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The Luck of the Draw

You may have the misfortune to

Live upstairs from or right next door

To somebody they want to kill.

It’s not your choice; you have no voice

In whose blood they would like to spill.

And, being close, it could be you,

Who sees the bomb fall through their floor.

No one's fault. The luck of the draw.

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The Last Supper

They munch at scraps of bread

And gulp their meagre drink;

They borrow someone’s phone

To make one final call,

Then scrape up what he asks

To squeeze into the boat

And shiver as the sea

Sets out its fearsome stall.

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Dancing Darlings

Dancing sweet hearts wake one day
Summer break sing and play
Dancing darlings summers morn
Monday Mersey mums they mourn
Silent street dressed in flowers
Prayers on prayers crucial the hours
Dancing beauties nature's Purest
Harmonised with angels to heavenly chorus 

Beyond heartache Unforgettable day

Endless love to God we pray





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Angelssadnesstragedysouthport angelshealing


Death transcends the toll of time.

Stands beneath a smoke-filled sky.

Spirits rise up from the past,

row by row from first to last.


Like silhouettes of lifeless trees

against the sun, no foot can flee.

Then sink they into desert sand…

as hate consumes the life of man.

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wardeathtragedyhuman historyworld history

Captain My Captain

The wind seems to blow when the cold settles in.

Darkness will fall after shadows begin.

The end truly came long before you were through,

now everyone is going to miss you.


Captain, my captain now gone to the sky.

Words can’t describe all the reasons we cry.

The circle’s complete now, there’s no reason why.

Captain, my captain… goodbye.


…Tribute Robin Williams

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suicidemental illnesstragedy

His Finest Day


A school tragedy (A poem within a poem)


The first day of the autumn term

We knew that something was amiss.

We saw the solemn-looking staff;

We felt the pain of grief subsist.


It seemed that in the holidays

A boy called Whipps had disappeared.

Since almost thirty days had passed,

The worst of outcomes was now feared.


He was a shy and quiet boy,

To w...

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Heaven Is Raining Down On Me (It Burns, Gods, It Burns)

Cradled in the arms of my mother,

I sway softly to the beat of the sea.

Enjoying the peaceful scenery.

As I lay flat on my back,

wood groaning under the weight of me,

With my eyes directed 

to that heavenly scene above me. 

Smile lines dancing on my plump cheeks.


When suddenly the song of the sea

turns into a nausea inducing melody.

The gentle hands that used to ...

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Broken Record's Repetition

For me, 


Stop cutting.

I said.

A broken record.


Only now,

As she lays in the grave,

Six feet under.

I wonder

if things would have changed,

If I just once asked her to

Stop cutting,


For you. 


Would it have made a difference, though?

The reason to cut or not remains 

the same, either way.

Nothing can change that here


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Inner Child

I was sinking to the ocean floor,

We were with two

Me and a child, surrounded by blue.

Connected with a thread,

I was swimming us both to the surface,

Then somehow,

The thread broke

And I watched as the child choked,

Sinking to the bottom

I was pushed above.

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Love Is A Violence

And if you must pierce my heart
With a dagger so sharp,
Caress with it my cheek
After you've retrieved it.
Paint my face soft,
With the violence of your love.
It is for you who my heart beats for,
Thus it is by your hands that it should stop.
May the wind blow you
My final breath to.

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I do not think

There is such 

a thing as

A place,

A person,

A scent,

A sound

A touch,

A taste,

that I could link 

To what the faceless 

masses call home.


I do not think,

There is a version of me that exists,

Where home is something I have,

And not something I miss.


The past,

The present,

The future,

All in which 

I do not fit.


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Icarus The Fish

I am naught but a fish

swimming aimlessly through the sea.

Miles and miles of that breathtaking blue.

It deprives me of my breath

and leaves me trapped,

in what seems to be an endless net.

I long for the warmth of the sun on my fins,

the feeling of sand grains on my skin.


Day after day,

I shyly creep closer to you.

Your beauty lures me in,

makes me your discip...

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A Living Corpse

At age three 

I dreamed.

Of lands full of sweets.

Of an endless coloured street,

stretched as far as I could see.

I dreamed of my toys,

that entertained me with their noise.

I dreamed of everything and more.

I dreamed.


At age ten,

I heard.

About wondrous lands that decorated the earth.

Of all the plants and birds,

our Mother gave birth to.

I heard abo...

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The Devil's Face (Resembles Me?)

The devil has always been,

A faceless entity

To me.

Until now at least.


Now it has become clear.

I can see.

The devil

In front of me.


They are no singular person.

Instead a pair.

Familiar sight.

Lungs devoid of air.


The devils gaze at me.

Recognizable set eyes.

No surprise.

Why is this reality?


First sight of a child.


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tragedypoemRegretmental healthpoetrylifepain

My Last Act

I pick up the shards of glass 

that are scattered on the ground.

I marvel at them in wonderment,

how beautiful it once was.

Still, it'll serve a good cause.

Such a pity, 

won't you applaud?

This is the end of the show,

Don't you hear the crows?

Toss your roses

Or will you wait till my eyes are closed?

Pour the alcohol,

Let the bubbles float to the surface.


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Words Hidden Beneath Ink

A delicate touch on my skin.

How long has it been

since someone softly caressed me?

A touch so unknown,

yet Comfort finds their home.

As you trace the ink on my skin,

your eyes rake down my body,

drinking all of me in,

as if you have not drunk a drop of water 

for as long as you’ve been.

Your fingers on me,

feel like the first sunbeams that grace a leaf,

after a...

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tragedypoempainfarewelllonginglovepoetryismy life

Leaving Bangkok

Had he been riding the moped,

Of which there was now little left?

From behind my taxi window,

Cocooned in sweetly freshened air,

I imagined the pain and death

And the relatives, all bereft.

Peering out, I could see him, sprawled,

Bloody, like meat. ‘Airport soon, sir’

Announced the driver. Soon I'm gone

From this unyielding, lethal place,

Flying home through thin-aire...

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Empty Chairs

Just a second is all it would take for you to leave this table.

It never gets better, seeing the amount of empty chairs grow.

Still, I remain seated at the table, glued to my chair.

Unable to do anything but watch with pain in my heart, 

as yet another one leaves me alone here.

But what can I do?

Even an iceberg desperately yearns for warmth,

climbing to the sun, knowing it wi...

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Waiting For My Nobody

Tired souls sigh together,

lovers have given up on getting better,

but I will continue to stay with the withered tree until the end of times.

We have exchanged the word 'forever'

and thus I will patiently wait untill we are back together.

I will wait for you, my Nobody,

until my body cannot anymore.

Until my body decays

and my bones slip into Mother's embrace.

Even then...

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People often say that God is merciful.

Then why is it that every night, every day, every waking hour of mine, 

I keep reciting the same prayer?

‘Have mercy, my Lord, and put this subject of yours out of their misery’.

If God is so merciful, then why is it that I still find myself breathing?

Exhaling every breath, hoping this one will be my last.

Why is it that I find myself all t...

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I Love Myself (Unfortunately)

I love myself.

Not in the way one would think.

I truly am in love with myself.

For there is no one in this whole wide world 

That could understand me, 

See me, 

Hear me, 

Apart from me. 

Therefore it is only myself that I can love

And it is only myself that can love I,

Whose song differs from the other whales. 

I love myself.

Not out of free will, 

But out of...

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Home Interior

‘’See you tomorrow’’,

that was what you said.

Back then, I could not identify it as a lie.

I only realized when I got to your house the next day,

your hanging frame decorating the place.

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How warm,

how bright

is the light that dances on my body.

What has remained of it anyway.

How fascinating is the fire that is now catching on my breasts,

my back,

my neck.

It climbs up my body like kudzu.

Greedy as it is, it longs for more,

Even though it has already swallowed up my legs.

It is consuming all of me,

both the good and the bad.


A heap of ash i...

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Awaiting Freedom

I seek myself

Fighting demons in my head

I fight a battle daily in my head

These voices in me try to bring me down

Saying I'm not good enough

My chest aches

As though a stone presses on me

My lungs gasp with stifling air

Feeling short of breath

I suffocate with my head barely above water

As much I may try to avoid it

It always finds me in the quiet

Robbing me of...

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last signs of life


Last signs of life:

Silence filled up the whole room and the only sound I could hear was her last breath. 

No one spoke a word, we were silent and we just stared at each other. 

After every second passed, I felt more attracted to her,

it wasn’t love, it was something stronger than love. 


I fell in love with her not because of the soft personality

not because of her prec...

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poetrylove passiontragedy

How Far I've Come

I had to conquer my fear of the unknown as I stepped through the open the door to start on my new journey.

With a promise to fulfill
My heart shall never falter
Because I found my purpose

With each new day|
With a heart of gold
With every step I take
With every discovery I make

I have seen how much more it takes
I have seen how far I have come
I have seen how much I have grown
I h...

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poetryreal lifetragedy


I can’t see

But I can dream


It’s like wearing a blindfold

On my brown eyes

I can’t watch, but I can feel

All these weird wild vibes


All these angelic faces around me

But those diabolic souls surround me

Are they real or are they fake?

It’s like watching a blue snowflake

Falling for smiles and grace

All night murdering for a race


I can’t wait


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Time is not a demon

He is many things but not

  a murder

Neither is he money

 nor power

He is wise enough 

 to be wise enough.

Time is not celebration either

Time is infinity, is immortal

He is wise enough to be wise enough


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The Truth Is Sadness

Decorated lives
shuffling onwards
towards inevitable darkness
we cloak ourselves
in the hood of love
cover the cage
deny the sky above
the truth is sadness

Tiny movements
helpless gestures
elliptical orbits
around the heart of happiness
an argument
with a river
convinced of our control
tilting the rudder
towards hope
the truth is sadness

Fold the patterned sheet
around your ...

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Jimmy Is A Ghost

Jimmy Is A Ghost


Jimmy is a ghost

Of the man he used to be

He sits in the rain

Drinking second hand tea

And he hopes that his kids

Will never have to see

His hands outstretched

In an ignored plea

Yeah Jimmy is a ghost


Jimmy is a ghost

Off of Oxford Street

He has nothing left to barter

He has nothing left to eat

Just threadbare dreams

And train...

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NaPoWriMo 2019day 26repetitionhomelessnessghosttragedywe shall overcome

The Last Rose

On a snowy day,

In a dimly lit street,

An ailing girl, utterly dismayed

Perches under the canopy of an enormous tree.


Looking heavenward,

Her eyes well up a little.

Perhaps she’s waiting for a special someone,

But all that comes to her are snowflakes, frosty and brittle.


She tears the icy veneer of the earth

With her gloved fingers.

And buries a white rose b...

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Grotesque decadence

A small piece I wrote while sitting by the river today, I actually hand wrote about 5 of these and left them at all the surrounding buildings haha ! 

The river dances, An iridescent reflect the sun shines as it mirrors and presents
A cinematic silhouette 
Birds glide, dive into the depths, lizards leapt down the oyster coated steps.
Dip there feet and feast on what the fishermen left, Rotten...

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Dark Tower

Dark Tower


Like something from a gothic horror

This is not the way it’s meant to be

Pain and hurt crumbling from unsafe structures

And falling on the governments neglect

Because they’re poor

Because they’re vulnerable

Because they’re ‘not like us’


Souls lost to the flames

That crawled over short cuts

Or worse – over incompetence

Licked around the money ma...

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Grenfell TowerneglecttragedyfailingsRIP

Give me peace.

Snow White. 
Nose slimes, chem drips down my throat slice.
Sniffling spit the blow fly.
Cascades of emesis, Sinus bled red . Sniffing flakes of flesh an flem. 
Razor stained, Tickling my neck again,
As I Dance with death.
The phantom stands demands my breath. 
Wrestling the mirrors reflect.
Stare still into the pillars of wreck. 
Spirits turn spirit-less, 
Liquor fill, Spill and drench. 

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Is the moon blue?

Is the moon blue?

It turns its pale face to us;

Who knows whom its thoughts turn to.

It cannot cry, but only sigh in dust,

With no light of its own. Gasps thinly,

Too insubstantial for decay or rust.

Does it have unspoken sorrow of its own?

So it can only appear at night

And sometimes disappear, all alone,

And find solace in the dark unknown.

The sun burns away its ra...

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moonsadnessblue moonstragedy

Eden Of Hell

Someone listen to the shallow weeps

Someone care for this melancholy strain

Rising sun and a beautiful dawn

are never even there in my sweetest dreams.

Amber waves from the endless fields,

Twinkling rays from the golden skies

-all forbidden fruits in this Eden of hell.


With heart beating like a ballistic trumpet,

Body shivering as in midnight Thames

Slowly I walked ...

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The whistle blows to sound the charge

and over the top they bustle and barge,

covered from head to toe in mud

and soon tainted with flesh and blood.


Up the ladder with slippery rungs,

a scream of rage from terror filled lungs,

adrenalin coursing through every vein

with the fear of not coming back again.


Knee-deep mud sucking boots from feet,

tangled in barbed w...

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The Song Of The Wandering

The Song Of The Wandering

In darkness deeper than the mine
where, once, I scraped my fingers to the bone
a silver seam of moonlight
breaks across the boiling blackness
and I let those self same fingers
idly trail in the cold Mediterranean.
I dream of the golden sunlight
left behind in the dust, distress and bullets.

That was then and this is now.
The churning sea, the angry orders

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immigrantsMediterraneanmigrant crisisnorth africapeople smugglerstragedy

every night, the same dream

the stink of diesel and of fear which
everyone’s pretending is not here
because if they do not name it, it will not be real
but in the hot bodies of the strangers pressed
around her she can feel
the tension of a panic only held at bay
like sea-sickness, with iron will, good fortune,
muttered prayers
they rise and fall, jaws clench and clench again

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refugeesMediterraneantragedyKatie Hopkins

When All The Laughter Stops

When all the laughter stops, when it abides,
And all the tears of joy begin to dry,
When all the world looks up from aching sides,
And all the breathlessness allows a sigh.

A light, so brightly shining starts to wane,
But hidden out of sight, battles in vain.

When all the smiles are full, when they recede,
And straighten out into a furrowed frown,
When all the life in vibrancy concedes...

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CelebritydeathDepressionLossPoemPoetryRobin WilliamsSuicideTragedy


Golden Eagle, soaring high
Shot down in flames
From hate-filled skies
Raining people
Watch them die
What the hell is going on?
Luggage scattered
Bodies shattered
Children's toys
Bruised and battered
They shot a fucking plane down!
Innocent lives of hundreds gone
Families broken
Left to mourn
The loved ones
Who won't make it home
Division - at what cost?
A politic...

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She screams

A sound that penetrates

The hearts of all around.


She breaks

Her heart explodes

She crumbles to the ground.


A child

Her childhood stolen

With the burst of a pea.


Her mother

Gone forever, gone

Her brain not meant to be.


What now?

The love stops here

A cry for help.


Don't leave

Come back to her

The child needs yo...

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Sonnet for Drummer Lee Rigby, posted on behalf of Robin Parker from Langley Writers


When soldiers travel as a fighting band,
Part of the risk is they might kill or die.
Back home in England’s green and pleasant land,
The sounds of battle are a far off cry.
Yet on the streets of London hatred sounds;
A young off duty soldier hacked to death.
Brave women out of kindness tend his wounds
And comfort him until his dying breath.
The ...

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Irregular Apocalypse

“Got 10p for a cup of tea?”

“If you show us where you can get one for that price,

I'll give you a quid”

He never did...


Irregular Apocalypse.

Lonely and irksome.

The bitter glow of jaundice

tears at society's rustic chains,

one tragedy at a time.


“The Freemasons took my children,

they took my baby.”

Now she's hopping magic buses,


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ManchesterEnglandUnited KingdomUKHeroinHeroin AddictHeroin AddictionSmackSmack AddictFreemasonsConspiracyMental IllnessMentally IllCrazyCrazy Bus LadyMisunderstoodTragedyReal LifeBroken BritainNaPoWriMo


I felt nothing at first.
Just the loud crack of a distant whip, the echo
Bouncing through the crumbling streets and fetid alleyways,
Painted with the stench of unintentional sacrifices
And scorched by the Middle Eastern sun.
He can see me, this one, even now,
Staring down the lens like a wayward sailor scanning distant rocks for Sirens,
Tempting him to death.
He’s watching me cr...

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Once I Loved You

I loved you once as deeply as any man could Will
and, if the darkest truth were known,
in my heart I love you truly still
Though the distance that lies between us
 may seem so very far apart
space and time will not unbind
the aching, raging heart
So farewell my love and lover once
and, as lovers ever true,
we will live and laugh and love again
like lovers that are new

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lovelove lostdespairhopetragedypain

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