life after death (Remove filter)
The Path of Immortality
The Path of Immortality explores the timeless journey of the atoms that compose us, weaving together the origins of life from stardust to the cycles of death and rebirth. As we grieve the loss of loved ones, this poem offers solace, reminding us that no part of them is truly lost. Their atoms continue to shape the world, giving rise to new life in ways unseen. It is a gentle reminder that we are a...
Monday 10th February 2025 1:57 pm
Try To Laugh And Dry Your Tears
When you can't change some things,
Think about the joy that light brings.
Try to laugh and dry your tears,
Think about the loved ones and dears.
Go for a walk instead of crying,
Wave to the birds that are flying.
Keep on walking through the leaves,
Only with a smile your heart believes.
When you can't change some things
Accept it as it is. It calmness...
Thursday 19th September 2024 6:50 am
Dear Friends and family members
Gathered here to celebrate
And rake over my life’s embers
So sorry that I’m late
I intended to be on time
For this, the concluding event
Commemorating in songs and rhyme
A life well spent
Only the traffic lights were down
And it just kept getting worse
With anxious mothers on the school run
Stuck behind the funeral hearse
...Tuesday 25th June 2024 6:21 pm
Red stilettos on the bowling green
This is for my dear sister Carole, whom we lost on Monday. She was a member of a very traditional and, dare I say it, quite mysoginistic suburban tennis and bowling club. She played neither, but was by far the best actor in the amateur dramatics section, which sadly folded years ago. She was a brilliant and inspirational primary school teacher, who loved telling stories, especially in verse. She a...
Wednesday 20th December 2023 2:45 pm
life thoughts
Why is it that when I'm surrounded by the most people,
I feel the most alone?
That when I think of the billions of other
I feel a pit in my stomach,
swallowing me up from the inside,
overpowering me with all-consuming darkness.
How can a single grain of sand
feel remembered,
when it looks the same
as billions of others?
...Saturday 11th June 2022 12:13 am
A Fine Line between Living and Death
You do not exist anymore
Scientifically speaking,
You are absolutely nothing
Unconscious, intangible, not there.
You exist in my mind,
Poetically speaking,
You live on through that funny anecdote
Or recipe, your legacy, our memory.
You are my tragic backstory,
Therapeutically speaking,
The key to solving why I am the way I am
What you made me w...
Friday 18th January 2019 7:55 pm
Murderous Tears
{Murderous Tears}
These murderous tears
follows down my cheeks
wetting my shirt as I gently
wipe them away like the
way the did you by murdering
you in cold blooded murder
and it left me here like a
child that was orphaned
to survive in these darkened
cold streets that the
blood stained asphalt
surrounds my feet
But I cannot fathom
how th...
Saturday 24th February 2018 9:00 am
Who Will Go Through The Door
Who will say they have no fear?
Who would say they see, as if the door weren't there?
Who will dare?
Who will grab the knob without care?
Who would dare even knock or stare?
When all the signs say beware?
Do not laugh, I am sincere.
Even if you were sin clear.
Making the sign read enter here.
With your life spent trying to prepare.
Watching others go th...
Friday 15th December 2017 5:34 pm
Difference between mundane and heavenly
I wrote a poem you'll never read
I'll sing a song you'll never hear
As the pictures on the wall starts to fade
As the dust invades the picture frames
And the seasons come and passed outside my window pane
I still hadn't learned a thing
Time passess as quickly as the clouds crossing from the endless of skies
Your name resonates in the eternal soul of mine
A mundane thing to do is to cry
A ...
Monday 11th September 2017 3:01 pm
Below the ground a sound is stirring
dead people's thoughts re - occurring
they wonder why their lives were ended
with so much left unattended
and why they had to give up the ghost
ending up as rot or toast
but life goes on, so hush you souls
dwelling deep with worms and moles
the answer lies inside the soil
the results of endless earthly toil.
Tuesday 27th September 2016 3:06 pm
Rest in peace
The human race cannot find peace
Not even in death are we allowed to rest
We must 'look down on others and send signs'
But think of a place where there is no time
A state in between death and resurrection
Where you have no thoughts
No worries, stress or crime
It'll only last a second
A blink of an eye
But you won't regret it
To rest in peace, not in the sky
To lie in a state of ...
Friday 15th July 2016 6:39 pm
Weathered Friend
Here I am
Sad again
Empty when I should be full
I won't be sitting here, when the blood begins to pool
My body's getting colder now
I'm tipping over the stool
In this moment I'm not shy
Suppose it's time to say goodbye
Hope to see you in another life
Weathered friend of mine
Monday 25th April 2016 5:43 am
death is not the end
How easily is the mind deceived by the smallest most imperceptible movement of thought that cannot be shifted by the mightiest of evidence that is proof
a trap so perfect even the staistically motivated minds of quantitative eggheads will not budge for fear their world would be turned
upside down or perhaps the right way up
scream, scream, scream 'til you are blue in the face but they wi...
Monday 12th April 2010 3:19 pm
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