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Ann Foxglove

Updated: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 04:20 pm

Contact via WOL logo


Poet and songwriter living in Cornwall. I discovered poetry about four years ago, then found I could sing about two years ago! Life is full of surprises!


Great north diver Solitary in winter I find you on the beach sleepbound. I’ve walked some miles across this sand wind knocking me back. On my right the sea battles. My hair lashes my face. In this chaos of desolation you are a concentrated essence a nugget of pure exhaustion. What lies behind your dreaming ruby eye? The pressure of the sea heavy as green glass encasing you as you force yourself down to where fish dart and crabs scuttle? So solidly still, so alive in your sleep. Full fathoms deep in it! You are so here yet so elsewhere! There’s a place on the internet Where I can hear you call. I tune in when I can. Your sounds are loneliness personified. * * * * * Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis I thought of you today. In a teashop in Penzance. There were blue plastic gingham tablecloths. It was light and airy, Sitting with a friend Over coffee. And then (for there was Classic FM) I was swept away. Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. And oh, my darling, You were there You really were. The teashop and the gingham disappeared. Through clean net curtains the street Seemed to melt. Traffic silent, People whispertalking. And my eyes filled with tears. Where was I? I don’t know. But I know that you were there. With me. * * * * Owl Owl sinks soft Like a silk handkerchief Bringing blackness to vole and leveret Soft as fog Sharp as razors owl sinks down Like a blanket over a birdcage Then Swish, away, a lens shape, Slips into the barn Quiet as snow. Sizes up his children ……….

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Ann Foxglove

Whitechapel Ladies - new audio (05/04/2015)

Song - Me Baby ... (23/12/2014)

Song for a dead gannet (15/12/2014)

breathing (04/05/2013)

city in the sand (29/01/2013)

january fairy (18/01/2013)

dowsing (06/12/2012)

shrimping net city (02/12/2012)

absent friends (03/11/2012)

song - the season's over... (04/10/2012)

More audio from Ann Foxglove…


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Ankita Srivastava

Sun 17th Dec 2017 07:34

I read few of your poetry and they are beautiful. I loved your song - the season's over.

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 14th Aug 2015 07:52

I Need Minds

Sunday 10th January 2010 2:07 am (first posted Wednesday 6th January 2010 12:24 am)
....Ann, l came across this post by yourself "thisI like this too, it's subtle. And I always like .... dots in things - for some reason! I go to a local writing group and there was a new person there who said I shoudn't start a sentence with "And" !!! Pah!!! Might leave, or just start EVERY sentence with AND! Don't know why I'm gelling you this, thought you might understand. xx" Soo same as me too as well...xx Tommy ..

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 5th Dec 2014 15:55

Merry Christmas, Ann. We look forward to having you back in 1215. Like Graham, I think of you lots.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 26th Nov 2014 14:20

Ann how are you? Be good to read something new from you. I hope you're well.

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Joe Nodus

Mon 23rd Dec 2013 12:28

Thanks for welcoming me to the site. Sorry it took so long to respond. Happy Christmas!

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Fri 13th Dec 2013 16:01

I can visualise the entire scene like a movie.Its almost like I'm there with you through each line that you portray in your poems,and i find that so serene and delightful. You are one the poets on this blog that inspires me Ann :) I would really love for you to check out my poems and give me your opinion. Keep blogging!

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Dave Bradley

Sun 8th Dec 2013 00:30

Hi Ann - yes the comment was a response to the whole thing - poem film and soundtrack. It works well - looking forward to more.

<Deleted User> (11655)

Thu 21st Nov 2013 20:57

Hi Ann! Pleased to meet you! I've just read your samples and think your writing is fantastic!

<Deleted User> (11585)

Mon 18th Nov 2013 13:40

Thank you very much :)

Hitanshu Sachania

Thu 7th Nov 2013 15:25

Thank you so much for being so welcoming....hope ill have fun on WOL.

<Deleted User> (11585)

Wed 6th Nov 2013 05:17

Thank you :)

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Mon 14th Oct 2013 18:48

Many thanks for your welcome Ann

Best regards,


<Deleted User> (11540)

Mon 14th Oct 2013 12:20

I enjoyed listening to the "Lavender Man" something very spooky about it.

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Nigel Astell

Wed 21st Aug 2013 13:49

Hi Ann

Ian has just joined Stockport Write Out Loud and came along to the last meeting.

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John Coopey

Mon 19th Aug 2013 21:15

Hello Foxy,
Thankyou for reading "WriteOutLoud Women Blues". There's a lot goes on in my head (not much outside!)

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Nigel Astell

Mon 19th Aug 2013 15:23

Ann I think you mean Ian or do you want me to do a bit more?

darren thomas

Mon 19th Aug 2013 13:14

Hi Ann - thanks for the 'hello'. :)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 13th Aug 2013 15:02

Ann, so glad you are active here again. I have really missed your input, your fine poems and your comments.

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Tom Harding

Mon 12th Aug 2013 20:07

Hi Ann, nice to hear from you again. many thanks for your very kind comments on radio... agree with your observation on 'sloshing'will try and think of a better word!

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kath hewitt

Wed 31st Jul 2013 15:18

Thank you Anne :-)

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Dave Bradley

Sun 28th Jul 2013 08:10

Hi Ann

It's been a long time since you posted. Has the house move accounted for all your creative energy? Perhaps you are posting elsewhere. The one piece I accessed via FB was remarkable.


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Fri 26th Jul 2013 12:17

Thanks for commenting on the flashers of old London town.

I'd agree with Graham - that's a lovely profile pic. x

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 25th Jul 2013 13:41

What a great new profile photo Ann.

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Laura Taylor

Wed 24th Jul 2013 09:11

Hiya - found it! Ta :) What a great poem, and your voice sounds so good on the CD. Blimey though - you wrote a LOT of poems that year!! :D

You could maybe just send me the link to it. Right click on the URL of your soundcloud page, copy, then paste the link onto a message on my profile :)

Aye, thank you, all is grand with me. Great to see you experimenting with the music - look forward to hearing some!

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Laura Taylor

Tue 23rd Jul 2013 11:55

Hi Ann

John Togher gave me a copy of the CD you contributed to in 2008, the earworm experiment. Yours is the first poem on there.

I LOVED it! All the glass tinkling/bells, your beautiful voice over it. It sounded like an old folk song, with the lines about catching a man and beating him. It's called Candle Game, but I can't find it on your blogs. Absolutely beautiful, and haunting, fantastic!!

<Deleted User> (11197)

Fri 28th Jun 2013 10:47

Thanks a lot Ann for the warm welcome to WOL. :)

Ste J Bee

Wed 29th May 2013 20:16

Hello Ann,
You may not remember but you commented on my 'This Dog' poem nearly twelve months ago now, I did get the message and belated thank you for the welcome to WOL and your very kind comment. I did intend to respond but, y'know life just happens and althoughI intended adding more to WOL, and responding to you message I just didn't get there, anyway I found time this week and here I am, hopefully will use the WOL a little more now.
It's surprising what you can learn by reading other peoples poetry. Some of the phrasing and sentences in 'Great north diver' are fantastic, also noticed that you've got your rescue dog, well done! That short poem is really clever and your reading of it is from the heart.
There are a lot of clever writers on WOL some proper wordsmiths, I keep having to look in the dictionary to get the gist of what they're saying. the stuff I've written isn't as wordy as some other poets I've read and I have to still get my head around poems that don't rhyme but maybe I'll get there one day.

Thanks Ann
Ste Bee x

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Wed 15th May 2013 12:33

Hi Ann I really enjoyed Breathing, for me the sound of the words almost made me lose sight of the meaning, if that makes sense wonderful )

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John Aikman

Fri 29th Mar 2013 07:42

Sorry to hear about you still being in pain. I must have been exceptionally lucky. I stopped taking the painkillers after 2 days. I WAS in pain, but it was such a different pain to the pain prior to the OP that I found it quite bearable and almost cathartic, especially as it got less and less each day, rather than worse and worse like the previous pain.

It's a very subjective thing I found. It hurt differently depending upon how I viewed it. Anyway, I'm still sure that you will eventually end up better off than before. I had a freaky experience after I got mobile again (about a week after the OP) when I became convinced that one leg was shorter than the other, however they measured them and proved that they weren't, it turned out to be my new posture and, having spent much of the previous 5 years limping and standing with all the weight on one leg I had become lopsided. Once I noticed that then I found that swimming, in particular, helped rebalance me, although you should only swim freestyle, not breaststroke because the leg kick is risky. Anyway, keep o keeping on!


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joe kozarzewski

Fri 15th Mar 2013 15:44

Thank you for your welcome to an over-ripe ranter with delusions of whatever, from the northern reaches of manky [manchester]

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