Moon Under Water
How are you today? Are you well? I’m very good today, a little tired but managing. Thank you for asking. I’m here to ask you for a favour.
I’m going to start work on a project soon about pubs and all the culture around it. By this i don’t mean all binge drinking culture aspects but the myths and stories that the buildings and regulars share with the place. I want to...
Tuesday 7th February 2012 1:27 pm
200 Miles
Long walks over grassy knolls
Stumble over mounds dug by moles
The right amount of milk in the tea
Taking apart the couch looking for your key
The subtle intimacies that we share
That shows each other how much we care
Me staring at you when you sleep
Hitting my arm to call me a creep
This is our first Christmas together
But there’s a slight niggle...
Saturday 24th December 2011 3:04 pm
Mind The Buzzcocks
You've finally made into a mediocre indie group
but your struggling to keep in the popular cycle loop
the second single clings on to mtv2
so your manager suggests the last option to do
"lads listen, it's time to come clean
it's tough to make it big with your music business dream
albums sales aren't going well
and it's starting to get hard to tell
if you'll be o...
Saturday 30th April 2011 11:58 pm
Lanky Lanky Lancaster
Tall prospects for the prospective student
to be engulfed in the campus bubble
to avoid the trouble on morcabme promenade
Cranky Cranky Lancaster
On edge from the influx of the post teen anxiety
their heads in the gutter
looking far away from the glimmering stars
Ranky Ranky Lancaster
scaring off southerners who thought gri...
Wednesday 27th April 2011 2:03 am
Life Line
Hey there lady whats your conviction
Tell me the pain and i’ll be the infliction
Tell be how long until your out
And ill stop till you shout
What’s your crime
Whatever they paid ill double
And you say it was a bad time
Now i say you were looking for some trouble
This ride of the silver bars
Won’t match up to the scars
That read like a magazine
On the slate that once st...
Monday 25th April 2011 10:51 pm
Cling On
The ideas of growing have turned old
forgetting stories once told
with characters who were once so bold
fiction left behind
We open our eyes to fact
loosing any sense of tact
our unwritten pact
ripped up in front of our eyes
We constantly disagree
questioning everything, never letting it be
replying with misjudged maybe's
forgetting wha...
Thursday 27th January 2011 5:13 pm
Some little pieces
Here are 3 little haikus for your pleasure, enjoy!
This haiku is shit
but i cannot change this mess
so just deal with it
you wouldn’t guess a rat bite
on your manhood stuff
the funny side far from sight
Let me sit you down
Strap you in tell you im proud
Because we are two
Tuesday 18th January 2011 10:43 pm
Absent Friends
This is to absent friends
the ones who barley attend
once so prominent in your life
now to busy to call you mate
This is to the adored
by those called
only by their last names
and are shit at drinking games
The ones who enjoy banter
avoid political ranter
and play football every sunday
spending their weekly pay on shinpads
The ...
Friday 14th January 2011 3:39 pm
Another Cause for DIstress
you just took too many pills
not even for highs or thrills
nor for a sense of light relief
you just lost all belief
a cry for help gone wrong
a yearn for attention you’ve wanted for so long
and instead of asking your friends for an answer
you thought to create a solution
you wake up to see us by the hospital bed
with paramedics worrying that you...
Tuesday 5th October 2010 10:41 am
A List of Words I Couldn't Say To You
I need to compile a list of words I need to say to you
we've just met and i'm clueless on what I should do
to express what i feel towards this
and I couldn't pluck enough courage to even give you our first kiss
I bang my head on the cafe table
questioning if dating is some sort of fable
I'm jealous of seeing what other couples have
they step to happiness mean...
Thursday 30th September 2010 10:11 am
How I long to be a noose
Not the bereaved body alone and loose
Decaying in the autumn air
Rotting the flesh from the bones
But the rope end itself
Clutching at the neck of this criminal cunt
Guilty of robbing a piece of gold
Or for killing tarts
The sense of authority and punishment
Would be grand for me
People would cower at the thought
Of ...
Monday 13th September 2010 9:55 pm
whilst reading poetic verse
i stumbled upon a curse
that will haunt my dreams
and ruin my life or so it seems
as i shouted about the pains of love
and used metaphors based around a glove
all seemed to be going as planned
and the audience were eating out of my hand
but i didn't impress all
which accumulates my distinct fall
as there was one j...
Friday 23rd July 2010 8:28 pm
Fathers Day
The type of man that makes my blood boil
with hair as shiny as foil
eyes that stare right through any human being
and as tall as the celling
he overpowers me with his masculinity
and demands "what is this i see in front of me"
sorry sir it was an accident
i didn't know it was your pride i would dent
he fills every pause in my speech with a yeah
Saturday 19th June 2010 10:05 pm
The Colour Red
Roses are red
your blood is red
my hands are red
your wound is red
red is my favourite colour
pity you're dead
Note: I wrote this in the interval of Freed Up on Thursday 18th of June and read it out. I saw a few smiles
Friday 18th June 2010 12:18 am
Accidental Afternoon of Poetry
Accidental Afternoon of Poetry
1:00 - 3:30
£1 entry
50p NUS
YARD theatre
41 old birley street
A special kind of open mic with a twist
After accidentally keeping a booking for the YARD theatre in Hulme for the 19th of June i thought i might as well use it for some good.
This event called "Accidental Af...
Tuesday 8th June 2010 6:19 pm
Oddest Couple Paired
yes, you and i have started to fuck each other
we both made it clear that we are not lovers
but whatever the case
we still made it to fourth base
it was a strange attraction
that drove me to distraction
when i saw you propping up the bar
and i did wonder if i could get very far
we bonded over the same music
went over to the jukebox and decided ...
Monday 7th June 2010 1:44 am
The Homely Feel
some people would call me shy
but they don't know me, no they don't
i usually sit alone and let life pass me by
refuse to let people in, i just don't
i don't want to tell them about myself
i'd rather die
now to put a cap on this speculation
i though't i would end this bitter confliction
shut every door from the world
remove the oyster from it's pearl
...Sunday 6th June 2010 12:56 am
Dearest Sister
dearest sister
it's hard to admit that i've missed her
but it's been a long time since i've seen you
and i wonder what you're up to
Because we've lost contact i think up silly things i imagine you've done
walking around in the sun having fun
speaking to koalas or befriending kangaroos
the typical silly things that you do
You're having a great time
Saturday 5th June 2010 9:47 pm
Love floating high over all
I like playing with typography
Monday 17th May 2010 1:10 am
Why God Why?
now, it'll be a repetitive cliche if i blame you for every wrong i have committed
and even more dull if i question your existence
another repetitive drone preaching atheist beliefs
but i do have a few questions
if you give me an audience i wouldn't waste any enquires
i know famine and poverty is band but it never effected me
global warming is pretty big but...
Monday 17th May 2010 1:07 am
Devil's Bidding
A cry for attention
my fourth detention
this week could be worse
if i put them all in a hearse
because they looked at me the wrong way
something they will regret one day
I go home that night and plan
blue prints of the school with dashes leading to every exit
blocking it for every little shit dashing to save their souls
finding a vantage po...
Sunday 16th May 2010 10:04 pm
Devotion is the Motion
Now I know it sounds stupid to say but I kept an online diary
Up in the open for everyone to see
But it was fun to keep
And made me seem deep
After closing it in 2008 I thought it best to re-open it after years of personal refurbishment
To see into the world of my former self
A young wiper snapper
Taking pictures of himself because he thought he looked dapper
I looked thro...
Sunday 16th May 2010 1:02 am
Glances in the Common Room
my dear it's clear for me to fear that one day
i'll loose you some way
it started as awkward glances to heartfelt romances
silly little talks to sundown walks
from pokes online to sharing wine
private jokes to public provokes
i know i might be to loud for you and you might think it profound
but, i actually care for you
gone are days looking for different ways to satisfy so...
Sunday 16th May 2010 12:57 am
We are all the same...LOL
we are all the same
even if you dress unique
we are all the same
or in a different clique
we are all the same
the music you like
we are all the same
if you pretend to be a dyke
we are all the same
2 hair colours
we are all the same
over 50 followers
we are all the same
taking a different paths
we are all the same
if you can do the math
we are all the same
own a...
Sunday 16th May 2010 12:55 am
It's a long walk back home
but as each step touches the paths behind us
our hands meet in my pocket
i realise how lucky i should feel
but with each step that claps the paths behind us
i start to sweat and my palms become drenched
in fear i may loose you again
to other men
but with each step that graces the paths behind us
i tell myself to look into your eyes
and as the...
Sunday 16th May 2010 12:51 am
Recent Comments
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