universe (Remove filter)
The Path of Immortality
The Path of Immortality explores the timeless journey of the atoms that compose us, weaving together the origins of life from stardust to the cycles of death and rebirth. As we grieve the loss of loved ones, this poem offers solace, reminding us that no part of them is truly lost. Their atoms continue to shape the world, giving rise to new life in ways unseen. It is a gentle reminder that we are a...
Monday 10th February 2025 1:57 pm
Light and Absence
I am not a mirror and the reflection gets lost in me, there is no name, everything drifts away, and in every part of me, a universe I do not know.
is an absence, but the scream still flows from the body as if it were not mine.
I am
the space between the light that is no longer seen.
Thursday 6th February 2025 4:53 am
outer time,outer man
man is a display of man
man is a outer display
space is a outer display of man
space is a outer display of the universe
the universe is a display of the universe
the universe is a display of man
man is mankind display
man of space,man of display,man of mankind
outer space,outer mankind,outer focus
mankind focus on mankind
a focus space is a focus man
a focus space is a focus universe
Wednesday 6th November 2024 7:09 pm
A Universe Of Poetry
Merseyside poets have launched a free online anthology entitled 'A Universe Of Poetry'. The work is available to view on the Facebook platform, and will be part of a live upcoming event at the famous Bidston Observatory Artistic Research Centre on the Wirral Peninsula on August 15th this year.
Editors Barry Woods and Michelle Wright specifically curated the project for the observatory, with a t...
Tuesday 30th July 2024 8:33 pm
not on my time watch
a dial speed is a time speed
light speed is a dial speed
the universe is a time watch
the universe is a light speed
the universe is a dial speed
motivation is a speed of motivation
motivation is a time watch of motivation
the universe is a dial of a universe
the universe is a dial of motivation
a dial of motivation is a dial of a universe
a speed of motivation is a speed of a universe
Monday 6th May 2024 8:29 pm
Ties That Bind
Ties that bind
Sticky, twisty, winding
Searching for my own path
Can’t seem to find it
Where do I go from here
All roads lead to blindness
My highest self calling
pushing me towards kindness
Inner child whispering
Keep pushing forward
Like a rabbit using it’s hind legs
I push back, asking the universe to
Untie me, kindly, please so I can find me.
Monday 22nd April 2024 9:22 pm
A million things swimming around in my head.
Things I could say that should never be said.
Things I could tell that you’d never believe.
Things that I’ve seen that are too far to see.
Things that I’ve heard that are not made of sound.
Things that I know which have never been found.
Things that could change the world. Things that could heal.
Things that would ter...
Friday 15th March 2024 9:15 pm
The Great Window
I sit quiet, smoked out with sage and gratitude, love overwhelmed. Of course, for God and Christ, white crystals and frankincense, and high frequency vibration ever rising, but most of my thoughts are of you.
I’m grateful…
For our teach-learn/learn-teaching. It pushes through and sheds light and mostly – it paints.
With wide colorful strokes, our shadow projects into the ethers and I se...
Wednesday 27th December 2023 1:41 pm
The soul of a poet
My words are mine alone
they cannot be taken away from me
they will transcend my current reality and existence
as i put pen to paper, a piece of my very essence will forever
be in flux with the universe.
Saturday 23rd December 2023 8:22 pm
Kaleidoscope Looking Glass
Saturday 16th December 2023 4:35 pm
Raw eggs
I tried beautiful,
I tried pristine,
I was no good at it
I’m not neat within
I’m not “clean”
Even externally, I cannot master
Clearing every bit of clutter
I’m raw, like an egg
It’s not pretty to have a cracked head
But if I don’t
I’m practically dead
As inanimate and detached as my wooden bed
To be raw is
But it’s rich with fee...
Friday 8th September 2023 5:25 pm
Bigger than you
You should know better
Than to think you’re alone in this universe
You’ve seen breath come from nothing
Animals evolve
More complex than fathomable
Human species shapeshift and roam
With inventions inexplicable
Grass, water, and life itself
Come to be
And people like you
Who all think different
And think they’re the only ones
Don’t assume you’re not connect...
Friday 19th May 2023 2:30 pm
Part of us
Something speaks from beyond
Something writhes alive
In each of us
Something pulls and breathes
Beyond our touch
They call it instinct
But it is magically distinct
And can lead, lead, lead
To something in your core
They call it power of the brain
But it’s so much more
It cannot be explained away
It cannot be spoken out of existence
They call it the mi...
Sunday 14th May 2023 11:03 pm
the lens of the universe
science zoom in on a disturbance
science zoom in on a lens of the universe
science disturb the lens of the universe
science create or disturb the lens of the universe
science create or zoom in on the lens of creativity
creativity zoom in on creativity
creativity is a lens of creativity
the universe create the lens of creativity
disturbance zoom in on disturbance
to zoom is to zoom in on...
Thursday 6th April 2023 7:36 pm
a claim of a universe
the universe is a claim of a claim
the universe is a claim of a stake
to claim the universe is to direct the universe
the future direct the future
the future direct the stake of the future
the stake of the future is the direct of the future
the stake of the future is the stake of a direction
the universe is a direct universe
the universe is a direct claim
science claim science
the dire...
Monday 3rd October 2022 8:15 pm
Dear Universe
Dear Universe,
Why did you give me a flower so beautiful,
then make me watch its petals fall?
Why did you gift me a single seedling,
but forbid me from watering it?
Why did you lead me to the purest of water,
yet poison it with your toxins?
You chuckle to youself
as I try to overcome it,
overpower it,
out determine it,
all the while knowing
deep within the ...
Friday 16th September 2022 4:15 am
You’re right
3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens
Now I wonder whether they’re angels
Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds
Now I write their songs
I tweet along
Everything I did, I did do
It still was
Even if it no longer is
Whatever I am
I still am what I was
Even if I no longer am
You’re right
I was right and now I’m left
But the person I was hasn...
Tuesday 1st February 2022 11:42 am
The stars I hold as electric beams run through me
Vibrating I'm moving a zillion miles an hour the moons just let on like he knew me
Blow back the kisses the sun has just blew me
from the planets so truly
Recharge put celestial through me
I share out what you have given to me
Times ten it returns right back to me
To enable one to keep it..one must give it away
Tuesday 26th October 2021 12:50 am
Thoughts To The Universe In My Moment Of Hurt.
Oh bless me Universe & make me a perfect picture of your art.
Make me as pure as a newborn as I was from the start.
For they left me alone afraid in the dark.
They threw in the ocean to swim with the sharks.
And they laughed as I was ripped apart.
Actuality/Reality ripped away my heart.
I hold my self accountable & it was fifty percent my fault.
And the "Angel Of Death" came ...
Friday 2nd April 2021 8:21 pm
I, The Universe
The universe doesn't care about anything, because it doesn't mind about anything.
It doesn't care what it is, because it cannot see what it is, or be seen by anything.
Outside the universe is no eye or mind or mirror, no rules or responsibilities.
And inside the universe nothing matters at all,
Because everything is part of the universe
and none of it has to stay the same
and none of it has ...
Tuesday 16th March 2021 12:50 am
Tuī hé lā
I was the ocean and he was the moon,
Nature's opposites yet love would sprout soon.
As I push against his gravitational pull
Though on my axis, my heart's orbit falls.
Quite often I am his biggest challenge,
But as the ying to his yang he fixes this imbalance.
My spirit soul mate who facilitates my flow,
Through the high and low tides our love for one another shows.
...Saturday 20th February 2021 12:07 am
Alien Love
I know, somewhere, on the other side of the Universe,
An alien man and an alien woman seek
Love. Light could not guide their course –
They did not have eyes; they could not see.
They had genuine intentions, they always did,
A family or whatever it is called there.
They would count every single beat
Of their hearts if they could only hear.
They were married. They would nev...
Wednesday 17th February 2021 12:13 am
Centre Of The Universe
Don't we all see our speciality
as the central truth?
My sister, the mathematician, thinks the world
is ruled by numbers
and defined by them.
She would say that without maths
the world is nothing
then start to prove it.
The medic or the tailor
the banker or the lawyer
the chef or farmer
the centre of the universe,
but most of all
I think
the poet.
Tuesday 12th January 2021 2:55 am
What I Am Today
It took me so many years to find myself, and I got lost along the way,
And now I don't know where I am or where I'm going,
But at least I know it doesn't matter.
So yes I'm wandering round this pointless universe,
But I'll just be myself,
Wherever, Whatever.
And if I'm changing every moment into something else
Who even cares what I am today?
It took me all these years to find my...
Friday 8th January 2021 1:15 am
Living beneath the wind,
How easy it is not to reach for the stars.
But sleeping beneath the moon,
How can we not yearn?
Touched by infinity,
Where do we place the next step?
Conscious of eternity,
We must ever go on.
In all of this grandeur, I should feel so small.
Soaking it into every pore,
I wonder.
In all this variety, I must seem so dull.
Watching the intricacy,
I learn.
Tuesday 8th December 2020 10:25 am
I’ve no idea what I’m doing here
Of course, it could just be an accident of fate
But it would be kind of nice
if someone could just tell me straight.
As an example of the human race
I’m feeling pretty good
Well, I’ve got a roof above my head,
I’m breathing
And the blood
That keeps going round and round
Takes the oxygen to my head
Or so it’s been said
Saturday 21st November 2020 5:50 pm
We are as different
as the sun and moon,
circling the same universe,
with an omnificent God
you don’t believe in,
for adventures in love,
you among the trees,
me with my muse,
who today, lives in you.
Sunday 4th October 2020 7:33 pm
It's raining in the world,
with the Coronavirus:
a furious lightning
of a mute warning,
a thunderstorm of
an unprecedented power,
a darkest cloud
of a worried folk!
The people are
and, thanking as well,
the Corona, most prudently,
for liting a novel hope
of a Renaissance!
Saturday 13th June 2020 6:36 pm
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:44 am
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:37 am
Alexis karpouzos poetry and creative writing.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Alexis karpouzos on Goodereads
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:29 am
You came in to this world
with enough light to find
your way out of the dark,
enough kindness to save a soul,
enough love to shift a planet.
Don't worry, you are enquipped
with all you could ever need.
Look with in,
you are drenched in magic.
Saturday 24th August 2019 9:27 pm
God Is No Man
Understanding the laws of the universe
Puts you in a position of overwhelming doubt
As your mind tells you that God would never take the form of a human scout
Decaying in this moment of nonsensical bout.
God doesn’t sit on a cloud
God doesn’t pretend to shout
God doesn’t want to meet you
Or question the defiance from the stench of your wet mouth.
The Universe is filled with mathematica...
Monday 17th December 2018 3:13 pm
Wounded Healer
Wounded Healer
Chestfull of Grief
Subdued Heart
Full of Mischief
Scan my Matter
I am a Thief
Don’t listen to Spirit
Just Seeking Relief
Drowning Dreamer
Trauma of Belief
Rivers to Conquer
I am the Dirt
The Soil that Speaks
Monday 17th December 2018 9:45 am
Aquatic Stardust - a freewrite
Aquarian Aquarius,
everyone be hearing us.
What an exciting life you lead,
cosmic superhuman centipede.
I’m Centric G pause for the D:
ejaculating antiquating - even thoughts dilapidated.
You should go through twice
extinguish anguish from your life
cosmic zombie souls are sliced.
Universal detoxification
electrocuting nation-notions
rubbing Atlas, struggled rolling
infinitesimal scro...
Monday 6th August 2018 9:31 pm
Toasted coconut
Once before we enjoyed one others company. I felt then that I loved you. I never changed how I thought of you. Even when you were out of my sight I hoped you were safe and cared for. You can reach out to me if you’re scared I promise I will do what I can to help you feel safe. If you’re sad or down I will try to cheer you up so I can see that smile once again on your beautiful face. I won’t be sc...
Tuesday 22nd May 2018 10:05 am
have you ever experienced
a love
so strong
you question your beliefs?
I'm an atheist.
I don't believe in a god
or an afterlife
this love
makes me wonder
if over the course of time
our souls
have been colliding
and bonding
and that's why
is so natural
between us
I'm not talking about something romantic
but something innocent
for he has touched my hea...
Monday 30th October 2017 6:57 am
Doors and Windows
Doors and Windows
The simplest of houses,
doors and windows framed in white,
contains a universe within -
immured in the aura
of its keeper's light.
Chris Hubbard
St. Romain-en-Viennois.
Tuesday 10th October 2017 5:47 am
My hands are patterned by ambitions,
these lines on my skin are wishes,
palms marked like the sky after a shooting star
and shining when they interlace with your fingers,
your skin's wrinkles and crinkles.
The crevices of our skin do not match or meet
the way coloured paths on a map synchronise and intercross,
reaching destinations.
We are separate pieces of meat
Monday 31st July 2017 2:40 pm
There was once a man.
There was once a man,
charming in the flesh
He fell in love with a woman,
who he described her as a universe with the brightest stars.
She was his dream,
a dream that came close with his reality.
There was once a man,
bewitched with all.
He dare not speak,
for not to ruin all.
He cared for his beloved,
as if she was the heart of it all.
Until he met his dem...
Saturday 15th July 2017 1:30 am
The Way the World Ends
This is the way the world ends.
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Do not fear the light of the dying star for it will yield no pain.
It is mortal, it is ended.
Fading out like the dimming of the candle, then extinguished, forever.
No light shall ever again grace these barren lands
As dust forever billows across its scarred surface
And drinks its voluptuous seas.
Like a standing ovation,
Thursday 26th May 2016 8:44 pm
It is an anti-climactical relapse into the repression and suppression of life. You'll be on a cloud of positivity held in the captivity of optimism. And then as if your minds been hit by a tun of bricks that indicate the euphemism of the candidness of reality. As you get older you realise that the higher you climb the further it is to fall, so you get indecisive between the fear of failure and the...
Sunday 17th April 2016 4:27 pm
The wailing wind is in my breath
And in my dreams I see the silver moon
My smile is the face of the summer sun
And daybreak stirs my waking soul
When sadness comes my tears are one with the pouring rain
And the blood within my veins runs deep within these hills
This Earth is at the centre of the gift of life
And when I die she folds my bones within her arms
Saturday 2nd February 2013 4:15 am
The Dark Matters
that wise bard once quoth
“more things in heaven and earth”
never words truer
the merest seventeen percent
what terror lies hid in that
lost four score and three
those tricks of the night
must need more fearful attention
with chances so high
inscrutable dark
hides nature in majority
one day ascendant
Monday 3rd September 2012 12:38 am
nobody nor nothing is real
absolute, yes,
for you are never truly gone
just no longer assembled
in the correct order of atoms
to make any further sense of
your ordeals
so they can’t be real
Monday 3rd September 2012 12:16 am
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