The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dear Blackbird.

Dear blackbird
Let me have a feather from your wing
It will become my quill
In exchange I will sit silently
And listen to you sing

Take my wickedness
In your little yellow beak
Hold it as a stone
Before dropping it into the lake
At the break of dawn

Soar in circles
Tracing the ripples
Until you become weak
Then return to me
So together we can sleep. 
Clare Kinnaird, 2024.

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Let’s Fly to the Moon.

I’m going to make a camper van space rocket
We can paint it indigo
and violet

We can visit South America
Spain, and the moon!
We will fly to the sun
But don’t worry
We can put deflectors on it
So we won’t burn

We won’t need wheels
It will just transform
I will need a big tool box
Some metal and some
Paint that won’t peel

Grandma, do you want to help me?
We can paint t...

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The Poets are Lying.

The Poets are Lying. 

Why are poets writing
About October?
They talk about leaves

They mourn the loss of summer
And welcome autumn
As though time
Has moved on

They are lying
I know this to be true
Because I am still
In July

I am where you were
Before you were gone. 

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Winter Bride.

To behold the hills and gelid lakes

Bejewelled in winter pearls

Every field and wholesome berry

Adorned beneath an icy veil


To watch the trees disport themselves

Stretched out like swans in allongé  

Disrobed and unabashed

Lost in the face of the crystal moon


To catch the scent

Of the chiselled air and watch

As tumbling stars are formed

Is this the moment...

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Botticelli’s Dreams

Botticelli’s Dreams. 

He entered me like Spirit 
Landing on my heart
He blew my world apart
I loved him the daylight
I Loved him better in the dark

His velvet words
Soothed the jagged edges
I stood like Venus in the rain
Trembling as he possessed my veins

His passion filled my belly
With hurricanes and storms
I loved him ‘til I died
And rose like an angel
In Botticelli’s arms. 

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Botticelli’s Dreams

Botticelli’s Dreams. 

He entered me like Spirit 
Landing on my heart
He blew my world apart
I loved him the daylight
I Loved him better in the dark

His velvet words
Soothed the jagged edges
I stood like Venus in the rain
Trembling as he possessed my veins

His passion filled my belly
With hurricanes and storms
I loved him ‘til I died
And rose like an angel
In Botticelli’s arms. 

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I am no more than a blade of grass

Still,  I forgot how precious

The kiss from the morning dew

Could be


I thought myself above the fly

Even laughed at the suggestion

That I could die

One day, maybe …


Instead I just swatted the fly

And pissed on the grass

That grew just for me

Waiting for me to die


I imagined myself 

Bigger than t...

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Christmas Nonet. (Reversed).

My first ever attempt at a reverse nonet.  I hope I got it right  🙈🙈🙈   Thanks for the challenge, Graham Sherwood  🤗



Bright star

Sprinkles light

Upon us all

Awakening  souls

To the magic of love

Bringing hope to the weary

Open your hearts with gratitude

It’s time to embrace humanity.


Clare Kinnaird, 2024. 

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Sinners and Saints.

Sinners and Saints. 


They used the crucifix to spite me

Pouring whisky down my throat

They turned the holy Mary

Into the devil in disguise


They washed my mouth with soap

And they ravaged my young soul

There was a method in the madness

An erosion of innocence and hope


They bedded me with Jesus

And a noose around my neck

 I prayed to the lord

Our sa...

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Dozy Moon.

Dozy Moon. 


We are making bread for the hungry

Raucous laughter is coming from the roof

It is shaking uncontrollably

Da says it’s just a storm

It’ll pass soon


There’ll be a dozy moon tonight

Best to stay home and sit

In the firelight

Sit tight

It’ll be a long night



At least we still have the floor

Under our feet

That should save us


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Did You?

Did You? 


Did you gaze into her eyes today

As your hand gently followed the curve of her spine

Did you push back the stray hair

That fell on her face

As you whispered softly

I am so glad that you’re mine


Did you see her?

Or did she simply become


And now you are left wondering

Where she has gone. 

Clare Kinnaird, 2024. 

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Strange how your love you’s

Turned to I hate you’s

In the blink of a cheating eye 


Your head on the pillow

Filled with devious dreams

Of changing my name 

Before attempting resuscitation



Strange how your lust

Turned to jealousy

Wrapped in endearments

And lies


So strange how you loved me

Only to hate me

But you loved me

So you wished...

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The Grace of Age.

As the grace of age settles into all the parts of me

I begin to see life differently


Now, with the album almost full

Looking back is easy

My fingers trace the outlines of memories

While my mind fills the gaps that once lived in between


I watch the young girl in the frame

 -A frozen fragment of history-

Gazing out at me

Her eyes have changed

But her heart is ...

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My Name is Anne.

A poem based on the true story of my mother’s life.   The poem explores issues surrounding mental health and the impact of being raised in the harsh world of industrial schools in the 1960s.  The repetitive use of her Christian name is deliberate and refers to the fact that on entering these schools, children would often be stripped of their names and assigned a number in it’s place. 
Some people...

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Her Name is Anne.

Her Name is Anne. 

The clock ticks so slowly
Mimicking the sound of the raindrops tapping gently on the window neatly settled into the greyness of the day

Walls still damp from the grief pounded into them by wailing mothers 
begin to close in
Pushing down with purpose, they land on my chest, where they sit 
stubbornly refusing to leave

Ghosts of the past emerge from the dust
Empty ar...

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Her Name is Anne.

Her Name is Anne. 

The clock ticks so slowly
Mimicking the sound of the raindrops tapping gently on the window settled neatly into the greyness of the day
Tick tock, drip drop

Walls still damp from the grief once pounded into them by wailing mothers 
begin to close in
Pushing down with purpose, they land on my chest, where they sit 
stubbornly refusing to leave

Ghosts of the past eme...

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Planting Hope for Tomorrow.

Planting hope for tomorrow


Tulips, daffodils, and snowdrops

Hold hope for rebirth, friendship, and love

Courage, fertility, and positivity nestled deep within the heart of these unassuming 

Harbingers of change 



As the earth begins to drift into silence

The gardener becomes the soothsayer of brighter days

Nurturing the land; just like a mother

Soothing her pr...

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Lady of the Lake.

For so long you were the longest shadow

cast in the depths of winter

My frost bitten heart

hardened by the bitter taste

Of your name


You sat on the edge of my universe

Like a fleeting moment missed

Always just out of reach

And always silent

Your absence fell upon me like a snow blanket

stretching out into every corner of my world


Each hill I climbed with ...

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He painted me just like all those masterpieces that had gone before

His brush, a wand, sprinkling lovers in the mist


The artist brought his muse to life

In a water coloured wish

In his world, I became Venus

I became The Kiss


He saw me as a butterfly

In a kaleidoscope of colour

I was a mermaid

Rising gracefully

From the overburdened sea



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Mosaic Heart

Mosaic Heart. 

The interlace of me and you
Began long ago
Way back in the bygone years
Long before we exchanged tears

Through space and time
Pieces of you were falling
Shimmering softly in the atmosphere
Searching for a forever home

My heart was in pieces 
An unfinished mosaic
Waiting; wandering aimlessly
Unaware of the possibility

The possibility of you ~
Until the day our s...

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Je t’adore. 



You are in the raindrops

Falling soft on autumn leaves

You are the wistful wind

Which I so desperately need

To help me breathe


I hear the river murmur

When my name flows from your lips

You are the bridge between the seasons

Of my life

T’es mon amour

Mon cœur


You are the scent of the forest floor

Rising in drifts of patchouli

To leave me wa...

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The Black Dog.

She didn’t really have flesh

No eyes

No heart

No bones


It was hard to believe

That she even existed

Sometimes it was easier

To imagine that her children

Fell from the sky


She never spoke

But her voice would get into your head

And she would say things


I love you



You could search 

your own face

Maybe you could find her th...

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The Moon Fairy (Sapphire Queen) 

The Moon Fairy (Sapphire Queen) 


She came in the form of a Sapphire  Queen

The melancholic fairy of the moon

Her beauty gave her no joy

With the absence of her lover

Tarnishing her bloom


In the depths of night

The air would shiver at the haunting

Of her lament

No one could escape the pulsating vibration

Of her grief


The earth shuddered to the core


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The Red (Pink) Room.

The Red (Pink) Room. 


The red room was never really red

It was more a salmon pink

But no one ever wants to admit that they like the colour pink

Do they?


Anyway, the red room (which was really pink)

It was a special room

The kind of room that hugged you

Until you turned bright pink


It was a room without corners

It didn’t even really have a ceiling

It ...

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Fashionistas from Mars

I don’t call them scars

I prefer to see them as badges of honour

For all the times I honoured myself

In the face of my attackers


Each time I was called upon

To defy their malice

And refused to accept their lies

I won a medal, which I pinned to my heart


Every tear to the fibre of my being is stitched together with a pin bearing the name of the battle fought and won


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I Will Lie to You.

I Will lie to You. 

If by chance we should ever meet
Don’t ask me how I am ~
I will lie to you

I could not bear to see your eyes
Should I ever tell you of my pain
You would only turn away
To never look at me again

Instead, just ask 
if I heard the birds sing ~
My heart will soar
And I will tell you
All about my morning

Ask me about my favourite flower
I will talk to you for h...

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I am leaving you for moonlight 

I have one last thing to say


Don’t look for me tomorrow

For I have gone away

You might catch me in the birdsong


It’s not really me

I won’t be in the sunshine

Or underneath a willow tree


I will be the last star shining

Brighter than the rest

I will be in the ripples

Of your memory


I am leaving you for moonlight


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Moonlight Lover.

My lover sleeps under the stars tonight

While I am cloaked in darkness

The cold room echoes silence 

And resentment


I am jealous of the moon

Looking down on him

Are they together?

Her all new and shiny

Washing his limbs in silver light


Him laid out like Perseus 

Awaiting Andromeda 

Leaving me as no more than a spectator 

Of something that was once mine


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I have read him a thousand times
He is a man who does not care for rhyme

Yet his words melt into one another
Like chocolat oozing over mountains
Or soft eggs meeting soldiers 
On a sleepy Sunday morning

I look for a reason
He tells me not to pander ~
The masses will never be happy
He says I should write what I know

Delve into my soul
Paint the flowers 
That in my garden g...

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Love doesn’t just stop loving
Love is eroded by the constant drip, drip, drip. 

The drip of neglect
The drip of withdrawal
The drip of rejection

Love holds on for as long as it can
Hoping and praying for it’s own survival 
Love will never abandon itself

Love will just fall
Into introspection
That is when love


Leaving in search
Of another’s affection...

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When I was a Tree.

When I was a tree

I stood for a hundred years

I just stood, and watched

And waited


I had no concerns

There were no desires, doubts

Or tears


I was a tree

And everybody loved me


As a tree, I felt my roots

Unfurling through the earth

My limbs stretched out 

As high as they could reach


My crown was gifted from the stars

I lived amongst my f...

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Lately,  I’ve been thinking
I’ve been reliving
Lately,  I’ve been thinking ~
I’ve been thinking
About forgiving

Lately, I’ve remembered
What it felt like
To walk those lonely roads
To be alone and cold
In early September

I remember it all
The first flight of early fall 
I’ve relived every moment
I’ve returned to the torment
I’ve relived it all

I won’t...

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Love doesn’t just stop loving
Love is eroded by the constant drip, drip, drip. 

The drip of neglect
The drip of withdrawal
The drip of rejection

Love holds on for as long as it can
Hoping and praying for it’s own survival 
Love will never abandon itself

Love will just fall
Into introspection
That is when love


Leaving in search
Of another’s affe...

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Roses Amongst the Brambles.

You never seemed to understand 

Never really tried to know

Who I truly am


If you did

You didn’t care

I am not even sure 

You were ever there


I filled our home

With fairy lights

And candles ~

Grew roses amongst the brambles


You drew plans

Fit only for

A single man


Said you loved me

Asked me 

To read you poetry


And then


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Icarus was an amateur.

If you want my heart

You have to be ready for fire

How far will you go ~

To feel the force of the hurricane?


Are you prepared to never be the same?

I hear your calls blowing over me

Like a summer breeze 

Oblivious to the power of my flames


Oceans are no good to me

I cannot fight the waves

My soul needs to burn

Holes in the sky


Do you wish to fly?


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Love doesn’t come

In the glint of an eye

Love doesn’t run

Or make you cry


Love hides in mysterious places

Amongst a crowd of a thousand


Loves finds it’s home

In peculiar spaces


Love is content

With quiet moments

The saddest days

Are when love 



It strokes your hair

And dries your eyes

It listens and promises

To always b...

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Love doesn’t come

In the glint of an eye

Love doesn’t run

Or make you cry


Love hides in mysterious places

Amongst a crowd of a thousand


Loves finds it’s home

In peculiar spaces


Love is content

With quiet moments

The saddest days

Are when love 



It strokes your hair

And dries your eyes

It listens and promises

To always b...

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Just Curious.

How can a heart be so full

Yet still have space for more?

And what of the busy mind -

How come it can keep on learning ~

It’s an eternal revolving door


How can the feelings I have 

Be so deep ~

Surely I shouldn’t keep falling

Why do the birds keep on singing ~

Are they constantly writing new songs ~

Purely to make my eyes weep


Does the sun ever tire of li...

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I wonder if there is a place

Where poets go to cry

A special spot

Perhaps a garden

Filled with daffodils

And ever rolling hills


I wonder if there is a space

Reserved for poetic souls

A meadow full of wildflowers

Neither hot,  nor cold;

Temperate, with just the lightest

Summer breeze


A place where feathers fall

And become the poets quill

Birdsong ...

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