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If It Started This Christmas

As the year moves ever closer to it’s end,
I wish to call out to each and every friend,
to say I wish them all peace and goodwill,
with plenty to eat & even some wine to spill.

The greatest gift I could wish to see for us all,
would be peace and love forever, so that we’d recall,
it started one Christmas and was then always adored,
I believe if we share goodwill we never would be bored.


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ChristmasPeaceLoveOne WorldGoodwill

After A Break Up

After a breakup, pain may linger with you a while, 

but one morning you will wake once more with a smile,

Until that time comes write notes to throw away,

notes that hold your pain, to leave you free one day,


There's no clock with the means to predict the date,

don't let heartbreak turn love over to the icy grip of hate,

for positive feelings are those we all seek in our liv...

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lovehatebreak uptime

THE FAMILY - an Acrostic poem



There’s one word that everyone should know and treasure

Hold in reverence for life long companionship and pleasure

Even on the darkest days when pain and distress abound

Family is the one word that can bring a comforting sound

All can benefit if they simply recall their sister & brother

Maybe they are distant people they have yet to discover

In this world there is but o...

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By The Edge Of Water


By the waters edge we rest and play, 

toes in the water, feeling quite gay,

celebrating the warmth of the dancing air 

and the restful peace of that place we share.


A loving time with never once a worry, 

soft sounds of ripples that won’t ever hurry

and when the wind changes to a cooler breeze, 

we'll head on home for some warming teas.


We’ll spend the evenin...

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Deep & Divine


Honey can you tell me, is our sweet lover's moon shining there tonight?

here where I stand across the ocean deep it's soft glow is in full sight,

let it cast a blessing upon our pure loving for the magic of eternity,

for less than that time would be too short for the love you share with me…


In the soothing softness of the moonbeams we can express all our desires,


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Love Vines


Fondness cultivated blooms into a stronger vine,

that winds around until we call it true love for all time…


Take small beginnings and nurture those with care,

only then will you encourage the shoots of love to bear,

that weight life brings for us to manage through the years,

with the strength of our love vines which we water with tears…


There are few fa...

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Lovetrue love

The Language Of Love


The language of love is one we both know, it is in the eyes where passions show,        and in the rhythm of the pounding heart, the place where all true love does start...           
Love is a language of touch and caress, in kisses that bring out the very best, of communication at the depths of the soul, love is a language that has i...

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Our Carefree Play


Shall I sit and think of you and me,
alone on a beach with a tropical sea
we have no needs for worldly news,
for deep in love we have other views...
We'll swim and splash and cavort with glee,
then lay and rest in the dappled shade of a tree,
where the cooler air offers time for hugs and more,
all alone in the reach of that pleasing shore...

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Night & Day


When we walk together we will find
distance never enters our joint mind
for only love will take the path
while we smile and kiss and laugh...
And if we share forty years or one,
know that my love you can depend upon,
while I breathe it will be for you alone,
always hoping to share in our one home...
Warmth floods into my chest whenever I see

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Life's Towpath


We walked the canal towpath in a gentle summer haze,
watching a lock leak water that seemed to go on for days,
our collie was running ahead and kept turning to watch us dawdle,
but we were in no hurry then as time seemed to present no hurdle...
It was the mid eighties and we were just two lovers, with one dog,
marriage was fine as we were, holding hands with no r...

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Red Wine

Let us spill our red wine together,
abandon all concerns about stains.
Let us take a long drive together,
and get lost in the woodland lanes...
Our picnic will simply be of cheese & wine,
with a soft blanket to cushion the ground,
and when we spill that red wine on each other,
we'll lick it up & make some giggling sound...
Yes, let us spill our red wine togeth...

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When I Wake...


When I wake in the morning, I want to embrace,
a certain great lady, with a smile on her face...
When I wake in the morning, my heart will express,
how I long to be with you, with my love to impress...
When I wake in the morning, the only riches I need,
are those you hold within you, so love can succeed...
When I wake in the morning, give my hand ...

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Take my kindest thoughts with you as you dream,
and tomorrow perhaps we can compare the scene,
that those thoughts evoked in you and in me,
if they match then that really is pure poetry...
Another night our thoughts may be in another vein,
I should try taking yours to my pillow and then again,
in the morrow we can then exchange notes to see,
if we are tun...

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The Velvet Covers


In the cloak of midnight's fond caress,
we'll hold so tight to share the deepest kiss,
and while passions rise within that urgent embrace,
we will surely move onwards to some further bliss,
feel our fingers make slow movements to warmly trace,
the trembling outlines of each others heating form,
and moist lips pursue their path across a face,
that they will lear...

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The Kissing Game


The bus stop was deserted when we dived in from the rain,
we shivered as we stood there, but had no breath left to complain,
for lips met lips in search of warmth and would not yield their gain,
those lips were very much possessed of passions we could never tame.
And as we blended body heat, the wind and rain were heard,
we heard it drumming on the roof, but both...

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All The Love In The World


I would like to live long enough to one day see,
the many people in this world sharing harmony,
caring for all, not just those they see each day,
sharing all their burdens freely and also some play.
Will it take a millenium or more to reach that state,
or can we wake everyone to take this dream and make,
a world fit for our brothers and sisters wherever...

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True Love Starts...


True Love starts with an open heart,
and then becomes a wish to never part...
True love starts with an open  mind,
and grows with every action kind...
True love starts with a gentle touch,
and blossoms with each kiss and such...
True love takes over all our dreams,
and makes us think up wondrous schemes...
True love powers us through...

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Nine Eleven - Version 2


As I re-read this piece I felt it warranted some tidying up, so here is version 2
Nine Eleven 
No words of mine or others can change what went before
We can but stand in silence and remember them once more
Though years roll by without restraint and some images fade
The sights we saw upon that day are indelibly engraved
So hear a plea around the wo...

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I Miss You


I miss you when the sun shines
for you're not seen beneath it's glow
I miss you when the phone rings
and your name is not on show,
I miss you every evening,
when I rest my weary head,
I miss you every day since you've
not been beside me in my bed.
Yes I miss you for the world 
has now turned so many times,
Yes I miss you when my mind aches

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The Depths Of Love - V2

The great power of love is not in the mind,
but deep in our hearts which can ache muchly sometimes.
The passions we feel are beyond thought to control,
some say it's our hormones, some say it's the soul.

To only live in the shallows without loves warm glow,
is to be beached like a whale with nowhere to go,
the depths may bring some sorrows and pain on the way,
yet we all get th...

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By & By


Love is the drug we are meant to enjoy,
if it is missing perhaps that is why some employ,
another means to give them a special high,
but drugs prove to be unfaithful lovers by and by...
Yet though this must surely be known to all,
it seems drugs still retain their siren call,
wrecking lives as do all those feckless lovers,
their allure enough to capture m...

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Wishing Well


Take my mind to freedom town,
grant me that last bliss,
far away from all past downs,
surely I've now earned this.

Once I was the partner, 
now I'm just the dad,
one time I was the carer, 
please let me lose the sad.

Sure I'll find a bump or two,
roads to heaven aren't always true
I only ask a fair passage there,
with the one for...

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And If...


And if that last time was the last to be,
still I carry you ever onwards with me,
to hold and to cherish as never was known,
you with the laughter and kisses soft blown.


And if the last time is still many years hence,
We will keep that last time in a fadeless scent,
bottled in memories that sit so firm and true,
with warm touches and moist lips never to go blue.


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The best of lovers will one day part
and such sad moments break many a heart
maybe a lifetime together has then passed
or one has gone, leaving questions to be asked

But then after the love of your life has gone
can you find new strength to somehow carry on
will there be words from friends to impart any peace
while you struggle through each day until your final release

To each...

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Wait For The Flag To Unfurl

So you come to me and say 'I'm free'
And you claim all your words are true
Then you run from me, saying 'Set me Free'
Such confusion runs through you

Some years I spent in quiet retreat
Without such strife if incomplete
Dont play these games no more with me
Far better I'm left to rot in solitary

Each time you've run and turned again
And its truly sad to see your pain
But when ind...

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Love Decides The Cast

Love Decides The Cast

Love did not arise

It sneaked up from behind

Love did not surprise

It just controlled the mind


All our senses swamped

All our logic shot

All desires inflamed

All at such a cost


Love burns so very bright

A supernova in our heart

Love takes us day and night

And breaks us when we part


All our futures centred

All passions r...

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Long Lost My Heart

When did my troubled heart last open it's door
Easing your entry to it's welcoming glow
So many years past since such invasion 
Crept stealthily in 'ere I could sense it show

The blend was changing so deep within 
Taking such time to let me feel cheeks aglow
When your fair visage came once more into view
Take heed poor heart your defence did never know

Quietly healing from scars hi...

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lovetroubled heartscarsfuture

My Eyes Will Ever

My Eyes Will Ever
Tip me a wink 
Don't let my heart sink
There's so much passion in the thoughts that I think
Pray hold out your hand
Help me to understand
All that your heart wants to find in a man
Look deep in my eyes
Take full note of my sighs
I can promise you nothing if you take these for lies
I will seek out your trust

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