Le Pere Fouettard
In many countries alongside the concept of Nice Santa who brings gifts for the good boys and girls there also co-exists Nasty Santa who carries a stick for beating the naughty children. In France he is known as Le Pere Fouettard.
My Santa you will never see upon your Christmas card,
The counterpart of Pere Noel: his brother, Pere Fouettard.
I know if I’m a good girl tha...
Friday 24th December 2010 10:19 pm
70m Dash
Sports Day at the primary school
The kids were 7 and 9;
They’d been at the school for 4 or 5 years -
It seemed such a very short time.
For dads there was the Blue Ribbon event
I always gave it a bash;
The ritual humiliation of
The 70 Metres Dash.
Now bear in mind that some of these dads
Were barely in their 20s,
While Muggins here had carried ...
Friday 24th December 2010 4:51 pm
Colliers and Kids
A collier's to be found
A mile underground
And not in the sunlight like other hominids
Though he loves his mates and wife
His would cut them like a knife
There's no humour crueller than colliers and kids.
A fat kid hears the cries
“Who ate all the pies?”
Or maybe “Specky Four-Eyes” God forbid;
But are a Yorkshire miner's
Manners any finer
Tuesday 14th December 2010 3:51 pm
The Pit and the Pendulum
Another dirty one from my stable of sexual preferences, and from the Malton Festival of Erotic Literature.
If women saw inside men's minds,
If darkest depths they'd plumb,
Would they find in some deep hole
The Pit and Pendulum?
He found he had his best success
In warmer foreign climes
Or when they wore their sleeveless tops
In English summertimes.
Thursday 9th December 2010 8:26 pm
I’ve questioned the attraction and the stoic satisfaction
Of gaspers dense in doorways as they draw narcotic drags
But once you’ve got the taste of tar, Hell, I’d walk to Zanzibar
In snow and wind and rain to smoke a fag.
There are pleasures twice as nice as the rarest Indian spice
Contained within each single stick the advertisers brag;
For the nectar of the Gods ...
Wednesday 8th December 2010 10:50 am
One Anglaland
We buried our gold in an oaken cask
To hide from the pillaging Dane;
Then fled in hopes of recovering it;
We never saw treasure again.
We trudged our way southwards for five whole days,
The Danes never far from behind;
They were close enough we could hear the screams
Of those captured that they would blind.
We sought sanctuary in Eoferwic
Through ...
Sunday 5th December 2010 10:46 pm
Tale from the North Country
As we crunched through snow together
In inclement Arctic weather,
I thought I’d bring to mind an Old Icelandic song;
There’s a saga of the Viking
That you need to heed when hiking
That “Pissing in His Boots -
Keeps No Man Warm for Long”.
In Nordic runes it’s written
That if your foot’s frost-bitten
Don’t fumble with your flaps to free your frozen prong;
...Friday 26th November 2010 11:02 pm
Chinese Buffet - As Much As You Can Eat
We walked out for our evening meal,
Strolling down the street,
When Bingo! “Chinese Buffet -
As much as you can eat!”
The Happy Hours are 6 till 8
All seven days a week
And only 13 Euros -
It must have been off-peak.
The little Beckon-Inner man
Shouts “You come in, come in!”
Then ushers us inside the place,
“Wa yu wan begin?”
Sunday 21st November 2010 9:15 pm
Sleep Easy
Sleep easy, young Tadeus Makulski
Sleep easy, brave Zigmunt Kovacs too
Your torment of so many years is over
Sleep easy under English morning dew.
Continuing your fight against the enemy
High in foreign English cloudy sky
Not prepared to yield up your homeland
But avenge the Fates, if necessary, die.
Forsaking kith and kin in farms and factories
Thursday 11th November 2010 10:23 pm
The Battle of Waterloo
The Prologue
There’s a terminal station in old London Town
That carries a name of national renown
A name of a place where came tumbling down
A Frenchman’s imperial dreams
In Belgium in 1815.
The Battle
There stood mud ‘n’ puddles where once there’d stood flowers
It ‘ad bucketed stair rods for ‘ours ‘n’ ‘ours
It tested us patience; it tested ...
Friday 5th November 2010 11:13 pm
They’re shutting our shops in the High Streets
Through losses and lack of new orders
But saddest to date I have to relate
Was the closure of Davygate Borders.
I used to pop in and delve through the shelves
Then leisurely lounge in the chairs,
Pick a novel or three to accompany tea
Which you read in the Starbuck’s upstairs.
I’ve done Bernard Cornwell and Bryson, of...
Sunday 31st October 2010 9:23 pm
Dipso Fatso Bingo Asbo Tesco
(somebody much brighter than me wrote the title)
I never cease to be surprised while we're on holiday
At the number of occasions that a French waiter would say,
“Hello. What can I get you?” in perfect Ang-a-lais
How did he know so quick that we were English?
While you're shopping in the mall you see a family of four
First, there's Mum and Dad, then little sp...
Friday 29th October 2010 12:23 am
The Bidding
(Gave this an airing at the Erotic Poetry Night at Malton last weekend, and managed to add the audio at last)
“What is the bidding?”
“The bidding is thine” she said.
He spoke and she took position,
Before him, in shadow.
“What is the bidding?”
“The bidding is thine” she said.
He held her hips.
He clicked his tongue softly in her ear,
Before tracin...
Monday 25th October 2010 8:36 pm
Tom Pudding
Marbella's the spot for mooring your yacht
To ostentatiously show what you've got;
But a sight more evocative ploughing the foam
Much nearer the heart and closer to home
Was never a craft you'd look good in;
I refer to the Ponty Tom Pudding.
A cross between a barge and a train
With a tug at the bow taking the strain;
Everyday making 2 or 3 runs,
Friday 22nd October 2010 12:20 am
The Ghost of White Hart lane
His spirit walks the terraces on Saturdays at three;
He's in the breezes blowing and the dust-whirls that you see;
That tingling of your hairline's when he touches you and me;
He's here, son; he's here at White Hart Lane.
Today you'd say he played midfield – in those days, inside right;
He gets his name form finding space when the marking's tight
The bloodlin...
Tuesday 12th October 2010 6:33 pm
The Kiss
I held her in my arms that day
By the river, 'neath the ridge;
That was when she kissed me first
Upon the Biffin' Bridge.
Thursday 23rd September 2010 11:36 pm
I’ve been a disappointment
To women all my life,
Starting with my mother
And ending with the wife.
Thursday 23rd September 2010 11:23 pm
The Bidding
(Something new for the Erotic Poetry Night at Malton Literature Festival)
“What is the bidding?”
“The bidding is thine” she said.
He spoke and she took position,
Before him, in shadow.
“What is the bidding?”
“The bidding is thine” she said.
He held her hips.
He clicked his tongue softly in her ear,
Before tracing the line of her neck with it.
Friday 6th August 2010 7:42 pm
A professor of medicine from Chile
Is conducting research you'd think silly
His study comprises
Comparing the sizes
(I can see that you've guessed) of men's willies.
It seems the good Doctor's detected
Amongst the sample selected
That penises fall
Into “normal” or “small”
(That's under 2 inch when erected).
But a problem has hit his rese...
Friday 11th June 2010 10:38 pm
Barn Dance (Progressive)
We started at seven with everything fine
The Old People’s dance would be over by nine
We were lovely and cuddly, wise and benign
It was Christmas and things were so festive
No reason for it to get restive.
But the signs were all there when they brought out the tea
(You all get your cuppa and biscuit for free)
But the shit hit the fan when old Mrs McGee
Who ...
Friday 30th April 2010 10:03 pm
I Looked a Twat
I bought a pair of bronzes back in ‘62
You couldn’t help but notice they were tight
Better known as drainpipes to me and you
I got them on - they put up quite a fight.
I couldn’t bend, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t run,
You shrunk them in the bath these proto-types
They cost me 10/6 – I was good and done
I confess I looked a twat in my pipes.
Salvation was at...
Friday 23rd April 2010 9:52 pm
John the Hat
There’s a bloke goes down our pub – he’ll be prob’ly scoffing grub
With the chips he eats he’ll never be a lean ‘un
On his head his trilby’s sat, so he’s known as “John the Hat”
With his motto, “I can get it” – he’s John Keenan.
I vowed I’d never read his book but I concede
I’ve broke my word and so I seek repentance;
I struggled for a while with its lack of classic styl...
Friday 16th April 2010 8:58 pm
You Spurs!
You never let us down. you Spurs,
We got beat fair and square;
Desperation I can cope with -
It's Hope that I can't bear.
(A Spurs fan)
Sunday 11th April 2010 9:41 pm
Goatsucker - Villanelle to Hell's Angel
Mistaken for Hell’s Angel when in flight,
A silent sorcerer of secret wood,
His eerie form displaying by the night.
By day he lies invisible to sight
Pressed hard to bough and branch of Old Sherwood,
Belying this Hell’s Angel when in flight.
The churring call he makes is his birthright -
A challenge to the forest’s neighbourhood,
Preceding his bolero ...
Friday 9th April 2010 7:08 am
A Trip to the Dentist
“You keep up with the brushing,
At least twice a day?
And have you done your flossin?”
“Wergly wergly werg”
“You keep good teeth“, he said to me
“But your gums recede.
How hard is your toothbrush?”
“Wergly wergly werg”
“You look well tanned for wintertime;
Have you been away?
“Wergly wergly wergly werg”
“Malta, do you say?”
“We w...
Monday 5th April 2010 7:30 pm
Manchester United 1 Chelsea 2
Fair and Square
As every football fan will know
There’s times when you get beat;
When you simply say “Hard Luck”
And then accept defeat.
And to the winners say “Well Done”
Despite not being delighted;
This goes for every sporting fan -
Except for Man United.
For if you follow the Mighty Scum
As soon as your team loses
You consult you...
Sunday 4th April 2010 9:28 am
There’s something that a husband like me dreads
That they ought to warn a bloke of when he weds;
That’s the fear of Our Gert’s call
And her ominous footfall;
That’s why the Great Almighty gave us sheds.
Before my sheds I’d guarantee fine well
I’d get caught doing nowt and I’d cop hell;
I tried mirrors round the yard and
Tripwires in the garden
And even ...
Tuesday 30th March 2010 8:12 pm
Greavsie and Me
We politely applaud our fellow performers;
We clap and we cheer like they all had stormers;
But deep down inside we’re like graveside mourners,
All envying plaudits received -
Remember the great Jimmy Greaves?
Throughout the sixties he was, on the whole,
Acknowledged the best in front of the goal;
Expected to play a centre-piece role
In Ramsey’s victorious ...
Monday 29th March 2010 10:58 pm
Coopey's Groupies
Tuesday night at the G & D,
Quiz and supper for 50p,
Will we win? We’ll have to see
When the marking’s done.
The team’s the same usually,
Comprised of friends and family -
All G & D devotees;
We don’t half have some fun.
Besides myself there’s Phil and Glen
(We knock on questions 1 to 10)
Glen knows them all though later when
He has us all in s...
Tuesday 23rd March 2010 7:43 pm
20 Years from Now
For 5 long years I’ve lived beside
These other senile twits,
In this home for retirees,
Biddies and Old Gits.
To offer some excitement
I read my poems out loud
And started to attract
An appreciative crowd.
40 perhaps or 50
Attentively sat round,
Hanging on my every word
Like I was Ezra Pound.
I read to them my comic verse
(I ...
Friday 19th March 2010 11:08 pm
Beneath the roots of the Tree of Life,
The mythical Yggdrasil,
Live the Three Sisters of Fortune,
Three spinners sit weaving still.
Our fortunes favoured, fortunes damned,
Are spun to dusk from dawn,
The destinies of every man
Ordained before we’re born.
Spun threads of rope and threads of silk
And threads of finest gold;
With every one a path...
Saturday 13th March 2010 9:34 pm
North Yorks Moors Railway
(Finally managed the audio file)
Slowly, ever so slowly, inching on our way;
Destination Whitby, vivid Autumn day.
Scenery magnificent, weather matching too,
Clouds of alto cirrus, sky of powder blue.
Picking up momentum now, further down the line,
Engine snorting like a mare in steady 4/4 time.
Leaning from a window, moorland coasting by,
Nigel Gresl...
Saturday 6th March 2010 10:58 pm
Houghton Main Colliery Disaster 1975
As choking we emerged to sight, each blinking in the morning light
Not thinking that we ever might have seen the sun again;
By the pit gates loved ones waited, praying to their God that fate would
Hand us back unharmed from hated Death in Hell’s Domain;
Their ecstasy of dark relief these words cannot explain,
Nor bitter tears contain.
Two days before, a hammer’s sp...
Wednesday 3rd March 2010 10:51 pm
Villanelle of Clifford's Tower
For nine hundred years we’ve turned our faces
From wretched York– the gesture marks its shame,
Concealing this greatest of disgraces.
The city no longer now embraces
Its son of York – Malebrisse was his name;
The citizens of York turn their faces.
He urged them baying with swords and maces,
A screaming mob intent to kill and maim
The brethren – the di...
Sunday 28th February 2010 1:33 pm
The Battle of Stamford Bridge
You’ve heard of the Battle of Hastings
Took place in 1066,
When ‘Arold the Brave of England
Fell for some Froggy’s cruel tricks
I refer to William the Conker
(Who’d conkered nowt up till then)
But pretended to run from t’battle
Then turned and skewered our men.
Then Billy let fly with an arrow
With venom its target to find
In consequence ‘Arol...
Saturday 27th February 2010 2:36 pm
One I've done for the Erotic Poetry Night of YLF (18-28 March)
Pretty, painted, piggy toes peep shyly through their shoe;
But discreetly I must keep my secret stare from you.
So slyly with more subtlety, a better view to gain,
I turn to your reflection in the window pane.
This private peepshow I enjoy, new thoughts to feel and find
And taste them so indulgent...
Thursday 25th February 2010 8:26 pm
The Plays of William Shakespeare
Alain - I beg to differ about the true authorship of the plays of Shakespeare but the truth lies within.
You see it is self-evident
To note the way I complement
Sense and rhyme so eliquent,
Constructing verse with thrift;
One part’s ingenuity
The second sheer ability
The third a family legacy-
A rare ancestral gift.
Perhaps you won’t appreciate
Wednesday 24th February 2010 8:44 pm
Will He Come Back With His Tail Between His Legs?
Will he come back if he grovels and he begs?
Do we step around the shells of broken eggs?
Are his days now all but over,
Like a British Leyland Rover?
Will he come back with his tail between his legs?
Sunday 14th February 2010 12:13 am
Cliffords Tower 1190
For nine hundred years we’ve turned our faces
From wretched York– the gesture marks its shame,
Concealing this greatest of disgraces.
The city no longer now embraces
Its son of York – Malebrisse was his name;
The citizens of Yorkturn their faces.
He urged them baying with swords and maces,
A screaming mob intent to kill and maim
The brethren – the dir...
Monday 8th February 2010 1:51 pm
You can stick it anywhere you like
That’s up the back or front
Or somewhere in between the two
(Not wishing to be blunt).
Because you’re the paying customer
You’re the Boss, The Punter
As far as I’m concerned you can
Stick it up your jumper.
Monday 1st February 2010 6:25 pm
Slowly, ever so slowly, inching on our way;
Destination Whitby, vivid Autumn day.
Scenery magnificent, weather matching too,
Clouds of alto cirrus, sky of powder blue.
Picking up momentum now, further down the line,
Engine snorting like a mare in steady 4/4 time.
Leaning from a window, moorland coasting by,
Nigel Gresley out in front, cinder in your eye.
Sunday 31st January 2010 9:56 pm
Thumb Rings
My friends they both have thumb rings:
I wondered where they got ‘em:
And then I solved the mystery -
Up one another’s bottom!
Saturday 30th January 2010 12:03 am
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