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Thursday 13th March 2025 6:11 pm
The Bard’s Eye On Now
In "The Bard’s Eye on Now," Shakespeare’s spirit returns to behold the wonders and flaws of the modern age. With awe, he watches the rapid rise of technology, where thoughts soar like arrows across the sky and iron chariots race through the heavens. Yet, despite these marvels, he mourns the coldness of human hearts and the corruption of power, as greed and violence still plague mankind. This poem ...
Tuesday 7th January 2025 6:28 pm
Not Always What You Expect!
This limerick plays with the idea that expertise isn’t always the key to success. After all, the ark was built by an amateur, and yet it survived, while the Titanic—crafted by professionals—met its doom. With a humorous twist, it reminds us not to despair at being an amateur, as even the experts can falter in the face of fate. The lesson? Sometimes it’s the passion and drive, not the credentials, ...
Monday 11th November 2024 11:56 am
They'll Find Fault Anyway!
In a world where you can't escape judgment, this limerick tries to dive deep into the absurdity of trying to please everyone. Even if you perform the impossible—like walking on water—someone will still find fault, questioning your intelligence and abilities. With a touch of irony, this piece wants to highlight the endless nature of criticism and the futility of seeking universal approval. It’s th...
Monday 11th November 2024 11:44 am
Devine Opinion On Dollars!
If you want to know what God thinks of gold,
Just look at the wealthy, the brazen, the bold.
For riches, you’ll find,
Go to quite the odd kind,
And that’s all you need to be told!
Monday 11th November 2024 11:27 am
Oh women
They kill a man
Who could die for them
And die for he
Who could kill them! ///
(A remark by a woman about women )
Monday 17th August 2020 7:50 pm
Young Tommy didn’t get irony, cross,
he set off with the boneheads and boots
to guard statues of old Winston Churchill.
Signalling intent with their Nazi salutes.
Sunday 14th June 2020 12:01 pm
There is a Later Train
This isn't the last train. But the late train
has no quiet cars. If a baby squalls no conductor
shushes her. You must shush her yourself.
The late train has no dining car. So board
this train now, or pack a picnic, your own
tablecloth, napkins, napkin-rings, silver,
porcelain. The late train has no schedule.
Depends on how many girlfriends the brakeman
wants to vi...
Wednesday 13th March 2019 2:00 am
Come Down from the Clouds
Come down from among the Clouds
Come down from among the clouds and seat yourselves.
I will set plates for y'all. There will be no wooden flatware,
no metal cups, certainly no raggedy napkins. The ceramic
made in China, flatware in the USA, tempered glass in
Argentina, and napkins cut and sewn by a little old colored
lady in Little Rock, Arkansas, while her great granddaughter
...Friday 1st March 2019 12:38 am
Winter's Wolf
The sharp-toothed skirmisher of January past
passes its knives by her cheeks;
the hillside heralds its shredded brown visage,
winter’s wolf howls the bitter conquest of the moors.
The season of concealing crowns and faces,
of cautious feet across the maze of wilted souls
to reach the lone tree, grey lightning petrified in time.
Frozen into the bark are age and time.
Monday 9th January 2017 4:51 pm
Belief and Knowledge
He believes her to be beautiful beyond compare
She knows him to be as slow as a brain-dead hare
He believes she is a goddess wrought in alabaster
She knows him to be a servile fool under a master
He believes her to be witty, brighter than the sun
She knows him to be one with brains next to none
He believes her to be as precious as the furthest star
She knows him to be as dumb ...
Thursday 10th March 2016 2:21 pm
Happy Valentine's Day
They can now breed blue roses, and breed blue violets too;
Horticultural references don’t quite fit the array of hues.
Yet they are not concerned with, perhaps never knew
Of the silent ones whose spouses leave them black and blue.
Sunday 14th February 2016 10:15 pm
And the troops go marching proudly by
as she wipes a tear from her weary eyes,
the one that she seeks, she will never again hold
for he died at his post; he was thirty years old.
The colours fly high on a cool autumn breeze
as man and boy march with well practiced ease,
so glad to be home after being so brave,
with flags overhead and not covering their graves.
Monday 24th August 2015 11:59 pm
Here's to all Performing Ranters
The whoopers', and the waving panters
Stuff academics licking asses
Scowling through rose-tinted glasses
Before I get my recompense
What is a 'Poet in Residence'?
A girl who writes
Lives in a tent
Is she a 'Poet With Intent'?
Let's have a workshop.
Make a bid
Then charge the punters all five quid
Liquid lunch and ...
Tuesday 15th July 2014 11:55 am
Everyone's a writer these days...
Everyone's a writer
These days
Poet, playwright, scripted scrawler
5am, cigarette, red wine bawler
Everyone's a writer
These days
It's the craze or just a phase
I don't know
But it seems knee deep in the linen of our lives
And the answer to any creative
without a clue
who doesn't know what to do
Or who rides the wave
in a depndent haze
of the ones who script our days
when they ha...
Tuesday 8th July 2014 2:10 pm
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