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a flick of a switch

and darkness crept into each corner of the room,

tracing each surface

and caressing each crack  

until each speck of dust

breathed in black.


a slight sigh

left her lips

and hung momentarily in the air -


that seemed so effervescent in the day

dissipated swiftly

as soon as they came.


and soon

shadows intertwi...

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darkvoidfatiguemodern lifeuncertainty

Socially Perfect

I love my perfect life
With my perfect kids and my perfect wife
And all those perfect times we’ve had
Being the perfect mum and perfect dad

And our perfect home where perfect friends
Adapt perfectly to every trend
Or those perfect days spent at the beach
Who says perfection’s out of reach?

We have perfect times when we go out
With perfect people round about
As our perfect laughter fi...

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social mediaSocial Observationssatiremodern lifedystopiadystopian love

Buried Within…

The invisible truth and

The voiceless words

Both are pertinent …still today


There was no escape route

Nor there will be one any day

Still I’m with your memories


Maybe not so memorable

Like the penned down words

Of the love poems


Or like the melancholic lovers

With the old photographs

Torn, yet not faded out completely


Mine was not so with...

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loversmodern liferomance

Dreams Die Fast

And at last the indomitable world was unfolding

In my palm.

All the skies were merging

Into my blue.

All the seas drowned

Into my passions.

All the stars melted

In my vein.

And then I had recruited Time.

To keep the show rolling.


In our everyday meeting

We discussed how to form

The blood the red one!

I told the primordial atom

To diffuse every pain in...

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worldmodern lifePower

Back To The Essentials

Back to the days of the first encounters,

Back to the pictures with the zoom effects in full

Back to the first names hanging from those innocent lips

Back when the earth was singing with the full moon


With each glances under the whispers of hearts

With each letters of innocent beliefs like the dawn

With each stroke of dreams under the stars of the Milky Way

With all...

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modern lifeworldgreed


The robot generation
Digital nation
Good or bad?fine line between
Personal inability to I roll extreme
If its addictive and its fed to us then without choice were hooked
If we see it negatively then basically we're fucked
So we have to take the best of it
Absorb the good forget the rest of it
Seeking answers from some guru
He knows little more than you do
Am I saying hes a ...

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new worldrobotsmodern life

Cloudy Eyes

I have it all 

locked up inside 

my soul tries to hide 

and I can’t find the reasons why 


once I was whole 

pure spirit, body and soul 

the umbilical cord cut 

and ready to go 

into an unbiblical world 

I didn’t know 


the years passed and I passed out 

locked in a cage of everyday life 

I forgot there once was 

a fire burning inside 

suffocating ...

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depressionNumbnesssocietymodern lifelifemotivation

The current situation

Lives threatened by what they don’t know
Dictated by police banners of hell
Don’t let anyone escape their reality
We are all victims of false dichotomy
Black or white we are all longed for
Children of a false enemy 
Rise up and sense the difference 
A red flag goads us towards sensibility
Neutral props of a false economy
Rise forth and take the enmity
The discourse of truth will out

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current eventsmodern life

Girls and their phones

Sonething I have wanted to write about for some time now.  Here is first attempt:


Train, tram, bus, car, walking or whatever,

You will see what this poem is about,

just as clearly as the weather.


Girls on their phones.

Girls who are perhaps so forlorn.

Girls who might be so alone,

Just like dogs without their bones.


Epidemic that has spread nationwide,


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mobile phonesmodern life

Contusion Blues

Have I caught a cold?
I can feel it in my bones
this hollow sense that I can’t shake
when I gauge the current state

Newspaper, newspaper
you’re not paper anymore
and it’s not news
just the inevitable unfolding
an unstoppable rolling
towards flag waving
a dismantling, dividing
dis-united kingdom

This news, this news
gives me contusion blues…

Politics is broken, democracy’s a jok...

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bleakcolddemocracymodern lifenewspoliticssicknessukus

I do not get it

I do not get it when they say,

We will not make it one day,

I do not get it, when they laugh,

On us and on our scars


I do not get it when they do not believe us,

How crazily can this world suck?

I cannot express the pain in words,

Let’s run because we seem cursed


Let’s run away from the chains of pain,

Let’s run away where we can dance in rain,

Let’s run as ...

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boysbreakupdestinyexperiencegirllovemodern liferelationshipslove endinglaughscarsfreecheatinglifefate


Pound shops and takeaways,

salons for grooming of

dogs and their owners

sit side by side.


Rancid fat acrid

in back alley junk piles,

settees and Christmas trees

slowly decay.


Damp homes

in damp climate

for cotton mill workers

no longer needed.


The forest of chimneys

now superseded

by new build in miniature,

room sizes shrinking,



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modern lifeCulturecapitalismpoetrypovertycottonmillIndustrial Britain

Canaries in the Mine

Canaries in the mine.

Kids that cut themselves. 

New mums on Prozac, 

Calpol poured down tiny throats.

Twelve year olds try ketamine

(already smoking weed).

Prepubescent boys

ask to drink girl’s pussy juice.

‘Mum, what does he mean?’

A teenage girl has overdosed.

Everybody’s glued to screens.

Can anybody see 


canaries in the ...

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mental health issuesmodern lifestresscapitalismSpoken Word poetry

What do you think of this Poem

We, We are the creation of the universe, Being such that our hatred of others consumes us, Our humanity so sunken in the lies we tell our selves humanity itself so distant, so emotional ,But the humanity within us being self-absorbed who is it to say that we are as that we say that the who can control themselves such that they are no longer self-centered, I can not, you can, not no one can!


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humanitypeoplehuman conditionmodern life

Closet Space

I am at my best 
when I have nothing left 
for there is nothing to lose. 
Fear is a coffin, 
can bury you alive. 
Never be afraid to die 
for after life comes the light 
and all inside fly.

Life is a journey, 
a fucked up maze,
dark dark days 
much penance to pay, 
happy is in the chase. 
Opulence will end you 
but death will set you free. 
A pure heart does flutter
to the green ...

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modern lifefearstime

Anti-climatical paradox

 It is an anti-climactical relapse into the repression and suppression of life. 

You'll be on a cloud of positivity held in the captivity of optimism. 

And then as if your minds been hit by a tun of bricks that indicate the euphemism of the candidness of reality.


 As you get older you realise that the higher you climb the further it is to fall, 

so you get indecisive between the f...

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Paradoxanticlimaxhappinesscontentmentrealitylovelifeeuphemismsuccessfailurejourneytechnologyglobalisationmodern life


While we help the country of others,

We forgot our own sisters and Brothers.

Some turn to thugs,

While others turn to drugs.

On the corner is a woman,

With no other option or plan.

Working to feed her kids,

Sold to anyone who bids.

Everyday a young child travels with death,

15 year old overdose on meth,

17 year old shot dead,

8 year old abused in own bed.

This ...

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childhoodmodern lifepoliticalcold blooded murder

To love

I thought I'd write one for you today,

A sweet poem, the sweetest I'd say.


As pure as as the virgin, As true as the tale.


As beautiful as you look to me, Everyday and every night.

Where did I find you ? I may never know and I may might.


I'd do it for you love, I'd do it for your sweet kisses, your little whispers in my ear,

Your breath on my neck and hand rumbling ...

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dreamscapeLovemodern lifeteenagerTimelessnesstrue talk

By the Thames

It’s the final burial ground –

the place where they go to die;

lapping dirt-brown waves;

tourist couples bidding goodbye.

Ships slicing through soundlessly,

as smog adorns the sky.

A pigeon hobbles by on its stump,

while a gull lets out a mournful cry;

beside benches, an old man holds out his cup;

on the cobblestones stands a solitary bride.

A homeless girl leans agai...

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Londonmodern lifeHomelessnessinequalitysuicide

Do you

Do you have colour in your cheeks?

Do you go to sleep remembering what you seek?

Do you recall what it was like to be corporeal,

or does it not feel like that at all?

Do you wake to find your pillow wet at night?

Do you see the wolves congregating under moonlight,

and howl at your own stupidity for staying inside?

Do you stare at the files on your desk each weekday


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wolfdogsanimalsmodern liferepressionentrapmentlost dreams

The Rational Animal

I did not ask,
I did not ask to emerge from the firmament,
I did not ask to grow, and learn, and make mistakes and start over,
I did not ask to feed a whole soul by way of wide-eyed wonder,

I did not ask,
To consider my self,
To bear the burden of loving a stranger,
To practice the discipline of forgiving,

I did not ask,
To find my way in the dark and reach out to touch the only force...

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Reflectionmodern lifehumanitybitter and twisted



She ate sliced ham out of a zip-lock bag,
standing beside me on the subway platform
with her side-tilted hat showing she was
all spunk and all seriousness, making me
feel absurd to be holding these gladiolus
and heading to the far west side of the city
where my sweet friends with an Irish accent
had just had a baby removed.  

This girl with her hat and her ham and I

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Flowersfriendshipmodern life



We’ve got used to the disappearance of some people,

we just worry a while and then forget, sometimes regret,

it’s merely a question of time.

But…it’s a pity when we don’t care a dime

when the whole generation disappears,

when nothing good to follow appears.

I would like to speak about the generation of women over fifty.

They are certainly not guilty, I mean, of...

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modern life


You seem to take a strange pride

 in believing that it’s true

your land of invisible people

who only talk to you


 you act like it’s okay to deride

such other points of view

as you’d dismiss as “materialistic”

and conjure up strawmen


like: we deny the awe of existence;

know enough to survive

you argue we are cynical

I’m cynical – it’s true.


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spiritualitymodern life

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