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Resilience (Remove filter)

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A Right to Stumble!

Dear Parent,
In your quest to shield your child from every scrape and stumble, remember: life’s greatest lessons often come from facing challenges head-on. Helicopter and lawnmower parenting may seem loving, but overprotection can rob children of vital experiences that foster resilience, independence, and confidence. By removing obstacles and fears, you might inadvertently create a world where yo...

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I Will Return

Into the translucent silence,
above the heartbeat of the stars
and the flight of the seagulls,
I will return with the gentle sky 

Like the breeze that ruffles the forest
or the moon that peeks through the night, 
and no matter how autumn dies there will always be a spring,
in the same way I will return

On the thought that crosses time
and lives on from its balconies,
like the pollen ...

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The Burning Dawn

When the grip of our being obstinate clutches On the edge of a looming spiral. When escorting a change thrust A cluster of barbarous knives against us. We deal with this to accomplish A sense of pride in us, For what we usually ponder about, For what we usually act about, The Burning Dawn admires us.


When the solemn mind captivates one In showing what extremes it achieved, Just a look at ...

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Heads or Tails

Like a coin

tossed in the air,

chance will decide

whether I will land heads or tails


To have control is almost impossible,

when I think I'm at the top

someone incapable or enviously sick

comes from behind

and knocks me down to the ground


I get up smiling,

starting again;

leaving nothing half done,

that's how I face life;

even when insults rain down ...

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The Things I Carry

You told me once when we talked about the things we carried
That I was a little too vague
And I thought then, and still do now
That it's because I'm a little too vague
The things I carry aren't set in stone
They are abstract and unsure and hard to put to words
They are feelings and thoughts only half-formed
They are like lines of a poem never quite heard
So, I carry the snippets of long-he...

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the things I carryWho are YouWho am iSorting thoughtsresponse to a teacherschool dayscarry onResilienceangerhow do i articulate me

Strong Enough

There are places I’ve been so low
Places I would not want to go
But there’s one thing it taught me to know
And that’s how to climb

There are times I have felt so weak
Times I forgot how to move, how to speak
But there’s one thing it taught me to see
The power of my mind.

I don’t think I’m stronger than I might have been,
But I’m surely strong enough.
I’ve come so far through so many ...

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meditationstrengthpower of mindresiliencetrust

Down But Not Out

I have rebuilt myself before
Because life often pulls me down.
I get gradually unhinged
I end up scattered on the ground.

I have rebuilt myself before
Well enough to carry on
Only to find
   Never firm against everything.
   Never resilient as I'd need,
But life has taught me many things,

So rather than be afraid
That this world might leave me battered,
Or this world might leave me...

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breakdownconfidencemeditationpath of liferecoveryresilience

What Lies Beyond Truth?

Today's blog is a poem (well, two poems actually) where there are two versions of the poem and I have not yet been able to settle my feelings about which version 'wins'. I feel like there should stay two versions of it.


Version 1 – Personal

If Life will be what it has to be,
And Death will come when it comes,
And all the moments that I breathe
Happiness still is mine to give myself...

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There Are Still Dinosaurs

The natural order of things isn't always in our favour.
A pre-historic and historic truth much harder to see in modern times
When all the obvious imperative threats are gone or tamed.
But imperative threats are healthy, 
Preventing our mind from twisting around a thousand minor matters
Which it never was designed to do and never should
Unless we can evolve our minds or methods.

The natura...

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dinosaursfortunejusticemeditationmental healthnatural historyresilience

The Gift Of Life

When I had children
My life became theirs
Creating their joys
Removing their cares
Being the ground 
On which they can stand
Sharing their path
Holding their hand.

And I set out with dreams
That our lives would be good
When it broke at the seams
I did all that I could
And as I faced down our demons
And I set them to flee
I thought of protecting them
Not of damaging me.

Once you...

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meditationparenthoodSEND parentpath of lifeall that I amresilience


Don't want to be waiting to live,
Don't want to be waiting for death.
Though the tide repeats outward and back,
Take a stand on the sand as it shifts.
Look around and be thankful 
For this 
May be all that there is.

Then the sun is the jewel that I own,
And it's greater than all that I don't,
And the moon is the pearl that surpasses
All others wherever they be,
And the water that sust...

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changemeditationpath of liferesilienceresolutionthankfullnesswealthSEND parent

I Am A Phoenix (Welcome The Phoenix)

I've been burned
And risen again
Proud of my new coat
Of feathers
I've been burned again
And risen
Proud of my new coat of feathers
And unafraid of fire.

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couragedepressionhopeinner strengthmeditationphoenixrecoveryrenewalresilienceshort poem

Trust In This Dark Night

Now that I am faced with this trial of the moment, let me pause.
Reflect on previous trials.  
The race forward is not about the hurdles already jumped,
It is about the confidence and skill at jumping acquired.

Now that I am faced with this impossibly high wall, let me think.
Remember previous walls.  
The difficulty of scaling any height or distance can be shrunk;
It is ever as simple as...

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Malignant Love

I can feel you,
thick in my throat,
threatening to consume me,
slithering through my mind and body,
wielding your alpha power, 
making me weak. 

I curse you, drown you, 
in sunshine and sweet elixirs,
but you refuse to leave.

I am stronger than you think.

I order you and your invisible army 
of pain, heartbreak, misery,
away from my cosmic energy. 

I did not manifest you.

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Duality at Play (inner monologue of a childhood sexual abuse survivor

(Waring! Excessive use of expletives)


Hindsight illuminates the plight

Retrospect brings dark to light

Always a little too late

Try as I might


Do I stand up and fight

Or is this a time for flight

I can never seem to tell

Never get it right


Maybe genetically,  I am a mix of ostrich and possum

Freeze and play dead

Or, in the ground with my head



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ResilienceretrospectionSexual abusesurvival



   by the broken.

   starting the show. 


   by the love

   I used to know. 


    by circumstances

    beyond my control 


   with no place to go, 

   except within,

              where I find the strength 

              to rise again.

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Two in the Morning

Profound sadness 

clouds my view 

at a quarter til two. 

I don’t understand why 

my muse avoids me like the flu, 

when a simple poem or song will do. 

Wise words to help me understand

why true love passed me by

in this lifetime.

Why wrong choices,

that felt right at the time,

left me alone in this abyss

where my better self

silently bears witness

to my shr...

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A magenta sky 
greets my morning sigh.

Another majestic day, 
lost in the minutia of life.

Shoulda, coulda,woulda,
paralyzing dream sabers. 

Distractions abound.

Download another book,
refresh the poet's page.

Escape, behind a waterfall
of tears.

Long nights,
paved years. 

Fandango memories
sustain me. 


Dry your eyes,
face your fears.


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I accept that they may feel lonely

The constant reminder from the media that they are isolated

Alone in their puddle of thoughts

Suddenly drowning in their echoes of silence


Against all odds I am managing just fine

A stream of thoughts flowing all day

Nothing to block my mind from floating away

Not today, anyway


My thoughts are not all positive

I am unbalanced ...

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...The Free Verse...

Controversy is the tongue of snakes...

If tonight they make my hair raise the dead. I should go walking with my fragments made whole, and explain myself without trial from hypocrites harboring my old ghosts.

Unjustified torments in disregard to whom I truly became after being shoveled. He loves me for this.


I can see them sideways.

Within me, I rise again.

And again and again.


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Hardened Poets

Neither cold night nor seasonal change

on the turning Earth dismays or hampers them


Veterans of words hold fast in all weathers

Never retreating, ever writing victories


Impassioned by an urgent inner voice

They hold fast to their poetic purpose


Drawing strength from years, they fight on

Never dimmed or surrendering to silence.

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Hardened poetspoetryResilience

Tone Poem

Please note that this poem is pure fantasy!


Tone Poem


Oh, really, I find it so unutterably tedious

to be polite when faced with one so odious

as you. And yet, I must say

that you do, at times, take my breath away,

at least when I forget all your manifold flaws,

and the gold stashed beneath your creaky floorboards;


but I don't mean to be too unduly unkind,


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An Introduction, a glance into my soul

I am a ShaakieraS, A mature, respectable and sophisticated woman, with a massive vocabulary and a passion for words, which borders on obsession. Strangely quiet and reserved , an introverted extrovert yet can be surprisingly witty, accommodating and very outgoing depending on the situation and of course the company. Highly intelligent and sharp-minded choosing to express myself largely through the...

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You set my sails ablaze,

How can I not feel hate?

My wings are singed, I cringe,

My throat is dry, I cry,


Why did you cause such pain?

Did you not my trust my ways?

My reflection is maimed,

The hope you did deflate,

The energy fades,

The Light of Heaven diverts away,

I guess I’ll have to wait,


The urgent message on delayed flight,

The r...

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resilienceself-respectreflectionvictoryrise from the ashes




When I feel my blood boil,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my heart sink,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my spirits drain,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my body buckle,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my muscles tear,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my ego shatter,

            …I close my eyes.


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last out of Pandora's box (and last to die)

The sun is always there

you used to say

there behind the clouds

waiting to break through.


I hung on those words.


And now I wish you were here

so that I could show you

how outside the rain’s been falling

for longer than I remember

day after day after day

and the skies are grey and heavy

the streets run with water

the fine clothes we were so proud of


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In the Wild

In the wild, the bonsai is an amazing sight and a moving lesson from nature. It depicts the wonder of a resilient soul.


A fond gaze
rests upon hope
A testament

of pliant supplication
stunted and weathered

each scar a witness
to fate's coarseness
its scourge did not prevail

A bent torso
flowing in the breeze
over sheer drops and crags

the dour migh...

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