid bare
No sleeping dog is allowed to lie
And each of you must confront
In no uncertain terms
Those things that you most fear
Thus will you see the chances are
The things you most dread
Are those you yourself set f...
Thursday 15th October 2009 7:02 pm
An Anti-Love Poem
An empty promise
An idle boast
These are the things
We hear the most
Yet we still hold each one dear
And keep them close to our hearts
Our emotional charade
Is an attempt to stay close
To those that we love
And would hope still love us
We don’t want the truth
Because the truth hurts
Rather fill our ears with platitudes
Than stare at us from shallow eyes
And tell us you don’t real...
Sunday 11th October 2009 8:12 am
re poems about historical figures
I read the discussion about the lack of poems about historical figures started by dave with interest. I'll kick things off, I went through a bit of a historical phase at one time...
Nzinga Queen of Matamba
Oh glorious Nzinga, Ndongo’s royal princess
What indignity thou has suffered
Under Portugal’s cruel colonial rule
Yet you would not lie down nor be a slave
Instead building a new glorio...
Thursday 1st October 2009 8:30 pm
Home Front (part 4)
Thank you for sticking with me, if you read this it's going to be some time before I post anything new, from start to finish with a bit of a break this has taken quite a while! I would love to organise a performance but I've no idea how to go about it, I imagine a friendly pub on a winter's evening, log fire casting shadows on the walls, a pint, obviously, beyond that I've no idea - anyone help?
Sunday 27th September 2009 10:47 pm
Home Front (part 3)
Act 2
From the darkness...
WAR: Though I think big in truth I have
The eye of an artist so it is said
An eater of worlds I can be
Or a death of flies instead
No conflict is too small
To attract my foul int...
Sunday 27th September 2009 10:36 pm
Home Front (part 2)
STRONGARM: This man is from the East? Bravo I say
A lesson shall be learned from this! Hooray!
He should have fled our country long ago
We must allow our youth time to play
Before they enter into battle’s fray
Let them enjoy thei...
Sunday 27th September 2009 8:22 pm
Home Front (part 1)
First of all Iwould like to apologise for the length of this entry, in print it runs to over 30 pages so I understand if you don't want to read it. I've only been able to post the first part herebut if people want to read the rest I can publish it in parts I guess. I confess that the poems I have posted here so far are older poems. I wanted to get a feel for the material on the site and build a f...
Sunday 27th September 2009 3:14 pm
I do apologise, I seem to be having something of an identity crisis.
Thursday 24th September 2009 8:48 pm
Happy is the Bride on Whom the Sun Shines
She, a shimmering vision of pearl and ivory
With grace walked up the aisle most dignified
To place her hand in mine and lift the veil
She radiated beauty warm and pure
Her smiles, like sun kissed rays, were heaven sent
To drive away the clouds of apprehension
With vows expressed and rings exchanged
We two embraced on this our wedding day
And in her hand she held the brittle shell
That is ...
Thursday 24th September 2009 8:19 pm
Et Vera Incessu Patuit Dea*
It was with such passion I was touched
And ran headlong into such lands
The like of which I'd never known
Emotions strong rose forth unbridled
An immature, impetuous youth
Thought long confined took flight once more
Caring not for truth, nor what was real
Rather seeing what he would, and hearing
What was never said, at least outside the confines
Of some beautiful envisioned realm.
A perfect jewel unflawe...
Wednesday 23rd September 2009 8:29 pm
The Crimson King
The Crimson King with cloak of blood
Struts across the killing floor
His face a mask of agony
His flesh much scarred and smeared with gore
His broken bones bleached by the sun
Protrude through skin now parchment thin
His eyes are sunken and gone black
He pays eternal for his sin
He once was young and once was fair
Stood tall and smart in glinting gold
A godlike man with power to wi...
Tuesday 22nd September 2009 9:21 pm
The Fantom Locusta
Something a bit different...
Into the realms of Fear and Hate
A hooded horseman rode alone
To face a foe more terrible
Than any he had known before
Soaked to the skin by driving rain
And chilled right to his bones
hunched he clung onto his steed
Held in his hand a mighty bow
Across a landscape lightning lit
Lamenting peals of thunder rolled
Striking terror in a hero's heart
And with each step he grew ...
Monday 21st September 2009 9:47 pm
The Last Ham Sandwich
He rode home filled with silent apprehension
Not knowing what he was supposed to feel
They'd broke the news without consideration
He found it hard believing all was real
'Your mother's dead boy,' rang the master's voice,
'Go home, you're needed by your family.'
And so he went, it seemed he had no choice
A journey home, made not so happily
As those he'd made on other ordinary days
He stared through hollo...
Saturday 19th September 2009 8:43 pm
Dignum Laude Virum Musa Vetat Mori*
The first rays of light crept hopefully about
Casting their prying fingers in and out
Of long night time shadows, forcing them
To slink like nocturnal beasts revealed
Into remote corners and crevices unseen
As day followed night the light fell full length
Upon a dusty window pane shut tight
Made grimy by neglect and marching time
It struggled and yet finally did pass through
To cut ...
Friday 18th September 2009 10:37 pm
Et vera icessu patuit dea
And ran headlong into such lands
The like of which I'd never known
Emotions strong rose forth unbridled
An immature, impetuous youth
Thought long confined took flight once more
Caring not for truth, nor ...
Friday 17th July 2009 10:29 pm
Two Sides to Every Story
I saw you the first time
My heart skipped a beat
First love from a distance
I knew we must meet
I brought you fine diamonds
Rubies and pearls
To light up your smile
Was all my heart yearned
You took all I gave you
To me you gave nought
Tenderness and love
From others you sought
And so broken hearted
I'm left on the shelf
By a cold hearted ice queen
Obsessed with herself
Saturday 11th July 2009 9:49 pm
The Mask of Unity
The Mask of Anarchy rides out once more
And leads his troops to clear the killing floor
His crocodile tears are shed from glassy screens
And fall like neon gemstones, subtly guided
To dash out the brains of fleeing refugees
'We are the agents of peace!' twisted words are cried
'This action will not cease!' bombs fall from the sky
In this slaughter of the innocents who must die
In order tha...
Wednesday 1st July 2009 9:58 pm
Hold me in your fragile arms once more
A tear, a touch, a kind word
softly spoken
And then, with you,
My love passed away
Into a dark envelope
Of stillness
Of silence
The world flickered past
Uncaring and unfeeling
Hazy and dreamlike
Not real to me until
I lay you gently down to rest
And I yearn for you
To hold me in your fragile arms
Once more.
Wednesday 1st July 2009 11:01 am
Recent Comments
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