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Pep Talk from a Far Away Galaxy

"You can't get it wrong,"

those words are so soothing.

"You can't fail, you can't flunk, you can't irreversibly screw up...."

Those words are balm to troubled souls,




that is not a fun way to live!

Every problem has a solution,

"failing, flunking, screwing up,"

are just part of the dance.

You are unfolding into your perfection,


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Patience and Faith

Looking at the tree

tall and steady

standing outside my window

it's not going anywhere

it's just being

what it is 

a tree

tall and steady

teased a bit by the wind

tickling its leaves

on this deeply quiet summer morning

the sun's not hot yet

early morning clouds cover the sky in coolness

the air coming in from my window

is cool like ice

touching my skin


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Who Am I?

Love is wonderful

Love is perfect

Love guides me through the day

Love soothes me through the night

Love calms all fears

Love lifts all burdens

Love colors my day bright

Love deepens my night holy

Love sings all harmony

Love cleanses all sorrows

Love is wonderful

Love is perfect

I live in love

I die in love

Love is my all

I am...


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Can I heal you?

Of course not,

I'm not Jesus.

Can you heal yourself?

Maybe so, 

I don't know.

But I do know this:

I will hold a space of Love for you.

I will hold it deeply,



If you like, enter into this sacred space with me.

We are sitting in Love,

we are becoming Love,

we are remembering we are made of Love

That is what I can off...

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Everyone Is

Clearly she was an old crone

who had traveled life's highways and byways

but with nary a scratch to show

for the depth of her sorrows.

Her wisdom--

wisdom of oh so many years!--

shone a light so bright

and yet so calming--

I was transfixed,

I listened to her words

with a smile on my face

and joy blossoming in my heart.

"Everyone is enlightened, really, I mean wh...

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Wondrous Panorama

We wore ourselves out

trying to climb arduous mountains,

we exhausted ourselves

trying to piece together endless puzzles.

But then,

when we couldn't take it anymore,

when we finally surrendered,

when we laid down our heavy sacks of worries--

a valley of wondrous splendor 

opened before our startled eyes.

We ran down its gentle slopes, 

breathless, weightless,


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Holding On

Every generation dreams

of a flowering,

a burst of growth

through which peace and harmony descends

in a glorious tidal wave of change.

But, alas, life goes on in its weary pattern of separation and division,

anger and fear, among the scattered peoples of the world.

But still... every generation holds fast to the dream...

this time, this time...

change is a comin',


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Who I Admire

I admire cats and dogs,

cats stretch and purr,

dogs turn in little circles

and then plop themselves down.

I admire birds and fish,

birds sing like orchestras and hop around in the weeds,

fish just float and keep deeply quiet.

Sometimes I wanna be a cat and stretch my muscles,

or a dog and plop myself down, 

or a bird and soar far far away,

or a fish and just shut up.


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