The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 47 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Recent Comments

TOM MERTON on Infinitum
9 hours ago

Wordseffectbrew on Silent Echoes
9 hours ago

John Marks on The Flame
12 hours ago

Flyntland on Time for our X-odus!
13 hours ago

Hélène on FOR ANNIE
13 hours ago

13 hours ago

Rolph David on Time for our X-odus!
17 hours ago

17 hours ago

Rolph David on Time for our X-odus!
17 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Time for our X-odus!
17 hours ago

Negative Equity

I was told the old fashioned way, you know.

I remember my little gran telling me,

stories of how they knocked on your door

as she rhymed off the angels around my bed

and softly stroked the hair

on my aching head.


I remember hers arrived,

we had to pack up her whole house and she came to live with me

I was ecstatic, but i missed her four angels at each corne...

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Mummy will be there soon,

I promise.


I bet, you are having

so much fun.

Running and playing

in the eternal sun.

I think about you


Your'e brothers and sisters

say 'Hi', by the way.


I always try not to cry

on this day

but, you were gone

before I even had a chance

to say goodbye.


Mummy will be there soon


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Three Point Seven Million

What is life worth?


We live and love.

We laugh and cry.

We scream and Shout and fight.

For what we believe is right


Is this what makes us whole?


He will never experience

the totality of humanity.

He will never understand

the reality of existence.

He will be all that he can Be

and will see

all that he can see.


Three poin...

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I Shared

How in all that's holy

and beyond,

could she have taught me

how to walk on solid ground?


She was there.


With a cane in her hand

and a frown

on her face,

but she was rare.


She made me stand.


I didn't drown.

I wasn't scared.

I shared.


She inspired

me to think

and taught me,

that paper


was not m...

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What if.....

I missed it.


A single moment in time

a fleeting thought,

a murmer,

an urge,

How many words?


I missed it,

and it's gone.


I missed it..

The laughs,

the cries.

However many



I missed it


Time just flies.


The sun  

will soon die,

but not


you or I.


I missed that to...

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And there he stood. Waiting.

No-one even noticed

That he was crying, silently,

In the middle of a crowd.

Carefully, so that no-one could see.

In a dream. Fear. Too many

People. Cheering silently,

And no-one had a care in 

The world. But he was afraid.

In that moment in time. If

Only they knew, that it's a

NO, but thank you.


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I danced yesterday

but noboby cared.

I sang yesterday

but nobody heard.

I spoke last week,

my first words

but nobody heard

and nobody cared.


I think, I see, I touch

I can feel,


and I am scared

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whats next

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Gas And Air

Never again!

I'm sure I have said that

many times before.

Put the TV on,

Wear a condom

do something other than

re-populate somemore.


Never again I said,

after the last time

I'd rather be dead.

The tears and the pain,

complete bodily drain.

The up and the down,

the rips and the crown,

which drive me insane.


Until the laughte...

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She stood there, alone.

Stripped naked, bare, fearful

of a solitary stare.

Frozen momentarily on the threshold

of that first tentative step,

out of the warm embrace of the darkness

into the soulless glare

of an abyss of nothingness.

One, that stretched endlessly,

inviting yet threatening.

Filled with bright infinite possibility,

darkened by the hidden...

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It came on swift wings.
A whisper.
A soft caress
that smoothed the colour
from her cheeks
and painted her lips
with twilight.
Sweet jasmin breath
ruefully swept
with a gentle hush  
amongst warm auburn tresses,
playfully ruffling
and settling,
sweetly serene.
the sun slips
behind the horizon
to joyous farewell,
as an orchestra
of Cicadas
take up their wings
in harmony
to perform
their final s...

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Crisis in the Skies

'Pandemonium hits the skies
as unemployement levels rise,
tenfold in the last twenty years
Realisation of all heavenly fears...
Millions of Angels on the dole,
only supply jobs for the odd soul....
Scuffles break out for assignations
during peaceful demonstrations,
Celestial chaos in jobcentres overrun....
isn't it time that something was done?!'
[Blazed the 'The Archangel' headlines,
29th October in the yea...

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She was Siren, a pricktease
who knew how to please,
a temptress in provacative dress
inviting intimate caress.
She was an ice-queen
'treat them mean
keep them keen',
let them dream
of soft warm spaces
and exotic hiding places,
deep moist chasms
and mindblowing orgasms.
Kept them fighting with the rest
for a glimpse of soft bare breast,
a flash of nymphlike leg,
brought them to their knees to beg.
Kept them knoc...

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Bone Dry (and Destitute)- the plight of two children.

 Hi y'all, if cast your minds back you may remember the 'Let's all chip in a make a poem' that Spencer started many weeks ago, and Winston developed into a complete poem and that I unwittingly said, that it seemed a shame to leave out the Manchester element, or split it in two. Well here is my take on the poem, I have twiddled with a few words and changed the order of the verses to try and draw th...

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'Open-Mic Virgin'

Wipe the sweat off my brow
Phew..what do I do now?
I need another drink
jeez..what will they think?
I'm scared flaming stiff!
Oh my word......what if!?
What if I drop the poem on the floor?
Should I make a run for the door?
I can feel my hands shaking,
they must know that I am quaking.
What if I trip on the stage?
I won't live it down for an age.
Flat on my face, or legs in the air!
'She's an open-mic virgin!'

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Critical Obfuscation of the Poet Critic

Obscure Poet!
What on earth
does he mean?
Oh! For goodness sake
I can't decipher!
It's all fiddle dee dee
and blah de blah,
a load of flatulence
to me!
Is it good?
Or, is it bad?
Or is he just simply
stark raving mad?
There must be a message
between the lines.
Something Profound?
I can't define.
Nah, that's not it.
If I write that
I'll look like the twit.
Foreign words
and too many verbs,
extraneous adje...

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I am Being
in Time
I am feeling
in Time
I exist
in the flux
to Time
I am Being
in Nature
I am form
In Nature
I exist
in the elements
to Nature
I am Being
in Nothingness
I am unformed
in Nothingness
but I exist
in the void
in Nothingness
I am Being
I exist
in chaos
in Nothingness.

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Single Malt Tears

Hi all, I blogged this poem at the end of last month, removed it and then re-worked it from a different perspective and painfully gave birth to 'Single Malt Rain' - for some reason I did not feel comfortable with the original piece. With some recommendation I removed the last two verses, so here goes again. I would love to know what anyone thinks of this, the original version as compared to 'Singl...

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Apples and Pears

4 bloody a.m.
in the morning,
yet again,
eyes drooping.
Most definately Insane.

So mum would say,
once back in the day.
'get thee to bed love'
in a not so subtle way.
It would be more like
get to **** sleep
and i'd crawl
and yawn
my way up the stairs.
and snuggle
and cuddle
up to my teddy bears.

4 bloody thirty
in the morning,
and another 30 years,
no mum to say
get up them **** stairs.

So I stall, and I wait...

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Hidden in the depths of ocean, concealed by the desert dunes,
sealed in mysteries and legends mocking Isis' maternal search.
Delve in corners of subconscious when deep sleep renders us inert.
Elusive and opaque it taunts us and thwarts us in our weary search.
A single moment that we crave and often contemplate upon,
but, never find it here, or there. There is no Silence anywhere.

'you can contemplate...

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Single Malt Rain

She cries, the woman
whose name I don't know.
All alone.
Single malt tears
slide down her face
as I catch a glimpse
of her world, from mine.
I stare with morbid curiosity
through the windowpane
carelessly spattered
with droplets of rain
and absently trace
their random journey
to who knows where.
Intently watching
the woman with no name,
who hides her sorrow and her shame
away, from pity
and prying eyes like mine.


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Pearl Stitch

She was knitting

that night

when He knocked

on her door.

He never phoned ahead

to let her know

He would be calling

on her.

In fact, He

never knocked.

He just let himself in,

and her knitting,


lies still

in the wool bin.


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The Poem That Should Never Have Been A Poem

I tried to Fight Death.
I tried to Breathe
The life Back into my Son
When I awoke to find him
Still warm, but gone.

I failed, and Death won.
For the rest of my days
That feeling will stay
With me always.
Failure, as a mum.

I Failed to protect that little one.
I failed and Death Won. 



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The Revelation of the End of Days.

It was at sunday school one bleak morning
that an ancient one gave me the warning,
that Armeggedon would one day break
causing Death and Chaos in it's wake.

I remember thinking as he ranted,
and in my youthful mind I chanted.
'Seven chances he has given,
seven problems to be solved.
Seven chances to be forgiven,
seven sins to be absolved',
And wondered what was concealed,
in that book,
 that would one day wou...

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Reign Of Terror

How did he conjure the idea

that he could change the Human Race?

That man with hair and eyes so dark

and a pallid sallow face.


What motivation did he feel

when he claimed six million souls?

What gave him the right to seal

the fate of inhuman goals?


Blond hair, blue eyes and rosy glow

thats how mankind should be.

Illumination and salvation

excuses, for atrocity.


He shed his mor...

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He's there again,

that shadow.


wings and floating

from one to the other,

awaiting the final expiration,

and grasp a solitary soul.


In multitudes they hover.

Vacant eyes,

 like washed out skies.

Once vibrant

but humble now.

No remnant

of where or how

or when.

Or even why?


I see him there,

a shadow,

not grim or menacing,

and I know

  I'm not seeing things.


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Purified by the light of angels

singing the psalm

 of Leviticus.

Hounded by fire of angels


chanting the words

of Satanus


The words appear upon the page,


They write themselves.

They scream and shout with

pain and rage,

only to end up high

on dusty shelves.


Purified they are,

genuine and sincere

from Katheros, who lent them us

to keep safe.

From corrup...

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I put this poem on the poetry review site, first one I had written in years and haven't fine tuned it because if I do, I feel that it will take away the specific moment of the poem. I just wrote it - tell a lie I did fine tune a couple of tiny little bits, mainly that involved the dreaded ' apostrophe'. If you looked at the poetry review, thanks for all your great comments on it and thank you all ...

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Write Out Loud!



"Write out loud!"

He said.

"But, how?"

I asked,

A million thoughts

running through my head!


Of complicated structure,

rhymes that I thought

could fracture,

my fragile human skull.


" It doesn't matter.

Just write."

He said.

"Only you, know the things

that are in your head."


"But what about the heart?"

I asked.

"Just spill the emotion

from the heart,"

he said,


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" A tiny flower, lent,

 not given.

To bud on earth,

and bloom in heaven."


He was here for a while,

that tiny flower,

I watched him bloom.

A symbol of life,

in purest form

that fulfilled me.


And made me, me.


A small bud glistening

 in a hazy shower.

Till Nature

In its cruellest form

blew him away.

And took him from me.


Leaving me empty.


Sometimes, I feel him


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Glass Eyes


Glass Eyes


He keeps me safe, the one that sleeps

on my bed.

Every day. Every night.

His big glass eyes stare through me,

At times, I think he smiles.

I wonder why.


He lies near me every night.

I touch his nose, I think it's wet

but it's not, it's dry.

He keeps his vigil over me,

I know, he can see into me

with those glass eyes.


When I move, they move,

sometimes it'e eeri...

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