The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Only Best Before

Now existing solely on borrowed time

But the loan carries a horrifying interest rate

From adulation to ignominious insignificance is a high price to pay.

Regrets and nostalgia for before often trigggered by frequent funerals

Each demise a painful thrust through the heart.

Relations' irritation that the loan has not yet been extinguished

Scorned for inevitable small inadequacies o...

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A Family Easter

Dog let unintentionally loose on Sunday

Was first to find the eggs

And ate five, shells and all!

Will need checking on for some days.

Dad was betrayed by a buddy

Who nonchalantly asked in Mum's presence

Why his car had been in front of The Good Angel

Two a.m.Thursday night?

Older brother was soundly berated and told

he'd had the last supper with friends

After he zigza...

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Pied Espied

Espied the lively flock preening

Squabbling squawking chortling.

Unkindly miming and mimicking

Down The Corso Saturday evening.

Snowy sweatshirts with hoods to hide in

Ink black macho leather bombers

Black jeans cropped off by white sneakers

Pied evidently cool for teens this year.


Chattering laughing mockingly taunting

So very streetwise. Their sly all-seeing eyes


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