Now I’ve retired I’ve adopted a routine whereby I get all my chores done first thing so the rest of the day’s my own. This morning, for instance, I’d read-the-paper and had-the-shit so I settled into my shed in front of the log burner, put the coffee machine on and started thinking.
All sorts.
And every argument I had in my head I won by clear philosophical thought.
Now after an hour or ...
Friday 31st December 2021 12:28 pm
Take the advice this year.
Before you put them away neatly coiled last year you checked them and they worked.
You took them out this year and they have inextricably entangled themselves; and they don’t work.
You wonder why, but you needn’t. The answer is in the name, Fairy Lights. It is, of course, the fairies who make them work.
But where ever there are fairies there are hobgob...
Wednesday 29th December 2021 10:05 pm
A re-post celebrating the numerous times we have travelled on the North Yorkhire Moors Railway. And played with a bit of elementary slide guitar.
I hear the train guard’s whistle
The slamming of the doors
The fireman stokes the furnace
For the haul across the moors;
The driver lets some steam off
And sees the train guard’s flag
Then gets those big wheels turning
For t...
Monday 27th December 2021 2:08 pm
A Christmas song for the little children.
You all know Santa Claus
The saint each child adores
He brings the good ones gifts, does Pere Noel;
But I’m his kith and kin
I punish kids that sin;
I’m Krampus and I harvest souls for Hell.
And unlike brother Nick
Well, I bring a big stick
To beat the naughty children till they yell,
“Have mercy, Santa, please,
Tuesday 21st December 2021 8:36 am
Well, actually, I’ve misled you a bit – she didn’t actually fall in it. But it was a close and very funny second best.
We’d gone on a bike ride and came back by way of a cycle track at the side of the old Barnsley Canal. I rode in front on the towpath with her behind. She has a habit of stopping every few minutes to answer her phone, take her coat off, send a text message, put her coat on or...
Sunday 19th December 2021 11:16 am
Consider a game of football
That’s gone into extra time
Their team is winning the game 6-0
So, sadly, that team’s not mine!
All of a sudden the skies break apart
And so starts a thunderous storm
The ref takes the players off from the pitch
“For safety” the tannoys inform.
But after ten minutes the storm has passed
The ref has restarted the game
It’s a curse ...
Thursday 16th December 2021 9:03 pm
Naar then! Sithee! Dunt be messin abaart wi nonna that theear forrin muck. Get thissen ta Scarbra forraz gudda fotnit as ivver thallev.
Whoa! We’re going to Scarbados
Whoa! Those cloudy Yorkshire skies
99’s at Jaconelli’s
Whoa! It’s peas and Pukka Pies.
Whoa! We’re going to Scarbados
Off to play on them slot machines
Show! them ponces in Ibiza
What a Yorkshire G...
Tuesday 14th December 2021 12:22 am
I watched a recent programme on Nazi Germany. It made the point that the persecution of the Jews started (and always starts) with language.
You approach The Ladder.
Your neighbour stands on the first rung. “They don’t belong here”, he says.
“I’ve nothing against genuine refugees but these are just economic migrants”.
On the rung above a man is saying, “We should send t...
Saturday 11th December 2021 12:34 pm
Come on over to my place
Hey You! We’re having a party
There’ll be singing, dancing and a-swinging
Come on over tonight.
Come on over to my place
We’re here at Boris’s gaff
We’re dancing again at No 10
It’s party games, booze and a laugh.
You’re stuck at home in this lockdown
Relatives are dying alone
Contact’s banned, you can’t hold their hand
Just get o...
Thursday 9th December 2021 3:30 pm
A nice Christmassy one.
And so this is Brexit and isn’t this fun?
We’re starting to find out just what you have done.
You wanted us sovereign to end Brussels rule
Now where are the drivers to transport our fuel?
They’ve gone back to Warsaw and Bucharest too
They’ve gone back to homelands throughout the EU.
The fishermen voted for “Leave” as their wish
But fin...
Tuesday 7th December 2021 2:25 pm
For 5 long years I’ve lived beside
These other senile twits
In this home for retirees,
Old biddies and Old Gits.
To offer some excitement
I read my poems out loud
And started to attract
An appreciative crowd.
40 perhaps or 50
attentively sat round
Hanging on my every word
Like I was Ezra Pound.
I read to them my comic verse
(I pride myself on ...
Sunday 5th December 2021 8:43 pm
I can’t be doing with that whiney twat, John Cooper-Clarke but one of the truly great poets on the Open Mic circuit in my opinion is Les Barker. There’s a pantheon of stuff on You Tube of his but a recent event at an Open Mic I’d attended reminded me of his brilliant “Cosmo – the Fairly Accurate Knife Thrower”.
I’d gone with my son-in-law, Rob, to one in York; I crucify a few parodies and he d...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 12:08 am
Scotland's double triumph in winning both the Men's and Women's titles at yesterday's European Championships prompted me to re-post this.
It started off as mischief in Landers café in Hucknall in the early 1970’s, until the Gods of Comedy got hold of it. We christened it “Push-the-Pepperpot”.
The idea was to slide the pepperpot across the table so that it stopped exactly over-hanging t...
Sunday 28th November 2021 2:03 pm
I remember waking to dreams like this!
I woke excited this morning.
You know, excited down there;
I’d dreamt of us being together,
Aroused by the scent of your hair.
We walked hand-in-hand so slowly
Soaked to the bone by the rain
Its rivulets streamed down your forehead
We laughed and were twenty again.
The street turned into a bedroom
So seamless as ha...
Wednesday 24th November 2021 1:54 pm
There was a time when some of us put coal upon our fire
That was the time when all of us used coal that came by wire
It paid my bills but now is the munificent pariah.
Monday 22nd November 2021 4:40 pm
When I was a lad of around 19 and at university I had a holiday job as a labourer at “Billy” Bodill’s builder’s yard. The minibus would pick us up about 7 o’clock and take us to the job.
It was a formative experience. For one thing, I risked lung cancer every day travelling in the fug inside that van.
Then there was Gran. Short for Granville, he seemed about 80 to my mate Bruce and me. B...
Friday 19th November 2021 3:11 pm
With an enormous nod to John O'Farrell
We’d sunk a fair few pints of mild
One evening when we’d met,
Discussing life’s imponderable,
“The best a man can get”.
We argued long throughout those beers,
That’s Colin, Phil and me
But reached consensus in the end;
So this was our top three.
A close-run thing but in third place
Which gave us each a thrill -
Wednesday 17th November 2021 2:26 pm
Bailey Bailey
Blunsden Bray
Buckley Bunce
Clay Cook
Coopey Dale
The register call and seating plan of Form 1A, Henry Mellish GS and the first column of three comprising a class of 30, all of us aged 11. Well, we’ll all be 69 now, one or two even 70.
It’s a mantra I’ve never forgotten, like your times tables or service number. I remember their faces too and their voices, but as ...
Monday 15th November 2021 10:27 pm
An historical poem, in as much as any story of Edward II having a hot poker shoved up his arse is historical.
“Prithee, knave, what scribe you there,
By candlelight and fire?”
“Your immortality’s the toil
On which I labour, sire.
For future generations
Your life and legacy
Transcribed upon these parchments
Your obituary.”
“And does this legacy describe
Saturday 13th November 2021 1:02 pm
In the cemetery of my hometown church are 13 plain white crosses which bear the names of Polish airmen killed in World War 2. These were boys who escaped Poland to volunteer with the RAF. It always struck me as poor reward that when Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met at the Tehran and Yalta Conferences of 1943 and 1945 that Poland was bequeathed to Russia.
Sleep easy, young Tadeus Makuls...
Thursday 11th November 2021 5:04 pm
A poem to celebrate this eternal harbinger of winter.
I watch you in the winter’s sky as billions have before
Looking down the arrow’s shaft, the flight held to your jaw
You’ll never miss, nor ever kill the prey that you aim for
Condemned for all time to be a Hunter.
Tuesday 9th November 2021 9:31 am
A re-work of a classic by the incomparable George Formby and set in the context of Doncaster's Well Spoken Open Mic.
Now I know I’m not handsome nor ever used to be
But the girls I try to catch my eye would not look twice at me;
But I know ugly fellas that the women seem to woo
There’s Kevin and Mick Jenkinson to single out just two.
And if women like them like men like those
...Saturday 6th November 2021 10:09 pm
I thought it worthwhile reprising this masterpiece while we are at loggerheads over poissons.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Edith Piaf, petit pain
And Zinedine Zidane
Depardieu with grand nose
...Thursday 4th November 2021 5:14 pm
A song stolen from me by Pete Seeger when he made his inferior cover of "Little Boxes". A re-post from 2014.
Little Bastards, trick or treating
Little Bastards bloody cheating
Gave them sweeties, gave them money, gave them popcorn when they came
Little Bastards, trick or treating
Little Bastards need a beating
I got dog doo on my doorknob, I got dog doo
Just the same.
...Monday 1st November 2021 6:59 pm
Throughout the early 80’s we in Britain set the pace
(And unashamedly I was a fan)
As weekly records fell in that iconic 4-lap race
To the troika that was Ovett, Coe and Cram.
The one ran with pure arrogance, the second of these had
A running style that simply seemed to flow;
The third, the pride of Sunderland, a loose, ungainly lad;
There was no match for Ovett, Cram or ...
Friday 29th October 2021 9:30 pm
So much to do
If we only had time
To halt the decline;
This means me and you
This issue is shared
Yours and mine.
So much to do
If we only had time
To halt the decline;
This means me and you
This issue is shared
Yours and mine.
So much to do
If we only had time
To halt the decline;
This means me and you
This issue is shared
Wednesday 27th October 2021 9:24 pm
I’ll tell you what annoys me, seeing as you’re interested; and I can’t see me making many friends by this. But for an international influencer like my good self this is secondary to exposing awkward truths.
And that’s motorists who don’t leave much room for me when I’m on my bike. (Cue vehement anti-cyclist/anti-motorist tirades).
And here’s the rub; they mostly seem to be women.
Don’t g...
Tuesday 26th October 2021 12:25 pm
This phrase was the tipping point in every story sent into "Readers' Letters" of the soft porn mags of the 70's that I splashed out on. The Marge Proops of sex advice was Fiona Richmond. But I was on holiday at the time I wrote this and without "research resources" and remembered her name wrongly as Fiona Millicent.
Dear Fiona Millicent, I write about an incident
Which happened on a g...
Saturday 23rd October 2021 8:57 pm
I’m intrigued by this scene which crops up many times as a theatrical device in TV and film dramas. You know what I’m talking about; the couple have had a blazing row and the woman clutches a handful of dresses from the wardrobe, stuffs them into a suitcase she’s thrown on the bed and storms off out of the house.
I just can’t see it happening, myself.
In our house, for instance, Our Gert wo...
Saturday 16th October 2021 7:32 pm
The cycling is pleasant from Wakey to Cas
It’s mostly on tarmac or gravel or grass
No doubt you’ll surmise that the biking will be
Rural and quiet and hence traffic-free
It’s known as the greenway by those here who know
Although there is huggins of signage to show.
By the side of the Calder your journey starts there
Then by the canal to join up with the Aire
But s...
Thursday 14th October 2021 11:21 am
There really was a chip shop known as Sweaty Betty's on the corner of Hallgarth and Church Street when I was a student there in the 70's. She'll either be 130 years old now or she'll have gone to that Great Codfather in the sky.
Sweaty Woman With the greasy top
Sweaty Woman At the old chip shop
Sweaty Woman
I watched your perspiration drip
Into the fat that fries the chips.
...Monday 11th October 2021 5:01 pm
The prospect of being "no-platformed" has persuaded me to downtone the authenticity of the racist language typical of this Jim Crow era I would otherwise have used in this.
From the day he was the Champ he had a target on his back -
The price he paid for whupping Tommy Burns;
They tried to find The Great White Hope to end the reign of Jack.
He dumped him on the canvas like he...
Saturday 9th October 2021 10:41 pm
I’m talking about personal experiences I’ve witnessed and to which I was complicit, with some of them being relatively trifling deceptions and others not so much! And I have quite a rich vein to mine on this, having been a management consultant in more than 50 companies over a 20 year period.
At Sxxx, for example. This was a contract bakery which made bread and cakes for most of the major s...
Tuesday 5th October 2021 11:56 pm
A re-post from four years ago when she and Harry Redknapp were on "I'm a Celebrity...". My ardour for her has not waned.
I’ve got the hots for Hegerty
I think that she is Ace
Cos if I’d run her round the bed
I think I’d win The Chase.
I’ve little peccadillos
They’re naughty, I confess
To feel the crop upon my bum
Of Anne, The Governess
Old ‘Arry’s ‘e’s a ...
Friday 1st October 2021 10:36 pm
Ten wheels on my wagon but it’s not rolling along
It’s full of fuel but life’s so cruel
This delivery was for BP
They’re not singing a happy song.
Ten wheels on my wagon; it’s parked up back at the plant
Well, what a surprise now prices rise
Of gasoline, as you’ve all seen
You’re not singing a happy song.
Ten wheels on my wagon but it’s not rolling along
You si...
Monday 27th September 2021 9:34 pm
As I am on hols at the moment and only have the phone for company, I am unable to post anything new on the incomparable Jimmy Greaves. This is a link to an old piece I wrote seven years ago.
Monday 20th September 2021 2:02 pm
I read recently on the BBC News website that the parents of several girls of the same name had complained that their little darlings were being victimised because people were pretending to give them instructions. Clearly, in their minds, a matter for urgent lobbying.
But I really don’t get it. Just how fragile must you be to require protection from other kids saying, “Alexa, do this” (or “do ...
Saturday 18th September 2021 1:10 pm
Fellow Baby Boomers like myself will no doubt recall him. He appeared on Opportunity Knocks during the 1960’s.
OK was a talent show – a forerunner of BGT and The X Factor and all those other similar programmes predicated on low-cost TV. It was hosted by Hughie Green whose only talent seemed to be to pull a face every now and then. But it’s reassuring this tradition of talentless presenters w...
Thursday 16th September 2021 10:40 am
An inferior homage and update on Woody Guthrie's "Deportees - Plane Wreck at Los Gatos". Indeed, I slipped up in the recording and inadvertantly said "Deportees" in one of the choruses.
The cops count them in on the beaches of Dover
Those who have risked life and limb on our seas;
They flee from their homelands, from death and from torture
To seek better lives as escaped refugees...
Monday 13th September 2021 3:20 pm
Is it a hardy annual of our times? Something that in other ages was just thought of as an ingredient of a life to be lived, like Happiness or Pain or Death? No doubt my grandad experienced what we would call “stress” but, there again, the Germans were trying to shoot his bollocks off – not as traumatic, I grant you, as many of the challenges of today’s modern life, such as KFC running out of chic...
Thursday 9th September 2021 2:33 pm
A re-posted homage to the masterful Benny Hill. I have merely tried to develop his original.
The crocus and the hostas raise your mother’s memory
I recall the vile old crow cos she looked like an ‘oss to me
The cowslips bring back memories where they’re planted in the grass
The daft bat fell there; I said “That fat cow’s slipped on her arse”
We’d hide behind the cedar when I’d...
Sunday 5th September 2021 10:41 pm
In time as I’m laid to my terminal rest
I pray that there’s courage and peace in my breast;
I pray the Lord grants me, if these be his plans,
The hearts of mine enemies gripped in my hands.
Wednesday 1st September 2021 9:14 pm
A much needed Dylan Thomas/DIY/Shakespeare fusion poem and celebrating a little mishap which befell me at my daughter's house.
I should go gentle into that stud wall
For fear of piercing cable or a pipe
Else certes much skunk shite may me befall.
A wiser man might prod with a bradawl
At DIY, though, I am dud arsewipe
If only I’d drilled gentle through that wall.
Sunday 29th August 2021 10:59 pm
I’d waited alone in the bar for my date
The time we’d arranged was a quarter past eight
But now it was nine and I hoped she’s just late
As embarrassed I sat on my own
But you’re never alone with your phone.
A warm summer’s day and it’s turned half past three
I’m thinking it’s time for my afternoon tea
Our Gert’s still in Primark and so it’s just me
Amid the Darbys and ...
Friday 27th August 2021 12:26 pm
He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Carried me home when I fell behind their lines
He was a friend of mine
I met his family
Shared their meal and sipped their tea
I carried their photo in my wallet round with me
I met his family
He was a friend of mine
Sometimes we shared a skin of wine
He drove me to the airport where I left him behind
He was...
Monday 23rd August 2021 7:48 am
It used to worry me a fair bit when my kids were younger that they might put themselves in harm’s way when they’d had a few pops and, believe me, I know from first-hand experience that it might be in their genes. I too had been stupid in drink when I was younger to the point of being reckless.
Take these few examples, spawned from those days I spent taxpayer’s money in the form of my grant on...
Saturday 21st August 2021 1:39 pm
A re-post from 2019 when the Mighty Spurs beat Man City 4-4 (away goals) in the Quarter Final of the Champions League and prompted by today's 1-0 win over them. And this is what David Bowie meant to say.
The time was running out I’m feeling low
We’re 4-2 down cos of Aguerro
Then it turns round with Llorente’s goal;
But will the goal be disallowed?
A deathly hush falls upon the ...
Sunday 15th August 2021 9:02 pm
Even seasoned campaigners like Yours Truly get caught out from time to time.
I’d set off at 8 for the bus into Cas
(These days it costs nowt with my Pensioner’s Pass)
And when the bus stops the driver’s a lass
Who says in a tone brusque and surly
“Your pass is no good; you’re a twerlie”.
I wasn’t quite sure as to what she’s just said
But the bus pulled away and I scr...
Friday 6th August 2021 10:06 pm
Forget those nonsense conspiracy theories about microchips in your vaccine, 5G masts, Hillary Clinton and the devil-worshipping paedophile ring; even David Icke as the Grand Lizard. The real conspiracy is headed by ES.
Ubiquitous, as in a crowd, invisible to sight,
Relentless rolling through the day, anonymous by night
Corporately liveried in red and green and white
Just who can s...
Tuesday 3rd August 2021 11:58 pm
They made the news some little while ago. Les Gilets Jaunes or Yellow Jackets as it translates.
They emerged in 2018, protesting about something or other. But you can’t take French street protests too seriously when they happen every other day. It might have been over pension reform or air traffic control or lorry drivers or the price of frogs’ legs – it’s all pretty incomprehensible to anyo...
Tuesday 27th July 2021 8:35 pm
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