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Bottom of the Sea

Bottom Of the Sea.


I am going down, way, way down to my final resting place where I will never be found.

There are no more cheeky naughty smiles on the face of this clown, if I have planned it right it should look like I have accidentally drowned.

The world I live in is no longer a safe place for me to be, I'm going to swim with the fish is in the Big Blue Ocean Sea.

I have run al...

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The Angel

The Angel.


The Bunny turned to the Angel and said life is not good and I feel very distressed.

The Angel said why do you feel this way it's not meant to be I thought she loved and cared a made you happy.

The Bunny said we were both thinking the same, but we didn't know it was all just a game.

So, the Bunny is left all alone he talked to the Angel on the phone.

He must accept th...

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Mummy Tomorrow Will Be Better

Mummy Tomorrow Will Be Better.


The little girl is woken up by the sound of her mother's cry, sadly the little girl doesn't need to ask she knows why.

She creeps down the stairs and walks to the kitchen door, where she sees her mother slumped against the cupboard on the floor.

The mother beckons the little girl into her arms and holds her so tight, the little girl asks mummy are you g...

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Where Has The Hope Gone in Those Smiling Eyes.

Where Has The Hope Gone in Those Smiling Eyes.


They ask why he has darkness in his eyes.

Why does he cry and never smiles.

Something inside of him wishes there was no yesterday.

That's when he watched his mother slowly pass away.


He was searching for food in the bombed-out town.

There he saw his mother laying on the ground.

He held his mother as the tanks were bearin...

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Taylor Swifts Angels.

Taylor Swifts Angels.


I am still struggling to understand the horrific news of yesterday, I’m finding it difficult to find the right words to say.

A group of young children gathered to dance the day away, swifties dancing and having fun on the first day of their school holidays.

Innocent children with not a care in the world, little did they know of the horror that was about to unfol...

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Battle worn and hungry.

Wounded hurting and angry.

Fighting to save my homeland.

From the evil Russian man.

My world has been blown upside down.

Death and devastation all around.

My parents raised me as a proper man.

And hatred is something I cannot understand.

I have pride running through my veins.

Until my last breath, I will defend Ukraine.



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When You Are Old.

When You Are Old.

When you are young, life seems so long.

When you are old you wonder where the years have gone.

You reflect on what you failed at and what you achieved.

Whether any successes in life's long mystery.

Were the fights worth the effort and energy.

Do you have any memories that make you happy.

Do you think you might have started out on the wrong foot.

Or was you...

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Hell Have No Fury.


Hell has no fury, like a woman’s scorn

Paying the price, since the day you are born.

Right or wrong, who even bloody listens

As your body covered in sweat, start to glisten.

Can it be that all you do is make mistakes?

Or she always dishonest and on the make.

Why when you say black, she says white

How come when she is wrong, she is so right.

Is there so...

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Gazza (Help)


Every day I sit and watch the television screen.

And always feel that I cannot believe what I have just seen.

A total country being wiped out bombed to the ground.

Horrific scenes of so-called humanity lying all around

Missiles and bombs landing as I watched the news.

How we are constantly told this is revenge for 1000 Jews

 People being herded up like diseased ...

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Flowers in Bloom

Flowers In Bloom.


Flowers in bloom.

Impending sign of doom.

They will fade and die.

Darkness will replace the light.

For another year they disappear.

In turned soil there's nothing there.

The cycle to survive starts again.

New life born as another ends.

The shoots appear right on track.

Soon the light will be back.

Yet when the flowers bloom.

Once again, yo...

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Fear of Love

Fear of Love.


I love you and I really do care, I hear those words now and it makes me really scared

How do you respond to the words you have always longed to hear, when at first hearing they just fill you with dreaded fear

How do you know how to love if you have never been loved, is love just a wishful feeling or a gift from above

Is love a commitment to sharing with someone else ...

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Drinking my Troubles Away.

Drinking My Troubles Away.


I can't get my fat arse out of bed.

Last night’s drink still swishing in my head.

My mouth is dry and rough.

My chest is wheezing with a permanent cough.

The room stinks of nicotine.

I have that horrible sick feeling.

Still have my clothes on from yesterday.

It's becoming a habit these drunken ways.

I'm going to try and get some sleep.


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Children of Gazza


Children Of Gaza.

Children are not born with hate.

Children do not decide their fate.

Children do not understand their parent’s views.

Children don't pump up their egos just to make the news.

Children are not aware of the history of the land.

Children are just too young to really understand.

Children do not blow the buildings to the ground.

Children do not torture just...

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Devils Hand

Devil`s Hand.


I have seen what no child should ever see

Welcome into my world, my reality

Gripped tight by the clasp of the devils hold

Having to do whatever and anything I am told

Every night I cry out loud for the angels to come

Somehow, they never hear me and always leave me here on my own

To be forever captured by the devil's son

Please can anybody come and just Ta...

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Nothing in life comes easy to me

It’s a struggle to try and break free

From the chains that hold me tight

And further enhance my plight.

Everything I do just holds me down

I can’t have a smile, only a frown

To decide just like that

Would just bring me even more crap

I think carefully before I do wrong

But I am just singing the same old song

I don’t understan...

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Blade in my Hand

Blade In My Hand.


Come on man, you just don't understand.

I need to have a knife displayed in my hand.

If people don't see I am prepared to fight.

I will be the first in the queue of people waiting to die.

It gets me respect on the streets that I run.

It says if you want an easy target, you have picked on the wrong one.

The gang I run with that's my family and identity.


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Another Bully

Another Bully.


Go on hit me, call me names do what you can, outlook here comes the angry clenched up hand.

You need to understand you cannot hurt me anymore, whatever you do to me I have seen it all before.

Picking on what you perceive to be the weakest children, thinking they are knew round here and there is no one to defend them.

I have never understood by hitting people what y...

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Make America Great Again

Make America Great Again.


Hey man you just can't say that.

You're talking out your arse you're talking crap.

 How does spreading hatred unite a nation.

You are deluded, you are not our salvation.

A fat out of shape man with an angry child inside.

Your contempt for everyone except yourself it's impossible for you to hide.

A man who should be residing in a prison cell.


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I just want to be free.

Caged like an animal.

Imprisoned by these walls.

There must be a way out.

I just want to be free.


Through the window I wonder

What the outside world is like

But I am scared to face it.

I stay out of the light.

I just want to be free.


So much guilt weighing me down.

Skulls of hurt and rejection all around

So many questio...

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3am stroll

3am Stroll.


It's 3:00 in the morning and I'm slowly hobbling down the deserted streets, trying to get some exercise the doctor says I really need.

I go at this time because I feel very vulnerable, I feel this is the safest time for me, also I have developed a strong intolerance for other people and become very awkward socially.

There is the smell of ice cream in the air and quite a s...

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